Secrets (AKA Retiring? In thi...

Galing kay SpacedOutAlpaca

411 9 1

Sam Winchester didn't think he'd get a chance at an "apple pie life", but that didn't mean he wasn't going tr... Higit pa

A Quick Author's Note
Chapter 2: Don't Speak its Name
Chapter 3: The Flow of the Water Will Reveal Secrets Untold

Chapter 1: Some Things Just Aren't Meant to Be

112 4 0
Galing kay SpacedOutAlpaca

Not every chapter will be this long, but I wanted to start this with each episode being a chapter.



If there was one thing that Sam Winchester noticed when he walked into Stanford, it was the size. It wasn't as if he had never seen a large place before, it was just that usually he knew that he'd leave within the month. He was going to stay here for at least four years. That kind of stability was foreign to him, but it was something that he enjoyed having. It was nice to know that his biggest worries would be test grades, and not being killed by a vampire or something of the like.

The second thing he noticed was how empty it was, although he had gotten there a bit late, he figured that a place this size must be bursting with life at all hours. Instead of that however, he found a campus devoid from life, aside from a pair of girls sitting on the lawn. Sam wasn't quite sure what to think about that. He'd been hoping that he could find someone like him to ask for help, because he had no idea where anything was here, nor did he have the confidence to go up to just anyone. Still, he had no choice, so he steeled himself up to talk to them.

"Umm... hello," Sam started nervously, "Can you tell me where the student resource office is?"

The two stopped their conversation suddenly, and Sam was afraid that he had interrupted something important until they both looked at each other confusedly.

"Oh, sorry, could you repeat that? I didn't hear you," the blonde one said, a slight flush rising to her cheeks.

"Sure," Sam felt a lot more confident now that he knew that these guys were more like him than he could have possibly imagined. "I was just wondering if you could tell me where the Student Resource Office was. I'm new here."

"Of course, actually, we got here like a week ago ourselves, so we feel you man," it was the black-haired teen this time, who was speaking as she and her friend were standing up.

They carried themselves in a way that was familiar to Sam, His father carried himself that way, his brother carried himself that way, heck, if he was being honest with himself, he carried himself that way. But, he had no clue why these two would stand that way. His gut told him that they weren't hunters, but it also told him that they were only dangerous if they observed him as an enemy. They reminded him of himself more and more each second.

"Hello, hello? Mystery boy are you there?" it was the black-haired one, the blonde one's response was to slap her upside the head.

"Yeah, sorry. Thanks for the help," he spoke, then after a moment's hesitation, "the name's Sam by the way."

"Firstly, it's nothing to be sorry for, I do it all the time. Secondly, it's really no big deal, it's not as if Sparky and I had anything better to do anyways," the girl with the black hair once again spoke up.

"Speak for yourself, Kelp Head, I've got a booming social life," the newly dubbed 'Sparky' started. "Now, if you'd just follow me."

They had gone maybe four feet when 'Kelp Head''s voice rang out.

"Did you realize that you were going the wrong way, and just wanted to take longer, or were you too distracted by the hot guy you were showing around," she said with a laugh. "Because honestly, it's funny either way."

'Sparky' blushed, as did Sam. Sam wasn't sure why he blushed, he didn't know his way around a campus, but he suspected that it had something to do with being called "hot", a title that was usually reserved for his brother.

"PERCY! You couldn't have told us this when I turned around?!" "Sparky" yelled.

Percy, as it turned out the black-haired girl's name was, turned around with a laugh. "Sorry not sorry Jess, it was kind of amusing."

The look that Jess sent Percy in that moment was all it took for Sam's stifled giggle to turn into a gut wrenching laugh. Both girls turned to him, a slight smirk on their lips, and said, in unison no less, "Look, do you want us to lead you to the building or not?"

Safe to say Sam promptly stood up.

