Reborn as a good child ( the...

By YiZhanmylove

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This novel is not mine Reminder Before reading this "Reborn as a good child ( the remaining chapters) you mus... More

c109. Street Thugs
c110 Everything's Not Right!
C111 Name List
C112 Car Crash


83 2 0
By YiZhanmylove

171. Housewarming

Yan obediently raised his hand. The sight of YouRan’s slender fingers rubbing burn ointment on the back of his hand sent jolts of electricity straight into Yan’s heart. He could feel the tip of his ears growing red.
As YouRan rubbed ointment onto Yan’s hand, he couldn’t help admiring the other’s hands. They looked so nice. The palms weren’t too big and they weren’t covered in callouses. The other’s fingers were long and slender. The knuckles didn’t pop out overly so. The skin was smooth and fair. What a pity one of them was now covered by ugly patches of burn ointment. Those patches somehow made the hand look greasy.
Once YouRan was done, he rose to put the ointment away and to wash his hands. When he returned, Yan was on the phone.
“Mn,” said Yan. “I’m still moving.”
“No, I’m in a neighbour’s home. Yeah, I had too few clothing on. I didn’t think the temperature would drop today.”
“He’s a really good man. He let me in. Otherwise, I’d be standing outside in the hallway.”
“Mn. Just come during the evening. We can have dinner when you come to my place later.”
“Okay. I’ll ask him.”
Yan then looked up at YouRan with a hand over his phone. “Some of my friends are visiting me this evening. We’ll be having dinner. Could you join us?” Yan asked, hope glimmering in his eyes.
“I won’t be,” YouRan instinctively replied. “You guys have fun.”
Yan’s eyes drooped in disappointment. His hair flopped down as he glumly said into the phone, “He won’t be joining us. Yeah, he might be busy. Yes, okay. Don’t worry. Bye.”
When Yan hung up, his mood was visibly lower.
YouRan didn’t know why but he somehow felt apologetic when he saw Yan like that. Perhaps he was a little more patient because he was talking to a fan of his writing. YouRan paused for a few minutes to think of a new topic.
“Do you live alone?” YouRan asked.
“Yes,” said Yan. “I wanted to live by myself for a while. It’ll be more tranquil. I’ll have my own space.”
YouRan nodded in reply.
“Tonight,” Yan asked after some hesitation, “are you busy?”
Lying wasn’t something YouRan did. “No. I merely don’t like crowds.”
“Oh, I see,” Yan said with a nod. “I understand.”
“Erm,” said YouRan. “When did my neighbours sell their place off? I didn’t know of it at all.”
“Well, they mentioned to me they found a buyer as soon as they decided to sell,” Yan guiltily said. “Everything went smoothly.”
YouRan nodded. “Is your family okay with you moving out on your own?”
“My family’s into democratic parenting. However, my father’s a good son who just can’t relax when it comes to his father. He’d always lived with my grandfather. My brother and my… What do I call him? My brother’s spouse is a guy. I usually call him my brother as well. Anyway, my older brother is married. He has his own place and living the ideal couple’s life. I’m the middle child in my family. I’m not as smart as my brother and not as cute as my uncle’s daughter. I don’t excel in anything nor am I a naughty kid. Yes, my presence isn’t usually strong. But I also hadn’t shown any bad behaviour before. That’s why my family said nothing when I said I wanted to move out. Perhaps my personality made them worry less.”
YouRan didn’t think a simple question would make the other tell him everything about himself. He couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle. This young man he’d just met, someone who looked quite sombre and silent at the start but slowly showed himself to be a rather…adorable airhead (?), was much more honest than YouRan’s ex-lover. That realisation jolted YouRan out of his thoughts. This encounter with Yan had made YouRan temporarily forget about the issues frustrating him. As expected, humans are social creatures.
The two men spent the next few hours languidly chatting with each other. They exchanged phone numbers, WeChat contacts and so on. When it came to Nan Shan’s books, Yan knew them as well as his family’s heirlooms. His knowledge of every book and character was so thorough that he was more excited to go on endlessly discussing them more than YouRan himself. His dead eyes began to sparkle with life. YouRan had to hide his laughs quite a few times. It was confirmed. This man was absolutely a fan of his books. There was no doubt about it.
Eventually, the workers knocked on the door. “Mr Yan, we’re done. Could you come to check and sign off on the work?”
Yan reluctantly stood up and walked to the door. Even then, he persisted in asking once more, “Can you really not join us tonight? There’s only going to be two of my friends.” Yan paused and added, “They’re both men.”
YouRan felt his heart melting at the way Yan looked at him. Still, he insisted, “You guys have fun. I won’t be joining you. Oh, if you have the time, you can drop by my place later.”
With his head drooping low, Yan finally said his goodbyes and left the apartment.
In the apartment, YouRan gently slapped himself on the forehead. He rarely ever spoke as much as he just did in an entire month.
Outside the apartment door, Yan rubbed his hands across his face. The number of times he’d smiled in that apartment just now far exceeded the total number of times he’d smiled over the years. Ah, it was the living, breathing Nan Shan. His heart raced so quickly.
YiHan hung up and turned to JingYuan. “From what Yan said, everything went well. He was even able to get into Nan Shan’s home for a few hours. Tonight, we’ll be heading over for a housewarming dinner. Yan tried to ask Nan Shan to join us but, sadly, he was rejected.”
