The Strongest Wizard: Rejecte...

By shadowenclave47

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Just before defeating Moro, Goku wishes to have him reincarnated into, hopefully, a good guy, so that he can... More

Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Chapter 2: Training & Discovering New Powers
Chapter 4: Change in Attitude

Chapter 3: Revenge Plans

2.4K 54 51
By shadowenclave47

Emerald Forest

Everyone, both friends and foes alike, could hardly believe that their eyes were seeing. Everyone basically witnessed you making history by becoming the very first Male Precure. Something that was thought to be impossible.

"N-N-No... it can't be!" Sparda shouted in denial.

"A-A male Precure!? This shouldn't even be possible!" Batty shouted while Gammetsu was wondering how strong you have gotten.

"Anything is possible with magic. You three of all people should know this by now." You stated as you stood clad in your new armor with an orange aura surrounding your body, glaring at the dark magicians and the abomination of a monster that they had summoned.

"Hmph! It doesn't matter if you're a Precure or not, we're still going to destroy you! Take him out Yokubara!" Sparda ordered the Tree monster that she helped summoned approached, towering over you. You simply stared at it impassively.

Suddenly, the tree monster unleashed a flurry of the same punches that it used against you and your friends earlier. However, this time, you was more than prepared for it as you now have a much easier time seeing its movements, as you bobbed and weaved around all of its blows effortlessly, leaving afterimages in your wake, causing the creature to sweat profusely.

"Your movements seems rather sluggish." You mocked before vanishing and reappearing behind the monster. "Over here~" You taunted as the monster quickly spun around and continued its assault, however, you blocked all of its attacks with just one hand as you slowly advanced towards the tree creature as you caught its final punch and held a firm grip on its fist, to make sure it wouldn't escape. "Now its my turn." You finished with a smile.

Your smile soon turned twisted into a sadistic one as you lifted the tree creature up into the air by its fist with just one hand, before slamming it right back down into the ground, forming a massive crater beneath it, which slowly grew wider and wider as you continued to slam it into the ground repeatedly.

"Going up!" You shouted as you lifted it back up again and tossed it into the sky near its summoners, who had to quickly move out of its path. Suddenly, you reappeared above it and delivered a devastating double axe handle to the tree creature, sending it nosediving straight back down into the unforgiving ground below where it crashed, causing several debri to fly everywhere as you gracefully landed back on the ground near where it crashed.

"Wow! That was amazing, {Y/N}!" Mirai cheered.

"lets not celebrate just yet. It still hasn't been purified yet." Liko said.

"Oh. Yeah. That's right!" Mirai remembered as you stated at the pile of rubble to which the tree creature slowly emerged from,very slowly. You could tell that it was weakened from the beating you just just gave it. You decided that now should be the perfect time to end this.

"And now to finish this!" You shouted as you curled your fingers and placed your hands together, preparing the Galick Gun.

"Wait a second. Does he intend to destroy it? Isn't there serious consequences for not purifying these monsters?" Rias asked as Liko nodded.

"{Y/N}! What do you intend to do!?" Liko shouted.

"Don't worry, guys! I know what im doing!" You reassured, as you continued to charge you Galick Gun, while Vegeta and Granolah watched with interest, wondering what you were going to do next.

"Here's a newish technique that i just came up with! It combines the Galick Gun with the Precure powers." You stated as everyone rose an eyebrow at this as the Galick Gun that you was charging began to change into a much lighter shade of purple white sparkling energy particles surrounded your hands. "Take this! Eternal Galick Gun!" You shouted as you fired a Lavender colored beam towards the tree monster, which completely engulfed it before instantly purifying it with your newfound Precure powers, returning the tree back to normal.

Everyone was stunned that to somehow managed to purify the monster with a Galick Gun, which is commonly known for destroying things.

"Incredible! He actually pulled it off and purified it!" Liko said amazed.

"Well, to be fair, he does have all of our powers and battle knowledge now, so its probably not really surprising that he can combine powers, techniques and probably even transformations together." Mirai added as everyone nodded.

