Aithne Azar

By booksandchaos

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TikTok- Inlovewithfictonpeeps Don't really know where this is heading, I'm just writing for the sake of it. M... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter seven

Chapter 5

380 18 1
By booksandchaos

Hey guys! Sorry for not update recently- I don't have an excuse I just forgot LMAO. Anyway pls leave comment I love reading them and ima try to update soonish. OKAY BYE AND COMMENT PEOPLE OR IM GONNA KILL SOMEONE U ALL LIKE OFF (YES THIS IS BLACKMAIL)
"Come on loverbirds. Stop bickering and lets give Athi a tour of the place."

"LOVE BIRDS??" Aithne and Elex both exclaimed at the same time.
"You bitch." Elex added to the end and Sandy and Rya both chuckled.

"Bit rude." Rya rolled her eyes and Sandy took her hand affectionately, before they both stood up.

"Cmon Aithy, we'll show u around." Aithne rose with a smile, picking up her almost empty plate on the way.
"What do we do with this?" She asked, indicating to her plate.

"We put it in the dishwasher. Follow me." As Aithne and Elex followed the girls through the dinning room to the kitchen entrance, Aithne sneaked another look towards blue eye- Everett. He was watching her go, and gave her a small smile as she left the room. The four of them made their way to the kitchen entrance, and left there plates on the bench in-front of the door.
"Someone will come and get them and wash them." Sandy explained, leading them to the dinning room exit. They reached the door, and Sandy grabbed Aithne's arm, pulling her into the corridor. She took one last glance at Everett before turning back to her new found friends. Elex was standing next to her, giving her a disapproving look. She ignored him.

"So a tour?" She prompted and Sandy nodded happily.
"Yup. And there's some people I want you to meet." Sandy let go off her arm and latched herself onto Rya. "So as you saw before, that's the dinning room and kitchen. That's where we all eat and stuff. Breakfast is at 6-9, lunch is 12-2 and dinner is 7 to whatever time you get back. Foods the best part of the day." Sandy explained as she dragged Rya down the corridor. They passed more somber looking people who didn't give them a second look. "Oh and back the other way is the med wards. I think you've already seen that though. Oh this way!" Sandy rounded a corner, and pushed through double doors into a sort of lounge room.

"This is the lounge room. No one really uses it though because their too busy fighting in the war." Sandy explained, while Aithne looked around. The furniture consisted of a few couches and tables scattered throughout the room, plus giant bookshelves placed near the wall. A fire place was placed on the left side of the room, and Aithne spied a door tucked in between two bookshelves. (Readers think sort of a Gryffindor dormitory style lounge room).

"Cosy, isn't it." Sandy said, launching herself onto a nearby couch. "Bit strange having a library in a war compound. But I think dad wants like, the little people to have an education- dunno why, he's usually heartless." Rya laughed and made her way over to Sandy.

"Whats a war compound?" Aithne asked.  Sandy raised her head.

"Elex hasn't told you yet?" Sandy asked with a pointed glance at Elex. Elex rolled his eyes in return.

"Oops, must have forgot to mention it in between her punching me and her nagging the fuck outa me." Elex sighed, and Aithne grinned. This time Sandy rolled her eyes and giggled.

"Oh. Well, we're in a warring compound right now. The emperor created these compounds throughout the country as like base camps for the soldiers. You know?" Sandy explained. Aithne nodded. "People stay here and sleep here then leave during the days to do like soldier stuff. I don't really know what they do, I'm not meant to leave this place."

"Why aren't you meant to leave? Also who's your dad? Why'd u say he was heartless?"Aithne asked. Sandy snorted.

"I can't leave because of my stupid dad. He says It's To DAnGeROuS." Sandy groaned, grabbing a pillow and dropping it onto her face.

"Her dad is Dr Weylin." Elex said and Aithne raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Ugh I hate him so much. He hates me too. You know you've probably seen him more today than I've seen him this whole year." Sandy groaned. Rya smiled and placed her hand on Sandy's shoulder.

"He doesn't hate you. He's just... busy." Rya says, and Sandy rolls her eyes yet again.

"Suuuurrre. Anyway this is the lounge room. Follow me ima show you our rooms." She jumped up from her position and speed walked over to the door that was nestled in between the bookshelves. Swinging it open, it revealed another corridor, with locked doors leading off from the sides. Little numbers were carved into the wood, showing the room number. "I have a master bedroom since I'm dads daughter. Lucky me." Sandy said, grabbing Ryas hand yet again. She marched down the hallway, and the four of them passed a few people throughout the corridor. Only a few of them acknowledged their existence.
Sandy stopped in front of a door, which was exactly like all the other ones. The little number read 32.
"My room." Sandy announced, and pressed her finger onto the circular doorknob. The doorknob flashed than beeped, before the door unlocked. "Pretty cool if you ask me." Sandy said, pushing the door open.
The room was quite large- it had a king sized bed in the middle of the room, with bookshelves, a table and bookshelves placed to the side. A miniature couch stood in the middle of the room, while a tv hung above the bed. Aithne glanced to the left and noticed a small fridge placed next to a door that probably lead to the bathroom.

"Bit bland. Anyway people, move it I wanna go to my room. Azar, noticed how I said MY room? Cause it's mine. Your just living in it." Elex said, while pushing past Aithne and continuing down the hallway. Sandy trailed after him, talking non stop. Aithne glanced over at Rya with a smirk, who grinned and rolled her eyes back at her.
Soon the four of them reached another door- number 54. If was plain- like all of the others. Elex placed his finger on the doorknob, and the door clicked open.

"Welcome to my room, roomie."


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