By KaiTheOtaku

445 0 2

Welcome, welcome. I'm your host Kai and I'm here to tell you that I DO NOT own any of the Haikyuu/characters... More

*insert Angel Beats op* AUTHOR NOTE
*insert Tanaka-kun is always listless op* AUTHOR NOTE
*le cries*
*insert Lacie's Melody* AUTHOR NOTE
32 - Haikyuu as Camp Camp (ep. 2)
33 - Haikyuu as Gintama (ep. Sleep Helps a Child Grow)
a quick rant
*insert Spy x Family op* AUTHORS NOTE
*insert TANK!* Author's Note
72- Haikyuu as Shakespearean Mean Girls

31 - Haikyuu as Camp Camp (ep. 1)

12 0 0
By KaiTheOtaku

the time has come! let us welcome.. the first HAIKYUU SKIT!!! HOORAY!  lettuce begin!!!!!!!!! wait.. before beginning lemme just say, I DO NOT own camp camp, I'm positive it is owned by Rooster Teeth. (link above) anywayz enjoy


Max - Tsukishima Kei

Neil - Kuroo Tetsurō

Nikki - Bokuto Koutarou

Ered - Suna Rintaro

David - Takeda Ittetsu

Gwen - Ukai Keishin

Campbell - Ukai Ikkei

Quatermaster - Tanji Washijo

Nurf - Iwaizumi Hajime

Harrison - Oikawa Tooru

Space Kid - Suguru Daishou

Nerris - Kageyama Tobio

Dolph - Akinori Konoha

Preston Goodplay - Kenji Futakuchi

Sheriff Sal - Sheriff Sal


*Eagle screeching*

Takeda: Can you believe it, Kei? We're getting not one, not three, but two new campers today!

Tsukishima: Yup. It's really, truly horrifying.

Takeda: Horrifying? What, are you afraid of making a few new friends?

Tsukishima: I'm not here to make friends, Ittetsu. I'm here because camp is where kids are sent when their parents don't want to deal with them.

Tsukishima: Why do you think we return the favor when they hit seventy?

Takeda: Hang on a sec, what are you even doing out here?

Tsukishima: Well, it's definitely not because the bus only comes in from the city to drop off and pick up campers

Tsukishima: And so far seems to be my only reasonable method of escaping this fucking nightmare of a camp.

Tsukishima: Definitely not that.

Takeda: Heeeeyy... language.

Tsukishima: Suck a dick—

Takeda: All I want is for you kids to have as much fun as I did when I was a Campbell camper.

Takeda: Is that really too much to ask?

Tsukishima: I refuse to believe someone as happy as you can possibly exist.

*bus honking*

Takeda: *gasp* The bus is here!

Takeda: Hello, welcome to Camp--

*Takeda screaming as he gets hit by the bus*

Washijo: Kids are here.

Bokuto: Ha!

Bokuto: *heavily inhaling*

Bokuto: Oh yeah, smell that nature! Oh that's the stuff.

Takeda: Well hello there, little man. You must be Koutaro.

Takeda: My name is Ittetsu, your camp--

*Takeda screaming in pain as Bokuto bites him*

Kuroo: Um, excuse me?

Kuroo: Is this Science Camp?

Bokuto: No, silly!

Bokuto: This is Adventure Camp. Ad-ven-ture!

Bokuto: My mom said so! Unless she was lying. Again.

Bokuto: Sorry about that hand by the way. Just exerting dominance, you know how it goes.

Takeda: Uh, and you must be Tetsurō.

Takeda: Well, you two will be happy to know that Camp Campbell is both of th--

*Takeda screaming after getting hit by the bus.. again*

Tsukishima: Stupid prepubescent legs!

Washijo: Not today, child. Only one driving this bus is me.

Takeda: Ugh. Thank you, Washijo.

Washijo: You're on your own, now.

Washijo: Going on break, be back for the bus at noon.

Takeda: Kei, you are not leaving my side for the rest of the day.

Tsukishima: We'll see about that, camp man.

Kuroo: So what's your deal?

Tsukishima: *sigh* I'm just a kid trying to survive out here, Tetsurō.

Takeda: Now let's go check out the camp, kids!


Takeda: The first stop on any good tour is the flagpole!

Takeda: I can't help but give it the official Camp Campbell salute every time I see it.

Takeda: Beside the flagpole is our mess hall, which--

Takeda: Oh! Sorry, saw the flag again.

Takeda: Beside the flagpole is our mess hall, which is connected to the Washijo Store.

Takeda: It's here that we'll serve meals, hold announcements, and occasionally take part in camp activities.

Takeda: Tell 'em just how much you love it, Kei!

Tsukishima: See, that's the sad thing. He still actually thinks that I love it.