“That’s normal,” JingYuan said. “Based on Nan Shan’s personality, it’s normal for him to say no. It’s quite a surprise that Yan could even enter his apartment and stay for more than a few minutes.”
“Mn,” YiHan chuckled. “Nan Shan is extraordinarily patient when it comes to his fans. First, Yan pretended to be some pitiful little thing to make his heart soften. After gaining entry, he exposed himself as a fan of Nan Shan’s books. I think the man must’ve been quite good to Yan.”
“Pitiful little thing?” JingYuan asked.
“Yeah,” YiHan said, hiding a chuckle behind a hand. “He intentionally put on fewer clothes than usual as he knocked on Nan Shan’s door and told the other he had no place to stay. Nan Shan couldn’t bear to be cruel so he’d let Yan stay in his place for a while.”
“You really can’t judge a book by its cover.” JingYuan was quite shocked. “I never could’ve thought Yan would do something like this.”
“Don’t underestimate the fanatic heart of a fan. Pretending to be pitiful is nothing as long as he can get close to his idol,” said YiHan.
JingYuan’s face darkened. “I remember you once saying you’re also a fan of Nan Shan?”
YiHan chuckled. “My fanatic heart resides in your chest. It can’t be mesmerised by another man. I’m a fan of his books. What I’m mesmerised by are his books.”
Subconsciously, JingYuan’s hand pressed against his chest as if he was afraid something would fall out of it. At the sight of YiHan’s smile, he put down his hand and cleared his throat. He let out a short hum in response before looking down. He looked calm, if one ignored the pair of flushed ears.
YiHan hid a laugh behind pursed lips. Slouched against the couch, YiHan looked at the other man. This “sprite of jealousy” was so very cute when he was embarrassed. Most likely, the only person in the city who’d think Mu JingYuan as cute would be YiHan and only YiHan.
Of course, JingYuan could sense YiHan’s gaze on him. The older man tried resisting the urge but he eventually looked up at asked, “What are you looking at?”
“My man,” YiHan immediately replied with a smile. He’d discovered the joy in teasing others.
JingYuan: “…”
“I was thinking,” YiHan continued, heedless to his incoming doom, “how could a man so hot exist in this world? What’s unimaginable is the fact that he’s my man. I really am the luckiest person in the world… Hey, what are you doing? Why are you standing up? Don’t come closer. I’m warning you. Go back to your work. Hey! Mmgh… Ahn… Don’t bite, you jealous man. Stop biting, you… Fine. I have teeth too. Take this! Mmgh!”
“Still want to bite me?”
“Ahn… No… I won’t… Ahn… Stop licking…”
That evening, dressed in a fresh change of clothes, YiHan and JingYuan arrived at Yan’s new home. When the trio exited the lift, they spent a while murmuring to each other in the hallway.
Then, Yan loudly exclaimed, “YiHan, you’re here! Did you bring the soup base?”
“I did,” YiHan replied in an equally loud voice. “Did you get all of the food?”
“I did but I’ve ruined some of the lettuce while washing them,” Yan said.
The two men continued their conversation with ears perked for any sign of movement in Nan Shan’s home. Unfortunately, the door remained silent without a single sign it’d open at all.
The two sighed in disappointment.
“Let’s head in first,” JingYuan suggested after a glance at the door.
YiHan and Yan both sighed once more in unison. After entering Yan’s new apartment, YiHan sat down on the couch.
“It looks like there’s a ways to go before we befriend Nan Shan,” said YiHan.
JingYuan patted YiHan on the head. “You’re in too much of a hurry. This is just how he is. You need to take it slow. Yan living here means we have the advantage when it comes to the location. We have more chances in the future.”
“Mr Mu’s right. We have time,” Yan said with a blank face.
“He Yuan would definitely come looking for Nan Shan one day soon,” YiHan said to Yan. “Have you thought of how you’d react? If Nan Shan doesn’t soften up to you, you’d be at a disadvantage. He Yuan is your uncle-in-law after all. It’s likely not good for you to openly butt heads with him.”
“I’m here now,” Yan said. “Of course I’ve considered this aspect. Nan Shan was only cheated by He Yuan because he lacked affection as a kid. Otherwise, how could a slimeball like that man have the right to make Nan Shan his?”
Yan coldly chuckled and continued, “If He Yuan sees me, that man would likely hide as far away from me as possible. Do you think he’d dare to go against me publicly? As long as I don’t leave here, he wouldn’t dare come!”
“True,” YiHan said with a nod. “He must not yet know his identity’s been exposed. If he sees you, he’d do his best to hide from your gaze.”
“Of course,” Yan said. “I’m not the one who needs to sneak around.”
“You’re right,” YiHan said, smiling. “I can stop worrying now. If he doesn’t have the courage to come, Nan Shan wouldn’t have to listen to his sly words.”
“Alright,” JingYuan interrupted, glancing at YiHan. “Let’s eat. You must be hungry.”
YiHan placed a hand on his tummy and shyly said, “I am. A little.”
Yan stood up and walked to the kitchen. “Let’s eat then. I was just rinsing the vegetables.”
“We’ll heat up the soup then,” YiHan said. “What a pity Nan Shan wouldn’t join us.”
YiHan followed Yan into the kitchen. As he did so, his eyes drifted over to the colander in the sink. He froze, stunned. Moments later, he turned to Yan who was rinsing out some vegetables by the sink.
“Second Master Yan,” said YiHan, “have mercy on these poor vegetables. Look at how wilted they are. Are they still edible?”
Yan froze. He then cleared his throat and replied, “I didn’t know they were so fragile. They crumbled into pieces at a single touch.”
“Don’t wash them like you’re hammering metal,” YiHan said. “Can we even pick them up with tongs?”

