
By SylukSky

19.4K 637 115

Shisui Uchiha expected to get caught and his remaining eye to be stolen, so he was ready to die. What he didn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

2.9K 97 14
By SylukSky

"Please, go in, Uchiha-san. Hokage-sama and Uzumaki-sama are already waiting for you."

Shisui nodded at the secretary, walking past her without a pause. Of course, they were waiting. Today was the day, the day when Uchiha and Uzumaki clan heads met for the first time to negotiate the alliance between them in a form of a political marriage.

This matter could go either very well or very badly. Fugaku was hard to deal person on a good day, but with all the pressure from the clan, their patriarch all but radiated contempt and enmity day and night. He didn't bother to hide it even in front of Hokage anymore. While Shisui knew how strong Naruto really was, he feared that the petite and emotional girl like her would become an easy prey for Uchiha.

The teen stopped in front of the Hokage's office door and let out a deep sigh. The Sandaime agreed to act as a mediator in this crucial meeting, so there was hoping that he would help Naruto and she wouldn't get completely crushed.

The door suddenly opened with a whoosh so fast that Shisui was left standing in the doorway like an idiot with his arm lifted for a knock. A fist latched onto his shirt and yanked him into the room, catching him by surprise. Before his ninja instincts could kick in, the young Uchiha came nose to nose with the already familiar tanned face, framed by the scorching red hair, and his black orbs collided with incredibly blue ones.

Naruto placed both her palms just below Shisui's ears and tilted his head a bit to the side, critically inspecting his bandaged eye. Her arched eyebrows furrowed after a moment and her gaze focused back on his face. "What the doctors said? Will it be alright? Will your eye regain full function?" she questioned in one breath. Before the raven could insert a word, she gritted her teeth. "That damn Danzo, 'ttebane! I wish I could have just killed him there! I'm so sorry that I was too late..."

Shisui stared into those bright azure eyes, currently brimming with worry. It had been years when someone so openly showed concern over his wellbeing. His mother passed away soon after his father did several years ago. He had Itachi, of course, but, well, that guy never was that good at displaying his emotions. This girl, though, wore her heart on her sleeve.

The teen grinned. "Good day to you too, my dear lady," he greeted her cheerfully. "Is this how Uzumaki women greet the guys who might become their future husbands?"

"It's just you. I usually don't like touchi–" Naruto trailed off, blinking in confusion. She glanced at her hands still resting on the raven's face, then at his teasing smirk, and her eyes widened. She was suddenly very aware of their close, intimate proximity.

However, the girl didn't back away like Shisui had thought she would. Instead, the redhead stubbornly kept her position, even if slightly flushed cheeks betrayed her true feelings about their current position.

"D-Don't change the subject, you damn Uchiha!" the girl demanded, glowering. "It's not because I like you or something!" She paused, realizing what exactly she just blurted out. This time she did jump away from him, her face heating up. "I-I mean... I don't like you, 'ttebane!" she declared in a petulant tone before gasping. "No, that's just rude, I'm sorry! It's not that I don't like you, I do, but it's not because of that! ...Stop smiling! E-Even if I do like you, it's not in the way you think! Although, I don't know what you're thinking... But don't get any silly ideas, 'ttebane!" The further Naruto talked, the more embarrassed she got until finally, she hid her face in the long sleeves of her kimono dress.

Shisui was already grinning as wide as possible at this point. That must be the most hilarious way of putting one's foot in one's mouth he had ever seen. And so damn adorable!

"The hell I'm even saying?" the redhead murmured, her voice muffled by the fabric, barely audible. "It's the first time I feel like this... Do you know why, Kurama?"

The raven couldn't help but snigger. Teasing this feisty Uzumaki was so much more fun than teasing Itachi. Her reactions were just as colorful and lively as her appearance.

Speaking of, Naruto looked fabulous in her bright orange kimono dress with long, wide black sleeves, decorated by the embroidered red and yellow intertwined spirals. Her long hair was pulled into two messy buns, leaving only long thick strands in front on both sides of her face. Her weapon pouch was missing and she seemed so innocent and utterly harmless.

