You know you love me || Ranbo...

By billyandbop

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'You know you love me' .. 'I know I love you, but I don't know if you feel the same' More



1.5K 24 230
By billyandbop

^^ don't ask, idk, it was in my downloads folder so have it


Hi i am dead inside and it's only 1:30am so here's your chapter :-)

Also pretend enough time has passed that Y/n's wound is healed but also nothing had happened and no relationships have changed

Mmm plot convenience

⚠️TW// mentions of vomit⚠️ (no recap cause it's pretty self explanatory)


Amber was shaking me and Ranboo awake for breakfast.

I opened my eyes a bit and winced at the bright light.

Ranboo got up and grabbed my hand, dragging me to a standing position, and I immediately felt lightheaded and leaned on his arm for support.

He looked down at me with concern.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Y-yeah, just stood up a little too fast," I said, forcing a smile at the end.

He looked unconvinced but lead me to the kitchen to eat.

I pushed my food around my plate, feeling nauseous but eating a bit so no one would say anything.

"Y/n are you going to stream today?" Asked Tubbo.

"Yeah, Ranboo and I are going to talk to chat while we play Minecraft"

He nodded in acknowledgement, and the others began to talk about their plans.

After we cleared the dishes, Ranboo and I went upstairs to set up the stream and send out notifications.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded, and put on the starting soon screen.

"Hello chat! It's been a while, I know. I'm here with Ranboo and we're just going to talk and answer questions"

"Oh look we already have some"

Dono: What's your sexuality? "What's my sexuality? Oh, I'm [your sexuality]!"

Dono: How do you feel about fanfiction of you? "Hmm, I'm okay with it as long as it's not sexual, remember I'm a minor and I'm also uncomfortable with that stuff"

Ranboo and I continued to answer questions for a while, when suddenly I felt the nausea overtake me.

I ran out of the room and straight to the bathroom without saying anything.

Ranboo POV

She ran out of the room, and I was very concerned, knowing she had been acting weird earlier, but I didn't want to alarm chat.

"Chat, I'll be right back and see where Y/n went," I said as I muted the stream [camera was off the whole time]

I walked quickly to the door and saw the bathroom door slightly ajar.

I knocked on it lightly and said, "Y/n, can I come in?"


I heard gagging and pushed the door open anyway.

I was met with the sight of Y/n bent over the toilet, throwing up. I walked over to her and pulled her hair back (or not depending on your hair length) and rubbed her back.

"It's okay, let it out, you'll feel better."

Once she was done, I helped her clean her face and left her to brush her teeth.


Entering the room, I quickly unmuted chat and said, "Sorry for the short stream, Y/n isn't feeling well so that's gonna be it for today! I'm sure she'll see you guys soon!" and I ended the stream.

Y/n walked through the doorway and I patted the spot on the bed next to me.

She sunk into it and I put my hand to her forehead. She was too warm.

"Y/n, you have a fever"


I left to get a thermometer and check for sure. Sure enough, 102°F (38.8°C).

I quickly texted Amber to make sure Y/n wasn't allergic to any fever-reducing meds,(the rest of them are out of the house) and they confirmed that she was not.

Grabbing 2 [fever-reducer] and a glass of water, I return to Y/n, putting them on the table next to her.

"I don't want them," she said.

I sighed.

"Please take them, they'll help you feel better"

She took them reluctantly, and layed back down on her bed.

"Will you watch a movie with me?" She asked, gesturing to her laptop.

"Sure," I said, handing her the laptop.

She pulls up [a movie] and not even 10 minutes in, falls asleep.

I expected this much.

Setting the laptop to sit against the wall, Y/n shifts in her sleep, her head resting on my chest.

I feel my face go red, but I blame it on how warm Y/n is and how close she is to me.

Just as she liked to, I run my fingers through her hair and braid little pieces, something I had learned how to do through watching her.

About 45 minutes later, she stirs from her sleep and opens her eyes, watching me finish a braid.

"Are you feeling better?" I ask.

"No," she says, and buries her face back into my hoodie.



"You have to eat"


"I'll make you something"


I start to get out of the bed but she clings to me tightly.

"How about after I make you food you can sleep for a while"


She allows me to get up and I make her the soup she requested.

I hand it to her and she takes a sip.

"Good soup"

After she finishes, she sets the bowl on the table and grabs my arm, leaning her head on my chest again.

And she falls asleep. Again.

I hear the garage door open and close, and the sounds of footsteps downstairs.

Three pairs of footsteps tiptoe to our door and someone knocks softly.

"Come in," I whisper.

The door opens, and the three peer around the doorframe at us.

"Oh, uh, how's she feeling?" Amber asks, trying to fight a smile off her face.

"Better, I managed to convince her to have some soup."

"That's good, we'll let her sleep. I'll text you when it's dinner time"

"Sounds good"

She closes the door quietly, and the three make their way to their separate rooms.

Y/n rolls closer to me.

"Was that Amber?" she mumbles.



Timeskip-like an hour later or smth

My phones vibrates, a text from Amber showing up.

Amber: Dinner's ready, see if Y/n will eat as well

Me: Alright, be there in a sec

I shake Y/n awake.


"It's time to eat"

"Don't wanna eat," she mumbled into a pillow.

"Too bad," I say, gently picking her up off the bed.

Somehow she manages to take a blanket with her and I let her keep it.

I set her in a kitchen chair, her still gripping the blanket, and she wraps it around her, bringing her knees to her chest.

"How are you feeling?" asks Tubbo.

"Meh," says Y/n, looking at the food, but not touching it.

"You don't have to eat it if you don't feel well enough," I say, taking a seat next to her.

Instead of replying, she simply leans against my shoulder and closes her eyes.

Tommy, Tubbo, and Amber all look at each other and smile. Great.

After everyone but Y/n is finished eating, I pick her up, still wrapped in a blanket.

Somehow she managed to get comfortable and fall asleep on my shoulder again.

I carry her back upstairs [can we appreciate the man's workout] and set her on the bed and walk away.

"Noo, come back"

I turn around.

"You're comfy"

With a sigh, I sit on the bed next to her and she almost instantly falls asleep. Again.

I get a text from Tubbo.

Tubbo: did she fall asleep again lol

Me: Yep

Tubbo: aww

Me: Yeah yeah very cute but she's on my arm and it's falling asleep

Tubbo: Amber says she's really clingy when she's sick

Me: I can tell

Tubbo: well, goodnight big man, hope you still have your arm in the morning

Me: Goodnight

I moved my arm out from under Y/n's head and eventually fell asleep as well.


Word count: 1,293

Yeah yeah, cliche chapter, deal with it lol

I promise I only included this bc it'll make the next chapter so much better

@ dino eheh

I'll update this soonish- possibly tomorrow but I have no clue

Anyway drink water, eat, take a shower, do homework, brush your teeth, take care of yourself overall


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