We'll Get Through This

By Musicgirl1120

61.9K 1.5K 432

Everything has been going perfect for the Bishop-Delucas. They have two amazing daughters, work is going grea... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

Part 5

2.5K 70 24
By Musicgirl1120

Sleep that night was better than the night before but Maya still woke up around 3, her mind racing and body just feeling on edge. She hated feeling like this and knew she probably needed to get in to see her therapist at some point soon, but she really just needed to make sure Carina and the girls were ok.

As Maya adjusted her anxious body in bed, she was startled when she heard Carina said "Bambina, are you ok?"

"Why are you awake?" Maya asked, rubbing her eyes as she looked at her wife.

"I don't know," Carina sighed, "Too anxious and too many things happening in my head. What about you?"

"Same," Maya said, moving closer to her wife, "What are you thinking about?"

"Everything," Carina said, "About how I am going to tell my boss and friends, about how this is going to affect my work and you and the girls, about surgery and radiation and the fact that I am going to never be able to carry a baby again, about how I just want this to not be happening."

"I'm sorry," Maya said, pulling Carina into a hug as the Italian started to cry, "I wish I could take this all away from you. It's going to be ok. We are going to get you through this. I will be right here with you and do whatever I can to make sure you are ok, and the girls too. I promise Carina."

By the time Maya finished, she was in tears too, both of them just clinging to each other. Eventually, they both stopped crying, just holding onto each other.

"I love you," Carina said, yawning a little bit.

"I love you too," Maya said, "Try to go to sleep, ok?"

"You need to sleep too," Carina said, pulling away and looking at her wife.

"I will try," Maya said, brushing a piece of hair off her forehead, "Just close your eyes."

Carina just cuddled close to Maya, rubbing her hand up and down her back.

Carina eventually drifted off to sleep and while Maya never completely fell asleep, she did manage to calm down enough to stay in bed until 5 which was her normal time to get up.

She carefully extracted herself from Carina's arms, deciding to run outside today. She pulled on her warm running gear, knowing it wouldn't be particularly warm given that it was early February, but it was usually ok if it wasn't raining. She checked on the girls, happy they were still asleep, before heading downstairs to stretch.

Soon enough, she was out on her run, letting herself just focus on the feeling of her feet hitting the pavement, of the wind on her cheeks. She ran for about an hour, getting home a little before 6:30. She did her cool down stretches before going inside, listening for the twins. Satisfied they were still sleeping, she went into the kitchen, stretching a little bit more as she drank some water.

She had to be at 19 by 8 today to make sure the inspection started promptly at 8:30 so she could be with Carina by 11:30. She headed upstairs to shower, checking in on the twins who were thankfully still sleeping.

She then went into the master bedroom, finding Carina cuddling with her pillow in her sleep. Maya smiled as she headed into the bathroom. She got in the shower, trying not to yawn as she washed her hair. Even though she had gotten better sleep the night before, she was still exhausted, feeling her anxiety bubbling up in her chest. She worked on some breathing techniques as she scrubbed her body, trying to just focus on the task at hand and not the fact that by the end of the day, all of their friends would know what was going on with Carina.

It wasn't that she didn't want people to know because she did, she wanted to make sure Carina had as much support as she could, but telling people made it feel real and she desperately didn't want it to be. She wanted her wife to be fine, to not have to have surgery or radiation or all the pain and suffering that would come along with it.

Maya told herself she was absolutely not going to cry this morning, not at least until after the inspection.

She finished up in the shower, getting out and starting her morning routine. Just as she stepped out of the bathroom to find some clothes, she heard little footsteps coming down the hall.

"Mommy," Rowan said, coming into the room, rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning Patatina," Maya smiled as Rowan came over, giving her a hug.

"You wet," Rowan said, looking up at Maya.

"I just took a shower," Maya said, laughing.

"Mmm," Maya heard coming from the bed, "Bambina?"

"Go see Mamma," Maya said quietly to Rowan, the little girl running over to the bed.

"Mamma," Rowan said as she climbed into the bed, "'giorno."