A cough in the room startled the young jounin. Oh, shit. He totally forgot about the Hokage's present. "Hokage-sama," he intoned swiftly, offering a quick bow to his leader. His keen eyes definitely didn't miss an amused and a bit surprised expression on the man's face. "Representatives from the Uchiha clan have arrived and are waiting in the meeting room."

Hiruzen nodded in acknowledgment. "Before we go, my boy, I'm also curious what doctors said about your eye."

Shisui shifted his weight from side to side. The Hokage should have already known about his status, so he surmised that the inquiry came forth because he weaseled his way out of replying to Naruto. "Because it was ripped out so violently, some blood vessels and nerves got damaged," he reported dully. "The doctors did everything they could, but a complete recovery is not assured."

The Sandaime scowled while Naruto's head shot up from where it was still hidden in her kimono's sleeves with an alarmed, "What?!"

A wry smile curled on the raven's lips. "I'm sorry that you might end up with a crippled husband."

The girl gawked at him like he grew a second head. "I don't care about that, 'ttebane!" she screamed suddenly, throwing her arms up to emphasize her words. "Your clan is obsessed with eyeballs! Ripping eyeballs, sharing eyeballs, and turning a moon into a giant eyeball!"

Shisui stared, at a loss of what to say to that, his mind reeling. She couldn't mean the stuff written on the secret stone tablet, right? That would be absurd. Apart of his clan, nobody else had even seen the thing, not to mention that no one could read it without possessing Mangekyou Sharingan.

"The person is not just his eyeballs, you know!" Naruto finished her rant with a huff, folding her arms in front of her and fixing the boy with a no-nonsense glare. "There are other things that I like– No! People! I meant other people! There are other things that other people like about you!"

"Erm," Shisui scratched his cheek awkwardly, trying very hard not to laugh, "I'm sorry?"

Seemingly appeased, the Uzumaki hummed in contemplation. "You'll have to bite me again," she stated after a moment.

"You sure about it, Naruto?" the Hokage asked in concern.

"Yes. It's the second time, and while the risk is still there, Fluffy assured that Shisui will be fine."

The raven raised an eyebrow. Fluffy? What a curious name. He didn't ask about the person hiding behind such a cute codename though. "Fine with what?"

Naruto and Hiruzen shared a look. Few seconds of intense staring later, the Sandaime heaved a sigh, "It's your choice."

The girl flashed a quick grin. "My chakra is very special," she began. "Its healing properties are beyond even for an Uzumaki. The problem is–" There was an abrupt pause. Naruto bit her bottom lip, clearly hesitating, but after a moment she continued in a more subdued voice, "It's highly addictive. And the addiction literally drives people insane."

Okay, this was certainly not what Shisui had expected to hear at all. He didn't even know that chakra could be addictive. Or drive people insane for that matter.

"But because my chakra carries more Yin than Yang due to Fluffy and Uchihas inherit Yin Release from their ancestor Indra, you assimilate my chakra better and thus the threshold for you is higher. So, two times in such a short period should be fine."

Fluffy again. The information contained on the stone tablet again too.

Naruto was looking at him with that anxious and insecure expression Shisui had already witnessed on their first meeting, obviously expecting the rejection, and his heart ached. He wouldn't be Shisui Uchiha if he let the girl he was sweet on to think so low of herself, questions and secrets be damned. Not if he could help it.

"Sounds like we were made for each other," the boy said smoothly, his mouth curving into a cheeky smile.

The Sandaime simply smiled kindly at his flirty remark, thank goodness. Naruto's face flared red like her own hair and she instantly turned her back to them both, feverishly mumbling something under her breath.

"Shisui," the elderly Sarutobi called, drawing the jounin's attention. "Please, keep the information about Naruto's chakra a secret. It would be disastrous if someone dangerous got wind of it."

"Of course, Hokage-sama."

The man observed him, then gave a small nod of approval and turned to the redhead Uzumaki. "Naruto, Fugaku is a hard man to deal. He will most likely try to intimidate you, despite my presence."

"I know, Jiji," the girl replied and there was a cocky smirk present on her face when she faced the old Hokage. "You underestimate me too much. Have you forgotten who I am? I'm Naruto Uzumaki, the proud Hokage of Konohagakure, 'ttebane!"

