Infinity (BNHA x (Gojo) Reade...

By AshleyLea9

265K 7.4K 4.2K

Gojo Y/N who was born as a part of the powerful gojo clan inherited the sacred clan quirk along with her brot... More

Author's Note
~ Gojo Y/N ~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Please read this!

Chapter 13

8.9K 262 132
By AshleyLea9

3rd POV

'It wasn't a throw that relied on power. He just concentrated all the power into his fingertip?' Aizawa thought impressed.

"Mr.Aizawa....." Midoriya began as the teacher looked at him after looking at the score, "I can still move!" he said as he made a fist with his hand holding onto the pain of his bruised finger.

"This kid....." Aizawa smiled at Midoriya, and said to himself.

"Finally, a hero-like record!" Uraraka said raising her arm, smiling happily.

"His finger is swollen! There was the entrance exam too. He has a strange quirk....." Iida said in a thoughtful tone.

Meanwhile, Bakugo stared at Midoriya with a shocked expression with his mouth open and eyes widen. 'What's with that power?! Everyone's quirks manifested by the age of four. This is unthinkable!'

"What's the meaning of this?" He mumbled as his hand twitched before small explosions went off. Y/N who was standing beside him looked at him with a raised eyebrow as he run towards Midoriya.

"Hey! Tell me what's going on you Deku, you bastard!" He yelled out at Midoriya who also yelled in terror. Before Y/N could act to stop the angry blond, Aizawa's scarf captured him stopping him in place as he also used his quirk.

"What the....? These clothes are hard..!"

"They're weapons for capture made of carbon fiber woven together with metal wire made of a special alloy." Then he sighed, "Jeez... Don't make me use my quirk over and over. I have dry eye."

'It's such a waste since his quirk is amazing!' Everyone thought.

"we're wasting time. Whoever next, get ready." Aizawa said blinking and letting go of Bakugo.

Midoriya cautiously stepped away before running.

"Is your finger alright?" Y/N and Uraraka asked as they approached Midoriya.

"Oh, yeah."

'Until a while ago, he was just a pebble on the side of the road.' Bakugo thought watching them with the corner of his eye.


The next tests were sit-ups, seated toe-touch, and long-distance run. After everyone was finished they gathered around Aizawa.

"Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results. The total is simply the marks you got from each test. It's a waste of time to explain verbally, so I'll show you the results all at once." He explained.

Midoriya was holding on to his hand in pain with his eyes closed while Y/N's hand was on his shoulder comfortingly.

Aizawa showed the scores,

1 L/N Y/N

2 Yaoyorozu Momo

3 Todoroki Shoto

4 Bakugo Katsuki

5 Iida Tenya

6 Tokoyomi Fumikage

7 Shoji Mezo

8 Ojiro Mashirao

9 Kirishima Ejiro

10 Ashido Mina

11 Uraraka Ochaco

12 Koda Koji

13 Sato Rikido

14 Asui Tsuyu

15 Aoyama Yuga

16 Sero Hanta

17 Kaminari Denki

18 Jiro Kyoka

19 Hagakure Toru

20 Mineta Minoru

21 Midoriya Izuku

Y/N tensed, looking at the last place. Her eyes shifted to Midoriya only to see him with a defeated expression, staring at his clenched fist. Her gaze shifted to look at Aizawa. 'Dad was serious at first about expulsion, but I hope he had has changed his mind after seeing Izuku's potential.'

"By the way, I was lying about the expulsion. It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your quirks." Aizawa said confirming Y/N's thoughts.

There was an odd moment of silence before the entire class shouted. "WHAT?!"

Midoriya was shocked, his eyes and mouth agape.

"Of course, that was a lie. It should've been obvious if you just thought it through." Momo stated, but Y/N didn't go to correct her even though she knew she was wrong.

"That was a little nerve-wracking huh?" Sero said as a sigh of relief left his mouth.

"I'll take up a challenge anytime!" Kirishima said, raising his hand with determination.