"Heh. He hasn't even used the powers that he gained from me and my peerage. Now imagined if he suddenly combines the Galick Gun with my Destruction powers? Or he could combine it with his other ki or magic attacks. I can't wait to see the looks of horror on Riser and the other bullies faces once they find out about this." Rias said in an excited and sadistic tone, making everyone pale in the face, realizing that there is a LOT of stuff that you can do now and your arsenal will only continue to grow as you fully plan on copying the powers of your enemies and bullies and taking full advantage of them. You overheard her and placed your thumb on your chin with a thinking pose.

"Hmm... I'll consider trying that out tomorrow." You replied with an even more sadistic smirk of your own as a chill ran up everyone's spines. They almost felt sorry for your bullies. Almost.

Meanwhile, Batty, Sparda and Gammetsu were not pleased to see their monster that they had summoned get defeated and purified so easily.

"Damn it! Not another one!" Sparda shouted in anger as Gammetsu chuckled.

"Heheheh! This is starting to get more entertaining!" Gammetsu laughed as you glared up at the 3 evil magicians.

"I don't know why you're laughing, because you're next!" You declared, pointing straight at them.

"Hmph! Don't get cocky runt! You can't possibly take on all 3 of us at once!" Sparda spat.

"Try me." You taunted with a smirk, making her angry as Gammetsu lands on the ground near you.

"I'll take you on!" Gammetsu declared loudly.

"Ah. Of course, you, the battle hungry turtle would be the first to step up to the plate. Well, then. Amuse me." You taunted as Gammetsu gave a war cry and charged at you with impressive speed. However, you remained calm and unfazed as you blocked the incoming hard fist, with your forearm. "Heh. I never would have imagined that i would be fighting Dokurokushe's generals in direct combat." You smirked.

"HAAAAA!!!" Gammetsu roared, unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks at you, which you blocked each and every one. "Come on! Stop blocking and fight me for real!" Gammetsu shouted.

"As you wish." You replied in a sinister tone before jumping back as the orange aura surrounds your body once again, as you changed into Ruby Style, causing your whole attire to change into a red color. You reared your arm back as your fist glowed a bright orange color before slamming it straight into Gammetsu's face, causing him to groan in pain before being catapulted through the forest, crashing through several trees. "Woah. That packed a bigger punch than i expected."

"I've got you now!" Sparda shouted as she appeared behind you and spat out a large spider web at you in an attempt to restrain your movement. However you saw this coming from a mile away and acted accordingly by switching to Topaz Style causing your clothes to change to a yellow color, as you immediately created a pyramid shaped barrier that protected you from the large spider web. As the incoming web made contact with your barrier, it burned off from your energy before you dropped the barrier.

"Too slow." You mocked. "Also, look up." You pointed upwards as the humanoid spider turned her head upwards, only to see a giant yellow anvil drop on her head, causing her to crash to the ground, forming a large crater.

"W-What the hell just happened?!" Batty demanded as you smirked in amusement.

"To answer your question, the moment Sparda launched her web attack at me, i took advantage of the magical orbs that Topaz Style grant me, which allows me to shape them into anything i want. I used one of those orbs to to create an anvil and tossed it into the air above where Sparda stood. I immediately used the second orb to form a barrier." You explained as Batty's eyes widened in shock. No one aside from Vegeta and Granolah was able to see you pull this off.

"You're up next." You stated.

"Tch! As usual, i have to do things myself!" Batty growled.

"Lets take this battle to the skies." You suggested as you jumped high into the air before the color your attire changed into a blue color as you instantly took on the Sapphire Style form, granting you the ability to fly as you twist and twirled around. "So this is what its like to fly. Its so much fun!" You said in excitement while Batty growled in anger.

"Don't get cocky brat! No once can best me when it comes to speed, especially in the skies. I won't lose to a green horn like you!" Batty shouted angrily as you rose an eyebrow.

"Oh really? Then come over here and prove it." You taunted him in a Vegito-like fashion.