"Buongiorno Patatina," Carina said as the toddler crawled up next to her, "Did you have good dreams?"

"Si," Rowan nodded, cuddling close to Carina.

"Good morning Babe," Maya said, walking over to her as she pulled on her shirt.

"Good morning Bambina," Carina said, smiling as Maya leaned down to give her a kiss, "Did you ever get back to sleep?"

"Not quite," Maya said, shaking her head, "But it's ok."

"Bambina, we need to get you sleeping," Carina sighed, "Maybe tonight you can take something?"

"You work tonight, remember?" Maya said, "I'll be ok."

Carina sighed as Maya headed back into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

Once Maya had her hair dried and done, she went back into the bedroom.

"Hey Ro, do you want to help me make a shake?" she asked, knowing the little girl loved helping make shakes and smoothies.

"Yeah," Rowan nodded, crawling over to Maya, reaching to be picked up.

"Alright," Maya said, scooping her up, "Carina, do you want coffee yet?"

"Yes please," the Italian said, "I will be down in a minute."

"Take your time," Maya said, walking downstairs with Rowan on her hip.

She set the toddler down on the counter by the blender, grabbing the things she needed, letting Rowan help her add all the ingredients.

"Eat?" Rowan asked, holding up a piece of kale that had dropped on the counter.

"Of course," Maya nodded, smiling as the little girl put it in her mouth.

That was one thing Maya and Carina knew they had lucked out on with the twins. Both toddlers loved vegetables and fruits of all kinds. They were both excellent eaters, something Amelia and Andy always were shocked by because their kids were so picky.

"Alright Ro, push the button," Maya said as she closed up the blender.

The toddler hit the button that would auto-mix the smoothie before covering her ears.

"Good job," Maya said, picking her up and carrying her over to Carina's coffee maker, expertly putting the grounds in and starting the machine.

It had taken a long time for Maya to figure it out, but finally, the blonde was a master of the espresso.

"Mamma," Rowan said, looking at the coffee maker, hands still over her ears as the blender continued blending the protein shake.

"That's right," Maya nodded, "That is for Mamma. What do you want for breakfast today?"

"Egg," Rowan said decisively.

"Alright," Maya said, glancing at the clock, seeing she needed to be out the door in less than ten minutes, "I'll start them, but I think Mamma is going to have to finish them because I have to go to work."

"No," Rowan said, taking her hands down as the blender cut off, "Mommy stay."

"I have to work today," Maya said, leaving Rowan on the counter as she went and pulled out some eggs, milk, and cheese, "But I will pick you and your sister up from daycare tonight, ok?"

"Otay," Rowan said, watching as Maya cracked eggs for both girls before adding a little milk and grabbing a whisk, letting Rowan help her mix the bowl.

Just as they were finishing, Carina walked into the kitchen with a sleepy looking Nora on her hip.

"Rowan wanted eggs," Maya said, "But I don't have time to finish them. Sorry."

"Bambina, it is ok," Carina said, walking over to her wife and other daughter, "I don't work until later. You go finish whatever you need to. I've got the bambine, ok?"

"Ok," Maya said, rubbing Nora's back a little, giving the girl a little kiss before she headed to finish getting ready.

She poured her shake into a to go cup before grabbing her backpack and shoes.

"Alright," Maya said, making sure she had all her things in her bag, "I will see you at 11:30 Carina. Rowan, Nora, I will see you both later. I love you all so much."

"I love you too Bambina," Carina said, giving her wife a kiss.

"Bye Bye Mommy," Rowan said, giving Maya a hug and kiss.

Nora still wasn't fully awake, just giving Maya a small kiss and wave.

"Bye everyone," Maya said, grabbing her bag and drink, "See you later."

Maya headed out of the house, driving to work while trying to get herself in the headspace to do her job. She pulled into the station, taking one more deep breath before getting out of her car and going inside.

"19, looking good," she called as she walked in, finding everyone in various stages of class A dress doing last minute tasks.

"We aren't ready yet," Dean said, looking at her.

