Divine Falls

By DNateMac

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Seraphina Aster is a average 18-year old girl who wants her last year of high school to be quick, quiet and p... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to Divine Falls
Chapter 2: Mysterious Reader
Chapter 3: Death Machine
Chapter 4: A Piece of Home
Chapter 5: Mind Games
Chapter 6: Kiss of Death
Chapter 7: Circles
Chapter 8: Darkness Falls
Chapter 9: The Light in the Darkness
Chapter 10: A Makeover Fit for a Witch or Alien
Chapter 11: Demons are real?
Chapter 12: Destiny Awakens
Chapter 13: Behold the New Phina
Chapter 14: An Angel Keeper
Chapter 15: A New Light Emerges
Chapter 17: The Ceremony
Chapter 18: Cabin in the Woods
Chapter 19: A Visitor's Revenge
Chapter 20: A Hero's Return
Chapter 21: Fire and Desire
Chapter 22: Secrets of the Celeste Book
Chapter 23: A Celeste's Origin
Chapter 24: Phoenix's Story
Chapter 25: Battle of the End

Chapter 16: A Demon's Perspective

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By DNateMac

Ash is fucking two steps ahead of me. No Vane is two steps ahead of me. I swear if he hurts her, I will fucking kill him. Even if one piece of her hair is missing, I'm burning the place down. Simple. And if Seraphina wants to help me do it then I promise she will get that opportunity. We can take it down together.

I hate that Seraphina is in the middle of this shit. Vane is such an arrogant asshole and there is something he didn't tell me about this so-called prophecy. He was speaking straight bullshit to me about a special angel he needed for a greater purpose.

 What does Phina have that he wants besides her powers though? There has to be something he wants her to do. I just don't know what. He told me she was the last one he needed and that's why I agreed.

I wanted my freedom but after seeing Seraphina walking towards me for the first time, it felt like I knew her. I then realized she was the one I dreamt about. My paintings in real life. It was impossible but magnetic and then all of a sudden all I wanted was her. She was so innocent and beautiful standing in front of me looking at me with those chocolate brown eyes. I wanted to please her in any way possible.

I stand at the spot that they disappeared mad at myself for being too late. Ash must have taken her to the underground. To him. I bend down to touch the now charred grass and a black book is next to it. It's the one Phina was talking about.

 This is the missing book of celeste that Vane was after when he started the celestial war. Elijah must have had it when he fell from the heavens and landed at Ella Aster's home. Seraphina's grandmother. It was hidden with Phina the entire time.

I trace over the lines and it's beautifully crafted. Vane can't get his hands on this. I heard legends about the book of celeste and how it carries the stories from the beginning of the war to the present. A war that's still going on to this day.

I open it and it's written in celestial symbol language but I can understand what I need to. It's not like they teach goodness language in demon school but that didn't stop me from wanting to learn it. I have to find a way to save Seraphina. I won't be able to just charge down there by force by myself. Vane's little bitch followers will sniff me out.

"Hey Pierce. Is that you?" A voice calls behind me. I turn hoping it isn't Stella calling me. She is nice and all but I don't like her like that. She doesn't give me the same feeling Seraphina does. Plus she is way too touchy but I knew it would cause Phina to want to talk to me more. Which is fucked up when I think about but I want what I want and I never wanted anyone as bad as I want Seraphina.

It isn't Stella though but Phina's best friend Ivy walking up to me from her car. I find it strange that she shows up just minutes after Seraphina is taken. When we were chased by Ash last weekend we came here and she was already here too. That's more than a coincidence.

"Hey uh Ivy, right?" I ask. She shakes her head yes.

"You can just call me Vee for short." She says. I look down and see a noticeably fat tattoo on her wrist. It's a hand holding wings. She's an angel keeper and I bet she doesn't even know that. It's rare to have one, especially these days. They are usually given to angels who are of royalty descent as extra protection. By royal descent I mean the Collective. 

"Have you seen Phina around? She was supposed to come back over after she met up with you. She didn't answer her phone and I got worried especially with all this weird stuff...I mean piles of homework, you know?" Vee says nervously. She does know something I can tell. If she really is an angel keeper, she must have some kind of power. If only I can touch her and read her mind without coming across as feeling up on her.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something." I shake the book in front of her. "Have you ever seen this book before? It belongs to Seraphina." I tell her. I hold the book out for her to take. 

Angel keepers are drawn naturally to anything that has to do with celestials. She won't know what it is but she will know it's important. She reaches for it and doesn't even notice our hands are touching. A few seconds is all I need to prove that she is what I think she is.

During those few seconds of contact I'm instantly transported into her mind. She's trying to block my entry. She is strong minded like Seraphina. Seraphina hates that I can read her mind by touch. I find it hilarious because her thoughts are kind of funny and I like that I'm always in the center of her mind.

