Hope And Faith

By MarsForce

23.9K 931 199

A sasuhina story. How they develop in the peace after the war. I don't own Naruto More

Hope and Faith


745 37 7
By MarsForce

Sasuke had never yield for anyone after the massacre. He never lower his gaze when he spoke. He never looked up at anyone. He was aware of the skills the people around him had and he took from them whatever was necessary but not one of them was enough to the goal he had set for himself. Not one was going to be better or stronger from him when he was done.Sasuke Uchiha, the forever stoic, the eternal arrogant was now looking at his feet.
"I'm here." A voice that didn't feel familiar but was yet his own.
"Hello little brother."
Three words so sweetly spoken that compelled him to look.
Itachi was genuinely smiling. A sight that he was sure was kept only for him. For the foolish little brother that didn't dare to face his older until now. Why was I afraid?
"I see you are well. I'm glad."
The thoughts in his mind were overwhelming. Hundred things came by in a split of a second. Say something.
"Would you like to sit?"
Say anything. Move. Do something.
"Staying there is also an option."
I'm happy to see you.
"I'm sorry."
"You were always the kindest of us little brother."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He stayed there by the door clenching his fists saying the same two words until his vision blurred and tears kept wetting his cheeks.
Itachi rose from his bed but no movement was seen, no noise was heard except Sasuke's harsh voice repeating the same thing like a prayer.
Then a flick. And like a switch the crying stopped.
Sasuke felt the familiar pain at his forehead like a mother brushing his hair.
"Is that why you were relactunt to come? Did you though I was angry at you?"
All his boiled emotions flooded like a river.
"Of course you should be angry with me. You should be mad at me the idiot brother who claimed to knew you and abandoned you without second thought. You were suffering and I only thought of revenge. I didn't even looked at the facts, didn't stop to think for a second. I killed you Itachi.. I killed you."
"Don't cry Sasuke. If anyone is to blame is me. I took away your decisions from you. I led you to a path I thought was right at the time. I should be the one apologise brother. Even now I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought I left you the space to come to me willingly but you were hurting once again because of me. I'm truly sorry."
They hugged each other to embrace this second chance that was given to them. The night passed at this small room with two voices whispering truths that where left unspoken for a long time.