"I'll show you!" Batty snarled as he lunged at you and and tried to strike you only for you to casually sidestep, causing him to fly right past you. He turned back and glared at you while you simply gave him a mocking smirk. "Don't underestimate me!" He shouted as he charged at you once more, unleashing flurries of punches and kicks your way, but you gracefully evaded them all.

"For someone who constantly claims to be unbeatable in the skies, you're not that impressive." You said honestly as he glared at you in rage. "Well, i think that it is my turn now to go on the offensive now and wrap things up." You said to yourself.

"You haven't won yet!" Batty shouted as he tried to attack you again, only for his fist to go through an afterimage. "What!? Where is he!?" Batty shouted.

"Over here!" You shouted as he looked over and saw you flying towards him at breakneck speeds before kicking him in the face, knocking him away. You chased after him and elbowed him in the midsection, sending him tumbling down to the ground near his 2 colleagues.

"Guh! He's far too strong and too fast for me to keep up with!" Batty stated as the other 2 agreed while you slowly landed back to the ground and swapped back into Diamond Style.

"And now to finish this once and for all!" You shouted as you charged another Eternal Galick Gun, preparing to purify the 3 at once!

With Your Friends

"And just like that, {Y/N} managed to effortlessly defeat 3 of Dokurokushe's generals like it was nothing." Isami stated.

"And he hasn't even begun to use his true powers." Rias added.

"Indeed." Senkou agreed. "I noticed that he only used Precure powers in this fight. He hasn't used any of our shinobi power or any of the powers he's gained from you and your Peerage."

"I have one question, though." Granolah suddenly called out, getting everyone's attention. "I noticed that {Y/N}'s attire kept changing colors during the fight and his fighting style changed each time it changed. Any explanation for that?" He asked.

"I can answer that question. After all, its the powers that me and Mirai use together. The initial precure transformation you saw him undergo was Diamond Style. The next one was Ruby Style. The third one was Sapphire Style and the last one was Topaz Style." Liko explained.

"So what exactly do these transformations do. I haven't sensed any increase or decrease in power level when he was going through those forms, so there has to be more to them than that." Vegeta inquired as Liko decided to continue her explanation.

"Well, Diamond Style is balanced in all attributes and is a jack of all trades, but a master of none. Ruby Style has better/stronger striking power and allows us to control the fire element. Sapphire Style has superior speed and grants us the ability to fly while also granting us control over the water element. Topaz Style has better defensive capabilities and grants us control over the earth element." Liko finished as Vegeta and Granolah nodded in understanding.

"I see. So he's changing forms to fit each situation he's in. Impressive." Vegeta replied as he recalled the times when he and Goku used to switch back and forth between Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue in battle to reduce stamina drain and for better combat efficiency. Of course, they no longer needed to do that now that they've fully mastered their Blue forms.

You vs Batty, Sparda & Gammetsu

"This is it! I'm going to purify all 3 of you at once and return you 3 to normal. Eternal Galick Gun!" You roared, as you pushed your hands forth, discharging a light purple beam that was far more powerful and massive than the previous one. The 3 evil wizard looked on in horror as the beam raced toward them.

"T-This isn't over! Getsum Payback!" The 3 shouted before vanishing back to their hideout, just before the beam could reach them. You noticed this and grunted.

"Tch! They got away! Damn cowards!" You growled as the beam safely flew off into space. You lowered your hands as you calmly stared at where your opponents once stood for a few seconds and your friends walked over to you.

"Wow! That was amazing {Y/N}! I like how you changed forms in mid combat! Me and Liko needs to try doing that for ourselves next time." Mirai shouted as you smiled.

"Thanks, Mirai. However, they managed to escape before i could get the job done though." You replied with a frown.

"Don't worry. You still managed to single handedly defeat and drive away 3 of Dokurokushe's generals with minimal effort. They will think twice before messing with us now." Liko reassured.