"Neither am I," she said, "I'll be back down at 8:30 sharp to start the inspection."

Maya headed upstairs, all but running into Andy at the top of the stairs.

"Hey," the captain said, "How are you doing? And how is Carina? Is everything ok?"

"Captain Herrera, you have a station that is going to be inspected in less than half an hour," Maya said, looking at her, "Is now an appropriate time for small talk?"

"I was just..." Andy said, but Maya cut her off.

"Captain, I have a job to do this morning," Maya said harshly, "And I suggest you do yours as well."

With that, Maya turned and walked to her office, Andy immediately knowing something was not right but also knowing it was inspection day and she needed to finish getting ready. She told herself that as soon as the inspection was done, she was going to get Maya to talk to her. Maya meanwhile was in her office, pulling out her class As from her cabinet, going into her bunk to get ready.

As she looked at the pictures of Carina and the girls on her shelf, she felt her heart clench a little. All she wanted right now was to be home with them, holding them and just being together. She pulled on her class As, glad she had done up her hair before coming in today.

Once she was dressed, she went back into her office, grabbing her clipboard and making sure she had everything she needed to do the inspection.

At 8:29, she put on her cap before heading downstairs, greeting Andy at the door to the barn.

"Captain Herrera," she said, nodding at her.

"Battalion Chief Bishop-Deluca," Andy said, shaking her hand as they walked into the barn together to start the inspection.

Through the entire inspection, Andy could tell something was just a little bit off. Maya wasn't too overly critical, but she was extremely serious the entire time and just seemed not herself.

The Battalion Chief lined them all up in the barn at 10:30, telling them what they needed to improve on, but also letting them know that she was proud of them and grateful for them. Andy was shocked as she watched Maya tear up a little bit, the blonde quickly reigning it back in before dismissing them.

"Herrera, Hughes, Montgomery, change and then meet me in my office, please," Maya said before walking out of the barn.

She went up to her office, not even bothering to change before she sat down at the computer, quickly emailing the captain at 88, asking if the inspection could either be rescheduled for first thing tomorrow morning or on the afternoon of the following day, knowing that they had another appointment with Dr. Cho to go over Carina's exact treatment plan tomorrow afternoon and her inspection at 42 the morning after.

She then started typing out her notes from the inspection at 19, wanting to knock out as much as she could before going to the hospital, not knowing how long Carina was going to need her to be there for and in what capacity. About ten minutes after she sat down, there was a knock at the door, Vic, Andy, and Travis all walking in.

"Hey guys," she said, not looking up, "Give me one minute. They all come in, Vic and Travis sitting down on the couch while Andy sat in a chair.

"Ok," she said, finishing the note she was working on before looking at her friends.

"Maya, what is going on?" Andy asked, all three of them clearly worried.

The blonde stood up, leaning on the edge of her desk as she looked at her friends.

"So, a few days ago, Carina got the results back from some routine tests," Maya said, focusing hard on her breathing, "And the results weren't normal so we spent the day at Grey Sloan getting more tests done and we found out..."

Maya kept expecting this to get easier, but every damn time it felt like the words were strangling her. Andy got up, going and standing next to Maya, wrapping an arm around her friend, just offering support as Vic got up, grabbing some tissues for the tears Maya didn't even realize were falling.

"Thanks," Maya said, taking the tissues, wiping her eyes. She took another shaky breath before continuing.

"We found out that Carina has stage one cervical cancer," Maya said, hearing all of her friends let out a small gasp as her tears started falling harder again.

Before Maya knew what was happening, she was being crushed by three people hugging her tightly which only made her cry harder.

The four of them just stayed that way for a few minutes before Vic, Travis, and Andy all slowly peeled themselves away. It was then that Maya realized that everyone was grabbing tissues to wipe the tears out of their own eyes.

"I'm so sorry Maya," Travis said, rubbing her back a little bit. The blonde nodded, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"So, I know I like, kick ass on the aid car, and this might come as a surprise, but Ben Warren is the only doctor in this station," Vic said, getting a small chuckle out of everyone, "So, what happens now? Does Carina have to like, have chemo or...?"

