SO THIS IS LOVE ◇ jasper hale...

By BlossomReed

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"I think of you more often than I'd like, Though, I dont regret it." - unknown More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

176 5 1
By BlossomReed

The next morning Valerie was getting picked up by Jasper and Emmett so she slept in a little bit while Bella stuck to her usual routine. When Valerie was finished getting ready the house was completely empty and she had some time to kill until the boys arrived.

She was informed by Jasper this morning that he told his family last night about them being offical now and everyone was thrilled. That's why they all insisted on her being picked up by them, she had to come in with style and for everyone to see that she was now deep into the Cullen cult (yes that's what some people call them). A honk was heard from outside which brought her out of tought. Picking up her school bag, she walked out of the front door, making sure to check twice if she locked it and made her way to the jeep the boys arrived in with Jasper in the driver's seat and Emmett standing in the back seat hollering at Valerie which made the girl laugh.

"Emmett sit your ass down before my neighbours start throwing things at us."

Emmett started to laugh and as he sat down Valerie jumped into the front seat of the jeep.

"Sorry Val just excited to finally have you as my sister in law." Jasper said his brother's name in a warning tone as he started to drive to which Valerie let out a chuckle, "Yeah I don't know...being married to this guy forever and having you as my brother in law? Nah, I think I'm good, you guys suck and I'm too cool for all of you."

This made both Jasper and Emmett laugh.

"Oh so now you're too cool for us, huh? Then what are you doing in our car darlin'?" Valerie flashed Jasper a smile, "Hey, everyone likes free rides."

The blonde vampire shook his head, not believing the words coming out of his girlfriend's mouth. He slowed down to let Rosalie and Alice in front of him as they meet up halfway to school.

Valerie noticed that Edward wasn't with the girls either so now she was confused since she automatically thought he was with them since he wasn't with the boys when they arrived to pick her up.

"Hey where's Edward?" Jasper and Emmett shared a quick glance through the rear mirror but only Jasper spoke up, "He just went to visit some cousins of sort up in Alaska, he was getting a bit overwhelmed with everyone's thoughts being all over the place ever since your sister arrived."

Valerie just let out an oh not questioning further but she had this weird feeling that they were hiding something from her. She planned on finding out exactly what it is but for now she was gonna leave it alone.

As they were approaching the school Emmett went to stand up, talking about having to intimidate the kids once in a while which made no sense to the couple in the front seat but they let it go.

As Jasper parked the car Valerie was starting to feel a bit nervous since she knew everyone was gonna be looking at them. But before she could overthink anything Jasper opened her door and offered his hand which the brunette girl gladly took as she get out of the car but this time she didn't let go.

Jasper squeezed her hand as the two alongside his siblings started to walk towards the school. As they passed by her group of friends she heard Mike shout out to her.

"You own me 5 bucks Swan!" Valerie flipped him off as they started to make their way up the stairs and Jasper put his arm over her shoulder and smirked at her, "So, what do you own him 5 bucks for?"

Valerie rolled her eyes at him and told him to shut up which made him laugh. He knew exactly what Mike Newton meant since Edward told him about the bet a long time ago when he heard the blonde boy thinking about it. But still he wanted to hear it coming directly from Valerie.

Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and saying goodbye to the rest of the Cullens she made her way to her Spanish class with Mrs. Groff that she had with Angela.

"Hola Valeria, cómo estás?" Mrs. Groff greated Valerie as she entered the classroom, "Hola señora Groff, estoy bien. ¿Y usted?"

The woman smiled at her kindly.

"Estoy bien, gracias por preguntar. Tu español sigue mejorando, ¡buen trabajo!" she gave her teacher a smile, "Gracias señora!"

With that Valerie went and sat down. Getting her stuff out she waited for Angela to show up and the second the girl with the glasses sat down she demanded to know everything since she was in shock because Valerie Swan has been denying her crush on Jasper Hale ever since sophomore year.