172. What a “Coincidence”

JingYuan walked into the kitchen and glanced at the colander as well. “I’ll head out and buy some.”
Yan flicked the water from his hands and said, “It’s fine. I’ve mapped out the area today. I know where the supermarket is. I’ll go. If you go, you’d have to search for it.”
“Okay,” JingYuan said after thinking it over. “YiHan and I will heat up the soup. We can start eating once you return.”
“Mn,” Yan responded as he took off the apron and went for the coat by the door. He then left the house with his wallet and keys.
Just as Yan closed the door, he heard something click behind him. When he looked up, he saw the door to Nan Shan’s apartment swinging open while YouRan walked out with a bag of trash in hand. The other man paused upon seeing Yan.
“What a coincidence,” YouRan said with a smile.
Yan swiftly looked down and checked himself over. Once he was sure there was nothing off about his appearance, he relaxed and smiled back.
“Nan Shan, are you putting out your trash?” Yan asked.
YouRan nodded.
“That’s good,” Yan said, pressing the button for the lift. “We can head down together.”
“You’re heading out?” YouRan asked. “Aren’t you having dinner with your friends?”
“We are, but I don’t know how to rinse out the vegetables. I’ve torn them to pieces while washing them. I’m going to get more,” Yan said in embarrassment.
“How did you do that?” YouRan curiously asked.
“YiHan said I was washing them as if I was hammering metal,” said Yan.
“YiHan? Bai YiHan?” YouRan asked, turning to look at Yan.
“Yes. You know him?” Yan pretended to be shocked.
“It’s really him?” YouRan chuckled. “What a small world. Are you friends?”
“Yes. We’re good friends. He and his fiancée are here for a housewarming dinner. Are you friends with YiHan too?” Yan said, “surprised”.
“Hm.” YouRan paused to think. “Yes. He said he liked my books.”
The lift arrived and the two men walked in. “Yes,” said Yan. “We only got together because of your books. There’s also my sister. She’s a diehard fan as well.”
“Really? I’m glad.” Warmth was audible in YouRan’s voice.
“Since you’re a friend of his, why don’t we have dinner together?” Yan said, seizing the chance given. “I’ll get my sister to come over another day. She’d be delirious with joy when she meets you.”
“I…” YouRan was hesitant.
Yan could see the other man wavering. He hurriedly said, “That settles it then. We’ll go buy some vegetables. YiHan and…ahem…JingYuan are heating up the soup. We can eat the moment we head back. You haven’t had dinner yet, right?”
The lift doors just happened to open then. Without waiting for a reply, Yan grabbed the trash bag from YouRan and pulled the other man out of the lift.
The bag of trash was disposed of on the way to the supermarket. When they arrived, Yan went straight for the lettuce.
“What would you like? Let’s get more,” Yan said, visibly excited.
In the face of such excitement, YouRan couldn’t bring himself to rain on the other’s parade. “I’m not picky. We don’t need to get more.”
“No, no, no,” said Yan. “We need to get more. I always feel like we never have enough vegetables. It’s never enough. We’re here now, let’s get more.”
YouRan helplessly followed Yan around as the other man push the cart around with a blank face (excited and energetic). Yan kept throwing item after item into the cart.
Finally, YouRan had to speak up, “That’s enough. Even if you have nothing in your fridge, these will be enough for us.”
An idol’s words must be obeyed. Yan sadly stopped. His heart was thrilled at the thought of Nan Shan consuming the vegetables he’d bought. He could feel his pride swelling on behalf of the vegetables.
When the duo returned to Yan’s apartment, both carried a huge shopping bag each. YiHan’s jaw dropped in astonishment upon seeing YouRan.
“It truly is a small world,” YouRan greeted with a smile. “I didn’t think we’d meet again so soon, YiHan.”
The surprise YiHan felt was real. He thought there’d be no way he could see YouRan today. He couldn’t have imagined Yan would be so hardworking. The man only left for some cabbages but he came back with YouRan as well.
YiHan hurriedly dashed forward to take the bag of vegetables from YouRan. “Indeed. YouRan, you know Yan? What a coincidence.”
“YiHan, you still don’t know yet, right?” Yan asked with a smile. “He’s Nan Shan and he lives right next door. I mentioned being in a neighbour’s place when you called me today, right? This is him.”
YiHan, in “shock + surprise”, said, “What? My god! What a stroke of luck. Nan Shan, I’m so sad. You kept it a secret from me.” YiHan then smacked himself on the head and told Yan, “Go get me one of Nan Shan’s books.”
As a diehard fan of Nan Shan, there are always some of Nan Shan’s books in his home. Understanding what YiHan meant, Yan placed his bag down and strode into his study room. Soon, he came back with a mountain of books in his arms. His eyes gleamed at YouRan.
“I don’t have a pen,” YouRan sighed.
Yan calmly responded by handing over a pen he had in his pockets. YouRan had no choice but to stand at the doorway and sign every single one of those books.
YiHan and Yan had several intense battles, via eye contact, before finally deciding on splitting the stack in half.
It was the first time JingYuan had ever seen YouRan in person. After a detailed scrutiny of the other man’s appearance, he decided this man was a big threat. He must be on his guard.
When YouRan was free from his autograph duties, JingYuan decided to put on his most intense face and strode over to the other man. “Hello,” said JingYuan. “I’m Mu JingYuan. I’m YiHan’s fiancée.”
YouRan could feel an immense pressure building up beneath the greeting of the man who’d just held his hand out for a handshake. Never could he have thought YiHan’s future husband would be someone with such a strong presence. One look and he knew this man had been in power for a long time. Mu JingYuan is no average joe.
“Pleasure,” said YouRan as he awkwardly shook hands with the other man. He wasn’t used to formal interactions.