"She doesn't have to have chemo," Maya said as they all went to sit again, this time, Vic, Maya and Andy on the couch while Travis sat on the floor in front of them, "She is having surgery on the 15th, a hysterectomy, and then she has to do radiation once she heals from that. We have an appointment tomorrow to go over all the details. But from what I've heard, she has a really good chance of beating this. Like 95% chance."

"That's good," Travis said, nodding. "How are you guys doing?" Andy asked.

"It's been a lot," Maya said, "Carina is telling everyone at work today and she is dreading that. And she's been having a hard time with the fact that she won't be able to have babies anymore. She's anxious about what is going to happen because even though everything is probably going to be fine, she is still obviously worried about what is going to happen. I mean, she has to have major surgery in 5 days and then she has to undergo more treatment and there is always a small chance it won't work."

"I'm sure it's a lot for her. I can't even imagine how it would feel to have to hear that," Travis said, looking at Maya, "And how are you doing?"

"I'm...," Maya started, biting her lip. She hadn't thought much about how she was really doing. Sure, she and Carina had talked a little bit about how she was feeling last night, but not a lot.

"I don't know how I'm doing," Maya said, feeling tears welling up in her eyes again, "It sucks. And I'm so scared. I know she's probably going to be just fine, but what if she's not. We have two girls who need their mamma and I can't raise them without her. I don't...I don't know what I would do if she's not okay."

She started crying again, Vic and Andy wrapping their arms around her as Travis put his hand on her knee.

Everyone wanted to assure her that Carina was going to be just fine, that she was going to beat this and that everything was going to be great, but they knew that wasn't what Maya needed in this moment. She just needed people to hear her fears and let her feel them in the safety of this office where she didn't have to worry about talking like this to her wife.

"What time is it?" Maya asked after a few minutes, wiping at her eyes.

"It's 11:15," Vic said, looking at her watch.

"Shit," Maya said, jumping up, "I have to go. Carina wanted me to be there with her when she talks to Bailey and her friends. I am probably going to work out of her office for a while, and then I might come back here, depending on how she's doing. Today is just a paperwork day anyway."

"Ok," Andy said, getting up and going over to her friend, "Is there anything you need help with to be ready to leave?"

"No," Maya said, throwing her laptop and some files into her backpack, "Thanks. And if you guys want, you can tell everyone else what's going on. I know they all know I was off today."

"Come here," Travis said, getting up, pulling Maya into a hug, "We are all here for you and Carina and the girls. Whatever you need."

"Thank you," Maya said as he let go and Vic immediately pulled her into another hug.

"Carina's got this," Vic said, "And we've got all of you."

Maya nodded as Vic stepped away.

"I'll walk you out," Andy said, throwing her arm around Maya's shoulder as they headed downstairs, "Maya, just know that whatever you need, even if it's just someone to yell at about how angry you are about this or someone to sit on the phone with you while you vent or cry, I am right here, ok? And however I can help with the girls, I will. We are a family, ok?"

Maya nodded as they got to her car, just letting Andy wrap her in a hug.

"I know you don't want to necessarily tell Carina how scared you are about all of this," Andy said, "But please don't shove it down. I am always here to listen whenever you need me to, ok? Any time, day or night."

"Thank you," Maya said quietly, voice shaky, "Now, I really have to go. Carina has a meeting with Bailey and I promised I would be there with her."

"Go be with your woman," Andy said as Maya got in her car, "And remember, literally whatever you need, ok?"

Maya nodded as she started toward Grey Sloan to meet her wife and go through the process of telling people again.

Meanwhile, back at home, once Maya left, Carina had finished making breakfast for the twins.

"What else do you want with your eggs?" Carina asked the twins as they sat on the counter watching her cook.

"Nana," Rowan said, "An' ham."

"Grr," Nora said, her way of saying orange that never failed to make Carina smile, "An' ogre."

"Alright," Carina said, smiling, "Banana and ham for Patatina and orange and yogurt for Nora. Can I put you both down so I can finish breakfast?"

