Love Triangle (A Malereader S...

De MythicalWing243

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What if...Y/N never got isekaid but fate and destiny still follows Mai multe



785 33 13
De MythicalWing243

Y/N Pov, Monday, 6:00 AM

The sound of my alarm clocks woke me up as a song from the radio play its music as a morning tune for its users to get up on. I slowly open my eyes as the rays of sunlight pops into my room as the music continues to play, sitting up and turning off the alarm, i get up from my bed and do my morning routine which was stretching, shower, dress up and leave my house

As i dress up in my uniform, i saw note by the door from my parents and it read

"Have a nice day at school, sweetie

- Mom and Dad"

I smile and leave my house and locking the front door behind me. I look at the sky and the sun shines brightly today for a perfect sunny day

Y/N: Another day for a new semester

My class has recently graduated and we are now Senior Year at 12th Grade and this will be my last year in High School before i graduate to go to University

Making my way to school, i stop by at a convience store to buy breakfast which consisted of a Breakfast Sandwich. After paying, i leave the convience store and continue walking

Soon, the sight of other students walking towards the school was seen and i gave a smile as the nostalgic feeling of seeing schoolmates back again after a long summer break

???: Y/N!!

Looking behind me i saw 2 figures running towards me with an energetic tone, both figure stops to catch their breath from running

These 2 are both of my friends, Arthur and Johan. They are great buddies of mine since 7th Grade and the three of us are close

Arthur: You couldnt even care waiting for us to buy food with you

Johan: Yeah, i still havent had breakfast yet

Y/N: There's always a cereal bar in the school vending machine

I shrug off their complain and continue walking as i finish the breakfast sandwich. Both of my friends groan at me and walked side-by-side towards school

Me and my friends chat while walking our way to school. Its not that long since we've last seen each other, as we either stay at each other's places during the summer from time to time and eat at BBQ Houses so we really didnt had to catch up with each other

Soon, after more walking, we finally arrive and enter the school gates. I went to a nearby vending machine to get myself and my friend some coffee until i accidentally bump into a girl causing her to fall and land on her rear end and dropping her coin purse

Y/N: O-Oh, im sorry!

I offer her a hand so she can stand up but she refused and stood on her own, i raise a brow as to why she denied my assistance. Not minding it too much, i grab her coin purse which she dropped and gave it back to her

Y/N: Sorry bumping into you, i wasnt looking

Girl: Its fine

I look at the girl and she was a pretty girl with long snow white hair with beautiful red eyes. I was stunned by her beauty and my heart started to beat faster

Passing by me to enter the school building, i was left speechless from that girl's presence, admiring her beautiful white hair, pretty red eyes and adorable stature as if she was like a lovely doll

Y/N: Just who is that girl...?

My train of thoughts was interrupted when a soft arm wraps around my neck and i check to see who it was doing it only to find out it was another friend of mine, Matilda

Matilda was a girl with mid-lenght blonde hair. She has a outgoing personality and a friend of mine since last year, though, she has friends of her own, she still hangs out with us from time to time

Matilda: Heya! Long time no see, Y/N!

Y/N: M-Matilda...i-its only been 2 weeks...

Matilda: Oh dont give me that. It felt like 2 years, you know. Anyway, coffee? My treat

Johan: Free food from Matilda

Arthur: I doubt that statement

Y/N: Thanks. Also grab Arthur and Johan coffee and cereal bars as well

Matilda went to the vending machine and inserted some coins and i heard cans falling down. She hands me a can of Iced Coffee while handling her own coffee

Matilda: The only one im treating is you, Y/N~!

She gives a smug smile while i gave a nervous chuckle as i grab the coffee from Matilda's hand while Arthur and Johan stares at me, silently judging me in their minds

Opening the can of coffee, i chug its contents down and the fresh caffeine the coffee provided was heaven as it trickles down my throat. It was cold with a mocha taste before i pause drinking to gather oxygen back

Matilda: Anyways, lets get to class, its gonna start in 15 minutes!

Matilda wraps her arms around mine and drags me to the school building while leaving Arthur and Johan behind as they gave a sigh while pulling out their own money to use on the vending machine

Arthur: Jeez, those two should get a room if they're getting too lovey dovey-

Y/N: I heard that!

