Muhteşem Fatih- STORY OF SULT...

By KazimieraPoniatowska

662 7 0

1451, Since 5 years in Manisa, 19 years old Sehzade Sultan Mehmet is semi-exiled. He lead his calm life with... More

The Last Breath Is Coming
"Be Prepared, Mehmet"

"How Dare You?"

67 0 0
By KazimieraPoniatowska

     Edirne was shaking from the fear and men in market have been making chaos. News about Murad's bad condition spreaded whole Empire.
   In Sultan's chamber he was lying in coma and Mara Sultan, Selim Pasha and Main Doctor surrounded him.
Mature and experienced physician was hopeless, but on the order of  Mara Sultan, he was lying to everyone bout her and her trusted people.

- Sultan- Doctor said politely- Sultan's skin has become stiff and waxy and his facial has become sharper
- But is he breathing? - Selim Pasha asked with terrify, Mara Sultan started to lean on the desk
- Yes, but it's already metter of 2 or 3 days, maybe 4 if Allah lets him

Selim Pasha and Mara looked at each other with a fear in their eyes
- Oh Allah, Mehmet won't even arrived till day after tomorrow, what can we do, Pasha?- Mara said panically
   Selim had got his face expressionless for a while notwhistending he got some idea.
- My Sultan, there is way, we could prevent Halil Pasha and Alime Sultan- He shouted aloud- But it's a crime
- I don't have time consider what is right and what is wrong, Pasha- Mara said irritated- I wrote a letter to Mehmet luckily
- It's outstanding news, our Sehzade is very impulsive, he surely started the trip- Selim Pasha said- We need to write Sultan's will about locking up Sehzade Ahmet and Yusuf to prevent the rebellion and convince everyone that Mehmet is imprisoned in Saruhan too
   Mara looked at him with admiration, it was such an amazing plan
- And we must add that no one apart hatuns with food for them can visit Sehzades- Mara added smiling cunningly
- Exactly, our Sultan- Selim Pasha said- We will do it and I am going to inform main Janissaries comanders to join Mehmet on the way here

   On the other side of Palace, square of Sultan greeting his subjects and soldiers, Grand Vizier Halil Pasha has been walking by it, he came back from Palace library, but he met some precious character. It was Sehzade Ahmet, his last hope even though he was unsure about him. Finally, Ahmet was in the age of Mehmet, when they were forced to dethronised him. Young Prince was unexperienced and immature, he didn't even have his son and it was a risk he might be infertile.
  Halil Pasha bowed in front of Ahmed giving him respect.

- The circumstonces are showing us now that it is not time for kidding, my Pasha- Ahmet said taking a sight- I can't believe that our Sultan is in not the worst condition, if he only guests his favourite wife, Mara Sultan
- Our Doctor said that it is a normal cold, all of you are producing useless panic, my Sehzade- Halil Pasha said with pity
- But if my intuition is right, what will happen if my father die?
  Halil Pasha swallowed hard and tried to say something, but Sehzade Ahmet interrupted him
- He will kill me, my sister Selcuk, Yusuf and cut off yours and Ishak's Pasha head, he will replace both of yoh with unexperienced, young beys, who are surrounding him in Manisa and he will attack Constantinopol and destroy our Empire- Ahmed said with commited
- Allah forbid...
- Mehmet is so vindictive, he exactly remember how you dethronised him years ago, he hates you and you too, so why are you so careless and don't you prevent him?! - Ahmed shout
- Maybe he get it why we had to do it...
- He call you a "Bastard dog" in every oppurtunity, my Pasha, we could prevent it
- How? My Sehzade- Halil Pasha started to act like a fool, he exactly knew what Sehzade had on his mind
-If you let me sit on the throne, I never humilate you, I appreciated your mature and how bright Pasha you are
- Don't get me wrong, you didn't even rule sanjak, you...
- I know- Ahmet said- But you can be my right hand and I can make Hatice Hatun merry you, so Zagan Pasha will have to be obedient
- You are great negotiator, Sehzade, your proposal is quite good

  Suddenly four guard were running into Sehzade Ahmet

- What are you doing?! - Ahmed shouted- How dare you?
- It is order of Sultan Murad, my Sehzade- guard said- he wants to locked up all Sehzades to prevent the rebellion

Ahmet and Halil Pasha looked at each other and older man whisper to his ear "My Sehzade, Mehmet is locked up too, far away from here, he can't contact anybody. It is the best what might happen to you, don't be rebellious, I make everything from now to make you way straight to the throne, we are million steps before Mehmet thanks to this decision". Ahmed obeyed him and came back with guards to his chamber, where he found out his brother Yusuf.

   Around Marmara, Mehmet ordered the layover and his army and advisors stopped here. They ate a dinner and have a small talk. Even Hatice Hatun has got an oppurtunity to talk face to face with her crush. She showed up as very smart and lovely woman, what makes Sehzade intrigued.

- What if Ahmet has ascened the throne and they called you to get rid of you, my Sehzade? - Hatice ask what makes Zagan and Mehmet laugh
- My dear daughter, letter was sent by Mara Sultan, she is family for us
- Don't be afraid, Hatice- Mehmet said- Allah rescued me several times, it is my destiny
- How, Sehzade? - Hatice asked with interest
Zagan and Mehmet looked at each other and Sehzade take a big sight. He tried to memorise everything what had happened.