Both toddlers nodded, Carina hoisting them down to the floor before they wandered over to their chairs.

As she picked them up off the counter, Carina felt tears well up in her eyes, thinking about the fact that in five days, she wouldn't be able to pick up for probably two months. It was just another part of this whole thing that sucked. She was grateful that the twins could at least walk on their own and were no longer in cribs, but the thought of not just being able to scoop her little girls up and hold them in her arms made her so sad.

"Mamma try?" Rowan asked, startling Carina a little because she didn't realize the little girl had gotten up from her chair.

"I am alright," Carina said, wiping her eyes as she smiled at Rowan, "I was just thinking about how much I love you and your sister."

"Lobe you too," Rowan said, hugging Carina's legs, the Italian instantly picking her up.

"Ok," Carina said, kissing her a few times before setting her down, "Now, I really do need to finish breakfast."

Carina quickly finished the eggs, putting them on plates for the girls before grabbing out their requested extras along with some milk.

"Alright, bambine," Carina said, "Here is your calazione."

"Gwazie," Rowan and Nora both said, smiling at her.

"Prego," Carina said, going back into the kitchen to get her coffee.

Breakfast was hit or miss with her and today, with what she knew she had to do in just a few hours, her stomach wasn't having it. She took her coffee and sat down at the table with the girls, listening to them chat as they ate their food.

"Mamma eat?" Nora asked, looking at her.

"Not right now Piccola," Carina said, "I am just going to drink my caffe."

Once breakfast was over, the twins went to play while Carina cleaned up the kitchen, using the time that the girls were occupied to make lunch for them to have at daycare, knowing she would be dropping them off around lunch time today. She made them some little roll ups with turkey and cheese along with some carrots, bell peppers, and strawberries. She also cut up some celery and added a little bit of hummus to a container and some pretzels for their afternoon snack.

She would never not be grateful for how well the twins ate, though with Maya as their mother, it wasn't surprising. She also made herself a random array of snacks for her to munch on during the day, planning on grabbing dinner from the cafeteria or ordering something in.

Just as she was finishing with lunches, she noticed the twins were oddly quiet. She quickly popped the lunch boxes into the fridge before going to see what was happening. She went into the playroom, not seeing the girls. She headed upstairs, knowing sometimes, they would go play in their room.

"Bambine," she called as she went upstairs. She looked in their room, not seeing them but then she heard giggling coming from down the hall in her and Maya's room.

"What are you two doing?" she said, walking into the room and still not seeing them.

However, as she went into the bathroom, she held back a gasp. Nora and Rowan were standing there absolutely covered in a bottle of lotion that Maya must have left down this morning. They had lotion in their hair, on their clothes, and all over the floor.

She pulled out her phone, snapping a picture because as upset as she was, they were pretty cute playing together. Also, she was going to send it to Maya and tell her she needed to be more careful with where she left her things.

"What are you two doing?" Carina asked, both girls startling a little, having not seen her come in.

"Mommy," Rowan said, holding up the bottle.

"Si, that is Mommy's," Carina sighed, "But why did you put it all over."

"Yummy," Nora said, licking her finger which had lotion on it.

"No," Carina said, going over to them, "This is not food. That is Mommy's lotion. It is not a toy or a plaything."

"No," Rowan said as Carina took away the bottle, "Mine."

"No, it is not yours," Carina said, "It is Mommy's."

Rowan's lip wobbled a little before she started crying.

"I know you want to play with the lotion," Carina said, "But it is not your and this was not something you should have done. This was a bad choice."

At this point, Nora started crying too, probably partly because Rowan was crying.

"Alright," Carina said, shaking her head, "I know you are both upset, but you need a bath. Come here Rowan. Nora, stand right here and don't move, si?"

Both of them just kept crying so Carina just picked Rowan up, carrying her into the bathroom and setting her in the tub.

"I will be right back, ok?" Carina said, "Just stay here."