"Exactly. And lets not forget that aside from your new Galick Gun technique, you have been exclusively using Precure powers for the entire fight. If you added your shinobi, the Sacred Gear powers and my Destruction magic into the mix, you would have stomped them even harder than you did." Rias added as the others nodded.

"So, do you think that you are ready to take on those mean people of Union Academy now?" Granolah asked curiously.

"Well, as Rias just mentioned. With my current power level and with Ki, Magic, Precure powers, shinobi powers, the Sacred Gears and Destruction powers in my arsenal, i should be able to handle all those mean teachers and students. However, i think that the headmasters might still pose a threat to my plans, though. If i could get some more training in, absorb more energy and/or copy more powers, then i'll be set." You admitted.

"Couldn't you have absorbed and copied Dokurokushe's generals powers? I'm sure that would have resulted in a large boost in power along with the weird abilities that they possessed." Isami asked as you facepalmed at yourself.

"Dammit! I was so caught up in the fight with my new Precure powers that i completely forgot to do that!" You shouted, kicking yourself for not taking their powers and energy.

"Ok, i understand your situation. In that case, we'll resume your training you for a few more hours. I think i'll start the basics for your Ultra Ego training now." Vegeta stated as Granolah rose an eyebrow.

"I thought you said that you were going to teach him that later?" Granolah asked confused.

"I changed my mind. He's still not ready for the full thing, but he can begin learning the basics towards it." Vegeta explained.

"Neat! But how exactly do i go about learning this technique?" You asked curiously as Vegeta smirks.

"In order to learn this technique, you will need to have a certain mindset to utilize it. For example, Lord Beerus, our God of Destruction, mind is always on destruction, allowing him to use it at its best. Or so he says..." Vegeta explains. with a deadpan expression. Most of the time he see Beerus, he's usually sleeping or on Earth eating food.

"Well, i think i can manage that. After all, my mind is also on destruction." You said darkly as Granolah and Vegeta eyebrows rose above their hairlines.

"Oh really?" Vegeta questions as you smirked darkly.

"Yes... The destruction of Union Academy, that is..." You replied with your eyes glowing red with anger and hatred.

Your friends became worried about you but you turned towards them and gave them a smile.

"I know you guys are probably confused, but allow me to explain what i intend to do for tomorrow..." You told them as you began to reveal your plan for revenge to them.

Union Academy - Team RWBY's Dorm Room - Hours Later

Team RWBY, Red Team, Green Team and Diana were currently sitting in Team RWBY's dorm room waiting for {Y/N}'s return. Green Team were glaring at.

"Ugh! Its getting dark out and {Y/N} still hasn't made it back here yet!" Weiss shouted in frustration.

"Yeah. I thought he'd be back by now."  Yang added.

"Not to mention the fact that its past curfew." Diana stated.

"Hmph! Maybe he is trying to avoid you girls. After all, you all did reject him earlier today, especially after what you, Weiss and Yang said to him." Amanda said, glaring at the 3 girls while they frowned.

"Still, it doesn't explain how Senkou, Gekkou, Mirai, Liko, Hanami, Rias and the others being late." Diana stated.

"That is definitely odd. And they're not the type to be this late." Blake wondered.

"Do you guys think something bad happened to them?" Lotte asked, hopping it wasn't the case.

"If so, then im not about to just sit around here and do nothing about it!" Akko shouted, standing up.

"Yeah! But lets go ask the headmasters. Maybe they know something." Ruby said as everyone agreed but Blake doubt they would be of much help since most of the headmasters and teachers hated {Y/N}.

Short Timeskip - Headmasters Office

As the group of girls entered the room, the headmasters and teachers gave them a questioning look. Upon closer inspection, the girls noticed that they seemed exhausted. Must be because they are trying to prepare for the return of Moro tomorrow.

"What are you girls doing here? Shouldn't you all be in your dorm rooms right now?" Ozpin asked.

"You're right. We should be in our dorm rooms, but we are concerned about {Y/N}." Diana stated as the teachers and headmasters rose an eyebrow.

"What about him?" Danzo ask, not really caring at all.