-------------------------Carry on my Wayward Linebreak-----------------------

Dean POV

As he stepped out of his car, Dean Winchester looked up at the building looming above him. He had come here to pick up Sam after their dad had gone missing, but now he was happening second thoughts. What if this wasn't the right building? What if Sam wouldn't come? This wasn't something that Dean could do alone. Actually, it wasn't something that he wanted to do alone. That was why, taking a deep breath to steel himself up, Dean walked up to the building.

He was able to make quick work of the lock, nervously noting the sound of the TV playing just behind it, and walked into the dorm. Almost immediately he was thrown to the ground by a figure with a mane of black hair. Definitely not Sam his brain worthlessly pointed out.

"Hey! What the hell was that for?" he said, then realized it was a stupid question, he had just broken into her house, what did he expect, a warm welcome? He decided to blame his stupidity on the concussion that he had likely just received.

The figure was quick, and sarcastic, in response, "Oh, is that not what you're supposed to do when someone breaks into your house?" the figure that Dean had now identified as a girl continued, "I'm afraid that you'll have to forgive me, I don't really get out much."

Dean recovered from his surprise, and was about to flip her over and mutter something, suggestive, into her ear when the lights flicked on.

"Percy, I thought I told you that if you weren't going to get some sleep, at least be quiet, it's the middle of the night, and I'd love to get a good night's rest."

Dean recognized the voice, it was Sammy. He was glad to know that he had the right apartment, at least. That might make the whole concussion thing worthwhile.

"Well Sam, I'm sorry that someone broke into our house." Percy, as Dean's attacker was called, huffed angrily.

It was only then that Sam seemed to get a clear picture of what had just happened.


"You know this guy?" Percy sounded a bit exasperated. "Could you tell him to get off of me please? He's really heavy."

"What are you doing here?" Sam sounded a bit confused.

"I needed a beer," Dean said, trying to make a joke.

"No Dean, why are you really here?" Sam sounded a bit annoyed now.

"No, not going to tell him to get off of me? Alright then." Percy said, then flipped Dean over again. "I'll just get him off myself." She then walked over to the couch and sat down.

Dean was getting a bit upset at this point. He didn't like getting thrown to the ground this often. Not to mention the fact that he was still unable to tell Sam what he really came here to tell him.

"So?" Sam spoke up, "Why are you here?"

Dean was about to say something about how this was private, when he was interrupted by the presence of someone else.

"Who is this?" the new figure, another girl Dean noted, asked.

"My brother, Dean," Sam answered.

"He broke in," Percy added.

"Alrighty then." the blonde said, looking a bit bewildered.

"It's alright Jessica, in fact, he was just about to explain why he was here," Sam told Jessica, sending a cool look at Dean.

"Well," Dean fumbled his words for a moment, trying to figure out how to explain that Dad was on a hunt in front of the two people in the room. "It's kind of a family matter," he tried.

"Well, these guys are family now. Anything you want to say to me, you can say to them," Sam responded, catching the attention of Percy, who had now migrated to stand by Jessica.

Looking at the pair, Dean got a gut-feeling that they were more than they let on, not hunters, he knew, but there was something there. He put that aside for later, for now there was something else to focus on.

There was an awkward silence for a few moments as Dean tried to figure out the right way to say that he thought that their Dad was in danger from monsters in front of two regular people.

"Dad hasn't been home in a few days," Dean said, hoping that that would get the message across.

It didn't unfortunately. "So? He's probably just working a Miller Time Shift." Dean noted the slight wrinkling of Percy's nose. "He'll stumble back in a couple of days."

Dean internally panicked. "Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days."

"Fine. We're taking this outside." Sam replied, then drug his brother out the door."You broke into my dorm to tell me that dad went missing?"

"I thought that you'd want to know!"

"A phone call perhaps!?" Sam was clearly aggravated at this point.

"Would you have picked up?" Dean asked, though he already knew the answer. Sam just stayed silent. "That's I what thought."

"Listen, I think dad's in some serious trouble, and I need to find him."

"So? What does this have to do with me anymore Dean? I left that life behind and swore to never go back!"

