Jacob Bertrand Imagines

By ElementOfARose

48.6K 411 77

Basically just whole bunch one shots of Jacob Bertrand and all the characters he plays on TV. No longer taki... More

Jacob - Comic Con
Hawk - Forrest
Jacob - Wedding
Jacob - Bathroom
Hawk - Attention
Jacob - Surprise!
Hawk - Bra
Jacob - Birthday
Hawk - Closet
Hawk - Caught
Joey - U Tech (Request)
Jacob - Family (Request)
Eli - Movie Night
Hawk - Hurt
Jacob - Texts (Request)
Hawk - Periods
Hawk - Accident (Request)
Hawk - The Real Thing (Request)
Hawk - Vacation Gone Wrong

Hawk - Negative or Positive?

1.5K 12 4
By ElementOfARose

Been a couple weeks, thought I shouldn't leave y'all hanging. Here's a nice little imagine to keep y'all going lol.

Warning! Mentions sexual themes but does not include actual scenes of sexual intercourse.


"Y/n?" You heard Sam's voice over the phone.

"Hey Sam. Sorry for the sudden call, but I need to ask a favour. Can you come pick me up? I need to do some errands and... and I'd rather not do it alone" you say coming up with the best excuse as possible.

The truth was, your period was late, by a week. You and your boyfriend, Hawk, had a very prominent sexual life and there were times were you two were pretty careless with protection. You could feel your heart pounding through your chest. The fact that there was a possibility of a baby in your belly, Eli's baby.

I mean sure, you had pictured a future with him. You have ever since you began dating him. You always loved to imagine what it would be like to get married, wake up next to his handsome face everyday for the rest of your life, having his children, growing old and weak together. But it was too soon. You both were still teenagers.

Of course you still weren't sure yet. That's what the errand was for. To confirm your suspicions, you would need to take a pregnancy test. Unfortunately you hadn't had the time to get your drivers license so you couldn't get there yourself. Your parents were out of town at the moment and even if they weren't, you still wouldn't ask them. You definitely couldn't call Hawk. You heart races at the thought of him finding out about this. He could never know.

Sam's voice over the phone brought you back from your thoughts. "Errands? What kind of errands? And why can't your parents or Hawk take you?"

"My parents are out of town and Hawk, well h-he said he was busy with something. Didn't say much. But he can't. So can you?" You explained to her.

You heard her sigh over the phone. "Yea. Yea I can pick you up. Give me like 10 minutes" she said.

You exhaled in relief. "Thanks so much Sam! I owe you girl!" You said happily.

"Anytime. I'll see you in 10 ok?" She confirmed.

"Got it. See you then" you said and hung up.


You waited on your porch, your knee bouncing anxiously as you waited for your friend. After a couple more moments of waiting, you finally see her pull into your driveway. You immediately get out of your seated position on your porch and swiftly make your way to the passengers seat.

You open the car door and hop in the seat beside Sam. "Hey" you said quickly buckling yourself up.

"Hey there" she says as she puts the car into reverse and pulls out of the driveway.

"So, where are we going? You weren't quite clear when you called me" she asks you.

"Oh uh, I just need to grab a couple things from the drugstore" you said trying to act nonchalant about it.

Sam glanced over at you curiously. "The drugstore huh? What do you need to get there?" She inquired.

You could feel your palms sweating at her question. Should you tell her the actual reason? Can you trust her to keep this secret? A million thoughts and scenarios were flying through your head right now.

"U-uh well... you know... beer" you lied.

Sam looks over at you condescending like. "Beer? I'm sorry, you're going to a drugstore to get beer?" She repeated as if she heard you wrong.

"What did you think I was getting?" You asked her.

"Well, if I'm being honest, by how you sounded on the phone, I thought you were pregnant! Hah. Imagine how insane that would be" Sam replied.

You immediately felt sick to your stomach. But you nodded along to her as she talked. "Uh huh. Crazy..." you said agreeing.

"I mean, with the stress of the all valley championships, college and just usual rivalry shit, adding a baby into the mix would be catastrophic" she says, her eyes fixed on the road, but secretly glancing at you without you knowing.

"Mhm. Of course" you said with a small voice.

