Sweet & Sour Wolf

By SapphireGinger

199 18 2

Stiles is a hopeless romantic but that's not something in Derek's repertoire. However, when Derek accidentall... More

Sweet & Sour Wolf

199 18 2
By SapphireGinger

When Stiles and Derek woke up the morning of February 13th, they went about their usual morning routine starting with a hot shower. Stiles melted into the gentle touches of Derek's fingers trailing down his skin as he used a loofah to wash Stiles's body and Derek's wolf purred when Stiles did the same to him. They both loved when the other would massage the shampoo and then conditioner into their hair. It was something neither wanted to ever go a day without and therefore they always got up early to ensure they wouldn't. After all the soap had been washed away, they relaxed under the stream of hot water exchanging tender kisses where Stiles felt so treasured as Derek cupped his face.

After they had showered, dried off and gotten dressed they headed to the kitchen, Derek with a messenger bag over his shoulder and Stiles with a backpack, where they indulged in a healthy breakfast that Derek insisted they have every morning since it was the most important meal of the day. After that Derek and Stiles shared a deep kiss before getting into their vehicles and parting ways until that evening.

Derek went to work as a professor at the university and Stiles went to class at...the same university. Despite both being on campus they didn't really get to see each other which was disappointing, but it didn't mean they didn't text like crazy during the day when they could. However, this morning in particular Derek discovered that his classes that afternoon had been canceled at the President of the University's insistence. He was giddy with the idea to surprise Stiles at lunch which immediately became his plan for what he'd do during that free time. So, he packed up the papers he had ready to hand out to his students and headed towards the cafeteria the university treated its students to. It was huge and had so many options which Derek knew Stiles would take great pleasure in partaking of. As he scanned the room for his boyfriend, he heard the distinct voices of Stiles's friend group to his right and turned that way. He smiled as he watched Stiles laughing and watched as he tossed fries at Scott. Derek didn't want to interrupt just yet and figured he'd grab some food first and then send Stiles a text. So that's what he did, and he felt his stomach growl at all of the options. By the time he finally made a decision he realized how loaded his tray was with food and it would've been humorous to watch as he walked over to a table near the group of friends but still hidden. Derek sat down and began to eat before he pulled his phone out to text Stiles, but he paused when he overheard their conversation about their plans for Valentine's Day which made Derek smile.

Lydia Martin whom Derek had found out Stiles used to have the hugest crush on spoke up, "So Stiles? What are your plans for Valentine's Day?" Derek was curious what Stiles would say but he was quiet when Stiles spoke.

"Oh I don't have any plans guys. I'm just going to spend the night with my favorite person. My Sourwolf." Derek knew that made Lydia frown because of the tone she spoke with next.

"Stiles why don't you have plans themed for the holiday?" Derek listened to Stiles as he replied softly.

"Guys it doesn't matter to me what I do so long as it's with the man I love. Plus, Derek just...it's not his thing. It's not a make or break for me. Sure, I've thought about flowers, chocolate and such but to ask for them makes them not as special. I don't need anything but him. So, I vote on Chinese food, and a movie paired with cuddles. I love him and really that is what the holiday is about. Not gifts." Stiles's friend group was silent, and Derek could picture them all exchanging looks before Allison spoke.

"Stiles honey you should really tell Derek that you want those things." Lydia was quick to chime in.

"Yes. Allie is right. You absolutely should. Allie and I have been planning our Valentine's Day since Christmas." Scott looked at both of the girls and then looked at Stiles.

"That or just ask for mind-blowing sex. I mean because you know that's a thing too." Lydia and Allison exchanged a look before simultaneously scolding him.

"Shut up Scott!!" Derek listened as one of his favorite sounds rang out and that was Stiles's laugh before Stiles spoke.

"I'll think about it. I promise. Just...let me think about it. Ok?"

Derek melted at Stiles's words, but he decided to change what his text to Stiles was going to say and he abandoned the rest of his food. He dumped the tray and walked out of the cafeteria as he sent the text, "Hey love. I don't have classes the rest of the afternoon." Stiles didn't reply right away but when he did Derek chuckled at the reply.

"So that means you're going to come give me lots of kisses right? I can totally fake being sick and come home early." Derek smiled as he headed out to his car, getting in and starting it before replying.

"No Stiles. You're going to attend your classes like the responsible adult you keep assuring me you are. I'm going to run some errands and I was actually wondering if Scott would let you stay with him tonight?" Derek put his phone in the cupholder and drove away leaving the campus and heading into the city. Only after parking and turning off his car did he check his phone, discovering a string of texts from his boyfriend.