“I keep hearing about you from YiHan,” said JingYuan, smiling. “He’s a fan of your books. There’s a complete collection of your works stored in our study room. It’s a dream come true for him to meet you.”
YouRan relaxed. “I’m glad I could gain the approval and acknowledgement of a reader such as he.”
YiHan glanced at the two men and chuckled. “Alright. We’re all friends. No need to be so formal. Come, let’s rinse out the vegetables and eat. I’m starving.”
JingYuan instantly toned down the intensity of his presence and swiftly brought the two shopping bags into the kitchen.
YouRan who had just witnessed a tyrannical CEO turn into a househusband: “…” Was what happened just a hallucination or was the current man a hallucination?
“Nan Shan, sit,” said Yan, stepping out of the study room where he’d been putting away his half of the autographed books. “We can start eating soon. YiHan, do you think we have enough to eat?”
“We do,” said JingYuan from within the kitchen.
The soup in the pot was boiling by now. The apartment wasn’t big. Soon, the room was filled with steam. YiHan placed the plated mushrooms, fish balls and other ingredients on the table.
“It’s only the four of us but from how much you’d bought, I think we’d be fine even if another four or five friends joined us,” YiHan said with a laugh.
“I did say we had enough,” YouRan said. He couldn’t help but relax in the lively atmosphere. “Yan just kept putting ingredient after ingredient into the cart.”
“I thought it was fine,” Yan innocently said. “Is there a lot? We’re all adult men. Of course, we need more.”
“The classic example of someone with greedy eyes but a tiny stomach,” YiHan laughed. “You’ll be in charge of finishing up all of the remaining food then!”
Yan: …
YouRan pursed his lips to hold back a chuckle as he helped out with pouring out the sauces.
Finally, the food was ready. YiHan scooped some meat out of the pot and, after blowing on it a few times, into his mouth. “Not bad,” said YiHan, head nodding hard. “It’s delicious. Much better than the restaurants.”
Using a tiny ladle, JingYuan fished up some fish balls and placed them on a side plate to cool down. YiHan can’t eat boiling hot food so JingYuan had an empty side plate ready on the side. As the food cooked, he would scoop out ladles of YiHan’s favourite food onto the plate and arrange them according to the order they were fished out. When YiHan wanted more, he just had to grab some food from the place. The younger man never stopped once and, except for the first bite, he never had to scoop food directly from the pot. He had such fun eating that he’d occasionally look up and grin at JingYuan in giddy joy.
JingYuan would return YiHan’s grins with smiles of his own. His chopsticks sped around, constantly filling up YiHan’s place with more food. That meant the side plate before YiHan was always full.
Lonely, single dog, Yan Yan: “…” He had only known of Mr Mu’s ferocious reputation in the business world. Never would he have thought the man was the same on the dinner table. Looking at the couple, Yan suddenly had an urge to find a lover.
Subconsciously, Yan glanced at YouRan beside him. An uncontrollable tremor ran through his heart.
YouRan who had just fallen out of love: “…” Is it really okay for you two to show off your love before someone who had just fallen out of love?
YiHan who had no idea he was showing off and was only focused on the delicious food before him: Oh my, this food is at the perfect temperature! Mu-Mu really knows my heart well!
JingYuan who had successfully marked his territory: Yes. All threats must be nipped in the bud! Look at how in sync we are, how harmoniously we act around each other. This handsome and ethereal author would definitely not try anything with HanHan now. I’m so smart!
Yan looked at JingYuan’s chopsticks flying all over the pot, steady and decisive, before worriedly glancing at YouRan. Unable to resist the temptation, he used the serving chopsticks to grab some food out of the pot and into YouRan’s bowl. When he looked up again, his eyes met JingYuan’s. Without saying a single word, the two began their silent competition. Poor YouRan had never experienced a “fight” when it came to food. His eyes popped out of his head as he watched the two men exchanged blows. He nearly forgot to eat but then Yan saw his Nan Shan spacing out when YiHan was eating nonstop like a little hamster.
“Eat up,” Yan reminded in a whisper.
YouRan: “…” He wanted to ask, there was so much food left. They can’t finish them even if they stretch the food out to two more meals. Just what were these two men fighting over?
Nevertheless, the fight caused his low mood to dissipate by half. Perhaps it was due to their emotions. Perhaps it’s because YiHan enjoyed the food way too much, increasing the appetite of anyone watching him. Either way, he was very full by the end of the meal. The amount of food he’d eaten in this meal was way beyond what he normally had, let alone when compared to someone who hasn’t been in the mood for food in the past few days.
After dinner, the four men cleaned up the dining table and kitchen. Yan’s fridge was stuffed to the brim with leftovers.
“So many leftovers,” YiHan said. His heart ached at the sight of the fridge. “How long would it take for you to finish them if you went at it alone? You’ll likely have to throw out half of the food here. What a pity.”
Yan was surprised. YouRan didn’t know who YiHan was but Yan did. He had always thought the Little Master Bai was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. Only ever knowing a life of luxury with the best life had to offer, YiHan would know nothing of how cruel life can be. Yan could never have imagined YiHan would be upset over wasting some vegetables. This had really made Yan reconsider what he knew of YiHan.
When Yan saw YouRan nod in understanding, he smiled and said, “I definitely can’t finish this by myself. Most of the food will go to waste, for sure. It’s certainly quite a pity. How about this? You guys join me for another dinner tomorrow night. We can finish off the food then.”