Ivy's mind is very loud and filled with strong confidence and opinions. Her mind is focusing on the book and her feelings towards it. Once she thinks of Seraphina, a flash of both of them at the hospital when Seraphina got in that accident replays in her head. It's like I'm there and I feel everything, even their souls connecting, making her an angel keeper forever.

Then it transfers to another memory of Vee and Phina fighting off those idiots that Vane sent. I quickly see Phina using fire power and then her mind fades away. She is now holding the book and tracing along the side of it. I never saw an angel possess demon abilities. It's unheard of and the only thing I can think of is that it's a mistake or there is something more to her birth.

"Wow this book is really beautiful. I don't know why I feel like I know what it is..." Ivy says. She continues to study it until she opens it and she squints and I can see her trying to read the words.

"It's written in an ancient symbol language. I'm sure once you get in tune with being an angel keeper you can understand it's content." I say nonchalantly. She nods not listening to me but then her eyes lit up like Christmas is tomorrow.

"Wait, did you just call me an angel keeper?" She says pointing at me.

I nod. "Yes, an angel keeper is the term for it. So, tell me, has anything strange been going on with you or Seraphina?." I ask her.

She shrugs pretending like she knows nothing. I forget she is a best friend first and then an angel keeper last. She will never tell Phina's secret which is a good thing but now I have to force it out of her. I need to make her show me her powers but I will need to show mine and share a deadly secret but I will do anything to save Phina.

"Nope everything's been normal here. Where is Phina anyway?" She asks.

"I can show you better than I can tell you." She gives me a funny look and I take a few steps back. This is probably a bad idea to do this but it's a faster way to tell her what's going on. She has to learn all this eventually. Surprised Phina hasn't said anything but I figure it's because she wants to protect her.

She stares at me confused when I raise my right hand up, palm facing the sky. I haven't used my fire power in a while so I might be a little rusty. I feel the heat in my body rush to my hand until a spark starts and I'm holding a fireball.

Vee's eyes widen and she steps back in fear I will hurt her. I step toward her to reassure her I'm not the enemy but in doing so the fireball flies from my hand. Vee closes her eyes and a see-through veil radiates from her, covering her whole body.

The fireball disintegrates as soon as it makes contact with the shimmering shield. Her protective shield is powerful as fuck. I do not want to get near that shit. She opens her eyes and the veil is gone but the fear is still in her eyes.

"What the fuck did you just do? Are you one of them?" She asks backing away. I hold out my hands so she can see them. I know now not to make any more fireballs but I have no choice. Seraphina's life is on the line.

"No, I'm not, I mean yes but don't be scared of me. I did it so you can help me save Phina." I say.

" Is Phina okay?"

"It's a long story but I can give you the short version if you want." I suggest. As we speak Phina could be tortured or forced into something she does not want to do. Her powers will not work that well down there well at least her celestial powers will not. She will be weak and more susceptible to do just about anything. Vane can be persuasive.

"Tell me everything you know! Speak!" She angrily says. I slowly lower my hands, but I keep them in plain sight for her to see. I do not want her hitting me with that shield of hers. Who knows what that damn thing is made of. Acid?

"Okay. For starters Seraphina is a celeste." I begin. "Celeste is another word for angel. Seraphina is half angel and I am half demon but I am not a threat I promise. Vane, an old powerful demon, sent me to take her to him and as you can see I didn't so he sent my younger brother, Ash to do it instead and now she's down there alone and scared. I need you to help me rescue her." I pause because she is nodding her head like she's debating on believing me or not.

"That is a lot to process right now but if you say Phina needs our help then let's go get her." Vee suddenly gasps clutching the book to her. Her eyes are staring off past my head like she's blind for a second. I reach out for her to see if she is okay.

"Um, are you going into shock or something?" The last thing I need is for her to pass out on me. She grabs my arm tightly, looking off into space like a mad woman. I shake her to try to get her out of it. "Vee answer me." A few seconds later she blinks rapidly and lets go of my arm. She looks at me with her mouth wide open.

"I think I just saw her. It was so weird like I was thinking of her and wanting to help and just like that---" she snaps her finger "She was right there."

"Has that ever happened before?" I ask her. She nods her head.

"Yea once when I was with Levi and I saw her at Shake N Cake, and I felt a strong need to be there and so there I was." She shrugs it off. That must have been the night my brother first tried to take Seraphina. I felt all her emotions in her mind that day when my brother barged in to kidnap her.

All I wanted was to make her feel safe because she was so scared. I can't even imagine what she's going through right now. If I am right about what Vane really wants then chances are, he won't hurt her. We have to do this quickly.