Matilda chuckles at Arthur's joke while i had a deadpan look on my face. Me and Matilda went inside ahead as Arthur and Johan were getting their breakfast in the vending machine. Matilda lets go of me to go to her locker and me as well to change our footwear to indoor shoes

After changing and putting my shoes inside the locker, i went up the stairs but Matilda runs infront of me and stopping infront of my path. She leans in towards me, Matilda was flustered at first but seems to have gathered her courage to speak to me

Matilda: Blush C-Can i me-meet you at the r-rooftop later...alone

Y/N: What are you talking about? I dont fight anymore

Her flustered expression turned into a neutral one before giving me an adorable pout and an angry face. I gave a small laugh from her reaction as she stomps a foot down to show her slight irritation from me

Walking past by Matilda to continue up the stairs, she grabs my arm with a firm grip

Matilda: Pout J-Jeez...! what i say, you dummy

Y/N: Chuckles I know, im just messing with ya

She lets go of my arm while i continue onwards to our classroom side by side with Matilda. Once reaching the classroom, i open the door to be greeted with students chatting with one another and familiar faces was all around us

I sat down on my seat with Matilda sitting down with her other female friends. My seat was in the back just besides the window, putting my bad down and relax for a while until Johan and Arthur appears by the door and went towards my direction holding their breakfast

Arthur: Thanks for leaving us...

Arthur and Johan took the seat infront of mine. We begin to chat about our hobbies and place to hang out and eat after school but it was when a full minute later, the homeroom teacher enters the room and the whole class went to their respective chairs. I also notice that the chair besides me was empty

Homeroom Teacher: Alright class, today, we have a new student joining us. Erika, you could you please enter

The new student "Erika" enters the classroom and my eyes widened when i saw that familiar mesmerizing beautiful long white hair and captivating red eyes. My bored expression lit up in surprise, my cheeks heats up by a bit and my eyes widened the moment i saw the girl

It was the same beautiful girl i accidentally bumped back by the vending machine. She stands infront of the class and presents herself to everyone

Erika: Nice to meet you. My name is Kurodate Erika, i hope we can get along well

She bows down after introducing herself, across the room, i overheard some guys snickering and holding their laughter of some boys in the corner of the room

Classmate 1: Snickering Brooo...she's so short

Classmate 2: I know right? She's gotta be atleast 4'8 pffft...

I roll my eyes on the boy's statement but it has come to my mind when taking a closer look at Erika, she is indeed shorter than the other girls but i find that trait quite cute for her

Homeroom Teacher: Be sure to get along with her, there's a free seat next to Y/N Rosenkrauz. Y/N, raise your hand for Ms. Kurodate

I raise my hands by the order of the teacher. Erika walks towards my direction then seating at the vacant chair to my right. I glance at Erika and as she turns her eye to me, i quickly look away and turn my focus on the chalkboard before she notices me eyeballing at her

Our homeroom teacher was also our Chemistry teacher and our schedule for today was just that. The teacher grabs a chalk from the teacher's desk and begins to write down the lesson he is gonna teach us for today

Teacher: Today we will be talking about Structure and Properties of Matter...


It was lunch and i was in the cafeteria with my friends, i carried a plate which consisted of Fish, Vegetables, Rice and a carton of Milk. I look around for a vacant seat until i saw Erika sitting alone at a table

I was about to approach her until i was stopped by Arthur who puts a hand on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks

Arthur: Hey, we can sit by with Matilda over there

Y/N: Uhhh, yeah, just give me a moment, i'll catch up to you guys

Johan: Where the heck is he going?

I didnt listen to whatever words Johan spoke about me as i walk towards Erika who sat by herself. Putting my tray down the table, she looks at me as i sit across her, her crimson red eyes meets my azure blue eyes and our gazes locked

I break the silence between us with a small chat with Erika

Y/N: You're the new student, right? The name is Y/N

Erika: What do you want?

Y/N: You're not just a new student here, right? You're new to the city?

As soon as hearing that, Erika looks away from me with an embarassed look on her face which answers my question

Erika: H-How did you know...?

Y/N: Body language. You seem very lost to be honest

Erika: Embarassed D-Do i really?

Y/N: Yes. Every since we accidentally bumped on the vending machine, observation is a skill im good at. Anyways, what i came for is if you need some sort of tour, you can ask me because im free by the weekends-

Erika: Umm...!

Y/N: Hmm?