Rowan has started to calm down some and nodded. Carina then started walking back to get Nora when she heard a small thud and then someone crying. She ran into the master bathroom, finding Nora sitting on the floor in tears, clearly having slipped on the massive amounts of lotion on the floor. She didn't seem hurt but rather scared.

"Oh Piccola," Carina sighed, picking her up, "It's ok. This is why we don't put lotion on the floor because it is slippery."

Nora just sniffled, lip still in a pout but the tears stopping.

"Alright," Carina said, setting Nora in the tub, "Let's get these yucky clothes off."

She stripped the twins down, not even sure how she was going to get the lotion out of their clothes or their hair for that matter. She then took the twins out of the tub, putting them on a towel on the floor so she could get the tub turned on.

Once she had the water starting in the tub, she put the girls back in, deciding she needed to start with their hair. Nora hollered as Carina poured water on her hair.

"I know you don't like that part," Carina said, "But I don't like that you put lotion in your hair this morning."

Carina washed both of their hair twice before deciding that whatever their hair looked like after this was going to have to work because Nora was a mess of tears from getting so much water dumped on her head.

"Alright Elenora," Carina said, "Let's get out."

Carina pulled her out, wrapping her in a towel.

"Rowan, are you ready to get out?" Carina asked, pretty sure she knew the answer.

"No," Rowan said, still playing with her toys.

"Alright," Carina said, "But, I am going to get Nora dressed and then, you are going to get out."

Carina quickly went into the girls' room which was connected to the bathroom, grabbing a diaper and some clothes for Nora before going back into the bathroom so she could keep an eye on Rowan while dressing Nora. Carina got Nora dressed, deciding to skip the lotion for today because she had had plenty of it.

Once Nora was dressed, Carina brushed her hair and teeth, trying to give Rowan small warnings about getting out of the tub, hoping maybe that would get her ready for it and help avoid another meltdown.

Once Nora was ready, Carina went over to the tub, pulling the plug.

"Alright Rowan, it's time to get out," she said, looking down at the little blonde.

"No," Rowan said, "Baf."

"Patatina, bath time is over," Carina said, "It is time to get out."

"Baf," Rowan said, lip wobbling.

"Maybe you can have another bath with Mommy tonight," Carina said, "But right now, you have to get out. Do you want to get out on your own or do you want me to get you out?"

"Baf," Rowan said defiantly.

"Ok," Carina said, "One more time or I will decide, do you want to get out on your own or do you want me to get you out?"

"Baf," Rowan said, splashing what little water was left at Carina.

"Ok," Carina said, trying very hard not to get angry, "I am getting you out."

"No," Rowan said, kicking her legs as Carina got her out of the tub, "Baf."

Carina carried her into her bedroom where Nora was playing.

"Rowan, no more," Carina said firmly, "No kicking."

Rowan stopped kicking, still sniffling, but the crocodile tears had stopped.

"Grazie," Carina said as she put the diaper on Rowan, "Now, let's get you dressed."

Once she had both the girls dressed, she took them into her room, letting them play on the bed while she tried to clean up the lotion on the floor. The bathroom floor was going to be slippery for a while because the lotion would not come off all the way.

Once that was done, the twins were still happily playing on the bed and it was already almost 10 so she decided to take advantage and start getting ready for the day.

She tried really hard not to think about telling everyone at her job what was going on. Something about telling people made all of this feel so much more real when all she wanted was to have it just be some kind of sick joke.

She pulled out her clothes, smiling as she watched the twins who were looking at books on the bed. She went into the bathroom, getting dressed and pulling her hair into a braid.

Once that was done, she went to get the girls, realizing their hair also needed to be done. She quickly put Rowan's hair into a bun before moving onto Nora's, deciding on pigtails, both of their hair a little greasier than it should be, but it didn't look too bad.

Soon enough, their hair was done, and it was getting close to time to leave.

"Alright bambine," Carina said, "Let's go downstairs. It's almost time to go to daycare."

"PaPa?" Nora asked as they slowly walked down the stairs, a skill the twins had recently mastered.

"Harper might be there," Carina said, unsure of Link and Amelia's schedules this week, "Non lo so. Can you both go find your shoes?"