"Okay I will transport us down to where they took her but we have to be smart about this." I say. It's a good thing I know the layout of the area. It won't be easy with Vanes demons lurking all around.

"Wait, are you telling me you can teleport?" Vee asks me. I shake my head and offer my hands to her. She gives me a suspicious look at first then slowly puts her hand in mine while the other clutches the book.

"Hold on we can't let Vane get the book so I should hide it." I take the book from her and she reluctantly gives it to me. Black smoke covers the book and then I transport it to a secret place only I will know. I take Vee's other hand.

Her mind instantly again becomes visible to me and she's thinking of some guy named Levi and that they are supposed to meet up to do oh yup nasty things. I did not need to see that. I clear my throat and focus on getting us down there.

"Alright take a deep breath. You will feel lightheaded at first." I warn her. She nods her head then closes her eyes. I think of where I want to go and black smoke surrounds us and when it fades away, we are now in demon territory. Vee opens her eyes and the look of shock almost makes me laugh. She grabs her head and I can tell she is a bit dizzy from that. I sit her down on the chair.

"Just rest for a second while I figure some things out." I look around the room and it's the same with its smooth concrete ground that's always warm. It's my asshole brother's room but it used to be ours. There's just one bed now, a desk and a chair. You don't need much when you're a cold heartless demon. He isn't here though so that must mean Vane gathered his best for the ceremony.

"So, what's the plan then? We bomb rush them full powers blazing like those video games." Vee says standing up. She's feeling way too energetic to be in the depths of hell and she plays way too many video games if she thinks like that.

"Unless you want to die a painful ass death no. This was my brother's room so we are close to Vane's chambers but in order to find Phina that's up to you."

Vee nods her head. "And how do I do that?"

"Do you have anything of hers so you can focus on that?" I look out the small peephole in the door and there is no one around from what I can see.

"Oh actually I do. She gave me this best friend bracelet back in middle school." She shows me her wrist and it's a beaded purple bracelet and I can tell it's old.

"Alright, perfect. Now concentrate." I look back out the peephole. We are good.

She closes her eyes and is quiet for a moment. At first nothing happens and all I hear is her breathing. It feels like five minutes have passed. More like five damn years. Then she starts humming a tune. Alright she's taking too fucking long and is not focused at all.

"Enough of the singing. Can you just find her please as in today?" I demand.

She opens one eye. "Boy, I'm trying as hard as I can. It isn't easy, you know, so shut the hell up. Helps me concentrate." She closes her eyes again. I roll my eyes at her attitude. All angel keepers are alike when it comes to that damn attitude.

Vee suddenly gasp and opens her eyes staring past me or at me I don't fucking know. It's just really creepy though. She rapidly blinks and smiles looking at me.

"Woah, it's like looking through her eyes. I get visions of what she saw or see I guess. What's the technical term for it---."

"Vee just tell me what you saw?" I cut her off. She puts her hands on her hips pursing her lips. "Well..." I check out the peephole one more time. 

"They have her locked in this big room that looks like a library. She was laying down on this big bed with a giant red canopy at the top. There was a fireplace but I can't remember anything else."

"That would be Vane's chamber which is good. It isn't that far from where we are now. We have to be quiet, no loud noises and be alert." I say with all seriousness.

"Okay bossy boss man." She says, smirking. I ignore her childish comment and look out the peephole and see nothing. I slowly open the door and peek my head out down the left and right hallways. It's eerily quiet. 

I walk out to the right and Vee follows my lead. It's always hot ass shit down here. You can see the molten lava leaking out the concrete walls making a hissing noise as it drips. I don't miss the heat at all.

We quietly walk down the hall coming up to the exit door that leads to the classrooms. Vane likes to put demons in groups and teach them to be monsters. I was one of his best warriors and so he would have me teach the lower level demons. Fucking prick was using me ever since I agreed to join him and my asshole brother too.

"Where is everybody?." Vee asks. I have noticed it's been too quiet. Vane always has at least a few guards monitoring these halls.

"I think they are all at the ceremony." I respond.

We make it to the door and as I'm about to open it, I can hear voices on the other side. They are speaking a dark celeste language so Vee won't understand but I can. They are talking about Seraphina and the ceremony. I hear one leave out telling the other to guard this corridor. I look back at Vee.

"Stay here." I whisper to her. She nods her head. Seraphina would fucking kill me if I let anything happen to Vee. It was my idea to bring her into this mess so she's my responsibility. I crouch down and poke my head out and see the demon Valrez standing guard to the door we need to get through. He's patrolling up and down the hall.

I close my eyes and focus on a destination and in seconds, I appear in front of him. The smoke blinds him and I throw a punch hard hitting his jaw. He's still standing so I go for another but he ducks and tries to swing but I teleport again except this time I'm on the side of him and I grab him putting him in a choke hold.