"With all that, we're done here. There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom, so when you get back, look over them. And Midoriya, have the old lady fix you up in the nurse's office. Tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests, prepare yourself." Aizawa said handing him a slip before walking away.


From around the corner, All Might was there waiting for Aizawa.

"Aizawa you liar!" He said making the said male stop and look at him.

"All Might, so you were watching? Too much time on your hands?"

"A rational deception, you said? April fools was last week. You punished a whole class last year with expulsion. You cut those you judge to be without potential without hesitation. For a man like that to take back his words-" He then pointed at him. "That must be because you also felt the potential of that kid, right?"

"His potential was not zero. That's all it was. I will always cut those without potential. There's nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway."

"So you're being kind in your own way, huh Aizawa? But we don't get along after all." All might said to himself, watching Aizawa walk away.


"I'm so tired......" Midoriya mumbled as he and Y/N were walking home. Y/N guessed it's because Recovery girl used her quirk on Midoriya to heal his injured finger which drained his stamina.

Suddenly a hand was placed on their shoulders making both teens turn back.

"Iida!" Midoriya said seeing the blue-haired male.

"Is your finger healed?" lida asked.

"Yeah, thanks to Recovery girl," Midoriya replied showing his bandaged finger.

"That's good to hear. And L/N-san, congrats on being first! You were amazing out there."

"Thank you," Y/N said giving a small smile making him slightly blush. Then he crossed his arms and said,

"I was really taken in by Mr. Aizawa, I even thought, 'this is the best of the best' and such. I didn't think a teacher would encourage us with a lie..."

'Well, he wasn't actually lying ......' Y/N thought but nodded nonetheless.

"Hey! You three!" A female voice called out. They turned to see the cute brunette running towards them. "Going to the station? Wait for me!"

"You're the infinity girl!" Iida said, and the girl nodded.

"I'm Uraraka Ochaco. Um, you're Iida Tenya, You're L/N Y/N and you're Midoriya Deku right?" She said grinning.

"Deku?!" Midoriya repeated blinking with surprise.

"Huh? But during the fitness test, the boy named bakugo said 'Deku, you bastard' right?" Uraraka wondered pointing up.

"His real name is Izuku, but Deku is what Bakugo calls him to make fun of him...." Y/N answered for him.

"An insult?" lida said putting a hand to his chin.

"Oh, is that right? Sorry! But 'Deku' sounded like the Japanese word for 'you can do it!' so I kinda liked it." As Uraraka said, Midoriya blushed.

"I'm Deku!"He said with a bright face.

"Midoriya? You're accepting it too easily, wasn't that an insult?" lida asked doing hand motions and Midoriya turned red hiding his face in his hands.

"It's like a Copernican Revolution...."

"Co-pe?" The brunette asked in confusion with dotted eyes.

Y/N smiled shaking her head in amusement. 'Y/N-chan sure do smile more often than she was before. I'm happy that she's happy.....' Midoriya thought also smiling softly looking at the white-haired girl.

"I've been meaning to ask, are you and Midoriya were friends even before you guys came to UA L/N-san?" lida asked.

"And what about Bakugo? You guys seemed to know him too." Uraraka added.

"We three went to the same junior high and we were in the same class." Y/N answered and then Midoriya spoke, "Kacchan and I were childhood friends but, Y/N-chan came here about two years ago and we were friends since then!"

They continued to talk as they walk.

It was the blossom of a new everlasting friendship.


(The next day)


"I AM HERE! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" All Might said, definitely not entering the class like a normal person. Everyone started to freak out seeing him as they chattered excitedly.

"It's All Might!"

"Wow, he really is a teacher!"

"That's a costume from the silver age isn't it?"

"Its style is so different, it's giving me goosebumps."

I could already feel Izuku's fanboyish aura over everyones'.

"I teach hero basic training. It's a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject! Let's get right into it! This is what we'll do today-" He said revealing a card that had the word 'battle' on it. "Combat training!"

"Combat training....." I saw Bakugo saying with a grin and, Izuku with an anxious look. Meanwhile, I sat there with my chin resting on my hand, bored. Then I felt someone's gaze on me from the side. Without moving I shifted my eyes to see Todoroki staring at me with a curious expression.