"Oh god and don't even get me started on if cobra Kai found out. I swear, that baby would be in so much danger and-" Sam's sentence was cutoff when you let out a cry and burst into tears.

Sam immediately looked over at you in alarm and  immediately pulled into the nearest parking lot. Once placing the car in park, she looks over at you with sympathy. You cried for a couple more minutes before finally calming down. Sam didn't say anything.

You sat there, eyes puffy, sniffling. You look over at her with a knowing look. "You already knew didn't you?" You asked her.

"Y/n, you're my best friend. You've been my best friend for years now. I know when you're anxious or scared. You're voice gets all shaky. You've been talking like that since you called me. I had an assumption you were, but I didn't know for sure. Now I do." She stated.

"Well don't get your hopes up cause I'm not pregnant yet, or at least I don't know if I am. All I know is my period is late and I don't know how I'm going to tell Hawk if this all ends up being true." You said hyperventilating a little.

Sam puts her hand on your shoulder. "It's ok. It's all going to be ok. I'll be there for you, through all of it. I will be there for the doctor appointments, the baby showers, and I will personally kick Hawks ass if I hear he doesn't want anything to do with the child" she said which made you crack a smile.

"Look, you're not alone. You will never be alone. Whoever put that thought in your head should be pushed off a cliff" she said dead serious but also a hint of joking.

You look over at her with teary eyes. "Thanks Sam. You're the best" you say.

"I know" she replies making you laugh. Sam puts her car back into drive and pulls out of the parking spot and back onto the road.

After a couple more minutes of driving, you pull into the drugstore parking lot. Once secure in a spot, Sam turns off the engine and looks over at you.

"You ready?" She asks you.

"No" you replied.

"Well too bad. You need to know. Come on" she says getting out of the drivers seat. You sighed and unbuckled yourself and get out of the car.

You both entered the store immediately going to the family planning aisle. You grab a couple tests off the shelf which seemed to have the best reviews. You make your way to the cash register with Sam by your side. You pay for your tests, never once making eye contact with the cashier.


After Sam gets you home, you immediately go to the bathroom. Sam is outside of the door, giving you privacy to do your business.

You opened the packages one by one. You had bought two tests. After you peed on the sticks, you called Sam into the bathroom and started the clock. You had to wait 2 minutes. Those two minutes couldn't go by any slower if you were honest.

Sam sat next to you, placing a reassuring hand on your arm as you start to feel apprehensive again.

Finally, after what felt like eons to you, the timer beeped, indicating two minutes was up. You both looked at each other before standing up to go look at them. Only you chickened out at the last second.

"I can't look! I just can't! Can you tell me what it says" you ask Sam turning your head away from where the pregnancy tests lay.

She nodded and looked over at both of them. You watched her facial expressions eagerly, as if trying to hint at what the answer was.

Her eyes widen a bit. Oh no. That can't be a good sign. She looks over at you with a bit of sympathy in her eyes. You already knew what she was going to say. You braced yourself for her to tell you.

"It's negative" she confirms.

You're jaw dropped to the floor. You were sure you were pregnant. That's when you realized how even though it would have made your life 10 times more difficult, there was a part of you that was secretly hoping that test would come out positive. Tears flooded yours eyes as you furiously tried to wipe them away. Sam notices your tears and comes over to give you a hug. You immediately reciprocate the hug, feeling needy.

You then let the tears fall. You cried into her shoulder has she began rubbing your back soothingly.

"Im sorry. I don't know why I'm crying. I should be relieved and happy that I'm not pregnant. Which I am... but at the same time, it felt right to know that was carrying his child. It felt good to know that he would be the father of my children. Guess I wanted it earlier than I realized." You conclude with yourself and Sam.

"I get it. But you guys are way too young. It's better this way" she says to you. Even though you didn't really find her words too comforting, you knew she was right. You guys embraced a little longer before she had to leave to be home for dinner.


An hour had went by since taking the pregnancy tests. You just couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if it turned out to be positive. Would you keep it? How would Hawk have reacted? How would your parents react?

Of course, you were quite relieved of the fact that you didn't have to deal with any of this. You were happy you are able to continue to live your life without having to worry about an infant.

Then why was it bothering you so much? You could only think of one thing to help keep your mind off of it. You called Hawk.