Erika: Is it okay if you can arrange it today? Its just a quick tour so i can know my way around, the rest of the tour can be on the weekends

I was uncertain that the outcome would've came to this so my face showed signs of being flustered and i had to break eye contact with Erika before she can see me freaking out on the inside

Giving my head some time to think this through...and giving it some time, i decide to agree

Y/N: Sure, why not. After school?

Erika: Nods After school

She gives me a small smile and just by looking at her made my cheeks blush and my heart pounds a bit faster and harder. I nod in understandment to our agreement later today after classes

3rd Person, to Matilda

As Johan and Arthur sits to a table that Matilda reserved for them, she notices Y/N was not with them and looks around the canteen to find where he was, searching far and wide until Johan points out Y/N's location to Matilda

Johan: If you're looking for Y/N, he's over there with the new girl

Pointing at a table not far from where they sat, Matilda had a view of Y/N and Erika sitting together, Matilda soon looks at the new girl with emotionless eyes with a hint of jealousy giving Erika a cold gaze

The atmosphere surrounding the table went heavy as Arthur and Johan even felt a sudden change in the air which made them quite unsettled

Matilda: Her name is Kurodate Erika, right? What is she doing with Y/N

Arthur: Who knows. Looks like he's going smooth talking with the new girl

Johan: Whistles Smooth

As Johan and Arthur tries to laugh off the heavy feeling around them but Matilda seems to not be taking it lightly as a disliking feeling towards Erika slowly grows within Matilda. But, she for now, she sits down to eat while eyeing at Erika from time to time

As time pass and everyone was finishing their meal. Matilda looks back at where Erika and Y/N was and they see the both of them having a laugh and a good time. She specifically looks at Erika before looking back at her plate and murmurs underneath her breath

Matilda: Whisper Just who does she think she is anyway

Arthur: Did you say something?

Matilda: No. Im done with my lunch. See ya guys, i have something to prepare

She waves goodbye to her friends before exiting the cafeteria. One last look at Y/N before walking off back to her classroom

As Matilda arrives at the classroom, there were only a few people inside and was silent besides personal chatters of a few students. Sitting at her desk and grabbing her bag to which she was searching for a peculiar item which was making her face red

After scavenging her own bag, she grabs a feminine decorated letter with a small pink ribbon on it. She quickly hids the love letter back inside her bag before anyone notices her love letter

Matilda was nervous as the time gets closer after school. She is nervous for when that time arrives, she is uncertain for what the future holds

After School, School Rooftop, Matilda

Matilda stood ontop of the school roof, waiting for Y/N to arrive just as he had promised earlier this morning. Her face was blushing red as a strawberry as she holds the love letter behind her with nervously trembling hands

Matilda: Heavy Blush Y/N...please accept my feelings

Patiently waiting for Y/N to arrive at their designated location, she waited under the sun, ever so with patience and anxiety. It was until her phone vibrates that signals someone has messaged her, pulling out her phone from her pockets, she has recieved a message from none other than Y/N himself

Y/N (Text): Sorry Matilda, cant meet you today. Plans suddenly sprung up, how about another time? Anyway, cya

Matilda was confused with the text Y/N had just sent. She looks at the iron fence and peer through past it to look for a certain blonde boy

And then, he finds Y/N's wavy blonde hair and appearance. But taking a further insight, he was not with Arthur and Johan, but...he was with a girl with long white hair walking side by side with him

It was Erika

Matilda's heart sank to her stomach seeing the sight of the new girl taking her crush away from her. Her hands holds the iron fence with a strong grip, a tight grasp on her phone and gritted teeth fueled by jealousy. Her face says it all "How dare she steals Y/N"

Matilda: That new girl...! Who does she think she is?! Erika!

Her gaze of hatred of pure roiling hatred surges through Matilda, dark fire in her veins then leaping from their eyes in searing columns of terrifying energy. Of course, it was hyperbole but the hatred within Matilda, who has prepared herself and written a love letter to Y/N was taken away from the new girl

She was waiting for weeks or even a month for this moment to confess only for it to be taken away by Erika

Glaring at Erika before both her and Y/N was no longer visible, her legs gave out and she sat on the ground with her heart saddened and eyes lifeless. Matilda's grip on the fence loosened and her love letter falls to her lap

Matilda: I...

Suddenly, she stood up and grabs the love letter and holds it close to her chest with. Raising both of her hands to slap herself to regain her composure and thus, this action has given her new found determination and motivation and giving a strong-willed smile

Matilda: I wont let Erika take away Y/N!

To be continued

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