"Well, its almost dark out and he still hasn't returned to the school campus from his training in the Emerald Forest." Ruby stated.

"Maybe he got killed by the monsters in the forest." Dogen said offhandedly as Tsunade glared, knowing that he wasn't the least bit worried about your safety.

"Senkkou, Gekkou, The Mahou Precure along with Rias and her peerage haven't returned from the forest either." Blake stated, knowing that that will get everyone's full attention as their eyes widened.

"That's right! We were so caught up with trying to plan or prevent the return of Moro that i completely forgot about them as well. Its not normal for them to be late." Sirzech said.

"Ok. I don't think they are in any sort of danger, but we'll alert the rest of the school and send a search party anyway to bring them back." Hanzo said.

"Oh! Send us!" Amanda shouted.

"Alright. In that case, we will send the Green Team and Blake to go retrieve {Y/N} and the others." Tsunade smirks, giving the orders before any of the other headmasters could get a word in.

"B-But what about the rest of us?" Weiss asked, almost demanded.

"Well, you see. Blake has far better senses than the rest of Team RWBY and can see far better in the dark. Green Team will search from the sky since there is one person from the Red Team that cannot fly on their broom." Tsunade stated as Akko sweat dropped, knowing that she was referring to her. "That should suffice for the search party. Any objections?" Tsunade asked as everyone remained silent, not wanting to argue against her or they may face her wrath. "Good. Now dismissed." She finished.

Tsunade did this because she heard about what happened earlier today. Of all the girls that rejected you, she choose Blake to go search for you as she believed that you could relate to her more than the others, and you were pretty good friends with the Green Team. Also, she felt that tensions between you and them would grow had she sent Diana, Weiss or Yang after their harsh words.

"Aww man! I wanted to go!" Yang whined as Amanda gave her a smug look.

"Too bad." Amanda sneered. "Besides, you, Diana and Weiss are probably the last people {Y/N} would want to see." She continued as they remained silent.

"Is everyone ready?" Blake asked as Amanda, Constanze and Jasminka nodded before heading out to the Emerald Forest.

Meanwhile In The Emerald Forest

The sun was setting and you, along with all of your friends, was currently laying on their backs on the ground, panting heavily. Vegeta and Granolah's training regimen is pure hell, but totally worth it.

"Phew! That was a great workout! I think i am starting to grasp of the Ultra Ego technique. However, i am still a long ways away from utilizing it fully." You stated as you and your friends got back on their feet.

"My body is aching all over." Isami whined.

"You'll get used to it over time. But yeah, this is definitely the most difficult training i have done thus far." Senkou stated.

"So, what now?" You asked. But before anyone else could speak, you Vegeta and Granolah sensed 4 energy signatures heading their way.

"Someone's coming." Granolah stated as you nodded, knowing who they were.

"Its the Green Team and Blake." You stated.

"So you can already accurately detect the person's identity just from sensing their energy signature?" Rias asked as you nodded while Vegeta and Granolah smirked proudly. Your skills and power were improving at an alarming rate.

"Ah! That's right! We were so caught up with our training that we didn't even notice that it was getting late." Liko panicked.

"The academy must have sent them to retrieve us." Gekkou said calmly.

"Oh no. We're going to be in big trouble! What should we do?" Isami asked.

"Don't worry. The headmasters will most likely place the blame entirely on me for all of us being late. Besides, at least they didn't send someone who hated me to look for us, so we can take advantage of this since i find Green Team and Blake to be trustworthy." You stated.

"Are you going to let them know your secret and plans for vengeance?" Granolah asked.

"Maybe..." You replied. "Contrary to popular belief, Union Academy is not truly united. While there are many people who hates and opposes me, there are also people who may support my decision. That applies to the students, teachers and even the Headmasters." You said.

'I see. So you intend to tear the Academy from the inside out before ultimately destroying it completely. This should be interesting.' Vegeta thought with a smirk. He couldn't wait to see the chaos that will ensure tomorrow.

