Percabeth smut 2

بواسطة sexygirl9239

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title says it all المزيد



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بواسطة sexygirl9239

Percy wished his hands would stop shaking. He was carrying two steaming mugs of hot chocolate with marshmallows and he had already left a sticky trail of spilled brown liquid behind him on his way to Annabeth's cabin.

"Stop it," he commanded the liquid as it rocked inside the cursed mugs, but no luck. Either hot chocolate was not listed under the items he could control with his water powers, or his nerves had started to betray him, making it impossible for him to concentrate.

Probably the latter, he thought.

Unable to knock on Annabeth's cabin door, he kicked gently with his foot. A muffled Come in came from the inside, and he pushed the door handle down with his elbow.

"Hey," he croaked, his throat unusually dry. "Fancy a nightcap?"

Fancy a nightcap? You sound like an idiot. Get it together Jackson! he thought.

Annabeth looked up from her book. She had been lying on her stomach, her feet propped up against the berth's makeshift headboard, an actual wooden board onto which Annabeth had pinned several maps, pictures of their time at Camp Half-Blood and letters from friends. She had changed out of her jeans and camp t-shirt, and was wearing a pair of extremely worn sweats and a New York Yankees jersey that must have been at least five sizes too big for her, but she was totally rocking the look. Her long golden hair spilled over her shoulders, and it surprised Percy how shiny it was – not a trace of soot, blood or monster dust left. She looked like a completely normal teenager doing her homework on her bed – and her ass looked great from where he stood.

He would be sleeping in his own cabin tonight. After all, with things gone back to relative normal, claiming he was too tired to fight off his girlfriend as she dragged him to her bed seemed like a rather thin excuse. Especially since they had slept for a day and a half. And done other things as well. Her ass did look great in that position.

He felt his face grow hot and realized Annabeth was staring at him as he checked her out. She smiled as if she knew exactly what he was thinking.

"A nightcap sounds great," she said, closing her book and sitting up, one leg dangling off the edge of the bed.

The few seconds it took Percy to walk up to her, hand her a mug and sit on the bed beside her went by excruciatingly slow, and he was sure he could hear his own breathing, like some sort of rabid dog.

"Some plan, huh?" she asked, her eyes never leaving his.

"Uh, yeah, right?" he replied automatically, and promptly added "What plan?" This made her laugh, he loved to hear Annabeth laugh.

"Ithaca? Jason turning into an old man? Honestly Seaweed Brain, I could have sworn you had been paying attention at the meeting," said Annabeth, blowing gently at her mug.

"Right, yeah. It's a lousy plan, I hate every bit of it – but it's the best we got," said Percy sounding much more like himself. He was glad she had initiated the conversation, now he could focus on complaining about the lack of Percy in this plan, unless you counted keeping an eye on the ocean, which really didn't require much of his attention.

"I was thinking," she said suddenly. "When we get to Ithaca next week, while I'm off with Piper and Jason, maybe you could have a dip in the ocean? See if you can contact your dad?"

Percy knitted his eyebrows.

"My dad? Why would I want to contact him? I mean not that I have anything against the guy – but it's been so long, and isn't he supposed to be incapacitated? Like, gone loopy not knowing who he is or whatever?" he asked. He hadn't thought about his dad in a while, not even to wonder about his well-being.

"I don't know," she replied, setting down her mug on the bedside table and pulling her knees to her chest. "We're in Greece, the cities are ancient, I feel the presence of the Gods is much stronger here. I don't want to talk to my mom – even if I did manage to get in touch with her, but your dad has always been, I don't know – cool. Right?"

Percy raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, what's this really about?" he asked her, setting down his own mug and taking Annabeth's hands in his.

She avoided his eyes for a few seconds, staring down at their interlaced fingers, a blush creeping over her face and neck. Perhaps Percy was not the only one reliving the memories from the other night. The thought excited him more than he would be willing to admit.

"I keep thinking about your dad," she mumbled almost to herself.

"Excuse me?" Percy asked, not sure he had heard right. "Are you trying to make me jealous? Because it's working. I'll go find the guy and hide his trident, dip it in oil or something."

She laughed and looked up, her grey eyes twinkling as they took in Percy's face.

"I had a dream about him, you know – last night," she was definitely blushing now and Percy started to feel genuinely jealous.

"What kind of dream?" he tried to sound casual, as if he were asking about the weather, but he was dreading her answer, picturing the worst. After closer consideration, given my most recent sexual experience and newly-acquired knowledge on premature ejaculation, I have come to the conclusion that I find older men more attractive, and I do have a thing for green eyes the color of the ocean, I might want to give your dad a go.

"Stop that," she smacked him gently over the arm, barely controlling her laughter. What was so funny, Percy didn't know. "You're making that face you used to make whenever I mentioned Luke."

"I have a Luke face?" Percy asked, annoyed.