'What's up with him?' He didn't realize that I was looking at him stare at me because of my blindfold.

'Is he suspicious of me or something?' I repositioned myself feeling a little uncomfortable.

"And go with these! Costumes made based on your quirk registrations and requests you sent before school started." All Might said as the wall next to him opened up, revealing suitcases with numbers on them.

"Get yourself suited up then meet me at ground Beta!"

"Yes, sir!" Everyone said in unison.

I grabbed the suitcase with my number on it and walked into the locker room. I was anxious to see how it had turned out. Mostly because I designed it with Aunt Nem...... I fell asleep in the middle of designing it and when I woke up Nem had already finished it and sent it to the school WITHOUT LETTING ME SEE THE WHOLE DESIGN! Well, It was my fault for falling asleep and leaving her to finish it. I really hope it won't be too revealing.......

I opened the suitcase to see,

(These are some of the outfits that I choose as her hero costume. If you don't like any of the below, imagine an outfit as you like. Also her costume comes with a katana.)

(Credits to the owners of these amazing art)

Huh? Not bad.....

I took off my shirt to put on the hero costume as I heard several gasps from behind me. I turned to see some of my female classmates, with red faces.

"Hm.., something wrong?" I asked, confused.

"N-no, j-just that you have an amazing body L/N-chan!" Uraraka said shyly.

"Oh.... Thank you..." I said now also feeling my cheeks heat up a bit in embarrassment. I do have a toned body because of the hard training that I put myself through in order to become strong.

I put the whole outfit on and grabbed my beautiful Katana that Master Lin gave me for my 10th birthday.

"Woah! you look amazing cutie-chan!" Mina exclaimed as she saw me. I thanked her and complimented her back.

"Y/N, your suite includes a Katana.....?" Momo asked pointing at it.

"Yeah, I have been practicing fighting with it since I was little. So, I thought adding it to my hero costume would be useful."

"You have two powerful quirks, you are really good in hand-to-hand combat and you even know sword art? Your so cool Y/N-chan!" Jiro said smiling.

I returned a shy smile silently thanking her and then we started walking toward the ground Beta.

"Uraraka! Y/N-chan!" Midoriya called out walking towards us.

"You both look super cool!"

"Your look good too Izuku, it kinda reminds me of someone though," I said in a slightly teasing tone glancing at All Might. Izuku laughed blushing and rubbing the back of his neck in embarresment.

"Y/N-chaaaaan!" Out of nowhere, Mina popped up with a blond-haired guy. If I remember correctly that's the one who had an electricity quirk.

"Hey, Mina" I greeted her as I looked at the blond-haired boy. "And you are....."

"Kaminari Denki, nice to meet ya!" He says trying to act cool.

"He's been wanting to talk to you since the first day, but was too nervous to approach you on his own." Mina said giggling, making Kaminari turn red, "Heyy! You weren't supposed to reveal that!"

"L/N Y/N, nice to meet you." We shook hands then, he seemed to catch the sight of my katana hanging from my side.

"Woah, is that a real katana?!" He asked pointing at it.

"Mhm..." I replied nodding.

"Y/N-chan is really good at wielding it, I've seen her train before," Izuku added as others stared at me in awe. Then they started talking more about it and I turned around feeling someone's gaze on me.........again...........

'What's up with these people staring at me always?' I thought irritated. Mainly three people were staring at me. One with a sharp glare, the other with a curious expression, and the other with a very perverted one. Todoroki and Bakugo averted their eyes as I looked back at them but the grape hair kept staring.

Is he........drooling......? I turned back creeped out.

"Now, it's the time for combat training!" All Might finally speak after everyone gathered in the ground. Class started asking questions about the training overwhelming him.

"I'll answer all your questions! Now listen here. The situation is that the villain has hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes are trying to dispose of that. The heroes need to catch the villain or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the nuclear weapon for the whole time or catch heroes. Teams and opponents will be determined by drawing lots! Let's start now!"

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