Outsider Syndrome: Everlastin...

By Mistyped_

835 120 73

A collection of bonus chapters for my book Outsider Syndrome, featuring unexplored storylines, newer characte... More

【 𝟏͏. 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐒͏𝐓͏𝐎͏𝐑͏𝐘 】
★ ━━ 𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠
Chapter 1 - "Smiling Sachiko"
Chapter 2 - "Until the End of Time"
Chapter 3 - "When I Can't"
Chapter 4 - "The Past, Present, and Future"
★ ━━ 𝘽𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙝
Chapter 1 - "Six Boys, One Girl"
Chapter 2 - "Party Preparations I"
Chapter 3 - "Party Preparations II"
★ ━━ 𝙏𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙪𝙜𝙞 𝙏𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙖𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖
Chapter 1 - "Do You Believe In Fate?"
Chapter 2 - "Our First Conversation"
★ ━━ 𝙈𝙖𝙤 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙞
Chapter 1 - "Sisterly Fights"
Chapter 2 - "Ryota the Familiar"
★ ━━ 𝘿𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚 𝙆𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙧𝙞
Chapter 1 - "Special"
Chapter 2 - "Intimacy"
Chapter 3 - "Out of Touch"
Chapter 4 - "Past Ties"
Chapter 5 - "Prince and Princess"
Bonus - "Happily Ever After"
★ ━━ 𝘽𝙖𝙣𝙧𝙞 𝙏𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙘𝙝𝙞
Chapter 1 - "Perfectionist"
Chapter 2 - "Heat of Desire"
Chapter 3 - "Adore You"
Chapter 4 - "Over and Over"
Bonus - "Favourite Piece of Art"
★ ━━ 𝙅𝙞𝙣 𝙉𝙖𝙧𝙪𝙢𝙞
Chapter 1 - "Sick Day"
Chapter 2 - "Nurse Naru"
Bonus - "Something To Hold Onto"
★ ━━ 𝙍𝙞𝙣 𝙈𝙞𝙯𝙤𝙩𝙖
Chapter 1 - "Crescendo"
Chapter 2 - "Live in the Moment"
Chapter 3 - "It Should Be Me"
Chapter 4 - "Duet of our Hearts"
Bonus - "Promise for the Future"

Chapter 3 - "I'll Give It My Best Shot"

12 2 2
By Mistyped_

Tsumugi Tsukahara's POV:

In the middle of class, while Miss Akagi talked on about mathematic formulas, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Aoyama's message lit up my screen.

Want to hang out after school?

I paused, swimming in awe, to glance across the room.

Aoyama's gentle eyes and smile were waiting to greet me.

My cheeks bloomed rose-red. Wordlessly, I blushed, all the while he tilted his head at an angle, resting his chin on his folded arms.

Was he asking me out? As in, as in. . .

I tore my gaze to my lap, where I gripped my phone for dear life.

I couldn't get ahead of myself. This was platonic. It had to be. Aoyama and I had spoken only in the mornings. Not at school. And most definitely not afterwards. Was this his plan to change that? Him reaching out to establish a tangible friendship between us? Or was it something more?


I willed my galloping heartbeat to silence itself. Did my response sound too desperate? Could he tell I was in love with him? I should've sent a "sure" or something more casual!

On cue, Aoyama surfaced his device. He stared at his screen with maximum concentration. His thumbs danced above his screen for an extended period. Eventually, my phone lit up a second time.

Okay! Let's meet by our lockers! :)

He sent an cute sticker alongside it, indicating his excitement.

When I glanced in his direction, it was the least of my expectation to find him clutching his head.

Was he second-guessing his message? Why? It was totally normal!

Straightaway, he buried his reddened face into his arms, as if begging to not be perceived. Aoyama was a wallflower, so I guess it made sense for him to get embarrassed about matters like this.

Unable to contain it, I laughed under my breath.

Either way, he was too cute.


I explicitly advised myself not to get my hopes up.

Precisely for this reason.

"Masaki, where're you headed? Weren't we getting ramen on the way home?"

It happened without warning. I'd been waiting for Aoyama to finish up with his classroom duties. As soon as he did and he arrived at our lockers, we stood in a comfortable silence, sharing shy smiles. Then, they appeared. Uchiya and Yaotome—Aoyama's best friends. They impeded without remorse. Acknowledged me with boisterous grins. Although Aoyama had insisted we'd already made plans to hang out, they falsely assumed it was to get ramen. Getting a sense of where the conversation was headed, I timidly excused myself, but, oblivious as they were, they insisted I join them. The more, the merrier, as they proclaimed.

Which brought me to the current situation.


Salarymen on their commute home. Construction workers. High school boys being high school boys.

Unsurprisingly, there was not a single girl in sight.

As the three of them nonchalantly chatted, I strayed a relative distance, reconsidering my life choices.

If I'd known it would turn out this way, I would've asked Kiharu and Shiina to tag along. It was my fault for assuming it'd be a date to begin with, but, in my defence, Uchiya and Yaotome were such blockheads. Couldn't they read the room?