"Yes, dummy!" she laughed, and the sound made Percy relax. "It's your jealous face." Percy didn't know what Annabeth found so amusing about the idea of him having a jealous face. He did know she'd be thoroughly put out if he told her that she also had a jealous face – her Rachel face. But he was not about to blow it tonight. He sighed as Annabeth pulled him close, giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek, like she found him to be the cutest thing in the world.

"Well what am I supposed to do huh? Here I am, being a standup guy, bringing you hot chocolate while you're off fantasizing about my da – ouch!" she smacked him again but he managed to stop the blow, grabbing her across the waist and switching their positions.

The pulling and tugging landed them both on the bed, facing each other, Annabeth's arms still around Percy's neck, his hands on her hips.

As soon as her laughter died slightly, she kissed him on the lips, drawing out a deep grumble straight out of Percy's chest.

The kiss didn't last long, Annabeth pulled away and stared at him with amusement.

"Percy," she whispered, he could feel her hot breath tickling his lower lip. Her legs hooked around his, pulling their hips closer.

"Y-Yeah?" he replied, his eyes on her mouth.

"I can't stop thinking about what happened the other night," said Annabeth, her voice low and almost throaty, a very different voice than the one he had heard only seconds before.

Her chest was flush against his, he remembered the way her breasts almost spilled out of her bra as she worked him, and regretted so badly he hadn't ripped that thing off when he had the chance.

"Same here," he said, his own voice low and husky. His right-hand fingers drew circles over Annabeth's hip, his eyes searched hers hungrily.

"Will you stay the night?" she asked, inching so close to him that their lips touched.

"I'm never leaving you again," he spoke into her mouth before capturing her lips between his.

They kissed slowly at first, gently and almost experimentally. Without the cold talons of panic clawing at their hearts, Percy was very aware of every nip, every lick, every tug at his lower lip. The rumbling monster in his chest seemed to sizzle at her touch, and just as Annabeth shifted her weight to lay on her back, he seized the moment and sprang into action, pinning her underneath him, his legs between hers, his mouth ravishing at her neck.

"Ah," she moaned as she ran her hands across his back, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt, tugging at it each time Percy's teeth closed down around her strained neck.

The fabric of his pants was thin, the crotch seam low, the perfect summer wear for balmy nights in the Mediterranean, and he could feel his cock growing harder with each of his girlfriend's moans, the tip already rubbing against the fabric, yet still too far away to make contact with Annabeth, as he had positioned his hips as far away from her as he could manage while practically kneeling between her legs.

He wanted to touch her, explore every inch of her body, but his elbows were keeping him poised up above her, all he could do was run his fingers through her hair while she writhed underneath him, moaning throatily and shivering all over.

Her hands reached up to Percy's hair and she pulled him into a devouring kiss, her tongue fully lapping at his. The hot, wet feel of her mouth sent ripples through his whole body.

As if she had sensed this, and perhaps more due to her own need for contact, she hooked her legs behind Percy's, and pulled him flush against her, their crotches meeting in an explosion of pleasure that startled them both. Percy's mouth broke away from hers and he let out a low moan.

"A – Annabeth," he groaned. His fully erect cock rested up against her crotch, he could feel it settle perfectly in between two soft mounds that parted at the center. He moved against her, his shaft sliding up and down between her folds, her flimsy sweatpants and the thin fabric of his trousers doing very little to diminish the feeling of their organs rubbing up against each other.

"Oh, my gods," she whimpered, and pulled him even closer. "Don't stop, keep – keep going." Her voice was high and needy as she rubbed against him. Her legs kept a strong hold around him, moving him slightly to the left, slightly to the right as she found the perfect spot for him to wear down with his cock.

Percy's scalp tingled, he could feel the muscles pulling at his abdomen, and something else – something much more powerful and pleasurable, if he continued, he knew where this would lead, he would ejaculate in his only clean pair of pants.

He wanted to slow down, but Annabeth's ragged breathing kept him going, her eyes were shut tight, eyebrows scrunched in concentration. A light pink blush had crept from her face to her neck, as she licked her lips from time to time, her mouth opening and closing as pleasure rippled through her. If she was feeling almost half of what he was feeling, then he figured he must have been doing a very good job so far.

"Percy," she whimpered again, locking eyes with him. That just about did it for him. He attacked her mouth with his, and his hands broke free from his control, sliding down Annabeth's sides and into her shirt. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, mid-kiss, as he realized she wasn't wearing a bra – his hands cupped her breasts and they both moaned in unison.

A frenzy took over him, an unbeknownst fever that threatened to bring down the roof of the Argo II over their heads. His mouth broke apart from hers and he began to bite down her jawline, her neck, the top of her too-large jersey now balled up over her clavicle. He punctuated each bite with a thrust, making Annabeth's fingernails claw into his back, as if afraid they would tumble off the ship.