Shisui's mind screeched to a halt as his eyes widened. Just how insanely insolent the person should be to declare such a thing in front of the Hokage himself? Did this girl have a death wish? It was one thing to announce your wish to become the Hokage, but completely different to covet the position in such an overbearing manner.

But, apparently, the Sandaime was absolutely okay with it for he didn't even bat an eye at the bold proclamation of the boisterous redhead.

"I just want to ascertain that you know who you are dealing with."

Naruto scoffed. "I've faced the Tsuchikage and the Raikage. Both at the same time," she stressed over the last words. "Granted, I had Gaara and Mizukage on my side, but–"

Shisui decided right there and then that he was out of his depth.

"–considering that the Tsuchikage had a grudge against my dad bigger than his ego and the Raikage was the one who ordered that... scum," she all but spat out the insult in utter disgust, "to kidnap me when I was eight. Well, I'm not scared of one stuck-up Uchiha."

'Whaaaaaaat?!' Shisui screamed internally. Kidnapped? By Kumo?! Everyone knew what Kumo did with kidnapped women from other villages and he felt nauseous from a mere thought of them getting their filthy hands on Naruto.

Damn it, he'd have to keep this trouble-attracting girl safe!

The teen didn't let a single drop of his sudden killing intent to leak out, however; his expression stayed a carefully crafted blank mask. Uchihas were good at that.

The fact that Naruto was now officially on his list of people to protect at any cost – which, after his parents' death, contained only Itachi – went either unnoticed or ignored.

"Fluffy and I worked out the plan," Naruto continued with an easy-going tone, blissfully oblivious of the murderous thoughts of the boy next to her. "Let me handle it. Whatever happens, please, don't interfere, Jiji. I know what I'm doing."

"Very well," Hiruzen agreed readily, a sign of how much he really trusted the young Uzumaki.

"Same goes for you, Shisui."

The raven stared at his might-be wife. Apart from the marriage part, he knew nothing of the plan. Last time, Naruto said that she was still working on it and they hadn't met during the week after Danzo's fall.

He and Itachi were so desperate to find a peaceful solution. He had already lost all hope the moment his eye was stolen and he was cornered, but then this red-haired whirlwind stormed in, saved his life, and even offered a way from their hopeless situation.

"You have my absolute trust," Shisui informed her sincerely before bowing. "Please, help me save my clan from its destruction without plunging Konoha into a Civil War."

A hand landed on his shoulder and when he looked up, a sight of a warm and reassuring smile met his gaze. "Don't worry," Naruto said quietly, an immense tenderness and understanding upon her features. "Everything will be fine."

The teen let out a breath. He believed her. He didn't know why, but there was no doubt lingering in his heart anymore. Sometimes even he needed to take comfort in other person's reassurance instead of giving it himself.

"Shall we proceed to the meeting room?" the Sandaime urged gently. "Fugaku must have already started to run out of patience."

Naruto's smile shifted into a full-blown grin as vicious as the glint in her luminous cerulean eyes. "Let's go!"

As Shisui followed the Hokage and the Uzumaki out of the room, he couldn't help but call himself an idiot. This redhead was anything but harmless. A wolf in sheep's clothing, that's what she truly was.


Fugaku was not amused. He was tired, irritated, and desperate beyond belief. His clansmen were getting more restless and agitated with every passing day, thus he had his hands full of trying to keep them in line. He had no time to sit here doing nothing! No time or patience meeting a teenager who considered herself old and important enough to make a proposition to him or his clan!

Fugaku was tapping his finger at the surface of the low café table impatiently, killing intent rolling from him in waves. He didn't bother to rein it in. Even the three Uchiha men that he brought with him to this meeting steered clear of getting in his sight, choosing rather stand right behind him. Shisui on his right sat taut as a bowstring, his posture poised and attentive.

But the red-haired teenage girl, sitting on the other side of the table, looked relaxed, even comfortable in the murderous presence of the Uchiha delegation. She stared into Fugaku's eyes confidently, confronting his scowl with a cool gaze and an easy smile, barely touching the corners of her mouth. She didn't cower under the pressure of his and his clansmen united animosity, brushing it off without any visible effort. Her head was held high, her back was straight, and an unexplainable aura of authority surrounded her petite form.

An impressive feat, indeed. Unconsciously, Fugaku pushed the girl a bit higher on his respect ladder.

