Saving Harry

By ezrabridger123

158K 4.3K 1K

Professor Snape hates Harry Potter, but when Dumbledore forces him to check up on the boy, he finds something... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
I'm okay everyone
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors note (VERY IMPORTANT)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

664 23 2
By ezrabridger123


Green eyes shot up towards obsidian ones as the small body of the child backed even further away from the man. The child was so close to the corner of the alley wall, as if he were trying to fade away into it. Severus stopped short; his hand that first touched Harry's shoulder pausing midair, and his kneeled position paused as he takes in Harry's fragile form. The child's eyes were wide with fear and his body shaking violently. "P-please! D-d-don't hurt m-me Uncle V-Vernon!" Harry sobbed, choking on his own tears. 

Severus looked closer into Harry's eyes; his normal bright green eyes hazed over as if looking past Severus at an invisible force. Severus gulped realizing Harry did not see him as him at the moment, only his uncle. The older man lowers his outreached hand slowly, placing it on the cool concrete below them. He then lowers his body more, moving from his kneeled position to sitting on his knees. "Harry. It's me Severus." He says cautiously. The only response he got was the continued choking sobs that echoed down the alley. Severus slowly and carefully inched himself slightly closer to the boy. Wide green eyes flashed brighter with fear.

"No! No! No! Please s-stop lying!" Harry screamed and flinched violently, throwing his arms up to protect his head.

"Harry, I'm not your uncle." Severus says gently and brought his hands up slowly. They carefully made their way to Harry's arms his fingers gently wrapping around the child's small wrists to lower them down. This proved to be a mistake Harry suddenly began to swat his arms frantically, trying to beat off an invisible force. If the boys frantic breathing wasn't worrying the older man, then, it is now. Severus cursed under his breath and pulled one hand back to his pocket, leaving the other firmly grasped around Harry's wrist to try and prevent the boy from hurting himself. Once in his pocket, Severus found the vial his had placed there earlier that day. Pulling it out, he briefly read the label, 'Calming Drought'. His mouth formed a tight line and then held the vial to Harry's lips. 

"Harry. This is a Calming Drought. I need you to drink it." He said soft but hastily. Harry proved no response except for the continuation of his thrashing. Severus nodded tightly, not really expecting a response. Letting go of Harry's wrist, his left hand formed around the boys' cheeks, forcing his mouth open as gently as he could. With his other hand, he tilted the vial, emptying its contents into Harry's mouth. After the small glass was empty, Severus let go of his cheeks and gently pressed his hand to Harry's throat. Another surge of panic came from the boy, but Severus continued what he was doing and gently massaged the boys throat, coaxing the potion down his throat. "Your breathing is worrying me Harry, this will help."

Within seconds, Harry's swatting and clawing hands began to slow then fall limp, relaxed. Wide panicked, green eyes relaxed as Harry's eyelids appeared to become heavy. The once tight ball of a child fell sideways tiredly, being caught by Severus before he hit the concrete. Severus held the light child and sighed, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. The older man looked down to Harry's tired eyes, the boy being held safely in his arms. Severus sat back against the alleyway wall to calm himself a bit more. 

Harry looked up tiredly to see Severus take another breath and close his eyes, the child feeling his embrace tighten a little. The world around him seemed to come into focus, as if his reality becoming real again. 'Was that not real?' The boy thought to himself as he took in his surroundings. Brief flashes of the images he saw appeared in his mind but faded as quickly as they came, the potion seeming to take effect. Harry moved his body slightly to adjust in Severus's embrace when he suddenly felt a sharp sting on his wrists. Severus, feeling the boy flinch slightly, looked down to see small blood stains on Harry's existing bandages. 

"I-I'm sorry..." The boy muttered softly, soft tears rolling down his cheek as he still laid tiredly in the man's arms. Seeing this, Severus stood instantly and started making his way towards the entrance of the alley. "We need to get back so I can check on your wrists." Severus said quietly, ignoring the boy's apology. Harry remained silent, afraid that he might've made the adult upset or angry. Still in Severus's arms, he pulled his wrists to his stomach, his internal instinct trying to shield them from sight. The older man swiftly made his way out of the alley and to the nearest shop with a working floo. He did his best to hide the boy from sight of onlookers and proved to be successful other than a select few. 

Finally finding a floo system, he sighed softly. Severus wasn't mad or upset with the boy. He should've known this could happen. He should've prevented this knowing how fragile the boy was. He should've protected him from himself. His grip tightening again on Harry, he said the words and walked through the floo back home. 

((I'M BACK! I'M SORRY ABOUT THE LONG DISTANCES IN BETWEEN CHAPTERS! Guess what though? I'm finally 21! I started writing this book in 8th grade and it now has 145k reads! I cannot express the amount of gratitude I have for my community. I love you all! It's nice to see how much I've grown as a writer and I'm trying to plan on updating more so stay tuned!))

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