The next morning the house was silent.
The meeting room and the halls were empty so she thought that Sasuke had finally taken upon Hanabi's offer to sleep in the room she was staying and would be left empty since she was moving at the main house. He should rest. Stop. That's none of your business. He can pass out of exhaustion for all I care.
She looked at the closed door and moved ahead with the basket she was carrying.
She always brought food and some tea early in the morning so nobody can see her and grew suspicious.
Hinata walked to the last room that Itachi was staying. She knocked the door and heard the usual welcoming. He was always awake by the time she arrived. Hinata was suspicious about Itachi not sleeping well either.
Upon entering she froze for a moment.
Sasuke was seating at the chair beside his brother's bed. She quickly came to her senses and moved to leave the goods she carried. They finally spoke. I'm glad.
"Good morning Itachi-san. How are you feeling today?"
"Particularly good. Thank you Hinata-san. I believe it's a good day to get out of bed and eat at a proper table if I may."
A scoff was heard from Sasuke. Hinata shot a side glare and discarded it.
"There's a table in the other room if you like. It's more of a conference table but you can use it if you like."
"Yeah let's call all your friends and eat there at the big table." Sasuke mocked.
"Great idea. I'll be happy if Hinata-san care to join us."
He couldn't figure if his brother was stupid enough to not understand his irony or he was to polite enough to moved his words in another direction.
"I don't want to intrude but thank you for the offer."
"It's your house Hime. You can order us to eat with you."
"Sasuke please. Hinata-san is offering us more that she should."
Hinata smiled at Itachi for his kindness.
"Yeah let's kiss her feet and worship her."
"Enough." Hinata spoke. "It is my house and you will respect me. Otherwise you are no longer welcomed here."
Itachi was surprised. He had thought that these two were somewhat friends. She was ready to dragged him all the way from his cabin to Konoha just for Sasuke.
"What are you going to do? Throw me out?"
"If I must."
"And then what Hime? How are you going to explain this little treason to your clan?"
"I think you have more to lose than I."
Sasuke got up and stood in front of her but Hinata didn't even blink.
Strong girl. Sasuke can be really intimidating.
"Are you threating me? I already told you what I'm going to do to all of you if anything happens to my brother."
"We all here secured his safety. The only one who behaves foolish is you." After the time he had spent with her Itachi could not figure out how she and his brother interacted. But now he saw she was ready to fight him if she must. He stepped in to stop them.
"I think we are all a little intense. Maybe food and tea will calm our nerves."
"I'm truly sorry Itachi-san you need a calm environment to heal." She looked at Sasuke. "I misbehaved. Now let me guide you."
She reached her hands to help him get up. Sasuke was about to make a move to stop her but Itachi's stare stopped him.
They sat at the edge of the table that was meant for twenty people. She offered both tea and coffee as a sign of a peace treaty.
The meal was nothing special but she was glad as she saw them enjoying it. The silence was awkward and the tension from the fight before didn't make it easier. She tried to think of something to say. She was usually good at it. But nothing came to mind. This how it was going to be from now on. Everytime she and Sasuke were in the same room there would be tension. It seemed so far away the times when they were sitting close enjoying each other company. It felt so easy, so safe. It felt right. But this thing she had in mind wasn't the reality. In reality Sasuke found a way to pass his time until he reunited with his brother. She was probably okay to be around. She wasn't talking much, she made it easier from him to be around the others. She made an effort he was unable to make. She was just convenient for his everyday life in the village. Even help him with Itachi. She had thought of that as she played all their interactions in her head. She was Kakashi choice when it came down to bring him back. Why not Sasuke's too? Convenient. She hated it that word. So plain and untasteful. It came from a life she desperately tried to leave behind but kept coming back. Hinata Hyuga can't never have what she desires. Her lips formed a sad smile.
"Thinking of anything interesting Hinata-san?"
"No, nothing interesting. Just clan matters." She bite her lip.
"I hear you are the leader now. I thought you weren't of a high rank. Did I misunderstood?"
Sasuke was observing the conversation with an uninterested look. The truth is he was dying to hear what happened and changed her mind.
"Sorry Itachi-san. I was lying when I said that. I didn't want you to feel threatened."
Why is she lying?
He looked at her but she never made eye contact.
"I see. I was just wondering... So it's just a coincidence."
Don't think it through. Her heart was pounding.
"What is just coincidence?" Sasuke spoke.
Don't say it.
"My arrival and her coronation." Itachi explained.
"It's nothing like that Itachi-san. It has nothing to do with you. It was actually for my sister's safety." Hinata tried to satisfy their curiosity.
But Sasuke kept staring at her all through breakfast.