173. Invitation

“I’ve never heard of a housewarming dinner being done twice,” YiHan laughed.
“Tomorrow’s not a housewarming dinner,” said Yan. “It’s just a gathering of friends. Well? We can ask Pei-Pei to join us too. If she knew we’ve met Nan Shan and had dinner with him but didn’t invite her, she’d kick up a fuss so huge that we’ll never know peace again.”
YiHan tilted his head and thought about it. “True. If Pei-Pei finds out we had a grand feast and didn’t bring her along, she’d definitely be furious.”
The two men then turned simultaneously to look at YouRan. Those four eyes glimmered as the mouths spoke in unison, “Nan Shan, are you busy tomorrow night? How about we finish the leftover food together?”
YouRan was speechless at the sight of the two men teaming up. Still, he couldn’t deny the fact that he somewhat yearned for the warmth he felt now. Without a thought, YouRan nodded.
“It’s settled then!” YiHan cheered. “Tomorrow, JingYuan and I will be arriving at the same time. Yan, you’re in charge of calling Pei-Pei. The rest of us are in charge of eating!”
The sight of an ecstatic YiHan made JingYuan subconsciously cheered along with his lover.
During the drive back to the Mu family home, YiHan let out a little yawn.
“Tired?” JingYuan softly asked. “Can you hold on just a little longer? Let’s sleep after we’re home. If you fall asleep now, you’ll suffer when you have to wake up to get out of the car later.”
“I’m fine. I’m not that tired,” YiHan replied, fists rubbing at his eyes. He then patted his belly and chuckled, “I’m stuffed.”
JingYuan turned and smiled at YiHan. “You had a lot of fun today.”
“Yes. Everything went so well today. I was worried one of us might slip up when we’re with Nan Shan. I didn’t think Yan acted so well with us. We sounded like friends who’d known each other for a long time. Nan Shan didn’t notice a thing. Now that we have Yan as our eyes by Nan Shan’s side, there’s no need to worry.”
“Once He Yuan knows of Yan, he absolutely will not dare to disturb Nan Shan for fear of his cheating being known,” YiHan continued after a pause for thought. “That’s good because it means Nan Shan can have some time to calm down. The only thing I’m afraid of is if He Yuan would feel cornered because there’s no hope for the relationship and decide to drag everyone down with him.”
“Drag everyone down with him?” JingYuan coldly harrumphed. “I’m afraid he doesn’t have the guts or charm for that. He might be enthralled by Nan Shan but in his heart, the man cannot be compared with He Yuan’s current wealth and power. When it comes to matters like this, he’s very unwavering. Just like in your dream, he won’t hesitate at all.”
YiHan nodded. “It’d be for the best if he could be so sensible. And if he dares bother Nan Shan, well, we’re not afraid of him either. If we weren’t worried about Nan Shan’s reputation, we wouldn’t need to try and keep this a secret!”
“Relax,” said JingYuan. “With us as Nan Shan’s protectors, a mere He Yuan is no threat. We’d best help Nan Shan get over this hump in life before the man realises anything. That’ll be a worry out of your mind then, HanHan.”
YiHan turned and smiled at JingYuan. “Mu-Mu, there’s no one else in the world who treats me as well as you do.”
“You are my husband-to-be, the only love of my life.” JingYuan’s low voice resonated around them. “If I don’t treat you well, then who will I treat well?”
YiHan felt a chill run through his body. He turned to look at JingYuan with bright, green eyes. How he wanted to pounce on the older man and kiss him right then and there. However, JingYuan was driving. Out of consideration for the couple’s lives, YiHan held back the urge. Throughout the journey, he stared at JingYuan. Finally, they’ve arrived back at the Mu family home. The moment the car was parked, before JingYuan even had time to undo his seatbelt, YiHan pounced over to the driver’s seat. The lips JingYuan had tasted countless times before passionately met his. JingYuan tilted his head up and wrapped his arms around YiHan’s back and shoulders. The older man was pressed back so hard against his seat that he couldn’t move at all. Of course, he didn’t want to move anyway.
The next day, YiHan started a group chat and added JingYuan, Yan and Pei into the group. JingYuan didn’t speak much but YiHan and the Yan family duo talked about the dinner for an entire day. When night fell, the group of friends who’d gotten their stories straight arrived at the same time at Yan’s home.
Yan had asked YouRan over earlier that afternoon. When YiHan and the rest arrived, the table was all set.
When Pei met YouRan, she was so excited that she bounced around laughing. She nearly pounced on the man but Yan grabbed her by the shirt collar. Pei was so angry at being humiliated before her idol that her face and neck were stained red.
The mere addition of Pei at dinner felt like they’d invited several more people to the apartment instead. That evening was filled to the brim with laughter. Affected by the joyful atmosphere, a smile hung on YouRan’s lips for the entire night.
From then on, YiHan and Pei had Yan as an excuse to drop by and talk to YouRan. Gradually, they became friends with YouRan. Every so often, they’d be allowed into YouRan’s apartment for a short visit. Pei is a lively girl. She was good at livening up the mood. As long as she’s around, there’d be no lack of jokes and laughs. The melancholic mood YouRan found himself in was soon tempered by their chatter.
The one week of leave Yan applied for was soon over. He had to go to work. Pei had to go to school so she could only visit in between classes. As for YiHan, JingYuan hated how he couldn’t just always have the younger man in his pocket. Those two men basically never left each other’s sides. Anyway, YiHan can’t lounge about in YouRan’s home all day long. Afraid that He Yuan would harass YouRan while they weren’t around, the four discussed a plan and decided to introduce YouRan to Zhang Su’s bookshop.
Again and again, YiHan, Yan and Pei lured YouRan out of his home to hang out at Zhang Su’s store during the day. YouRan couldn’t fight them at all. Furthermore, he’d gotten greedy for a life of bustling liveliness after having experienced it for a few days. He tentatively agreed to their suggestion.
When Yan went to work in the morning, he’d drive YouRan to the bookshop before heading to the office. The trio had told Zhang Su beforehand, plus they had accompanied YouRan to the shop before. Zhang Su specifically left a seat that’s just for YouRan. The books in the shop could be read as and when YouRan pleased. YouRan took to the store like a fish to water. He was often so lost in his reading that he’d forgotten about the time. Zhang Su was a man that radiated the aura of a scholar. The two men got along well. After a few days, those two were so close that it’s such a pity they met this late in life. Hence, Zhang Su also placed YouRan in the box of “family and friends”.
Yan Hui did whatever his spouse said. Zhang Su never ordered him around in business and merely focused on his own shop. Still, in everyday life, Yan Hui followed Zhang Su’s orders as if his life depended on it. Wherever his love’s fingers pointed to, Hui would hop to it. Generally, what Zhang Su thought was what Yan Hui thought. Zhang Su might be a pacifist but his slightly exaggerated retelling of YouRan’s story had a flair of his personal emotions. It made Hui feel even more furious and upset. The man didn’t question a thing and resolutely decided to follow in his lover’s footsteps and launch an attack on that scumbag!
When YiHan and Pei had some free time, they’d gather by YouRan’s side. Now, it wasn’t just Yan’s home that had a lively atmosphere but Zhang Su’s shop did too. As Pei said, they had to keep YouRan busy. Occupying his mind with other matters would prevent him from ruminating on nonsensical trains of thought.
YouRan did better than they’d imagined. Perhaps it was because they were in his life. Perhaps it was because of his current situation being better than the one in YiHan’s past life. The man might be melancholic but he was never depressed or overly downhearted. This made YiHan worry slightly less.
As per the group’s expectations, He Yuan didn’t have the courage to appear again. YouRan thought it was because the other man knew shame. Having been exposed as a married man, the guy decided to agree to the breakup. The man’s insistence on not giving up was just an impulse born from rage. YouRan was upset but he also let out a small sigh of relief. He did his best to distract himself and tried his best to let go of the other man, to let go of the sinful relationship that shouldn’t have existed in the first place.
YouRan was grateful that YiHan never mentioned anything of YouRan’s ex-lover. The younger man woke him up from his denial but YiHan never questioned him on it again. When they met, YiHan didn’t act weirdly or anything. There was once when YouRan couldn’t resist but ask YiHan about it. YiHan’s reply was a smile. The younger man then said it was because he had read all of YouRan’s books. YiHan could read between the lines and tell what kind of personality YouRan had. YiHan had unconditional trust in YouRan’s character. There was no need for the younger man to ask about anything. Then, YiHan confidently stated: you’ve already left that man, haven’t you?
“Of course.” That was YouRan’s answer.
A month soon passed. It was time for YiHan and JingYuan’s engagement party.
YiHan personally handed the invitation card to YouRan.
“Congratulations,” YouRan sincerely said, looking down at the inconspicuous yet luxurious invitation in his hands.
“Thank you,” said YiHan, smiling.
YouRan glanced at the card’s text and the location of the party. “The Bai family? That Bai family?”
YiHan blinked. “Yeah. I’m the youngest son.”
The five great families of the city. YouRan had heard about them when he was in university but he didn’t know much about them nor was he interested in knowing more. It was even more impossible for him to know the names of the members of five families. No matter how famous YiHan and JingYuan were in their social circle, their names would never reach YouRan’s ears. At that very moment, having just found out the youngest son of the Bai family, one of the high and mighty great families of the city, was standing before him, YouRan was stunned.
YiHan waved a hand before the other man’s blank eyes. “Nan Shan? What is it?”
YouRan looked down at the invitation card again. “I’ve never heard you mention it before. I’m a little shocked.”
YiHan accepted the orange slice JingYuan handed over and smiled. “You never asked. Let me make things clear first. I never once intended to keep you in the dark!”
YouRan looked up at YiHan to find the younger man’s cheeks bulging as he stuffed his mouth full of orange. “My bad. I was acting weird,” YouRan said as he burst out in a chuckle. “What does it matter which family you’re from? You’re you either way.”
YouRan had known the group of friends for a month. YiHan and the others’ emotions, their laughs and their anger, all of that came from their hearts. None of it was acting. YiHan would fight with Pei over an orange until his ears turned red. YiHan would be so into eating during their hotpot dinners that the man was drenched in sweat. When YiHan was happy, he’d laugh in big guffaws. There was not an ounce of caution given to portraying an elegant front. He was exceptionally down-to-earth. With a roar, YiHan snapped up the orange slice in JingYuan’s hand. He nearly bit the other man while doing so. YouRan couldn’t help but let out another chuckle. With how YiHan acted, who would think the man came from an aristocratic, rich family if he didn’t mention it?