"You won't save her." His deep voice echoes in the room. It's the most disturbing fucking voice that I hated all my life. It's the voice of Vane and it pisses me off hearing him say that in that voice. His eyes are bloodshot red with a vile smile on his charred black lips. He laughs trying to break free but I keep my grip.

"Tell me what the fuck Vane has planned now!" I put more pressure around his neck.

"She will be his slave and your pathetic love won't save her." He taunts me. How fucking dare he even speak about her. She's a slave for no one stupid fuck. I can feel fire rush through my veins and for a split second I lose myself.

Vee bursts in the room gasping as I twist his neck and his limp body falls to the ground in front of my feet. That guy was a douche anyway. He never could just shut the fuck up. Vee slowly walks to me and she stops.

"Your eyes are dark black." Vee tells me. Fuck. Forget when you kill the dark part of you enjoys the thrill. Fucking annoying thing that happens. Too bad she has to see it.

I close my eyes and Seraphina is all I see. Dark brown curly hair, sexy figure with a fire attitude mixed with stubbornness. I should have gone with my original plan and taken her far away. Just us two hiding in one of my dad's many hidden houses. Where I can smell her, feel her, taste her whenever I want. That thought helps me keep calm to control my demon side.

When I open them back up Ivy gives me a thumbs up letting me know I'm good. I don't want Ivy to see me like that but I can't think about it too much. I am what I am and we are almost there. Just a little longer Seraphina.

"After we go through this door it's a straight shot down to Vane's chambers. Once we get to her, we are all leaving. Got it?" I ask Vee. She nods her head and I can tell she's a little shaken up from seeing me kill a guy. She doesn't understand they have no soul, no consciousness, no thought. Only to follow Vane. There is nothing I can do about it now.

I open the door staying on guard for any shit that might go down. We are now in his library and there is paper and books fucking everywhere. He's clearly looking for an answer or was finding a way to take Seraphina. I swear I will kill that bastard as soon as I get the chance.

"Damn whatever he was looking for I think he found it." Vee says. She looks through some of the books on the table. "Is this written in your language?"

"It's not my language but yes. Vane made us learn it. It's stupid gibberish."

Across the library are double doors with our symbol on it. Black dark wings that are upside down showing the opposite of the celestials. His chambers are right through this door. I push it open and we walk though the short hallway to his bedroom door.

Of course the door has rusted old chains with a lock. Fuck. I'm sure it's made of something that I can't just burn. It needs a key and I bet it's hidden in the library somewhere or Vane evil ass has it.

I turn around to tell Vee, but she's playing with her shield making it appear and disappear with a flick of her wrist. I am convinced that she lives in her own special world. "What are you doing?" I ask though I'm afraid of the answer.

"It's called practicing your powers. I have to be ready and alert right." She says as she covers herself with her shield again.

I watch her as her curiosity grows and she reaches out slowly and touches her shield and suddenly looks puzzled. "Huh it feels like glass." She uses her finger to trace a heart in it but as she does, it's actually going through and the shape falls to the floor and shatters like glass.

"How did you do that?" I ask her. She lowers her shield.

"Um, I just learned that thirty seconds ago. I don't know." She shrugs. Then an idea comes to my mind. I wonder if pieces of her shield can cut through these fire spelled chains.  

"Try to cut a shape like a knife. I think it could get through this lock."

"I'm not sure if glass can go through thick metal chains dude." She makes a look like I'm dumb or something. I cross my arms irritated at the constant remarks this girl has to make over any and everything. Who picked her as an angel keeper?

"Can you please just try it?" I say annoyed.

She rolls her eyes and stands in front of me and the door. She brings up her shield and makes an outline of a knife in her shield and grabs it. In one motion she cuts downward on the chains and it breaks in half falling to the floor.

"Well done." I praise her. She claps for herself and pretends to bow. Starting to see that she has an obnoxious personality which is going to do nothing but annoy me.

I open the door but there is no one in the room. I walk over to the queen size bed but Seraphina is nowhere to be found. The clothes she had on when she was taken are on the floor. I pick them up smelling her scent on them. That wonderful cherry vanilla smell that is attached to her smooth silky skin. If they hurt her, I swear to God I will kill Vane myself and it will be merciless.

"Where did they take her?" Vee asks me. I hand her Seraphina clothes.

"You tell me." She takes the clothes and closes her eyes and they reopen staring off in the distance. She blinks and throws the clothes on the bed.

"I saw her in a big throne room. She's walking in there now."

"They are starting that stupid fucking ceremony. Come on, we have to be quick." I grab Vee's wrist and drag her along. We have no time to waste.

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