"I am a responsible adult!!"
"Wait, why would I have to stay with Scott. I mean he wouldn't mind but why Der?"
"Derek? Did I do something wrong?"
"I have class now, but I'll check my phone after."

Derek's heart twinged with guilt, but he was determined that this Valentine's Day would be the best Stiles had ever had. Sourwolf would be Sweetwolf and everything in between. He had to also make sure to remember where to get the sweet and sour sauce Stiles loved so much.

Derek had formulated a plan and gathered everything he would need to carry it out. When he got back to their house, he was quick to call Scott whom he knew wouldn't be with Stiles right now. Scott answered on the first ring, "Dude you are in deep shit." Derek sighed and even though Scott couldn't see it he nodded.

"I know. I probably could've worded things better but I'm trying to surprise Stiles with something for Valentine's Day." Scott was dead silent for long enough that Derek was worried that Scott had hung up on him but then Scott was shouting in excitement.

"You are going to treat him for Valentine's Day?! Holy shit Derek! Wait what's the occa-...I mean obviously I know what the occasion is but you're not someone who is really into this kind of thing." Derek felt his heart hurt a bit and he admitted to Scott.

"Well see I am someone who doesn't realize that those kinds of things can mean just as much as saying how much I love him or the kisses we exchange. I know how much of a romantic he is, but I guess I didn't realize how much until I...overheard you all talking today in the cafeteria." Scott gaped before replying.

"Derek Hale you horrible eavesdropper. You know that's so not cool. What if we were talking about sex or something?" Derek snorted.

"Well I guess it's a good thing you weren't. You just suggested it. Anyways, I need your help. Can you please convince him to stay with you tonight? Tomorrow is Saturday and I want to make sure everything is perfect." Scott snorted before replying.

"You realize he's going to play detective and will probably figure it out? That or he won't rest until he knows what you're up to. Especially since this isn't like you and if he was anyone else, I know what he would assume but he knows that would never happen." Derek tensed before asking.

"Wait. What would most people think?" Scott scoffed but his voice was softer.

"Most people would assume you were having someone else over, but I know that would never happen. Stiles looks at you like you're the sun the world revolves around, and you look at Stiles like he's the moon that brings out the fluff wolf in you." Derek's eyebrows lowered even though his cheeks flushed.

"Shut up Scott. Just help me with this and I'll owe you." Derek hung up after that and looked around the house, "Alright. Let's get started."

Stiles stayed with Scott that night, but he was so restless just like Scott had predicted he would be, "Why would he ask me to stay here? Like did I do something wrong? If I did, what was it?" Scott watched his best friend pacing back and forth in the living room of his apartment.

"Stiles, man? Maybe we could order pizza or watch a movie? Oh, or what if we binge some Star Wars?" Stiles didn't stop pacing but nodded.

"Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Pepperoni with extra pepperoni and extra cheese. We're watching them in chronological order, not in order of release." Scott breathed out and set about ordering the pizza and watched as Stiles continued to pace now worrying his lip between his teeth. Scott shot Derek a text.

"Yeah. You definitely owe me. It'll be a miracle if he sleeps." Scott was grateful that Stiles finally sat down after the pizza arrived and he put in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. Stiles ate several slices of pizza as his mind locked onto the movie that he'd seen a zillion times. Scott took this opportunity to check his phone seeing a text from Derek.

"I know I owe you big time, but I promise this is 1000% percent worth it." Scott sighed softly and smiled as he replied.

"I know because it's Stiles. I've got this side of things. I guarantee first thing in the morning he'll be marching over there though." Derek's reply was instant.

"I would expect nothing less. Goodnight, Scott and thank you again."

After bidding Scott goodnight, Derek surveyed the house and smiled to himself knowing that Stiles would love it. He knew that his boyfriend would come over and be all miffed but that he'd be forgiven especially because not only would he love what Derek did but he loved Derek.

The morning of February 14th Derek got up at the crack of dawn so he could get to Scott's and pick Stiles up before Stiles could beat him to it by getting to the house before Derek was ready to surprise him. When Derek got to the apartments and knocked a very sleepy Scott answered the door, "Come on in Derek. He's over there and I'm going back to bed." Derek stepped into the apartment and nodded.

"Thanks Scott." Scott gave a dismissive wave before he headed back to his bedroom. Derek looked towards the living room where Stiles was sound asleep on the couch, and he smiled before walking over to him. Stiles stirred slightly when Derek knelt down putting his hand on Stiles's cheek and when Derek planted a soft kiss on Stiles's forehead he watched as Stiles's eyes fluttered open, "Hey love." Stiles's brows knit, and he muttered.