"Sorry, Tsukahara," whispered Aoyama, pale with guilt as his bickering friends stood in line to grab food tickets.

"I-It's all right!" It was totally far from 'all right.' Why was I lying? "I haven't had ramen in a long time, so I don't mind!"

"Really?" he asked for confirmation.

I forced my lips upwards. "Yep!"

His regret melted into a heart-stopping smile. "Thank goodness. I was so worried. But, if that's the case, that's good."

Due to his blinding nature, my cheeks went up in flames. Uchiya and Yaotome returned, dragging Aoyama off to the closest table.

There were only three seats available.

Yaotome offered to sit elsewhere but I waved off the notion and went to find my own seating. Rather than take up a whole booth to myself, I sat up front at one of the individual stools.

There, I expelled the heavy breath I'd been holding.

"Not gonna order anything?"

I recoiled. The staff had spoken out.

"W-Water!" I squeaked. "Is. . . is fine!"

I craned up my neck. A gasp poured out of me. He looked a bit different with his hair held back by that black headband—arguably more mature—but his cat-like green eyes were an obvious telltale. It was Toru. For whatever reason, Toru was working here.

Needless to say, my jaw dropped five feet.

"Eat something," Toru added, calmly.


"On the house. I'm not taking 'no' for an answer."

My mouth moved, but no sound exited. It took me a hot second to realize why. He stared into the distance, primarily at the three rowdy boys I had accompanied. If he recognized me from the moment I entered the shop, there was a high chance he pieced together the situation. I hadn't exactly withheld my discomfort nor disappointment so I wouldn't put it past someone as perceptive as him.

He must've felt bad for me.

How embarrassing could this get?

A full-blown grin upturned Toru's mouth. He forced me to make eye-contact from across the counter.

"In return," he added in a playful tone, "let me bounce ideas off of you."

I fluttered my eyelids, attempting to string together the meaning of his sentence. "Ideas?"

The regulars of the shop were dining in to their own meals. Also, some of the other staff members were walking the floor, so we were free to talk.

"A birthday present."

Toru's answer flew above my head yet again.

He timidly scratched his cheek. "Kisaragi's birthday is coming up, as you know."

Suddenly, the pieces aligned.

Shiina's birthday was soon. March 3rd.

I'd been so preoccupied with other things lately, I'd nearly forgotten!

"So, what you want to bounce off of me. . . ?"

"Us guys were talking and we're thinking of throwing her a surprise party. When it comes to understanding her, I won't lose to anyone. That's the one thing I'm confident in. But, it wouldn't hurt to hear a second opinion from her best friend. The last thing I'd want is to accidentally get ahead of myself and ruin her day with a disappointing present."

It was the first time the two of us had ever chatted at length. We usually only interacted whenever Shiina was around. Even then, it was a passing greeting or two.

"I'm sure whatever present you get her, she'll love," I said.

He knew her best, after all.

"If it's things that'll put a smile on her face, I've got scores of ideas," he agreed. "Narrowing them down is what's been virtually impossible. I wouldn't mind getting her everything I have in mind but I also don't want to come across as weird, you know."

"I get what you mean!" I nodded. "Whenever I plan surprises for Shiina, I get carried away. I'd waste all of my allowance if not for Kiharu. Oh, yeah! Like, for your upcoming concert—we're making you guys t-shirts—"

I slapped my mouth.

Well, there went that surprise.

"S—sorry!" I cried, mortified. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that! I'm bad at keeping secrets!"

He laughed.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear anything," he replied. "I'm the worst at keeping them too. It always ends up showing on my face."

"Mine as well," I sheepishly agreed.

"Should we really be having this conversation then?"

Neither of us had an answer.

"A few secrets should be all right," I rationalized.

All I had to do was pray I wouldn't accidentally spill them to Shiina.

Toru began with the grandest smile in his possession. "Then, first! Kisaragi loves cats so how about I introduce some to her?"

"Aww! That'd be so cute! You have cats, Toru?"

"Er. No."

He shattered my hopes.

"My parents have horrible allergies, unfortunately. But! Cats love to gather behind the school building, so I know up to ten from that."


"Including the ones I encounter on my way to school and back, and those around the city. . . I'd say I recognize up to thirty-nine?"

"Th—their names, too?"

"Not all of them have names. Some are strays. But I mean, since I'd feel bad for them otherwise, I have my own personal nicknames for each."

It was virtually impossible to picture it.

I creased my eyebrows. "And you plan on introducing them all to Shiina?"

"At least the ten at school," he replied. "It'd be a bit difficult, seeing how they scamper off whenever she approaches them but I bet I can find a way to make them warm up to her. For example, if she wears cat ears."

"Cat ears would help?"

"Probably not," he answered straightaway. "But, just imagine how cute they'd look on her. The combination would kill me."

I sweatdropped.

I didn't understand it. Did boys like it when girls wore cat ears? Or was it purely Toru's preference? Maybe I'd be right to assume it was the latter considering his enormous fancy for cats. . .