Takeda: And who wouldn't?

Takeda: Now, let's step inside and meet my co-counselor Keishin, who's in the middle of a camp activity right now!

Takeda: Oho man, you're gonna love him.

Takeda: Gooood morning, Keishin!

Ukai: Motherfucker!

Daishou: Goooo! Crank it to high, I can take the G's!

Ukai: Hajime, you don't crank shit! Get down from there, Suguru!

Takeda: Oh dear!

Kuroo: What is going on here?

Tsukishima: I'm telling you, if we leave now, I can hot wire that bus.

Bokuto: This is amazing!

Iwaizumi: Buzzkill.

Daishou: Oh-ho.

Daishou: I'm okay.

Takeda: What the gosh darn heck happened?

Ukai: Ugh, Suguru's just, y'know, pushing me to my limits again.

Daishou: I will achieve space flight!

Takeda: Well, we have new campers to introduce and orientate!

Kuroo: Ow.

Ukai: Jesus, that's right.

Ukai: Okay, let's... show them the video.

Takeda: Actually, I was thinking I could play them that song I've been--

Ukai: I'm gonna stop you, right there.

Ukai: No.

Ukai: I'll get the laser disk.

Takeda: O-kay!

Takeda: All you campers head over to the activities field for your afternoon sessions.

*noises of complaint*

Takeda: Uh-uh. Not you, Kei.

Tsukishima: Dammit.

Kuroo: Will someone please talk to me about Science Camp?

Kuroo: None of those kids looked too science-y.

Bokuto: What about that Suguru?

Kuroo: Astronauts, the wannabe jocks of the scientific community? Please.

Takeda: Don't you worry kiddos, this video will explain everything.

Takeda: It was put together by our founder, Ukai Ikkei Campbell, back when I was an eager young camper just like yourselves!

Takeda: he was an absolute legend-- oh, sorry, is an absolute legend.

Takeda: A savvy businessman, extraordinary philanthropist, and one heck of an adventurer if I do say so myself.

Takeda: Oh, it's true, Mr. Ikkei doesn't often have time to come visit the camp anymore

Takeda: What with him travelling the globe and, I'm assuming, saving lives.

Takeda: But! He'll always live on in our hearts and minds.

Takeda: It's like the man always said: We're here to have a great summer, and campe diem!

Takeda: Oh, if only he were here now.

Ikkei: I'm here now.

Takeda: *gasp* Mr. Ikkei!?

Takeda: Wh-- what are you doing here, sir?

Ikkei: *laughing* Well I'm certainly not hiding from any authorities if that's what you're thinking.

Takeda: What?

Ikkei: Haha, come on, Itte!

Ikkei: You think I'd miss the opportunity to welcome our new Campbell campers to Ikkei Campbell's Camp Campbell?

Ukai: You have for years, sir.

Ikkei: Haha, oh Shinki, you slay me!

Ukai: It's... Keishin.

Ikkei: What did I say?

Bokuto: Hey, brawny guy?

Bokuto: This is Adventure Camp, right?

Kuroo: Yeah, so far every attempt to answer our questions just raises more questions.

Tsukishima: Hey, good for you! You're starting to catch on!

Ikkei: Haha, don't worry kids! These two will take you on a tour of our great camp and answer any questions you might have.

*Car screeching*

Ikkei: In fact, we should go on that tour right now, all of us, together, away from this spot.


Takeda: Here at Camp Campbell, we pride ourselves on the variety of our curriculum.

Ukai: There's Extreme Sports Camp,

Ukai: Magic Camp,

Iwaizumi: *laughing*

Ukai: Space Camp,

Ukai: Theater Camp,

Iwaizumi: *laughing*

Ukai: Art Camp,

Konoha: It's a dog!

Ukai: Other Magic Camp,

Kageyama: Lightning bolt!

Ukai: And lots more. Lots of stuff.

Bokuto: How much more stuff?

Takeda: Well I'm glad you asked, because I have a little song that I can sing--

Ukai: No.

Takeda: When Keishin's not around.

Ukai: By the way, Mr. Ikkei, now that you're here maybe we can discuss just exactly how we're meant to operate at this scale—

Ikkei: Hey, is that kid trying to escape?

Tsukishima: *panting*


Tsukishima: If I can just get to that bus before it heads back!

Tsukishima: Ah!

Takeda: Looks like knitting camp wasn't as stupid as someone said, huh Kei?

Tsukishima: You are the bane of my existence.

Takeda: All right now, let's go.

Kuroo: Excuse me, what the hell is this?

Takeda: Ah! I see you found it.

Takeda: That, my friend, is science camp!

Kuroo: But but but-- this isn't what I signed up for!

Kuroo: I just wanted Science Camp, not Science Camp and more! I don't want more!