Everyone had heard about this mysterious Uzumaki who claimed the position of the clan head, the clan that could have been considered all but extinct now. The once proud name didn't carry the same weight as before, didn't make enemies shudder by mere echoes of its mention. And while Konoha had one member alive, the boy himself didn't even know about his own heritage. Uzumakis were destined to die out, their name – be forgotten, the legendary techniques that could ensnare the godly entities to do their bidding – be lost among the dust of the bloody past.

A sad fate for such a powerful clan, respected and feared throughout all the Elemental Nations.

Until this little lass popped out of nowhere half a year ago, gathering the attention of the villagers and ninja alike with her extraordinary abilities in Sealing Art. As the Chief of Police, Fugaku read reports on the updates of Konoha's old barrier seals and the establishment of at least several new ones all around the village. The security from external and internal threats shot to an unimaginable height. He even heard from Itachi that the Hokage managed to root out a spy infestation among ninja ranks.

All thanks to this Uzumaki girl.

Who knew what kind of safety measures were implemented without the Police's knowledge.

The Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki had his clan protecting him now too.

Despite this new development, Uchiha clan was still pushing for a coup d'état. The patriarch's face darkened further, his hand curling into a tight fist. This revolt was just a fool's errand now if you asked him. He sometimes wondered if his clansmen thought that even traitor's death was better than their current existence in constant scorn.

"What is the purpose of this alliance, Uzumaki... san?" Fugaku sounded far from pleased and was making a marked effort to be at least somewhat polite.

"United Konoha," Naruto replied smoothly.

The answer made Uchiha patriarch pause. It definitely came as a surprise.

"There're enemy forces rising out there as we speak and Konoha needs every capable ninja to fight against that overwhelming danger," the Uzumaki continued. "We can't let our internal conflicts weaken us, 'ttebane."

The atmosphere in the room grew heavier. The three Uchihas outright snarled at her words, but the redhead didn't even grace them with a sidelong glance. Her azure eyes drilled into Fugaku's black ones and his frown deepened as he suddenly felt unnerved by that piercing gaze.

"Besides," Naruto spoke again, "it would be sad to see another great clan annihilated. I feel bad for survivors. If there will be any."

There was a loud silence in the seconds that followed. She might have uttered the words softly, gently, but no one could miss an undeniably hard edge in her voice.

Regardless of the girl's motives behind saying it, Uchihas took it in as an insult (they would be killed off!) and a threat (she definitely knew about the coup!).

Four pairs of Sharingan flared to life. At the same instant, the sound of rattling chains filled the room as nine of them sprouted from Naruto's back, fanning behind her like a protective, nine-headed Orochi.

Uchihas moved. Not all of them, of course. Wide-eyed Shisui held his position, the promise not to interfere rooting him in place, even if his knuckles were paper white from gripping the fabric of his pants. Fugaku didn't move either, red eyes locked with the blue ones in an intense staring battle.

The golden chains shot forward, swiftly wrapping around the attacking three men and efficiently stopping them in their tracks with ease. Their Sharingan faded as chakra got suppressed by the innate sealing abilities in Uzumaki chains. The spikes on their endings hovered a mere inch from each of constrained ninjas' face, ready to skewer their most prized possession.

Two ANBU operatives appeared behind the Sandaime, flanking him from both sides protectively. The man himself remained impassive, not letting a single emotion slip through his deliberate mask of composure and aloofness. He said nothing.

Seeing that his clansmen were swiftly subdued and the Hokage chose not to intervene, Fugaku risked taking a step further. His Sharingan twisted, the three tomoe swirled, coalescing and morphing into something different, something much more sinister.

A seal appeared on Naruto's forehead: a small Uzumaki spiral with four diamond-shaped petals around its upper half. As one petal vanished, the previously soft golden glow of her chakra chains bled into an ominous red, casting an eerie crimson light upon the whole meeting room.

These augmented chains emitted an unsettling, dangerous, tyrannical sensation, a power that could undeniably rival Mangekyou Sharingan.

When Naruto's smirk widened into a grin as sharp as razors, Fugaku realized that he greatly underestimated this tiny, harmless looking girl. She was somewhat similar to his Academy friend Kushina, but whereas Kushina was a kunai, this redhead was a kunai coated in wind chakra, making it decidedly more deadly.