- There was a time, when only me and my late brother Sehzade Aladdin mettered in the fight of the throne, father has sent me to Amasya to learn from my brother - Mehmet told- My mother late Huma Sultan and Hanze Sultan have been arguing so often and Ali tried to cooled the mood by preparing familiar dinner, Hanze Sultan and my sister Selcuk were staring at me whole time and finally Selcuk took me away and gave poisonous serbet

- Oh Allah! - Hatice shouted- That's the reason you haven't been pleasant with my stepsister name, my Sehzade?

Mehmet became confused and mixed and he looked Hatice in her eyes

- Yes- He answered- My mom hid me behind the books in one of Amasya's library and announced my death and she has been packed empty coffin, her friend Kemir Aga was bringing me food, Ali has been grieving and sent his mother far away- Mehmet added

Zagan has bitter taste in his mouth, Hatice was terrified and Mehmet acted strange and he wasn't himself in this moment. His friend left him with his daughter alone, because when he hear this story, he has got will to vomit.

- Selcuk captured Kemir Aga and she decided to go for her own, even though she didn't know who is by whose sides and she went to Hizir Aga and ordered him to find me and kill immediately and put in empty coffin- Teardrope has started to fall  in Mehmet's cheek - Hizir Pasha gave a news to my mother and she ordered him to kill my brother with his sons-Giyadeddin and Taceddin and then they announced me alive and my father acknowledged me that he prefered Ali alive...

Teen girl couldn't get this cruelty. It was too much for Mehmet, his own sister has been trying to depreive him from his life. She understood that Allah has blessed these people who are not include in game of thrones. She just looked at Mehmet face with few teardrops and she hugged him, what made Mehmet and Zagan being shocked. However, Mehmet has looked at Hatice, not as teen, but as so magnificent and unique person.

  In Manisa Saray, Mehmet's beloved one has been sitting in the one palace garden. She has act like she hasn't be there. Beautiful woman with green eyes and seductive look, curly brown hair and so attractive body shape has been overthinking and memorising while has been drinking sherbet.

In the same garden she met Sehzade Mehmet for the time, both of them were 14 years old. She secretly escaped from harem and has been playing the violin at the same time Sehzade has been practising sword fightimg with one man till he didn't hear first sounds of melody. He was impressed and he followed his hearing to see, who is such a great player.

He saw basic-dressed teen girl enjoying what she has been doing. He interrupted her

- Hatun- he shouted and make girl stopped - Why are you playing the violin here, how did you gain it?!

Gulbahar became pale as parchment, she was captured, but she didn't recognise who stood before her, she just looked at a teen boy with deep brown eyes, brown hair with a compartment in the middle. She connected the dots and understood that Sehzade himself is standing here.

- Are you Sehzade? - She asked
- Nooo- he amswered in sarcastic way- Emir Aga- he mentioned his cook friend and made Gulbahar laughing
- I'm so sorry, my Sehzade- She said- I shouldn't laugh like that
- It's not bad- Mehmet said- How such a talented player isn't allowed to play in harem?
- They even don't know, My Sehzade, I am doing this to feel like home, I only remember violins from there- Gulbahar said- I was kidnapped by Tatars in age of four, some man Abdullah had bought me to protect me from violence, he raised me and gave this violin, after his death I got here and didn't have oppurtunity to visit his grave

Mehmet took a deep breath and overthought then he looked straight in her eyes

- What a hero he was, such a brave man- Mehmet confessed- I permit you to visit his grave with guards
- Thanks, my Sehzade- Gulbahar answered

Gulbahar's thoughts came back to present time and her friend Can Hatun came forward

- Sultana, what are you thinking about?
- I am memorising my first meeting with our Sehzade-Sultan, how late Huma Sultan gave me confidence and Bayezid's born and his aqiqah
- Those were beautiful days, my Sultana, especially before late Huma Sultan death- Can said
- May Allah gave her soul limitless peace - Gulbahar said- I am going to visit her tomb before arrival to Edirne
- It's graceful, my Sultana

In capital Alime and Yeni Sultanas made storm, they were punching the guards. Especially Alime wasn't happy with this decision and she tried to attack Mara Sultan.

- Ic oglay! Open the door! - Alime has been shouting
- I mustn't do this, Sultana- one of the guards said- Only Doctors and Mara Sultan are allowed to come through this

Mara Sultan was annoyed with this sounds, she decided to go outside from Murad's chamber. When she made it, Alime almost slapped her, but one of the guard prevented

- How dare you? Who do you think you are to lock down Sehzades?! - Alime shouted- You are not even true Sultana, where is your son?! - she mocked
- This our lord's decision to prevent the rebellion, Mehmet is locked in Manisa too- Mara answered- Don't laugh at me, I got my children by the heart, I wish that Ahmet loved you this way like Mehmet or Fatma are loving and appreaciating me, Alime
- Little Sehzade Yusuf?! - Alime asked- what about him?!
- Fatma Sultan will take care of him and visit Sehzades until our Sultan will cancel his decision- Mara said and came back to chamber

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