Ikkei: Well that's why you read the fine print, sport!

Ikkei: See, right there. And more.

Ikkei: Now you can't sue us!

Bokuto: So, what? It's just some sort of Camp Camp?

Ikkei: Well I mean, I wouldn't exactly call it out like that. But yes.

Kuroo: This is bullshit!

Tsukishima: Woah, check out the balls on new kid.

Bokuto: Where?

Kuroo: I don't know what kind of operation you think you're running, but I won't stand for it!

Kuroo: I'm a man of science!

Kuroo: You think you can rummage together some outdated equipment and call it a laboratory!?

Ukai: Look, kid, I know it's not--

Ikkei: Stand down, Keichen.

Ikkei: I'll speak to the children.

Ikkei: Kids, I'm going to be blunt and honest with you.

Ikkei: When I opened Camp Campbell all those years ago, I had one goal and one goal only.

Ikkei: To create the most popular and successful summer camp in the world!

Ikkei: But times have changed.

Ikkei: Things like the internet, video games, and the Affordable Care Act are ruining this great country of ours,

Ikkei: And the children of today just aren't interested in a traditional summer camp.

Ikkei: But America isn't a traditional country!

Ikkei: So why settle for anything less!

Ikkei: You've got two acceptable counselors, one hell of a Quartermaster, and endless possibilities here at Camp Campbell.

Ikkei: And by God, as long as I'm here--

*tires screeching*


Ikkei: Code black, code black!

Ikkei: Well, look at the time. Gotta go!

Takeda: Sir! Where are you going?

Ikkei: The nearest international waters, Itte. Have a great summer, kids!

Ikkei: *fading away* And campe diem!


*Tires screeching*

Bokuto: He seems nice.

Ukai: Oh God it's coming back, the crippling anxiety and regret.

Takeda: Uh, Keishin!?

Washijo: Well, time to be getting that there bus back to that there city.

Tsukishima: Tetsurō, that bus is our only chance out of here.

Tsukishima: Do you want to spend the rest of your summer at this godforsaken place or do you want to enjoy the sweet taste of freedom?

Ukai: Why did I get a liberal arts degree?

Kuroo: Let's get the fuck out of here.

Bokuto: Makin' a break for it?

Bokuto: I can make a distraction for you.

Tsukishima: Why would you help us?

Bokuto: I'm an agent of chaos.

Bokuto: Hey Ittetsu!

Takeda: Yes Koutaro!

Bokuto: How about you pick up our spirits with that camp song you won't shut up about?

Takeda: Well that's a great idea!

Ukai: Oh Jesus Christ no.

Takeda: ♪ Ooooohhh ♪

Takeda: ♪ There's a place I know that's tucked away, a place where you and I can stay, ♪

Takeda: ♪ Where we can go to laugh and play and have adventures every day! ♪

Takeda: ♪ I know it sounds hard to believe but guys and gals it's true, Camp Campbell is the place for me and-- ♪

Ukai: The kids are gone.



Washijo: No running.

(It sucks!) I'm sorry I'm sorry (It always sucks!) I'm--

Washijo: ... No running.

*Kids panting*

Tsukishima: There it is!

Kuroo: They're right behind us!

Takeda: Kei, get back here! You are being a bad influence on our new campers!

Tsukishima: Never!

Bokuto: Kei, hurry!

*dramatic music*

Bokuto: Heee-ya!

Takeda: Oh!

Ukai: Oof!

Bokuto and Tsukishima: *laughing*

Tsukishima: Remember this face, Ittetsu, cause you'll never see it again!

*tires screeching*

Tsukishima: *laughing*

Sheriff: I'm getting real tired of having to come up here, Ittetsu.

Takeda: I know, Sal.

Tsukishima: We were so close!

Kuroo: Well, I mean in hindsight none of us really know how to drive.

Ukai: Yeah, honestly Kei, how far did you expect to make it?

Bokuto: Imma be real, I just always wanted to drive a bus.

Takeda: Well kids, I hope we all learned something today.

Tsukishima: Oh, no. I hope YOU learned, Ittetsu.

Tsukishima: I hope you learned that before today, you only had one little bastard to deal with.

Tsukishima: But now you've got three.

Tsukishima: Let's go, guys. I'll take you to our tent.

Bokuto: Woohoo!

Bokuto: This is gonna be awesome!

Ukai: This is gonna be awful.

Takeda: Oh, come on Keishin! Look at the bright side!

Takeda: Kei made not one, not three, but two new friends today!

Takeda: *screams in Terror and Pain as Ukai beats him with a guitar*  

Hope everyone enjoyed this.. I do plan on doing ep. 2 but idk when

anywayz thats all.. for now


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