"I'm supposed to be mad at you, but I love waking up to your gorgeous eyes looking at me. Curse you, Derek Hale's eyes." Derek stifled a laugh but ran his thumb across Stiles's lips.

"So curse my eyes but not me?" Stiles frowned and muttered.

"No. I was getting to that. Curse you Derek Ha-..." Derek silenced the remark with a kiss that Stiles immediately melted into.

When Derek pulled from the kiss he smiled and whispered, "Happy Valentine's Day Stiles." Stiles tilted his head trying to keep his frown in place even as his cheeks turned pink.

"Hmm. Nice save. Does this mean we can go home where I can continue to frown at you?" Derek snorted and nodded.

"Yes. We can go home, and you can try to continue frowning at me if you can." Stiles sat up and frowned more.

"Are you saying I won't be able to keep it up? I totally can. Just you wait and see." Derek raised an eyebrow and put his hands up in surrender.

"Whatever you say love. Let's go home."

They got into Derek's Camaro and drove to their house with a smiling Derek and a grumpy but curious Stiles. When Derek pulled into the driveway and parked Stiles didn't move except to glance sideways at Derek.

"Alright. What did you do? What did I do?" Derek turned off the car and turned to look at Stiles.

"What do you mean?" Stiles frowned even more.

"That you..." He looked down deflating slightly, "...didn't want me to come home last night?" Derek's heart cracked a bit and he reached over to cup Stiles's face.

"I love you so much and I promise you didn't do anything wrong. I was horrible at my wording and for that I'm sorry but if you come inside, I'll explain everything. I promise. Please love?" Stiles melted into Derek's touch and the frown was back, but his heart wasn't in it.

"Alright. I'll come inside. I want cuddles and food anyways but mainly food." Stiles then got out and walked up to the house fumbling for his house key but that's when Derek beat him to it by sliding his in and opening the door.

"Allow me." Stiles gaped at the open door before spinning to face Derek.

"You left it unlocked?!?! Der you can't do that. What if someone had broken in?" Derek tilted his head and gestured to his key in the lock.

"I didn't Stiles. See?" Stiles looked back at the door spotting the key and his cheeks flushed.

"Right. I knew that."

Derek let Stiles step into the house and waited before following but he felt his nerves rise when after he closed the door, he saw Stiles standing completely still in the entryway. Derek was not a fan of when Stiles stopped talking because sometimes, he couldn't tell if it was a good sign or a bad sign. Stiles gaped at the sight of balloons and streamers before he slowly turned to face the living room to see candles, rose petals, a gift basket and a huge fuzzy blanket. His gaze went the other way to the kitchen where the smell of chocolate and peanut butter cookies was wafting towards them. Stiles took a deep breath in and sighed happily before turning his attention back to the living room and wandered in heading over to their couch. Derek followed at a bit of a distance and watched Stiles's demeanor. Stiles slowly sank down onto the couch, his gaze roaming over their coffee table, but his hands remained in his lap, and he softly said.

"D-Der Bear? I-Is this...all for me?" Derek melted at the nickname that Stiles only used when he was in a very vulnerable state and went over to him sitting next to him.

"Yes honey. It's all for you. I-I know tha-..." Stiles cut off Derek's remark with a deep kiss as he climbed onto Derek's lap to deepen it even more. Derek let out a soft moan into Stiles's mouth before Stiles pulled back and rested his forehead against Derek's.

"W-Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?" Derek almost whined at Stiles for ending the kiss but wrapped his arms gently around Stiles's waist.

"I'm still me but we have always said no secrets. Truth is I went to the cafeteria yesterday to surprise you and I heard everyone talking about their plans." Stiles's cheeks turned pink.

"You heard what I said? Der I-I wasn't...you didn't have to..." Derek moved his hands to cup Stiles's face and looked into his eyes.

"I love you My Moon and that's why I did this for you." Stiles felt tears form and he chuckled softly as they fell down his cheeks.

"I-I love you too you big old Sourwolf." Derek feigned offense and pretended to pout.

"Hey wait a minute. I'm still sour? Well that simply won't do."

Derek adjusted to set Stiles next to him, not surprised when Stiles curled against his side, "Look in the basket Stiles." Stiles wiped his face and reached for the basket, his eyes widening at all the sugar it contained: Reese's peanut butter cups in every size including white chocolate ones, Reese's pieces, white chocolate truffles that Stiles had recently fallen in love with because they melted in his mouth, and so much more. Next to that basket was a gift bag that had fuzzy socks, a hoodie that was Derek's which he always caught Stiles trying to steal, and more chocolate. Then next to the gift bag was a bouquet of blue roses that had a card attached which said, "My Moon, I know most people give red roses to their loves on this holiday but for me blue was the right choice because blue roses symbolize trust, love and true love. You are all that and more to me. I love you. Happy Valentine's Day."