The month passed in a blink of an eye. He spent all of his time with his brother trying to regain the lost time of the past years. Itachi was back on his feet healthier than he'd ever been. He suspected Tsunade had tried to heal some of his mental damage too but neither of them spoke of it. It was time for him to go. They had long conversations of what to do next. His brother wanted the peace that the solitude of the forest granted him. He would like to travel alone like a stranger among strangers. To taste the water of a lake in lands that had never heard his name. Itachi was a gentle soul that was moved by things more fragile than him. A small animal, a flower, a little brother.
He was never a people's person.
Sasuke was sure that the only other person except him whose company was a pleasure was Kakashi. He didn't know why but Itachi liked the silvered haired man.
And he was fond of her too. He saw it in the others man's eyes that he was curious about her.
He spoke to Hinata with true respect.
Sometimes when they interact he thought he saw an appreciation he had for Naruto for saving his little brother.
The words he has spoken the first time the three of them were in the same room still bugged him. But as with everything that he couldn't truly understand he pushed them at the back of his mind and never spoke of it.
Hinata was to escort him back the way she did when they came. But Sasuke insisted he should be the one to do it. Kakashi agreed for a two cell mission something that didn't please either of them.
She was working of a way out when her father informed her about the secret arrangements he was making in his travels. Hiashi was looking for suitors for her sister to strengthen her leadership.
She pictured Hanabi wearing a white dress and the hands of a stranger around her. What a repulsive idea. He had found one that was suit for the role and further the discussions. Hiashi was meant to visit them again so they would make the arrangements. The decision she took felt more right now. Her father was a good leader in the times of conflict and war but his line of thought didn't fit the future. He led the clan with an iron will ensuring their survival. But he couldn't hear the needs of every individual. They were not his concern. He didn't know that Miko couldn't work in the gardens anymore because of her back problems. He didn't know Kenji missed his daughter's birthday because he was supposed to serve in a meeting. He couldn't comprehend Hanabi's misery sharing a life with a man she didn't want if it meant her survival.
Meeting this man who in another life would marry her sister was her duty. She would go instead of her father and decline the offer. Neji proposed to form a proper team to accompany her but she refused. She didn't want to offend them more than they would. That was partly true. She really thought if she went with her people would be a provoke of power. She wanted to settle this in a moderate manner. It was also an opportunity to leave with Itachi without anyone raise questions about her whereabouts.
They hated the idea of her going along but she informed them she would go with a friend. Sasuke Uchiha. Here goes.
Neji was furious. He insisted that he should go with her. That she should stop bringing other people in the clan matters, that the Uchiha wouldn't protect her like he would. Hinata knew that he was hurt that she chose Sasuke instead of him but they was nothing to be done about it. In the middle of Neji's tantrum her father spoke.
"I think it's a fine choice."
His words left both of them speechless. Hinata was sure Hiashi would back up Neji. She expected him to disagree until the last minute.
"I would prefer if you went with a formal company but you have the ability to see things that I miss. If you say that meeting them yourself is more proper I trust you."
Hinata smiled at him. When he said he would support her he really meant it.
Neji was taken aback from his uncle agreement. How is he trusting his daughter with this man. He lost his temper once more until Hiashi spoke again.
"He put a knife in my throat."
"All the more reason not to trust him. He is unstable. You never know how he will behave and this is a delicate matter."
"Neji." Hiashi tone was serious. "He put a knife in my throat. Do you understand the meaning of this?"
Neji looked him dumbfounded.
"His place in this village isn't ensured. There are people watching him still, waiting for a mishap to throw him back to jail. He made a move against the leader of the most prestigious clan without caring. Do you know why? To keep his promise to my daughter. I respect that."
Her father's words had an impact. Neji relactuntly caved but she played them in her head many times after that.