"Wouldn't it be a problem at a birthday party, though?" I cleared my throat to hopefully transfer him from his starry-eyed daze. "If you gather that many cats, there's a chance those who are invited have allergies. Plus, I'm assuming this event will take place indoors so it'd be harder to manage."

I could imagine his own invisible kitty ears flopping downwards as he frowned.

"So, not an option?"

"Sadly, no."

His shoulders drooped. "Fine. I'll save the cat ears idea for another opportunity."

What opportunity?

"Plan number two," he declared before I had the chance to ask. "I gift her limited edition Mortal Mania merch!"

"Oh! Your favourite band!"

He nodded furiously. "Kisaragi's the only one who gets me when it comes to them. I have this signed poster she's been jealous of since she came over to my house. I'd feel bad giving her something that isn't brand new, though. Which is why I'm thinking. . ."

The world around us long forgotten, Toru rambled on and on about Shiina. The twinkle in his eye as he divulged all of his plans was second to none. Elaborate schemes and strategies with the simple purpose of making her smile. His deep, unadulterated affection. It filled me with amazement. Melancholy as well.

I knew the reason immediately.

"You really love Shiina."

He paused mid-spiel, addressing my downcast gaze.

"Is that sarcasm?"

"No, no!" I replied. "It's just, I'm jealous. I doubt I'll ever have anybody who cares about me to that degree. I don't think I'd have enough courage to fall in love with somebody way out of my league either— S-sorry!"

Why did I constantly speak without thinking?

Understandably, Toru didn't speak for a bit. What I stated was incredibly inconsiderate, after all.

"You didn't say anything out of the ballpark," he corrected me. "But love seriously isn't that intricate. Has nothing to do with doubt or leagues. You'll love who you love. The rest comes later. The fact that she's taller than me—and that she won't look my way even if I were the last guy on Earth—doesn't change the fact that I love her. Others do, too. And they have a way better shot. But I can't help what I can't help. Getting all depressed and moping about it isn't gonna make a difference. It isn't gonna change how I feel."

His forced smile reflected a deep-seated sadness.

My eyelids flung apart.

I really was horrible. Projecting my insecurities. Assuming he had it better. Toru lacked the courage, too. Why wouldn't he? All of his romantic rivals were discouraging enough. On top of that, it couldn't have been possible to wholly disregard his and Shiina's height difference. Not to mention all the other factors that put him at a clear disadvantage.

I liked Aoyama. From what I gathered, I had no competition. And if a love rival did exist, they weren't as close as the two of us were. Point was, I didn't have several girls to outshine. Our height difference abided by the status quo as well. If the two of us were to get together, nobody would bat an eyelash.

Toru and Shiina, on the other hand. . .

"I wouldn't say so!" Unsure what had come over me, my mouth moved automatically. "Shiina cares a lot about you, Toru! She always brings you up in conversation, even if it's to complain half the time. You don't need to be the last guy on Earth. Even with all of them, Shiina would look your way. I'm sure of it!"

I'd unintentionally risen my voice. Garnered the stares of those nearest to me.

Sensing my mortification, Toru laughed. "She complains about me half the time? That's not good."

I squared my shoulders.

"Let's both do our best."

I flinched.

Toru tilted his chin in Aoyama's direction. "Pray this one-sided love of ours pays off. In my opinion, you've got equally as good of a shot. Maybe better. Hold your head up high and go for it."

It felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Shiina mentioned Toru gave out great advice. Talking to him was calming, in a way.

I grinned right back.

"I will!"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Chapter Bonus:

Later that night:

I tumbled backwards onto my bed. For whatever reason, I was horribly exhausted, but couldn't fall asleep. My mind refused to rest.

Aoyama had walked me home. He apologized frenziedly about today and we'd ended up rescheduling our "date" for another day. This time, without his friends. Just us. All alone.

I giddily rolled around on my bed.


Shiina was blowing up my phone. I texted her on our groupchat. It was an oddity Kiharu hadn't jumped into the conversation. Knowing her, though, she was either sleeping, wrestling her brothers, or gorging on heaps of food right around now.

Yup! (*^^*)
I'll give it my best shot!


Shiina!!! (//ω//)
Oh, yeah!
I think I got a bit closer with Toru, too. He was nicer than I thought.

Despite texting back at a fervent speed, there was a lengthy pause on her end.

You met with him?

It wasn't planned or anything.
I bumped into him, is all.
And we talked.

Another lengthy pause.


I blinked.

It was a single word—one that packed an unexpected amount of tension.

He cancelled band practice because he was "busy."
So, he had time to chat with you over practicing for our upcoming concert? About what? Aside from Koshiba, he rarely "talks" to other girls.

I think she had the wrong idea. . .

Was it me or did she sound jealous, as well?

I chuckled under my breath.

See. Toru had a bigger shot than he realized.

I couldn't lose, either. I'll win Aoyama's heart for certain and get him to be my boyfriend!

A smile split my cheeks.

I could be the heroine of my very own story, too.


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