You pull out your phone and click on his contact before holding the phone up to your mouth with the speaker on, too lazy just to put it to your ear. After about 1 ring, he answered his phone.

"Hey angelface" he greets through the phone.

"Hey babe. I was wondering if you wanted to come over for a bit right now?" You asked him

"Of course I can. Any particular reason as to why the sudden neediness?" He asks you while chuckling.

"Just being my needy self I guess." Was your best answer. You obviously couldn't tell him of the two negative pregnancy tests that were still haunting you.

"Alrighty then. Ill be there in 15. See you soon. I love you" he says making your heart just soar. God this boy. He always knows just what to say to pull on your heartstrings.

"See you then. I love you too" you say before hanging up.


You immediately spring up from the couch when you hear a knock at the door. Hawk was finally here. You practically run to the door and open it swiftly. You see him standing there with his signature smirk on his face and his hair in its regular spiky up do. You instantly fling your arms around him hugging him tightly. He chuckles softly and returns the hug right away. You hold onto him a little longer than usual which made him look down at you curiously.

"Someone's a little needy today, not that I mind." He said while rubbing his hands up and down your back soothingly. Just the littlest things from him can calm you instantly.

"Sorry" you said, your voice muffled into his shoulder.

"No need to be sorry my love" he said softly while kissing the top of your head.

You break out of the embrace and invite him inside. he follows behind you into the house.

You both spend time in your room, binge watching the marvel movies, since they were both your favourite movie series. You couldn't concentrate much on the movie. All you felt was tremendous guilt for not telling Hawk.

You tried getting your mind off of it by cuddling more into him. He took the gesture as 'let's have sex now' and immediately tackles you into a steamy kiss. You were caught off guard, but kiss him back right away.

Next thing you know, you're taking each other's clothes off one by one, and enjoying a passionate love making session.

After a couple rounds, you lay tirelessly in his arms as he caresses your skin. Even after some very good sex, you still couldn't stop feeling guilty. So, you decided to tell him.

"Eli?" You asked him.

"Yea?" He asked looking down at you curiously.

"I have to tell you something." You say nervously. You bring yourself off of his chest and sit up. He sits up too, thinking it was serious now.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Today I... I had Sam bring me on some errands.." you say starting your story.

"Ok..?" He says indicating for you to continue on.

"And u-um... IthoughtIwaspregnantsoIboughtapregnancytestbutitcamebacknegative" you said swiftly all in one go.

He just looked at you confused. "Mind saying that one more time?" He said scratching his head.

You took a deep breath before continuing. "I thought I was pregnant so I bought a pregnancy test but it came back negative" you said in a small voice.

He looked at you shocked for a second. You looked down, averting his gaze, afraid of what he was going to do next.

"Are you afraid of me?" was the first thing he asked after a couple moments of silence.

You instantly brought your head up to look at him. "No of course not" you reassured him.

"Then why were you so afraid to tell me that. And why do you look like your ready to be kicked to the curb?" He questions a little hurt.

"W-well I-" you start but he cuts you off.

"You should have told me. I would have been right by your side, positive or negative. I thought you knew that?" He said.

"I was afraid of your reaction. How you would react to the potential fact of a baby growing inside me. Our baby" you explained.

"If you're thinking that I would leave you if you were pregnant, you've got it all wrong. I love you so much. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. Please, never be afraid to tell me anything, ok?" He said reassuringly.

"Ok" you said smiling at him. He gave you a small smile back.

"So the test came back negative huh?" He asks.

You nodded. "Yea." Was all you said.

"Bummer. I mean I know we're way too young. But kinda makes me sad it came back negative" he says honestly.

"To be honest, I started crying when I found out it was negative. Sam thought I was crazy" you said laughing at the memory.

He chuckled a little at that. He suddenly took your hand and brought up to his lips, kissing it lightly.

"I promise you, someday we'll make a great happy family" he promises.

And years later, you did just that.


Done! Ik I've got some requests to make. And I promise I will. But for now. I am closing the request board since I'm way too busy with school right now (biochemistry am I right?). I'll let y'all know when I'll take requests again, but for now it will stay closed.

Anyway, until next time!

Word Count: 2646

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