The Blind Marriage

By ShiryoReikon

24.2K 853 57

A marriage arranged by their fathers, a sneaky man with gambling problems and a clueless idiot with concern a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 45

312 6 3
By ShiryoReikon

Shuanghui POV

I held onto him tightly for a moment, releasing him slowly when he said he still needed to breathe, I smiled down at him and gave him a quick kiss before he frowned giving me a questioning look "Did you like, men?" he questioned, hesitant and I chuckled because he seemed so cute being nervous to ask "what?" he questioned, I stroked his blushing cheeks and smiled "I've always liked men it is how I met Kuanwo, and some very unfortunate event's but we've been brothers since I was 14, because of those events it was a pretty big shock that my dad married me to such a beautiful looking man since he seemed so against it when I was younger" his cheeks went brighter and I just smiled wider at him "I think you should get some sleep, it's pretty late"

he nodded and looked at the bed "Can I ask another question?" I could sense the hesitation in his voice so I nodded "Go ahead" I watched as he bit his lip before looking up at me "Why do you refer to yourself as being dirty?" Licking my lips before clenching my jaw shut "I prefer not to talk about that" I mumbled as an answer and ushered him to lay down "It's not a nice story to tell or be heard, it's not something I like to go over with anyone" he nodded seeming to understand that I didn't want to talk about it and lay down in the bed, I pulled the blanket over him and lay down beside him "he knows, doesn't he?" giving him a confused look he continued "your friend, he knows" I nodded and he turned to face me before he picked up my arm and moved it under his head "you're not dirty" he smiled and closed his eyes "he only knows because he had to save me, it was before I learnt how to defend myself, I was a child" he nodded another frown formed on his face as he thought about something, and I kind of figured what it was "because of those event's I stopped sleeping at all, and if I did sleep it wasn't in a bed out of fear" he stopped frowning and looked up at me trying to cover up a yawn "good night Shuanghui" he smiled up at me putting his own arm around me "good night Xiao Rui"

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing "What" I heard beside me as the ringing stopped, I rubbed my eyes to see Xiao Rui beside me with the phone pressed against his ear his eyes shut "Shut up" he growled taking the phone away from his head and dropping his hand on my chest with the phone "it's for you" he mumbled I chuckled and took the phone from his lazy grip and held it to my ear "hello?"

"Didi! it's so good to hear you are ok, and the hospital didn't kill you" I rolled my eyes and waited for him to continue "alright I know it's early and you didn't get to bed till late but don't you think we should be arranging the safe houses and getting the families to safety" I let out a sigh pulling the phone away from my ear to see it was 10am before putting it back "I suppose so, when you get here we can sort it out, just don't make to much noise" I didn't need to see him to know the grin he had before he cut the call, I looked at Mengrui who lay on my other arm as I reached to put my phone down, he didn't move and his features where relaxed, you'd think he was sleeping "comfy?" he frowned and opened his eyes glaring up at me "shhh I'm trying to sleep" I chuckled and moved my head closer to him "make me" I smirked at him, he smiled and moved his head closer and pressed his lips to mine, I kissed him back and hummed softly when he pulled away and he lay his head back down closing his eyes again.

I chuckled and just watched him for 10 minutes before my bedroom door was opened by a smug-looking Kuanwo "Good morning sleeping beauties" he chimes before making his way to my dresser "Time to get up" I watched as he grabbed my clothes out and put them on top, meanwhile Xing is stood on the bed barking at him and all I hear beside me is a grumble of the complaint as Xiao Rui nuzzled into my side "I know he's cute and hard to resist staring at, but his parents are downstairs wondering what's going on and I must go get the Dang family to bring here so we can arrange a safe house for everyone so get up"

Mengrui at this point was now glaring at Kuanwo for not shutting up "My parents are downstairs?" Kaunwo grinned at him "They are" he replied, Mengrui sat up and looked at me "We should get up" he said as he rubbed his eyes, I nodded and got up as Kuanwo made his way out of the room and I went and grabbed my clothes off my desk "I'll just get washed and dressed, you can head down first if you want"

He nodded and got out of bed, I grabbed his hand before he got too far "Umm, maybe we should find you some clothes that are not so dirty" he seemed to look down at himself noticing the amount of dirt that was covering him "you can take a shower first, I'll find you some clothes" he smiled and nodded before heading into the bathroom

When he came out in just a towel around his waist, I admit I stared as he started blushing, I passed him the clothes I got out for him and quickly made my way into the bathroom

When I came out of the bathroom he was no longer in there so I went downstairs and I found him in the kitchen eating, "I'll  explain everything to your parents" I said sitting down beside him, he smiled up at me and I leaned forward giving his lips a peck which just got him blushing again

A/N Thank you all for reading, there will be a book two when I get around to it mainly based on Kaunwo and is already in the starting process I hope you enjoyed this story

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