"Excuse me! What do you mean 'What does this have to do with me?' Sam, it has everything to do with you! He's our father! And you aren't willing to stop pretending to be normal for just a minute in order to help me find him!" Dean stopped and took a deep breath. "Please Sammy, I can't do this on my own."

"Its Sam, Sammy was some chubby little kid. And you can do it on your Dean."

"Fine then, I don't want to do this on my own."

"Fine, but I have to be back by Monday, I've got an interview."

"A job interview, skip it," Dean blew it off, He didn't really understand why an interview was important enough to potentially cut a search for their dad, the only family they had left, short.

"No, it's a law school interview, and it's my entire future on a plate." With that, he turned and went back inside to pack.


Sam was still trying to comprehend why Dean was unable to understand that he had trouble associating their father with family. It was perfectly clear to him, he, Sam that is, wanted to do something with his life that wasn't hunting, their dad told him that he could never come back if he followed his dreams. That wasn't something that family did to one another. Really, the only reason that he had agreed to do this in the first place was that he still felt that Dean was his family.

"So, you're really leaving then?" A voice asked causing Sam to nearly jump out of his skin. When he turned to look he saw that it was Percy, who, for a reason he had yet to figure out, knew what was going on these types of situations.

"Um, yeah," was his response.

"Alright, whatever. Just tell Jess, okay? I don't want her to freak out," with that, Percy turned on her heel and walked out.

Sam quickly finished packing and left the room to try and find the wonderful Jessica Grace.

"Hey Jess," Sam whispered hugging his girlfriend from behind. "I've got something to tell you."

"Let me guess; you're going to go and try to find your dad." Jess replied, turning her head up to see her much taller boyfriend.

"How do you do it?" Sam laughed.

"I felt your bag and came to conclusions."

"Of course you did."

Suddenly Jessica stiffened and turned to him, "Is your Dad going to alright? Your brother said something about a hunting trip."

"Yeah, he'll be fine, he's just up at the deer cabin. He's probably got a Jim, Jack, and Jose with him. Dean just gets worried sometimes."

"Alright, and you'll be back by Monday right? You can't miss your interview."

"Yes Jess,"

"Good, 'cause if you're not, you'll be in a lot of trouble."

"I know Jess." Sometimes, Sam wondered how in the world Jess had managed to end up as such a stickler for the rules, not that he could really talk.

"Okay. Well, be careful alright. I love you,"

"Love you too."

After that came a quick "Bye. Be careful," from Percy, and a long-winded good-bye from Jess, Sam left.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Poor Linebreak needs Money ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(A/N: The stuff that I wrote in Percy's POV aka this next tiny part takes place during the times that Sam and Dean are outside.)

Percy POV

Percy knew that there was something off about Sam Winchester from the moment she and Jessica had first met him. All of her finely tuned demigod "There's danger here!" instincts had told her as much. But she had put it aside and showed him around, and after a month, all had been well. She was still ready to defend herself if necessary, but she was no longer always on guard.

That was, until she met his brother. If Sam was dangerous, then his brother was exponentially more so. Some of that had to be attributed to the fact that her first impression of him was as the person who broke into her dorm, but that wasn't all of it.

Not to mention the stress that Dean had put on the fact that their dad had went missing on a hunting trip, and the unshakable feeling that Sam wouldn't have left if not for that. everything about her current situation was distinctly off.

That's why, the moment that the Winchester Bros., the brothers' new and eternal nickname, left the building Percy approached Jess about her concerns.

"Jess, something's off here," Percy started the conversation.

"No? Really? I'd never of guessed." Jessica replied, earning an eye roll from Percy.

"No need to be sarcastic about it," Percy replied.

"You're saying that?"

"Yes, I am. Because, this is something that I actually want to figure out before one of us gets hurt."

"Okay, okay. Well-"

Jessica was cut off by the sound of a timer going off.

"Ohh, that's right, I made cookies!" Percy gasped. She had always been a fan of baked goods, and the smell had always helped her calm down. Now that she knew how to bake herself, she found herself baking whenever she couldn't sleep. In other words, every night.