Short Timeskip

"Found them!" The group heard a loud voice from above as they saw the members of Green Team flying on their brooms. Suddenly you heard the trees rustling and saw Blake emerge from the woods. She looked around and saw everyone training... which seemed pretty normal, but she had a feeling that there was more at work here.

"Hello, Blake, Green Team." You greeted them. The 4 girls looked over to see you sitting on top of a large boulder meditating with your eyes closed.

"What the hell are you guys doing here anyway?" Amanda asked.

"Isn't it obvious? We're training." Isami said plainly with a deadpan expression.

"But why are you guys still out here so late? Its dark out and everyone is worried sick. Not to mention that we received a prophecy from Jiraiya earlier today saying that the reincarnation of Moro is returning for revenge tomorrow. So everyone is even more on edge now." Blake stated as everyone rose an eyebrow while you finally opened your eyes and halted your meditation and gave Blake a smile before slowly pointing your finger at her bow on her head and used your magic to remove it from her head, revealing her cat ears.

"There. You look way more beautiful without it." You stated as Blake's face became red while your friends chuckled in amusement.

"H-How did you-"

"Do that?" You finished her question as she heard your voice from behind, causing her to spin around to see you standing right before her. She looked back at the rock that you was previously sitting on and saw the image of you slowly vanish.

'Was that magic? Or just pure speed?' Blake thought stunned. She have never seen you pull anything like this off before.

"To answer your question, Blake, i used magic to remove your bow, but what i did just then was pure speed." You replied as Blake's eyes widened in shock.

"D-Did you just read my mind?" Blake ask as you smirked.

'Indeed.' You replied to her telepathically as she just stared at you in shock.

"How are you able to do all this?" Blake asked. The last time she saw you, you never displayed anything like this. Now, you seem like a master magician.

"And how can you use magic without your wand now?" Amanda questioned as you sighed.

"Ok, i think that's enough showing off my newfound powers now." You said, getting serious before taking a few steps away from them before turning back to face them. "Allow me show you who and what i really am." You said in a serious tone as your eyes glowed red and an orange aura surrounded your body and the visage of Moro appeared behind you for a split second, causing Blake and the Green Team eyes to widen in a mix of shock and fear as your aura soon vanished and your eyes returned back to normal. That definitely got their full attention.

"N-N-No way! Y-Y-You're... the..." Amanda stammered as Blake remained silent and started with wide eyes.

"That's right. I am the reincarnation of Moro." You dropped the bombshell as Blake and Green Team was in a state of disbelief.

"T-Then the prophecy is true then. So, you're going to be seeking revenge tomorrow?" Blake  asked worried as you nodded slowly.

"Of course." You simply replied.

"But why?" Amanda asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I am fucking tired of the BULLSHIT going on in this academy! The bullies, the mean teachers and headmasters! I'm sick of it all! Besides, aren't you also tired of the way we Faunus get treated? I mean, we get mistreated by other students and most of teachers and headmasters don't even care and don't do anything about it. Hell, some of them support it. I mean, you even went out of your way to hide your cat ears by wearing a bow over them to avoid scrutiny. That alone should tell you what the people in charge really thinks of us." You told her as she remained silent, knowing that what you was saying was true. You hoped that this would be enough to convince her to join your cause.

Next you turned your attention to the Green Team.

"As for you three. Well, im sure you 3 are also getting sick of always being put in detention by those asshole witches like Finnelan or Badcock. But don't worry, when i get done with them, you 3 will never have to worry about detention ever again. However, i am going to need your assistance for what i have planned tomorrow." You told them as they rose an eyebrow.

"Why exactly do you need our help?" Jasminka inquired as she was so shocked that she stopped eating whatever she was eating, which came as a surprise for everyone. You grinned.

"Are you sure its a good idea to inform them of your secret plan for tomorrow?" Rias asked as she and a few of your other friends were skeptical.

"Don't worry, Blake and the Green Team are trustworthy. It'll be fine." You reassured.

With that, you explained your grand plan to everyone once again. This time, to get Blake and Green Team up to speed and included them in your plan.