When his eyes found her breasts, he had to suppress a moan. He cupped them from the sides and pushed them together – they were big, much bigger than he had expected. As he squeezed, the top spilled out between his thumbs and index fingers. He couldn't believe he hadn't fantasized about her breasts all his life, when they had been there all along, waiting for him to worship them. Her nipples were hard and perky, a soft creamy pink that perfectly suited her pale, velvety skin. As he thrust up against her, her breasts jiggled in his hands, he ran his thumbs over her nipples and he felt the need to tighten his grip lest he slipped out of his mind. To anchor himself to her, to take a part of her as he had never done before, he dove into her chest and took her right breast into his mouth, sucking and licking as his left hand gripped her left breast, eliciting a pitiful whimper out of her.

Percy's cock throbbed almost painfully, demanding he thrust faster, harder – demanding he remove the fabric between them. Demanding hot, wet, slippery contact, demanding to be pumped relentlessly until his soul escaped through his climax and he emptied himself entirely inside Annabeth's hot, writhing body.

He switched to her other breast, wolfing it down, and then switched back again. Stupidly, he wished he had two mouths – no, three mouths, so he could suck at her tongue while biting down on the supple mounds of soft flesh that bounced up and down with each thrust of his hips. He could hear Annabeth whimpering his name over and over, he could feel her chest heaving as he desperately sucked her tits, he could feel his orgasm getting closer and closer every time her nipples jiggled into place after each thrust that left him seeing sparks.

"Percy, kiss me!" Annabeth whimpered.

Albeit a bit unwilling to release her nipples from his mouth, he obliged, taking her mouth in his as she trembled from head to foot.

She bucked against him, her hands on his ass, setting up a seriously desperate rhythm that had Percy seeing sparks behind his eyes. She let out a pitiful scream that Percy swallowed whole, what with the way their mouths were connected.

Within seconds of incessant rubbing, Annabeth tensed up and stopped, frozen in his arms as if she had been stabbed from behind. She pressed her forehead against his and bit her down on her lip so hard Percy feared he would soon be kissing blood. Then he realized what had happened.

Annabeth had had an orgasm – he had given her an orgasm, and the idea both sobered and excited him further. She lay back on the bed and pulled him closer, as he waited a second for her to settle back down, then bucked his hips experimentally.

He could feel the wetness of her vagina through his pants. The idea of her orgasm, the stickiness between her legs, her virginity untouched... they were all enough to drive him completely out of his mind. Automatically, his hands returned to her breasts and he moaned.

"Anna – Beth, Beth, I – I'm gonna come," he moaned, his eyes glued to her heaving breasts, left hand cupping and grabbing at them wantonly, pushing them together and thumbing at the nipples, his right hand tightening around her waist as his thrusts became harder, faster, more desperate.

Percy looked at her and realized she had been staring at him all along, but he didn't have time to feel ashamed, he was completely enthralled with her breasts and he decided they were going to be the last thing on his mind on the day he died.

He was glad Annabeth couldn't read minds, for had she known how much Percy wanted to die on her nipples, she might cover her chest out of reflex. He was not however expecting the disheveled look of utter pleasure she gave him, like she had been getting off on the way he seemed so completely taken by her breasts.

"Agh," he groaned, closing his eyes and focusing on his thrusts. "I'm gonna – "

Before he finished his sentence, Annabeth did a very unexpected thing. She pulled off her shirt and slithered down further between his legs, grabbing at the elastic of Percy's pants. In a second, she released his throbbing cock and pulled it towards her chest.

"Come on my tits," she said, rubbing the tip of his cock against her nipples, up and down the slit between her bulging mounds as she pressed them together with her arms. Her left hand held Percy steady as she pumped him with her right, and he exploded right there and then, spilling all across her chest, coating her nipples and splashing her chin.

"Gods!," Percy moaned as he came all over Annabeth, riding his orgasm as her hand pumped every last drop out of him, watching his essence run down her trembling nipples. He let out a heaving sigh and collapsed beside her. His eyelids drooped over his eyes, his body utterly exhausted.

A few seconds passed until his senses returned to him. He became aware of Annabeth lying down next to him, an inch from his face, shirtless and disheveled.

"Hey," he said with a smile he was sure was goofy and lopsided, but he didn't care.

"Hey," she replied, her own smile breathtaking in the dim lights of the cabin. "That was... Gods, Percy, that was incredible." Her arms were folded over her chest, but it didn't look like she was covering herself on purpose, more like she was hugging herself against the cold.

"Yeah," he admitted, barely able to register what had just happened. "Hang on," he said, sitting up for a moment and taking off his shirt. He pried Annabeth's hands away from her own chest and began wiping her with his shirt. "I doubt this is what these shirts were made for, but I won't tell if you won't."

She laughed, watching as Percy gently wiped off every last drop of semen with his balled-up Camp Half-Blood t-shirt.

When he was done, he lay back on the bed and pulled her close, shuffling her so her back pressed against his chest. She let out a contented sigh and turned off the lamp on her bedside table, covering them with a freshly laundered throw that lay on the foot of the bed.

"I want to do this every day," Percy whispered into her ear as she lay in his arms. "Hell, I want to do this all day. This is what I want to do all day, every day for the rest of my life."

He couldn't see her, but he knew she was smiling.

"Good night, Seaweed Brain."

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