174. Even Your Name is a Lie

Frankly, the first time YouRan met JingYuan, he could feel the other man wasn’t an ordinary man. He didn’t think too much about it afterwards as he got to know the other man more. There was also the occasional homeliness JingYuan showed. For example, YiHan loved to eat fruits so JingYuan would peel anything that needed to be peeled and if it didn’t need peeling, JingYuan would clean and cut them up first. All of the work was done by JingYuan’s two hands. Sometimes, he’d be sent spinning around by YiHan’s orders. They acted just like all loving couples in the world did. But since JingYuan was the future husband of the youngest son of the Bai family, the man must be the head of the Mu family.
When their engagement was announced, the whole city felt like it’d gone through an earthquake. Everyone on the internet was talking about it. YouRan wasn’t interested in such matters though so he’d only taken a brief glance at it. All he knew was that it was a marriage tying the Bai and Mu families together. He thought it was just the average contract marriage done for business. He never would’ve thought the couple would appear right by his side and that they felt so passionately for each other.
YiHan and JingYuan acted so warmly and naturally around each other. Their love burned bright. The two formed their own little world, connected by an invisible thread that cannot be broken nor did they want it to be broken.
Filled with orange slices, YiHan was unable to speak. All he could do was nod.
YouRan then turned to Yan. “Your surname is Yan and you’ve known YiHan for a while now. Are you part of the five great families too?”
“Ah, yes,” Yan nervously replied. “I’m the second son of the Yan family.”
YouRan nodded. “The second son. How did you come to live in such an area then?”
A bead of cold sweat rolled down the back of Yan’s head. “I like this place,” Yan calmly said. “It’s like the eye of the storm. I won’t be disturbed at all and it’s a very favourable place for me.”
YouRan didn’t find anything suspicious with that answer. “Does it counts as going into hiding? Great minds hide in the city?”
Yan nodded in apparent awkwardness.
After a pause for thought, YouRan then said to YiHan, “No wonder a young master like you would come all the way here. Were you scoping the area out for him?”
YiHan froze. Reminded of his first meeting with YouRan, he hurriedly swallowed down and began nodding repeatedly as he said, “Yes, yes. Yan was looking for a quiet place to live by himself. Zhang-ge’s store re-opened on that day. When I left, it was still quite early so I wandered through the city, and scope out available places for Yan. Then, I saw this place. I found it nice and told him so when I went home. That’s why he paid attention to information about the properties here.” YiHan then cleared his throat with a little cough.
JingYuan gently patted YiHan on the back. “Slow down. Don’t choke.”
“It really is a small world,” YouRan said with a nod.
“It’s fate too,” YiHan said, smiling.
“Yan moved out of the family home. No matter where he went, he’d have neighbours,” JingYuan calmly said. “However, he just so happened to move here and became the neighbour of his favourite author. That is something to celebrate and be thankful for.”
JingYuan’s low voice rang with the strength to make others believe in him. Unwittingly, YouRan nodded to what the other man said.
At the same moment, Yan and YiHan both turned to look away and heaved a sigh of relief.
The engagement party was held at the Bai family home. The sky grew dark and bright lights shone from within the manor. In the ground floor banquet hall, shimmering fabrics wafted through the air scented with the aroma of booze and champagne as people chattered. Everyone who’s anyone in the city was here. Of course, many thick-skinned attendees came without an invitation.
On that night, the great men and women of the city were all gathered in the same room. They were each accompanied by a beautiful lady or a handsome man. Many of whom were household names, celebrities. Winter was coming and the air was freezing but the gorgeous partners still wore fashionable thin clothes. The field of bare shoulders and slender legs made one’s heart pound. Thankfully, the hall was well-heated so the beauties didn’t fall sick from the cold.
YouRan arrived with Yan. YiHan knew the man didn’t like crowded situations like the current party, so he especially arranged a quiet corner for YouRan to hide in. He also ordered Pan Wen and Wei Wu to stand guard nearby and prevent anyone from disturbing YouRan.
In the hall, the people gathered in duos and trios. As they sipped from their drinks, they talked. Sometimes, they laughed. When the star couple, YiHan and JingYuan, arrived at the top of the staircase, a roar rose as the crowd applauded. Everyone exclaimed how perfect they were together. The moment the two men reached the bottom of the stairs, they were surrounded. Not even Ma and Pa could escape from the crowd. There would also be someone toasting them and congratulating them.
FuRen led YiHan and JingYuan to the stage in the hall for a speech announcing their engagement along with a few thanks directed at the crowd.
YouRan’s spot might be tucked away but it had a great view of the stage. “They’re very well matched,” he said with a smile as he watched the star couple.
Beside him sat Pei. She took a sip of her juice and smiled. “Indeed. They’re so in love. Haha! Nan Shan, did you know? Whenever I see Mr Mu display his proficiency at face-changing, I want to laugh. He looks so different when it comes to YiHan compared to when he talks to other people. Haha, they’re really good for each other. They’re so deeply in love. If they ever break up, I think I’ll never believe in love again.”
“It’s their engagement party,” said Yan. “It’s a grand day. Don’t mention that nonsense.”
Pei stuck her tongue out at her brother. Looking at the happy crowd, the smile on her lips grew wider. “People nowadays is that realistic. Rules and ethics are nothing before money and power. It has been years since gay marriage has been legalized but it’s not part of the mainstream. Many people still can’t accept it, particularly the older generation. In this hall, at least half of the people here think of gay people as aliens. But look at them, Nan Shan. All of them are smiling as brightly as flowers in bloom. They keep praising JingYuan and YiHan as a perfect couple. It’s as if they’re speaking what they truly think. There’s no pressure at all. In the end, it’s all a matter of power. JingYuan is the head of the Mu family. YiHan is the youngest son of the Bai family. In this city, they are part of the tiny crowd standing at the top of the pyramid. With their statuses, who’d dare say anything? Even if someone finds it upsetting, they have to smile.”
“That’s natural,” said Yan. “Who would want to make an enemy of the Bai and Mu families over a little unease? Unless they’re a fool. Honestly, JingYuan and YiHan have been close since they were children. A lot of us already knew about them but the star of the show didn’t say anything. Hence, no one dared gossip about them. The instant they announced their engagement, everyone came rushing to congratulate them. It doesn’t matter if they truly mean it or not. At least, on the surface, they’re all happy. That’s reality.”
“People will die for riches and birds will die for food,” YouRan calmly stated. “In real life, profit matters most. It’s flawed but understandable.”
YouRan’s eyes slowly scanned the crowd. Suddenly, he froze. His pupils shrank.
Yan had been keeping an eye on him the entire time. When he noticed something off about YouRan’s posture, his gaze followed the other man’s. His eyes went cold and a dark gloom immediately overtook his face.
Noticing something off in the air, Pei looked over as well. It was He Yuan and Yan Miao. He Yuan had a grey custom suit on. Hanging off of his arm was his wife’s petit hand. The man had a loving smile on as he talked to the lady beside him. Yan Miao might be over thirty but she had taken such great care of her skin that she looked like a young woman around the age of twenty. She was dressed in a sapphire blue strapless gown, half-exposing her pale white shoulders and accentuating the curves of her body. Chin slightly tilted up, there was a tinge of arrogance in that stunning face.
Sapphire blue is a colour that was hard to wear. One tiny flaw and it’d easily look gaudy. Yan Miao looked gorgeous in the dress. It made her appear as pale as snow, elegant and rich.
Pei glanced at them then back at the pale face of YouRan. She secretly nudged Yan. What was her brother doing? What’s with that sour face? Did he want Nan Shan to realise they already know of this matter? Fortunately, Nan Shan’s attention was all focused on He Yuan, that slimeball, and none on them.
Snapped back from his thoughts by Pei’s nudge, Yan’s hands clenched and unclenched a few times before saying with a smile, “Nan Shan, you know them?”
Startled, YouRan looked away from the man and plastered a smile on. “How could I ever know someone so powerful? I was only looking.”
“That man is the head of the He family,” Yan said, smile still present. “He is quite powerful. He’s connected to the Yan family by marriage.”
YouRan’s eyes slid shut. “The head of the He family? What’s his name?”
“He Yuan,” said Yan.
YouRan let out a dry chuckle. “He…Yuan? His wife’s beautiful.”
Yan clenched his hands into fists as he glanced at the couple in question before steadily replying, “Mn. His wife is my aunt. That man is a slave of his wife. He obeys everything my aunt says. In the past few years, the Yan family has helped him a lot due to his marriage to my aunt. In the city, the He family is considered one of the top families, right below the Great Five.”
YouRan’s face was as white as fresh snow. He Yuan? Bitterness rose within him at the lie. Even his name was faked. He Yao likely never existed in this world. That’s good too. The man he loved was He Yao. That man had nothing to do with this sparkling, handsome head of the He family, none at all. As for He Yao, he’s dead from this moment on.
Watching the emotions flicker across YouRan’s eyes, Pei’s heart ached. She couldn’t resist throwing a hateful glare at He Yuan. However, JingYuan was right. The public cannot know of this. Still, it will be known sooner or later to the people linked to it. Rather than letting YouRan face this bloody reality unprepared, it’d be better to let the man realise it earlier on his own. He can then have more time to compose himself and think through the matter. It also meant he would never have any other delusions about He Yuan.
True, there’s a lot of pain when one cuts away the flesh festering around the wound. However, leaving the rotten flesh be would only make the injury worse.
YouRan let out a low, self-mocking chuckle as his eyes dropped down.
Yan, who’d been watching the other man, felt a spike of pain and upset for some unknown reason.
The two siblings exchanged glances before trying their best to switch the topic to something lighter. It was only mildly effective. YouRan’s entire energy seemed to have been sapped away. Every smile was noticeably forced. The siblings wrecked their brains and did everything they could but nothing could cheer YouRan up. Instead, it made YouRan down a few more drinks.
Usually, YouRan didn’t enjoy alcohol. A few glasses in and his face began to flush red. His eyes drifted as he spaced out.