"So, what do you guys think?" You asked.

"Well, its seems like a rather ambitious plan. I mean, if you plan on destroying the school, then i highly doubt the Headmasters and Teachers will sit around and allow it to happen, and the bullies will be all too eager to join in on the fight against you as well. Which means that means you will probably have to fight almost everyone in the Academy. Are you sure about this? I know that you seemed to have improved a lot in both skill, power and magic." Blake asked as you smiled. She wasn't aware that you could absorb and copy powers of your opponents, and wasn't aware of the powers you got from your friends.

"Sure. I believe that i can take on those asshole Headmasters and teachers now. But to make sure the Headmasters won't interfere with my plans, i will need Green Team to do what i explained earlier. Also, i noticed that Union Academy is divided, ironically. Not everyone will agree or side with the assholes and may join us instead, and we can take advantage of that." You told her as you turned your attention to said team. "So, have you guys made a decision?" You asked.

"Well, this is a lot to take in. I mean, i like the plan and we would love to get back at those assholes for always putting us in detention, but we need some time to think about it." Amanda replied as her teammates agreed while you nodded in understanding.

"That's ok. You have all night and tomorrow morning to think about it. But i will need to know by the time we are in Alchemy class tomorrow." You stated as they nodded while you turned back to face Blake. "So, what about you?" You asked as Blake sighed.

"I'll try my best. Honestly, i didn't think i would be involved in another sabotage plan again ever since i left the White Fang. Ruby is probably gonna be worried." Blake said.

"Sorry if this is bringing back bad memories for you. Also, try your best to comfort Ruby and make sure that she or the rest of your team never catches on to our plan." You told her as she nodded. "Good." You quipped with a smile. "Well, i guess its time that we head back." You said.

"You might get in serious trouble with the mean teachers and headmasters though when we get back though. You know they like to place the blame all on you." Blake told you as you smirked.

"Oh, im very aware of that. That's why i have 2 people who will vouch for us." You told her with a cocky smirk.

Right on que, both Vegeta and Granolah finally revealed themselves to Blake and the Green Team, causing their eyes to bulge out of their sockets.

"Indeed. They wouldn't dare do anything with us around." Granolah stated.

"Or else, they will have to face our wrath." Vegeta added.

"I-Its Vegeta!" Amanda shouted in shock and surprise.

"How? Why?" Blake asked confused. So many things were happening right now that she could barely keep up anymore.

"Yep. No need for me to introduce Vegeta to you, since everyone already knows about him, but the other guy is Granolah. Believe it or not, he is as strong as Goku and Vegeta themselves." You stated as Blake and the Green Team stared at Granolah in shock. "Also, those two are the ones who helped train us while we were away for these past few hours." You finished as the 4 girls nodded dumbly while Vegeta, Granolah and the rest of your friends chuckled in amusement.

"I see. I'm glad that you managed to achieved your dream and is now training by one of the Heroes that you admired." Blake said as you.

"Yeah. But i just started. Once im done with Union Academy, i will be training full time under Vegeta at Capsule Corp. These two are our tickets out of this hellhole Academy." You stated. "Speaking of which, we really need to head back now. While we walk back, we'll explain everything that i haven't told you 4 earlier." You told both Blake and Green Team.

Timeskip - Union Academy

The group was currently making their way towards the Academy's front/main door, all while talking about all the events that had transpired today. To say that Blake and the Green Team was shocked would have been the understatement of the century.

"Wait a second. So not only do you know how to absorb energy from any opponent you touch with your magic, but you also have the ability to copy other peoples abilities just by grabbing their necks? Damn! You have overpowered abilities. I finally understand why Moro was so difficult to deal with." Amanda stated as Jasminka and Constanze nodded.

"Not only that, but you guys also got attacked by Dokurokushe's generals earlier today and your friends allowed you to copy their powers and abilities so that you could fight them and you single handedly defeated them with minimal effort? No wonder you're so confident that you could take on the teachers and Headmasters." Blake added.