"Perce, sweetie, why did you bake cookies? It's the middle of the night. Besides, we have plenty of them."

"I couldn't sleep, and baking helps me calm down." Percy replied, making her way into the kitchen.

"You know, what, we can finish this conversation later. I've got some stuff to do, alright?"

"Yeah. But we have to talk later."

"I know."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (::) (::) Blue cookies for all! (::) (::) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(A/N: So, I didn't re-write this whole episode, because it would be largely the same. So this is after Dean drops Sam off at Stanford again.)

Sam POV:

Sam couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He had no clue what it was, and was largely chalking it up to the fact that the search for his father had gone so horribly wrong. He had almost died and John Winchester was still nowhere to be found.

Taking a deep breath, Sam unlocked his door and walked into the silent apartment. Moving silently into the kitchen as not to wake anyone, (Particularly Percy, because Sam was pretty sure that Jess could sleep through a hurricane.) Sam noticed a plate of cookies on the counter, along with a note. He grabbed the plate and read the note as he walked to his bedroom.

So, technically Perce baked the cookies, but she wanted to eat them all, so this is still my gift to you! ~Love Jess

Sam smiled and flopped down on his empty bed, closing his eyes. He was ready to fall asleep right then and there, he had been driving all night, and hadn't gotten enough sleep at all that weekend. He was drifting off when he felt a drip on his forehead. He wiped his forehead off, and then was startled to see that it was blood.

Sam bolted up with his eyes open as they adjusted to the lack of lighting in his and Jess's bedroom. Slowly, hesitantly, he turned his head towards the ceiling, knowing that nothing good could come from blood dripping from, well, anywhere really.

His eyes widened and he was filled with a mixture of shock and anger and sadness and guilt. Pinned to the ceiling was his wonderful girlfriend Jessica Grace, dead. Killed it appeared, by a stab wound to the stomach, but there was no way to know for sure. Whatever did this to her was clearly not human.

Then, before Sam got the chance to scream, the love of his life burst into flames.

Dean POV

Dean had known something was the wrong the instant he pulled away from the college, so, the moment he was able to, Dean turned back towards the campus.

It was likely that he sped the whole way there, but, if he was right, someone, or, more likely, something, dangerous was near his Sammy, and he wasn't about to let his little brother get hurt.

Pulling to a stop in front of the dorm, Dean immediately noticed that the smoke he had seen on the way there was coming from this dorm, but really, how could he not? His little brother was in there, and there was a fire, and that meant danger, and Dean took a deep breath to calm himself. Panicking wasn't going to help his brother. But, he knew what would.

Dean burst through the door of the building, not caring enough to stop and think about the possibility of smoke inhalation. Running through the dorm, Dean searched frantically for any sign of where his brother was.

Suddenly he heard a thumping coming from the door next to him. He opened it, hoping to find Sam, but instead finding the black-haired girl who had attacked him yesterday, Percy, he thought her name was, tied to a chair with a gag in her mouth. He quickly worked to untie her, because even if she wasn't Sammy, she was still someone in need, and that meant that he had to help her. He tried to tell her to go outside, but she refused and started towards the room that he had seen Sam and his girlfriend, Dean was pretty sure that she was named Jess, come out of the last time that he had been there. Dean followed, hoping that Sam would be there. Nothing could've prepared him for what happened next.

Dean had heard stories of what had happened to his mother for most of his life, but this was so much worse than he expected. Jessica was pinned to the floor, blood flowing from an open wound on her stomach, and a shocked, or maybe terrified expression on her face. The fire was coming from her, but she didn't appear to have been burnt by the flames.

Then there was Sam, on the floor as if he had fallen of the bed, staring at the ceiling, at his girlfriend, in shock. Dean felt strangely away from the situation, as if he was watching a movie.

He was pulled back to reality by Percy attempting to pull Sam up and away from the scene. Dean, noticing that she was struggling, to say the least, went to help her. Then, together, they pulled Sam out of the building and into the crowd outside.

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