Stiles's lip quivered as he read the card and then as his eyes scanned the table again, he felt the tears stream down his cheeks.

"I-I am overwhelmed. What did I do to deserve all this? I'm just me. I'm just Stiles." Derek planted a soft kiss on Stiles's cheek and then cupped his face once more making sure he had Stiles's complete attention.

"It's not about deserving Stiles. It's about you being the love of my life and me realizing that these things can mean just as much as telling you how much I love you or how many kisses we share. It's about showing you how loved you are and that you make me the happiest Sourwolf I've ever been." Stiles looked into Derek's eyes with pure love emanating from them before his lips sealed with Derek's again and they both sighed contentedly into the kiss before cuddling on the couch for a couple hours.

They were enjoying the goodies Derek had gotten, the first of which Stiles decided to indulge in was pulling on the hoodie.

"Mmm. Mine." Derek chuckled and ran his fingers gently through Stiles's hair.

"I figured you'd love that.'' Stiles looked up at Derek and smiled.

"You were right about the frowning thing. I never want to frown again. That means you'll have to frown for the both of us." Derek raised an eyebrow.

"So you can call me Sourwolf even more? Hmm. I don't know about that." Stiles climbed onto Derek's lap again and nuzzled his nose against Derek's neck before melting against.

"Mmm. My Sweetwolf." Derek felt his cheeks flush up to his ears and his wolf purred. Stiles looked at Derek and giggled, "You're all red Der. I am officially changing your nickname to Sweetwolf because it gets your cheeks all red." Derek frowned half-heartedly.

"Well then I take back my idea for a bubble bath before Chinese food." Stiles's eyes widened, and he shook his head.

"Noooo. I want a bubble bath. I take it back. Please a bubble bath Sourwolf? Also, we have to have Chinese food. That's what I was going to ask for and if you hadn't suggested it, I would still wonder who you were and what you had done with my boyfriend." Derek tried to continue frowning but he couldn't ever manage to frown when Stiles was involved and so he scooped up his love and carried him upstairs.

The two lovers melted against each other in the bathtub as they enjoyed a hot bubble bath and Stiles beamed almost purring, "Mmm. Perfect. You're perfect. This day is perfect. I love you, Derek." Derek melted and blushed deep red.

"I love you more Stiles."

After the bath was over, they dried off before exchanging kisses all the way to the bedroom where they changed into pajamas and then headed downstairs. Stiles began to pack away his goodies except the blanket and a few boxes of chocolate while Derek ordered the Chinese food. The two of them curled up on the couch while they waited but as soon as the doorbell rang Stiles leapt up and raced over to the door to answer it, "Hello! Thank you so much." Derek chuckled at Stiles's enthusiasm and waited patiently as Stiles paid before he closed the door and hurried back to the couch plopping down next to Derek, "Here you go." Derek took his container and smiled as he thought about his final surprise.

"Oh one second. I forgot something in the kitchen." Derek got up and headed into the kitchen before Stiles had pulled out his container, but Stiles pouted.

"Awe. Der? They forgot the sauce." Derek smiled more as he walked back to the living room holding a bottle out to Stiles.

"I guess it's good I planned ahead then, isn't it?" Stiles looked up and gaped as he took the bottle before tearing up yet again.

"You got my favorite sweet and sour sauce?? Fuck I love you!!" Derek laughed long and loud.

"Well only the best for you."

Derek started to dig into his food and only paused when Stiles started giggling next to him, "What's so funny?" Stiles bit his lip to stifle another giggle but then looked at Derek.

"I just thought of the perfect solution to the nickname dilemma." Derek raised an eyebrow.

"This should be good. What's your solution?" Stiles paused for dramatic effect before grinning at Derek with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"I'm your moon and you are my Sweet & Sour Wolf." It was dead silent for a moment before Stiles started laughing and Derek wanted to be offended but he had always secretly loved being called Sourwolf. So, when Stiles proclaimed the solution to be calling him Sweet & Sour Wolf, Derek couldn't help the grin that adorned his face.

"You're hopeless." Stiles wiggled his eyebrows at Derek.

"Yep! I'm hopelessly in looooooove!! Hopelessly in love with my wonderful, amazing, hot, adorable, selfless, perfect SWEET & SOUR WOLF!!!"

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