175. What Happened?

When YiHan and JingYuan finally extracted themselves from the crowd, they found YouRan slumped sideways on the couch, fast asleep with a flushed face. Yan and Pei sat beside him. They did not look happy.
YiHan glanced at Yan and whispered, “He saw him?”
Yan nodded, face stiff with anger. YiHan sighed.
“Only by letting him understand the truth can he better protect himself,” JingYuan softly said. “The pain is unavoidable.”
Yan turned to look at YouRan. “I hope this is the last time he’ll be hurt.” I’ll protect him from now on.
Pei glanced at Yan, then at YouRan. Her mouth opened as if to speak but, in the end, she said nothing.
As He Yuan was mingling and talking with someone, his eyes absent-mindedly glanced to the side. That glance just so happened to be directed at YouRan’s direction. He was so surprised at seeing the man that he nearly dropped his wineglass. Yan Miao shot a dissatisfied look at him. Hurriedly, he began to softly placate her. Thank goodness she was easy to calm down. It only took a few sentences before she was soothed.
He Yuan turned and look at the corner again. His heart shook, doubt in his mind. When did YouRan befriend YiHan and the rest? He’s just a minor author with nothing. Not only was he invited, but he’s also able to make Bai YiHan and Mu JingYuan both stay by his side!
There were also the two brats from the Yan family. The thought of it just made his jaw clench. Yan moved out but he just had to move right next to YouRan! That brat made him unable to show his face near there again for fear news of his relationship with YouRan would be leaked to Miao. If she ever knew of YouRan’s existence, forget about what would happen to YouRan. By her personality, the entire He family would be thrown into chaos for sure!
Once Yan Miao and the Yan family started to despise him, the He family would never ever relish the glory they now enjoy. This was something he absolutely cannot allow to happen.
He Yuan hurriedly turned away, afraid of being recognised. No matter the reason, the man now looked like he was good friends with Bai YiHan and the rest. If the man saw him and kicked up a fuss from rage, this entire situation would be doomed beyond repair. Furthermore, causing a scene in Bai YiHan and Mu JingYuan’s engagement party would mean offending the Bai and He families too. The He family might be powerful now but he could not afford to make an enemy of any of the Great Five.
Damn it. YouRan was someone who would never leave his house or interact with strangers. When did he get so cosy with these powerful men? It must be due to Yan Yan moving to the apartment next to his! With those people around YouRan, he didn’t even dare stand close to YouRan, let alone try and discreetly get rid of this hidden threat!
Wineglass in hand, He Yuan stood stiffly next to his wife. Through the entire conversation, he felt piercing jabs pricking at his back. He was extremely uneasy. After a while, he pulled his wife over to the other side of the room. The hall was huge and YouRan was never one to roam around. Hopefully, the man won’t discover he’s there.
Of course, YouRan wouldn’t roam around. He can’t even take a single step out of his seat. Before the party even ended, Yan had already driven him home. The man collapsed due to the few drinks he had.
As the party wasn’t over yet, YiHan and JingYuan couldn’t leave. All they could do was walk them to their car.
“Will you be okay alone?” YiHan worriedly asked. “Look at how drunk YouRan is.”
Yan clipped the seat belt over YouRan. “Don’t worry. You’d best hurry back.”
“I’ll go with you,” Pei said.
“It’s fine,” said Yan. “Go back. It’s cold outside.”
Yan then started the car. YiHan and Pei had to straighten up and step away from the car then. They watched as the car zoomed off in a cloud of dust.
“Ah,” Pei sighed in a tragic, pitying manner. “Nan Shan’s in danger.”
“Huh? What?” asked YiHan.
Pei gave a mysterious smile but remained silent. Instead, she turned and jogged back into the hall.
“What was she saying?” YiHan said, confused. “How could Nan Shan be in danger when Yan is around?”
JingYuan gave YiHan a light squeeze on the back of his neck and led his lover back into the hall. “Nan Shan is in danger because Yan is around,” JingYuan calmly stated.
“Then, we…!”
“Don’t worry,” interrupted JingYuan. “This danger isn’t the danger you’re thinking of. We can’t step in on this.”
YiHan: “…” What the hell?
With the car parked and turned off, Yan turned and gently patted the other man on the shoulder. “YouRan?”
There was no reaction from YouRan. His brows furrowed. He looked very uncomfortable.
Yan sighed and stepped out of the car. He walked over to the passenger side and opened the door. He then carefully helped YouRan out of his seat. However, YouRan was dead drunk. His legs wouldn’t prop his body up at all. The man kept sliding down to the floor. Yan had to kneel down to get the other man on his back. He locked the car and walked up the stairwell.
Finally, after a lot of effort, they were in YouRan’s apartment. They had just gotten through the front door when YouRan started dry heaving. YouRan had been out in the cold while waiting for the car and then he was placed in a warm car as it was driving. A wave of nausea caused by the alcohol had struck YouRan. Yan hurriedly carried the man over to the bathroom. He had just put the man down and, before Yan could adjust the man so he faced the toilet, YouRan began puking. The man hadn’t had much food that evening. Thus, YouRan mostly threw up bile. The two men were facing each other. No one was spared from the mess.
Yan: …