"There's nothing to spill, we've been talking these past few months and he took me out one on one sometimes and you know, feelings arose, crushes were admitted and questions were asked, that's basically it."

Angela let out a small yelp of joy since she's been waiting for this for a while. Ever since Valerie first admitted her crush on the blonde Cullen boy Angela could see then getting togehter. She always admired the way Jasper looked at the older Swan twin, even though Valerie denies it, it's very visible. Jasper looked at Valerie like she was the only girl in the world, when she talked about anything he looked at her with this admiration and love in his eyes. It was really cute honestly.

When lunch time rolled around she sat with the Cullens at their table which didn't suprise anyone but Bella since she sat with her and the rest of their friends everyday, well at least since she came here.

"Hey um since when does she sit with them?" Jessica lift her head up from her lunch to look at Bella, "Well ever since they became friends she would sit one day with us and the next with them and so on. Since she's with Jasper now she'll probably sit more often with them. I mean can you blame her? Those two have been going back and forth since freshman year, it was about time."

To say that Isabella Swan was shocked to hear that her twin sister and the Hale boy were now offically together was an understatment. When did that happen and why wasn't she told anything? She decided to hide her shock so their friends wouldn't be confused. She only said yeah and that was the end of that converstation.

Meanwhile at the Cullens table laughs were shared as the Cullens (mainly Emmett) were teasing Jasper and Valerie and they were all joking around in general.

"Oh yeah did you guys hear that it's maybe gonna snow next week? I just hope that enough snow falls for sledding and snowman building."

Valerie Swan loved winter and she loved the snow, she hated summer and heat. This is a big difference between the Swan twins since Bella loved summer and the sun, believe it or not, Bella was the one that was the most outside in Phoenix.

"If it's gonna snow get ready for a re-match Val, you may of won last time but this year's snowball fight is mine." Emmett spoke with competition lacing his voice, the boy really didn't like to loose, he hated it actually, "Oh Emmett it's cute that you think you're gonna win againts me." Valerie was no different, that's probably the reason the two got along so well.

Rosalie was the first one to speak up againts the idea or yet another snowball fight between the two since somehow she always gets hit at least 5 times. Jasper was supporting his adoptive sister on this since according to him Valerie was somehow gonna pull a muscle or break a bone and end up in the hospital which he wasn't a fan of at all.

"Okay first of all Rose babe just stay inside and second of all Jasper Whitlock Hale how dare you think that I'm that much of a klutz?? I am gonna be perfectly fine and if I do somehow end up in the hospital then it's really over for me, I should just die because no one in the history of snowball fights has ever end up in the hospital."

The Cullen-Hale siblings were now looking amused by Valerie and her passion for snowball fights. Who would of thought that a human could be so passionate about something so little and silly.

"Darlin' you're exaggerating now." "So are you!"

The brunette girl sent her boyfriend a glare as she waited for his next move. To her and his siblings' suprise, Jasper actually gave in and let Valerie and Emmett have their snowball fight. The chaotic duo high fived eachother as a happy yes left their mouths. Jasper even get a kiss on the cheek from Valerie before she leaned on him and ate her after lunch snack which was apple slices which Esme always sent for her since apples were the girl's favourite fruit.

"She's staring again."

Rosalie's comment had everyone looking over at the other Swan sister, including Valerie who followed their gaze. Valerie waved at her sister with a smile which Bella didn't return, she just turned back around feeling a bit embarrassed.

Valerie took this as the perfect opportunity to find out what was going on and why wasn't Edward here.

"Soooo...anyone wanna tell me what's going on? Why isn't the emo kid here today?"

Believe it or not Valerie and Edward were close since day 1, having shared this love for poetry they instantly clicked even though there were times when they butted heads. Valerie didn't support his brooding whenever it happened, instead she called him out on it, almost every single time. Now thinking about it, Edward reminded her of her sister in many ways even though it sounded ridiculous.

"Don't worry about it darlin', it's nothing."

This made Valerie sit up straight, no longer leaning on Jasper or having his arms around her as she sent him a glare, knowing that he was hinding something from her as were the rest of his siblings.