He brought this disaster upon himself. He was so angry that he wasn't even considered as an escort for his brother's departure that he stormed off to the Hogake building to argue with Kakashi. Of course luck wasn't at his favour. On the way back he met the Yamanaka overly dressed up along with Nara.
"Hey glad you made it back for Sakura's birthday. We are on our way for the surpise party too. Let's go together."
He tried to decline but Nara's piercing eyes stopped him. He was surely suspicious since he was the Hogake's advisor and Sasuke was on a top secret mission he didn't know about. He decided to play along for a while and then excuse himself. He had to meet Hinata anyway if he wanted to enter the building again. The power that she had over this pissed him off.
Sakura entered Naruto's house and they all jumped in yelling their wishes. She tried to act surpised but it was obvious she knew about it. Sasuke was sure that his best friend was so eager for this that he had spoiled the event without realising it.
The pink haired kunoichi wide her eyes when she spotted him but said nothing.
Naruto had spoken of this when he visited but Sasuke explained many times he wouldn't attend even when his friend couldn't stop nagging him about it.
There has been an hour and Hinata wasn't anywhere to be found. He was meaning to ask about it but Naruto saved him the trouble.
"Hey Kiba where's Hinata? She said she would be here."
"She is busy these days. We barely see her."
"But she said she would come. This is important you know."
"Naruto I'm sure she will do what she can to join us. It's not like she wants it." Sakura scolded him.
"Yes but she promised me she would be here."
"It's just a birthday party. No offence Sakura. She can't leave whatever business she has just for this."
Sakura agreed with Shino.
"Don't be such a baby. I'm sure she wanted to be here."
"She has a lot of matters to address now."
"You know I'm happy for her for getting the credit she deserves but it's kinda sad she can't join us like before. You know she seemed happier before."
"I get what you mean Naruto. But you know Hinata. She would do anything for the people she loves."
At that last sentence Kiba shot a glare at Sasuke that the black haired man didn't miss.
Then he saw her entering the house catching her breath.
"Am I late?" Her voice was uneven probably because she was running.
Naruto rushed to hug her.
"You came Hinata-chan. I told you she promised me."
She smiled warmly at Naruto and Sasuke skipped a beat. He missed her. It had been forever since he last seen this smile. He imagined Naruto could smell her flowery scent at that distance.
"Sakura-san happy birthday." She gave her a present.
Sakura began to opened it but Hinata hold her hands.
"Can you open it in a little while?"
Sakura's attention was at the arrival of her friend and didn't hear the room went silent.
"I think someone else has a gift for you first." Hinata showed with her eyes behind her friend's back.
When the medic turned around Naruto was holding a ring in his hands.
She didn't know. Sasuke was certain. She looked surpised and happy and overwhelmed.
"Sakura-chan I loved you since the day I laid my eyes on you. Everyday I can't believe my luck that you feel the same way. So would you be my wife?"
"Yes baka. Yes."
Sasuke had a light smile on his face. Naruto had told him about it before. He wanted all of their friends to be there for this. He was his brother and he demanded his presence. At first. Then he begged. At the third time he fought him.
Sasuke gave his blessing but he didn't think his presence was necessary.
Now he was glad he came even if he didn't admitted to himself. He was happy to be present at their big moment even if it was coincidence that led him here.
After the hugs and the congratulating words everyone began to talk about the upcoming wedding. Ino was thrilled. She spoke louder than Naruto. Every time an idea came to mind she shouted at Sakura.
Hinata moved closer at him since he was sitting with Shino and Kiba.
"You knew about it."
"Yes." She was thrilled."Naruto-kun told me some time ago. He wanted my help at what to say, what ring to buy. I'm so happy for them."
She was glowing.
"Don't you ever think how would it be if you were in her place?"
"I have never thought of that Shino-kun. I believe you should be your true self with the one you love. I honestly don't think I could ever be harsh to Naruto even if he needed it. I would be half of me."
"So you both knew." Kiba pointed at Sasuke. "You came back from your mission for this. Who would have thought that Sasuke is a softy."
I'm going to kill you. You and the idiot who dragged me into this.
His death stare didn't intimidate Kiba.
"You can look tough all you want but I know you are a good man since Hinata likes you."
"What? We know we are good and you like us too. You liked Naruto when the whole village hated him. You were even fond of Sakura when she was an annoying little brat. Why are all looking me like that?"
"We thought you meant something else." Shino explained.
"Like what?"
"Let's get you to eat something. You had much to drink." Shino dragged him along despite the fact that behind the glasses his eyes confirmed something he had suspected a long time ago.
They stayed in the corner watching the happiness unfold before them. Naruto was shouting and hugging his future wife. His friends around him raising their glasses and congratulate him. It was a bright moment. Hinata smiled.
"You really love him." His voice make her turn.
"I do. He was the first person to make me keep going. He deserves all of this. They both do. I'm really happy for them."
"If you tried harder maybe you could be miss Uzumaki."
"I'm still mad at Hanabi for telling you this." She frowned. "But I'm not that girl anymore. I stopped feeling that way about Naruto a long time ago."
Talking to him felt almost like before. Almost.
"Sasuke." Her seriousness in her voice moved his gaze from his teammates to her.
"Thank you for keeping your promise and protected my sister."
It felt like seeing her after a long time. This moment he couldn't remember why he was so angry at her. How can anyone be angry at these warm eyes. How can a person yell at this lovely face. How can he be the one that ripped that smile of her face.
"So Hinata can I open your present now?" The loud voice of his teammate cut through them.
Sasuke faced her irritated. But Hinata already nodded positively.
This wasn't the place to ask the question that had been bugging him.
Sakura opened the box that was holding. Inside there was two small flower pots.
One with a tiger lily flower and one empty. The medic looked at Hinata with awkward smile.
"Thank you?"
Hinata laughed.
"The one that seems empty has seeds inside. When they will grow there will be a sakura tree. I thought they will be nice in your new house in the future." She pressed her fingers together. "An orange flower next to a pink one."
Sakura who now understood left the flowers and hugged her.
"You put so much thought into it. Thank you Hinata. I love it."
She broke the hug and took the box to show it to the others.
"It's time to leave." He wasn't asking.
Hinata went to say her goodbyes to everyone. Kiba complaint about her departure and Shino scolded him.
Naruto begged for them to stay longer but she said they had a mission tomorrow about her clan and they needed to leave early. Their happy voices were heard as the moved away until several houses away.


