Two Sides of a Story (SBI AU)

By QueenSnow678

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Outlaws are the worst thing to ever plague the kingdom. Hiding around every corner, just waiting to attack. I... More

Chapter 1- Was He Just Different?
Chapter 2- You Deserve The World
Chapter 3- A Successful Ambush
Chapter 5- The Crime of Decency
Chapter 6- Teaching A Lesson
Chapter 7- Something Strange
Chapter 8- You're The Key
Chapter 9- Wanted Dead or Alive
Chapter 10- A Nightmare of a Reality
Chapter 11- Left To Die
Chapter 12- The Prince Problem
Chapter 13- A New Plan
Chapter 14- Down The Garbage Shoot
Chapter 15- Accused Of Treason
Chapter 16- Change
Chapter 17- Outrage
Chapter 18- Hope In Him
Chapter 19- Where Have You Been?
Chapter 20- Get Rid Of Him
Chapter 21- To Do What's Right
Chapter 22- An Old Friend
Chapter 23- Safe For Now
Chapter 24- Overstep
Chapter 25- No Longer Three
Chapter 26- You're More Family Than Anything
Chapter 27- The Start of His First Adventure
Chapter 28- Trust Me
Chapter 29- The Queen
Chapter 30- A New Prisoner
Chapter 31- No Room For Traitors
Chapter 32- Return The Favor
Chapter 33- You Don't Deserve Love
Chapter 34- The Death of The Prince
Chapter 35- Unexpected
Chapter 36- Easy Gold
Chapter 37- A New Song
Chapter 38- The Bandit
Chapter 39- An Outlaw of a Prince
Chapter 40- Tommy Isn't Like That
Chapter 41- Believe In Something
Chapter 42- Blood Brothers
Chapter 43- The King
Chapter 44- Tommy
Chapter 45- Family Fights No Matter What
Chapter 46- The Rightful King

Chapter 4- A Burning Night

603 34 4
By QueenSnow678

Phil POV

The three of them walked through the forest, talking and joking as they usually did. Phil was grateful for the two boys, the sons he had never had. He always did his best to look after them, no matter how much trouble they got in. It was a daunting task, but he was always up for the challenge.

"This is even more than last time." he smiled, adjusting his grip on the sack of gold.

"They'll certainly be pleased." Techno agreed, his mind on other things as usual.

The sun began to set around them, casting the forest in an orange glow. But strangely enough, it did not seem to grow any darker. In fact, with each passing moment it seemed like it was getting brighter. 

"That's strange." Wilbur commented, squinting to see ahead of them. "What is that?"

That's when they heard the screams of panic. And before Phil could even process what was happening, he got his answer. The orange glow, the smoke, the yells for help. The town was on fire.

Words didn't need to be said as the trio took off. They raced through the forest, each one willing their feet to run faster. They needed to get there faster, even if it wasn't possible. The screams only got louder as they grew closer. The poor people they had looked after for years were now being burned alive.

"Help as many people as you can!" Wilbur panicked, immediately rushing to the nearest home. But Phil grabbed his arm, looking him dead in the eye.

"Please be careful." he begged. The brunette was quick to nod before pulling away from his grip. Phil didn't know what he would do if one of his boys got hurt.

The three of them split up, trying to perform a miracle. Phil rushed towards a small hut, ignoring the pain that radiated from the heat. He could hear screaming inside, only making him sprint faster.

He burst through the door, immediately spotting the family. It was an older woman and her young son. Upon closer inspection, he realized the boy's leg was stuck under a piece of fallen debris. He was next to them in an instant, promising, "I'll get you both out of here!"

Lifting with all his might, he struggled with lifting the wood. But he wasn't about to give up. The crackling of the fire above only intensified, practically laughing in his face. He took a deep breath, lifting even harder.

And by some miracle, the boy's leg was freed. But Phil didn't haven't to look close to see it was damaged. Without a second thought, he scooped up the boy and grabbed the woman's arm. The boy wrapped his arms around the man, clinging to his shirt.

Coughing, they managed to make it out. Phil turned to the woman, making sure she was okay. "You need to get to the river, okay? You'll be safe there." 

The woman nodded, taking the boy carefully. The boy's grip tightened on Phil's shirt, truly terrified. It was only when Phil gently pried his hand off, the woman could take him to safety. He watched the two for a moment before hearing a yell.

"We're helping! Are you blind?! Can't you see-" Phil's eyes immediately landed on Techno a few feet away. The pinkette stood with his sword out, clearly not believing what was happening. On the other side of his sword stood a pair of guards, trying to take him away.

"You're an outlaw! You're wanted by the king!" one of them snarled, moving closer to him.

"You are both idiots." Techno rolled his eyes, looking towards Phil in the corner of his eye. The blonde could clearly see the pleading spark in his eyes.

Phil raced towards him, "Go help your brother." he muttered. Techno hesitated before heading off towards Wilbur, who was escorting people towards the river. The man finally turned to the guards, a fake smile on his face. "I'm afraid you have the wrong guy. That boy is my son and he is no outlaw."

One of them seemed to believe Phil for a moment, the other one not so much. "Everyone knows about the blood god!" he snarled.

"Well perhaps we could deal with this at another-"

"What are you two doing?!" a voice interrupted him. Phil looked up to a horse galloping towards them. There sat a royal Phil had never seen before. He must have been the youngest, with messy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. His first instinct was to hate him, he was a royal after all. But the look in his eyes made him think otherwise. The prince stopped abruptly, leaping down and completely ignoring Phil. "People are in trouble! Why are you just standing around?!" he demanded.

"Prince Thomas, these outlaws-" one began.

"Don't matter right now." the prince finished with a glare. "Save my people."


"That wasn't a request! It was an order." The guards took off, finally beginning to assist people. It was then that the prince finally looked at Phil. He recognized him, Phil could see it in his eyes. But he didn't do anything, instead he turned towards the further houses and ran towards. Phil smiled, maybe this prince was different.

Only time would tell.


Hope you liked it!

Sorry I haven't updated this in months! I promise I didn't forget about it! This it the next book I will be finishing!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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