Eventually, the drunk man was done throwing up. Yan stripped the man out of his dirtied clothes and placed the man in the bathtub. As YouRan laid there, Yan started cleaning up the floor covered in vomit and packed their dirty clothes into a big bag. The bag was then tied up and placed outside the apartment. Yan planned on throwing them out later. Once the floor was clean. Yan began to fill the bathtub as he began to clean up YouRan who reeked of alcohol. Poor Yan. He was the second young master of the Yan family, he had never taken care of anyone else before. YouRan was also quite uncooperative. The task of showering YouRan kept Yan so busy, in a panicked way, that he was sweating by the end of it.
The violent bout of puking had woken up YouRan but the man still wasn’t sober. Those glistening, half-lidded eyes blankly stared at the busy Yan.
Yan’s heart skipped. Still, he calmly said, “Even if you act pitiful now, it can’t conceal the fact that you threw up all over me.”
No reaction from YouRan.
Yan chuckled. “Why am I saying this to someone drunk?”
Once YouRan was clean, Yan had a quick shower himself before he helped YouRan out of the bathtub. As YouRan exited the water with a loud splash, his fair body was exposed. Surrounded by wafts of steam, YouRan looked so very alluring. Yan gulped hard. Fighting against the lust rising in him, Yan pulled YouRan up into his arms and out of the bathtub. To his surprise, YouRan’s face suddenly twisted into a fierce look as the man stepped out of the bathtub. Then, the man bit Yan on the shoulder.
Yan wasn’t expecting it at all. In his pain, he took a step back but slipped. Fortunately, there was a wall right behind him. He didn’t fall on the floor but he was unlucky enough that his shoulder blade landed on a protruding hook. A pained groan escaped his lips. But something even more tragic happened. When he slipped, a muscle in his thigh began cramping. It hurt so badly that he couldn’t feel his leg at all. It took him a good while before he recovered. Even so, YouRan wasn’t willing to just quietly lie in his arms.
“You lied to me!” YouRan slurred as he bared his white teeth. “I’ll bite you to death!” Immediately, YouRan bit at the chest before his eyes.
Yan: “…” Dearest one, are you a dog? /(ToT)/~~
The drunk man had completely turned into a dog. He bit at wherever he could reach. Yan couldn’t throw his idol on the floor. He tried to cover the man’s mouth with a hand but then his palm was bit as well. It drove him to near tears.
At long last, through pain and agony, Yan settled YouRan into his bed. As Yan looked down at the calm man, for now, he wiped away the sweat from his brows and let out a long sigh of relief. Covered in bite marks with a leg still in agony over a cramp, the tiny piece of desire that was in him had been swept away by the struggle.
Yan’s clothes had been covered in YouRan’s vomit. Currently, all he had on was one of YouRan’s towels. There was no other resident on this floor anyway. He decided to just walk back to his apartment and get dressed before returning to YouRan’s side. He could throw out the bag of clothes along the way.
Just as he limped over to the front door, he heard YouRan shouting from the bedroom. He swiftly turned back to the bedroom. YouRan was in the bed. His eyes were closed but his hands wildly grabbed at everything around him.
The other man must be feeling extremely insecure at the moment. Yan couldn’t bear to see him like this. He decided to take the risk of being bitten again and held the man’s hands.
“It’s fine. Sleep,” Yan softly said. He chuckled. “Who knew you’d be like this when drunk, Nan Shan.”
Having found someone, YouRan squirmed into Yan’s embrace. All four of his limbs huddled closed to the other man. He was the exact opposite of the fearsome man from before.
“Don’t go,” the man pleaded. “Don’t leave me. Stay with me, just once.”
Yan’s heart wasn’t all that firm and unwavering in the first place. YouRan’s pleas softened it once more. Yan just couldn’t bring himself to say no. He let himself be pulled on the bed by YouRan and let the man wrap himself around him. He just had to let the man hug him for a while. Once the man was asleep, he could get dressed and throw out the trash.
Now that YouRan had someone in his embrace, he went quiet. Thinking the man was asleep, Yan made to rise but was dragged back to bed by YouRan’s embrace. The other man’s limbs wrapped tighter around Yan.
Helpless, Yan could only lie back down. He turned to look at YouRan’s frowning face. The man just had his heart broken. Yan could let the man hug him for a while longer.
Yan had been through a lot that evening. He was thoroughly exhausted, mentally and physically. Now that it was quiet, his eyelids couldn’t help but droop. Yan tried to resist the urge. He still had to get dressed and take out the trash. However, he was unable to fight the overwhelming urge to sleep. Gradually, he nodded off to sleep.
The next day, beams of morning sunlight shone into the apartment through the gaps of the window curtains. YouRan, who had slept fitfully through the night, slowly woke up. He left his eyes closed. His head was pounding. A soft moan rang from his throat. Wanting to turn to his other side, he shifted his legs but then…
YouRan was instantly wide awake. He opened his eyes. What he saw nearly made him faint.
He had a naked (the towel was flung away when they were asleep) Yan in his arms. YouRan’s limbs clung to the other man as if YouRan was an octopus himself. These facts didn’t matter much. What was more important was Yan’s nude body was covered in fresh bite marks!
With Yan in his arms, Yan’s visibly fatigued face (from overexertion). His face was pale and bloodless (not true). The smooth skin was marred by rows of teeth marks. He looked exceedingly pitiful.
What did this all mean? Dear Lord! What did YouRan do last night after he’d gotten drunk? Why can’t he remember anything? (He blacked out.)

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