The twins nodded, going to the mud room while Carina went into the kitchen, pulling out their lunch boxes, filling some sippy cups with milk and their little water bottles with water. She then went into the mudroom to get their backpacks, finding the twins getting their shoes.

"Nora, it's not raining today," Carina said, noticing the toddler had her rain boots on.

"Boops," Nora said, looking down at her feet.

"You can wear them if you want," Carina said, kneeling down to help Rowan put on her tennis shoes, "But they are on the wrong feet. Do you want to change them, or do you want me to help you?"

"Mamma do," Nora said, sitting down and letting Carina switch her shoes.

"Alright," Carina said, "I need to go get your lunches and my bag and then it it's time to go. Can you each pick a jacket?"

Carina went back into the kitchen, putting the water bottles in the backpacks. She grabbed her own food before going back to the twins. Neither of them could put on their own jackets, but Rowan sure was trying.

"Let me help you," Carina laughed pulling the jacket off and putting it back on the right way before also helping Nora with her jacket.

"Alright, time to go," Carina said, grabbing her bag off its hook before opening the door, the twins slowly walking out into the garage.

Carina threw all their stuff in the car before helping the twins into their seats.

"Alright," Carina said as she finished buckling Nora's car seat, "Should we go?"

Both toddlers nodded as Carina closed the car door. As they drove to the hospital, Carina tried desperately to calm herself down, her body feeling very on edge and anxious as she thought about what she was going to have to do today.

She managed to pull herself out of her head for a few brief minutes, listening to the twins chat back and forth with each other in the back seat as they pulled into the hospital parking lot.

She parked, going to the trunk and pulling out the double stroller she kept there almost all the time, loading the twins' bags into it before going around to get the girls out.

"No sit," Rowan said, shaking her head as Carina tried to put her in the stroller.

"You have to hold my hand then," Carina said, looking at the toddler.

"No," Rowan said, "Me wat."

"You cannot walk by yourself," Carina said, "You can either sit or hold my hand."

"No," Rowan said. "Rowan Andrea," Carina said, "That is enough. In the stroller."

"No," Rowan screamed, kicking her legs as Carina forced her into the stroller, "No."

"You have to be safe," Carina said, buckling Rowan in so she wouldn't jump out.

"No," Rowan said, sobbing as Carina headed toward the hospital.

She absolutely hated taking the girls to the daycare when they were upset, but it was taking all she had in her not to yell at the little girl because of everything else going on. She knew it wasn't Rowan's fault. She was learning to be independent which is something that was amazing to watch, but there were times when it wore on both Carina and Maya, and today, Carina didn't have the emotional bandwidth to spend the time it would take to calm her down.

Luckily, by the time they got to daycare, Rowan had stopped scream.

"Alright," Carina said, walking over to the daycare door, "I've got Rowan and Nora here."

"Good morning girls," Nicole said, coming out to help Carina with the girls and their things, "Oh, Rowan, what's wrong?"

"She wanted to walk in without holding my hand," Carina said, picking the little blonde up.

"I see," Nicole said, smiling as she gathered up the girls' bags, "Who is picking them up today?"

"It should be Maya," Carina said, getting Nora out of her seat.

"Alright," Nicole said, "Nora, Rowan, can you say goodbye to Mamma?"

"Bye Mamma," Nora said, giving Carina a big hug and kiss before following Nicole, "Lobe you."

"I love you too Nora," Carina said, smiling as Rowan walked up to her.

"Bye Mamma," Rowan said, also giving her a hug and kiss, "Lobe you."

"I love you too Rowan," Carina said, "So so much. Have a good day Bambine. Mommy will pick you up tonight."

"Bye Dr. Bishop-Deluca," Nicole said as she took the twins into daycare.

Carina stored the stroller before heading up to her office, absolutely dreading what the rest of the day was to bring. 


What did you think?  I was going to end this chapter after the Maya bit, but then, I just had to add the extra part with Carina and the twins.  I hope you liked it.  If you have anything you want to see in this story, let me know.  Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and voting! 

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