It was a nice night. The smell of the first flowers of the spring was in the air. The atmosphere was still little chilly but pleasant. They walked in total silence until they were a block away from the compound.
"Stop." Sasuke was a step behind her.
Hinata stopped, her back still facing him.
"Why did you do it?"
"I don't understand."
"Turn to face me."
She stayed put.
"I said turn around." He raised his voice.
She was completely still,facing the road ahead of her, her eyes on the floor.
He grew angry at the complete discarded of his command. His feet closed the distance between them. He made another step in front of her and put his hands on her face.
"Look at me." The words came harsh.
She finally raised her eyes to meet his.
"What do you want to know Sasuke?" A whisper came from her mouth.
"Did you know before you left?"
"No." She looked tired.
"Why did you take the lead?"
"Because I'm a selfish person despite what everyone thinks."
"You hated that role."
"But I hate to see Hanabi hurt and you heartbroken more."
He was taken aback by her words. He couldn't move his eyes from hers.
"Is that true?"
"Does it matter? You already made your conclusion."
"I thought...."
"I know what you thought. You made it perfectly clear." She tossed his hand of her face. "Still after all this I would make the same decisions. I told you before."
Because I tend to do stupid things for the people I love.
She walked right passed and moved away without waiting for him to follow.,


The three of them left before the sun rose. Hinata was on lead having her Byakugan activated. When the first sunlights hit their faces Konoha was far behind. They would take the same root back avoiding every know establishment. It would take them a little longer to make it back since Tsunade warned them to not push Itachi. The two of them hadn't exchange a single word since last night. He saw his brother giving him side glares about Hinata's lack of words but he pretended he didn't observed him.
At the evening Sasuke sensed she was at her limit. Her moves were getting slower and her eyes must have drained her chakra. But she didn't say anything. She was determined to keep going so they would cover as much distance as they could. She will fall down from exhaustion.
They both looked him worried like he sensed a threat they couldn't.
"It's time for my brother to rest."
"I'm alright for now. I can keep going." Itachi refused.
"We will stop. Tsunade said not to pressure you." He turned to Hinata. "Look around for a safe place to camp."
She moved to some trees ahead to check.
"Sasuke I assure you I'm fine. I can keep going."
"But she can't. And she won't admit it." Sasuke was serious, concerned even.
Itachi looked surpised. It was the first time he mentioned her. He was curious about what his brother view on the girl was but he was reluctant to ask.
"I thought you didn't like her. You always seem to be angry at her presence."
"That... it's just ..."
"Well?" Is Sasuke actually lost of words?
"If she doesn't rest she will drag us down. That's all."
"So you don't like her." Itachi pushed but no answer came.
"It was a surprise to me that the two of you aren't on good terms since she was so worried about you."
"She... It's just complicated."
Hinata returned to informed them it was a safe place to stay. They hid at a natural curve and agreed to take turns to watch.
Hinata insisted Itachi to be the first one to rest since he was still recovering. But as soon as they sat and started to eat she was already asleep.
She was sitting with her back on the tree, her food on her hand and eyes shut.
"You were right. She is exhausted."
"I know. But she is so stubborn she would keep going."
Sasuke turned his gaze at her.
He got up and put his coat at her like a blanket.
"You care for her." His brother's voice came from behind.
"She is a kind girl."
"She is foolish." He looked at her sleeping figure. "You already know what she did for us. You are the smart one."
"I do. Does it bother you?"
"It was not her sacrifice to make."
"But she was the one to choose it. And that scares you Sasuke."
He remained silent. Itachi had a way to see through him things he himself didn't even understood.