A smart man should never underestimate an Uzumaki for they can become your worst enemy or your greatest ally, his grandfather's raspy voice floated to forefront of his mind from the time when he was just a child. The quickest way to get yourself killed is to get on the bad side of the Uzumaki Seal Master.

Fugaku considered himself a smart man. While he never witnessed the carnage that Uzumaki Seal Masters could unleash upon the battlefield, he heard many stories about them in his childhood. They were the force that changed the tides of war, the fearsome boogeymen for the enemy armies.

And this girl was obviously a genius. She had a very bright future ahead of her. This kind of prodigies never went unnoticed for long. Her list of achievements would only grow longer and her reputation stronger until one day, Naruto Uzumaki would become a force of nature to be reckoned with.

Uchihas always respected the strong and this girl was worth their respect.

This alliance definitely had merits. Despite that it required to let one of the strongest ninjas in this generation marry out of clan – Naruto was a clan head, after all – this union would undoubtedly strengthen the bond between two clans and their children would bring honor to Uchiha and Uzumaki both.

Fugaku closed his eyes, knowing all too well that it meant admitting defeat in their stare down, and let his dojutsu fade away. Chains rattled again and, as he opened his black eyes, they were slowly unwinding from around his men and retreating into Uzumaki's body.

"Fugaku-sama!" one of the men bristled angrily.

"Silence!" the Uchiha patriarch roared, sending a murderous glare toward the offender until all three stepped back in submission. He turned to the girl and bowed his head respectfully. "My apologies for our transgression, Uzumaki-dono."

"Apology accepted," Naruto replied happily.

The Sandaime decided to chime in at that moment, sweetening the deal, "As per the agreement with Naruto Uzumaki for her service as Konoha's newest and most advanced Seal Master, once this alliance is official, any suspicion against the Uchiha clan will be cleared."

"Will be cleared?!" the oldest raven growled, before taking a deep breath to compose himself. "The villagers will not change their opinion just because you tell them so."

Naruto's expression shifted and her grin and eyes were suddenly full of playful mischief. "With a right push, they will."

For some unexplained reasons, it put Fugaku on edge more than her former predatory baring of teeth. By the way Hiruzen's body tensed ever so slightly in alarm, he assumed that the old monkey felt the same.

"I'm an apprentice of the Spymaster," Naruto stated proudly. "I learned a trick or two during our few years journey together. Even if he's a damn pervert..."

Fugaku's brow furrowed, mind whirling with this new piece of information. Konoha had only one Spymaster. It wasn't a well-spread knowledge, but as the Chief of Police, he knew of him. Coincidentally, the man was known for his perverted behavior.

So, this girl was an apprentice of Jiraiya the Sannin. No wonder the old Sarutobi seemed to put so much trust in her.

But wouldn't that mean that this person was being groomed to become the next Hokage? The likelihood of that happening was too great to dismiss it.

The Hokage who held no prejudice against the Uchiha clan. A minuscule smirk tugged at the corner of Fugaku's mouth. He liked the sound of that. It made him feel lighter. As if the weight of the world was lifted from around his shoulders and didn't threaten to crush him.

"Let's talk about details of this alliance next time," Fugaku said in a surprisingly cheerful tone. "I need to inform the clan about the news."

"Of course, Uchiha-dono," the redhead agreed with a cordial smile.

The older Uchiha clapped a hand on the young Shisui's shoulder, earning a startled, confused look from the boy. "I hope I can count on you to act as a proper gentleman, Shisui."

The teen blinked at him. Then his eyes narrowed, searching the man's expression for any hidden meaning behind his words. When he found none, a cheeky grin spread across his face. "Absolutely, Fugaku-sama."

"Good," the man approved with another pat on his shoulder. "In the meantime, you two can go on a date and get to know each other."

Naruto's face flushed deep red all the way to the roots of her hair. "D-D-Date?!"

Fugaku couldn't help but smile at her reaction. Ah, young love.

Maybe, if this alliance panned out, he could invite Mikoto for a date. He couldn't recall the last time he saw his wife smiling. A date would certainly make her happy, he was sure of that. Family outing even more so.

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