"One do not lie to me, I will end you and two I'm not stupid I know all of you well enough to know that something's going on and you are hiding it from me. Now we can do this the easy way and someone tells me something or we could do it the hard way."

The four siblings shared a look, no one speaking up. Emmett was about to open his mouth and say something but the bell signaling end of lunch rang.

Valerie got up and grabbed her bag from the floor but not before rolling her eyes. Grabbing her tray to dispose of it on her way to biology she left without another word to any of them. The siblings all felt guilty now, in a way Valerie had the right to know but then again they didn't want to worry her or put her in any kind of danger.

Valerie met up with Bella who waited for her since she told Angela and Mike to go without them, wanting some privacy with her sister.

"So when where you gonna tell me? About Jasper and you." in that moment Valerie cursed inside her head feeling a bit guilty for not telling her twin anything but at the same time she focused on making a cover up story on the spot.

"Yeah, sorry...I kinda, forgot. Remember when I went to the store since I felt like eating something sweet? On my way there I bumped into Jasper, he walked with me to the store and even walked me back home. Anyways, as we were having this impromptu hanging out, he told me that he has feelings for me and when I got the courage to tell him I feel the same way, he asked me to be his girlfriend."

Bella smiled the whole time her twin was telling the story of her finally getting together with the blonde boy. She was happy for her sister and could see the happiness and love that came from her relationship with Jasper just radiating from her. Seeing how happy Valerie was and how happy Jasper made her, made Bella wish for someone like that to show up for her.

When the two got to biology Bella wasn't suprised at all that Edward wasn't there but she still felt a little bit sad about his disappearance which Valerie noticed, making a mental note to ask her twin about that later.

The class passed by quickly and it was mostly spent with Valerie only paying half attention to what Mr. Molina was teaching. Why only half? Well she was having an internal argument with..well, herself. She was thinking of skipping AP History to avoid Jasper but at the same time she could try and get some answers from him.

She had time after the bell rang to avoid Jasper and skip since he was in gym class right now. Rosalie had statistics and going to French after which might be a bit of a problem all togehter but nothing too major, Emmett was in AP English going into Spanish but she's pretty sure he wouldn't stop her from skipping even if he caught her. The only real problem was Alice who had History as we speak and was going to French class after. Plus there's that whole seeing the future thing. She was pretty sure that Alice was seeing the internal struggle the brunette was having unfold in her visions and knowing her, she found it amusing but would tell Jasper and Rosalie.

As the bell rang Valerie let out a groan. Giving both Angela and her sister a quick hug and a fist bump to Mike the older Swan twin made her way to her class but slowly. She took her time on purpose and didn't make a clear decision in her head, so for all they knew, she decided to skip.

In the history classroom Jasper was sitting at his usual desk in the back, waiting for his mate (and girlfriend) to hopefully show up and at the same time he was texting with his siblings about everything, mainly about the current situation and no one having seen Valerie. Jasper was ready to storm out of the classroom and go look for her since he was starting to get worried.

Before he could do anything Valerie walked into the room, his head instantly snapping up as he heard the familiar heartbeat and footsteps approaching.

Valerie took a deep breath before she made her way to her seat where Jasper was already sitting. She sat down not even sparring him a glance and even after she took her stuff out, the brunette kept staring straight ahead to which the vampire sighed.

"Val talk to me, please."

Desperation was heard in the vampire's voice which made Valerie turn to face him.

"Look...If you really want to know that badly, we'll tell you after school. Just talk to me, please."

Now it was her turn to sigh before answering him.

"I'm sorry for being cold but I don't like being lied to, you know that Jas." he took her hand in his as he gave her a small smile, "I know, I'm sorry my love."

Valerie's breath was caught in her throat as she took the new nickname in. She didn't mind it, she was just suprised. A big smile spread across her face as she teased her boyfriend about the nickname and even though Jasper didn't show it, he loved it and he truly and deeply loved her.

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