When they woke her up was time to leave. Sasuke had stayed awake and took all the shifts of watching. The truth is she needed the sleep since is was going to be another long day before they reached their destination. But she knew that the raven haired man hadn't sleep properly for over a month. The fatigue must have caught to him long ago but he insisted not resting. She smelled a familiar scent when she opened her eyes. She knew it, after a while her clothes were mixed with it. She looked down and saw his coat over her keeping her warm. He is so confusing.
She got up and approched him.
"Thank you." She offered him his cloth back and he took it without looking at her.
"You should wear proper clothes for a mission. We can't afford you getting sick." He said while covering the tracks of their camping.
Your welcome. That's an easy answer.
But Sasuke was never easy with people. How there was a time that she thought he was.
They started the journey once again.
Around noon Hinata stopped them. She had spotted four people in their path.
She figured they had sensed a presence too. Sasuke took out his sword but she stopped him.
"There is no reason to fight unless we have to."
"What do you suggest Hime?"
She frowned upon his comment but she didn't say anything about it.
"Itachi-san we will go through them. Please keep a safe distance, hide your presence and follow us."
She pointed a path that was clear for him to go.
"Let's move."
She and Sasuke approached the camp.
The four people were now in their vicinity in their battle stance.
Sasuke was ready to activate his Sharingan but she touched his hand and shook her head as a no.
When they were few meters apart the group spoke.
"Who are you?"
"I'm a leaf shinobi on a mission. And you are?"
"And who's he?"
They were on edge since they could sense the malice coming from Sasuke.
"My partner. A fellow leaf shinobi."
"Hey look at her eyes. She's a Hyuga." One of them spoke.
Sasuke was ready to drow his sword. He didn't like the comment on her eyes.
"I'm Hinata Hyuga. We don't mean any trouble."
"She's Temari-san friend. Relax guys."
With that they eased themselves.
"Sorry for this Hyuga-san. But one can't be too careful. We are sand shinobi on our way to Konoha." They showed their scroll.
"This idiot here had an accident and we were forced to camp here in the middle of nowhere."
She looked the man behind and saw his leg bunded.
"We are actually going to deliver some herbs from our village to yours."
"I see. It's okay no harm done. Here let me give you something to ease the pain." She offered them her ointment.
"Have safe travels. Give my regards to Temari-san."
They thanked her and assured her they would.
After some distance Sasuke spoke.
"That was foolish of you."
She turned her eyes on him.
"You didn't know who they were yet you approach them casually."
"Not everything is solved with fighting."
"But some things are. You are going to get hurt if you don't learn that."
"I choose my battles. Why make an enemy when I can make a friend?"
"Because if you can't you will die Hinata."
She couldn't understood the voice he was making. Before she could say anything he rushed forward.


Fear. That's what he felt when he heard them speaking of her. He became paranoid thinking they were after her eyes. He was ready to attack only in the thought of them hurting her. And yet she stayed calm. Talking casually like they were old friends. Weirdo. He couldn't tolerate this behaviour. What if she was on her own? Is she like this in all of her missions? How has she survived this long?
All this bugged him until they reached his brother's house. The place was trapped in a genjutsu probably with some seals. The three of them broke it easily and walked inside. It was his first time coming here. The house was a small wooden cabin. Outside was a garden that needed care. Nothing much but it was warm. There were some pictures of Sasuke inside. Kakashi had probably given them to his brother and he didn't want to know where he found them.
They were all exhausted. Itachi suggested they took a bath until he fixed them something to eat. They would stay here for tonight and the two of them would begin their journey in the morning for the Mori clan.
They cleaned themselves in turns and when they finished he had made them a soup that was very welcomed.
"You would be a great husband." Sasuke teased him.
The bath and the food had relaxed them. Finally there was an easy silence around them.
"It was delicious Itachi-san. Thank you."
"It was my mother's recipe. When she had nothing in the fridge she made that soup. It was her little magic."
His face was nostalgic.
Sasuke kept staring at his empty plate.
"Everything she did had a little magic." Sasuke spoke mostly to himself.
"I understand. I think my mother passed hers at my sister. That's why Hanabi is so charismatic. I like to believe the same happened to you both."
She smiled brightly, genuinely and the whole room lighten up.
No you are wrong. She passed it all to you.

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