"Yeah. Those dark magic guys are dangerous. But if you can handle them, then you could probably take out most if not all the teachers and headmasters at this point." Amanda stated.

"Maybe. If only i remembered to absorb and copy their powers, then i would have had an even bigger advantage over the Headmasters, but it'll be fine. I'll most likely gain even more power tomorrow, so it won't matter in the end." You stated.

As the group drew closer towards the Academy's entrance, they looked up and saw a giant green stone that shined a bright green light across the entire school campus. It was the Sorcerer's Stone.

"The Sorcerer's Stone is shining really bight tonight." Amanda stated as a new idea popped up in your head.

"Indeed. However, i have a question for you. What would happen if the Sorcerer's Stone was taken away or... destroyed?" You asked as everyone stared at you.

"What the hell kind of question is that? We would all lose our ability to cast spell, fly on the broom or use magic in general." Amanda replied.

"I won't." You stated bluntly.

"Well, you're the mother fucking reincarnation of Moro, so of course you won't." Amanda said.

"Ok, but how do you explain Rias and her peerage? Or the Precure? They can freely use magic without the need of the Sorcerer's Stone as well." You stated as she remained silent, knowing that you was right.

"And your point is?" Amanda asked, not knowing where this conversation was going as you smirked.

"How about i sweeten the deal i offered you three earlier. If you can help me tomorrow, i can grant you and your team the ability to use magic WITHOUT the need of the Sorcerer's Stone's power. In fact, i'll even give you 3 a substantial power boost as well." You said as Vegeta and Granolah rose an eyebrow.

'Has he already learned the ability to do that already?' Vegeta thought to himself.

"Y-You can do that?" Amanda asked in astonishment as you nodded.

"Of course i can." You responded with a smirk.

"Alright, fine! We'll help you. But you better not be bullshitting me with this." Amanda warned as you grinned.

"No need to fret. I will hold my end of the deal." You said as you turned to Blake and your other friends. "The same goes for the rest of you. Think of this as a gift for putting an end to this corrupt school." You said.

After saying that, the group made it to front door. Without hesitation, you pushed the double doors wide open and stepped forward before seeing every student, teacher and Headmaster waiting for you. You saw your 3 former crushes, Diana, Weiss and Yang standing in front of everyone else. You really didn't care to see them right now.

"Where the hell have you been?" Weiss shouted. You was already getting annoyed by her.

"Yeah. We've been waiting forever for you to get back." Yang said.

"Care to explain what took you guys so long?" Diana demanded.

You and your friends ignored the 3 and walked right past them as if they didn't even exist, which surprised them. You was in too much of a good mood right now from training and discovering your powers, and you wasn't about to let those 3 or any of the bullies and mean teachers ruin it for you.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Weiss shouted. Diana was shocked. Normally you would answer her questions. Yang, on the other hand, was confused. 'Dumb blonde bitch.' You thought.

You saw your other friends and nodded in approval at them while your bullies and the others that hated you glared at you, but you completely disregarded their presence, which pissed them off even more.

"Welcome back everyone!" Manatsu and her team greeted.

"Thanks, guys." You replied with a smile and gave them the thumbs up.

"Glad you made it back safe. We we're worried that you guys may have been attacked." Ruby said as you smiled and patted her on the head.

"Don't worry, Ruby, we're all fine." You reassured.

"You guys sure took your sweet ass time, though." Ryuko deadpanned as you grinned.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. We were training so hard that we got carried away and lost track of the time." You replied, laughing as many of the students rose an eyebrow.

"Really? What kind of training did you do?" Hibiki asked curious as you shook your head.

"Sorry. That's a secret." You replied as she pouted.

Suddenly, Goodbitch and the other cruel teachers and Headmaster stood in front of you and glared at you in anger while you stared back impassively.

"You guys got a problem with me?" You asked boredly with a dark undertone that made them shiver slightly before they regained their bravado.

"Matter of fact, we do! Do you have any idea on how much trouble you're in!?" Glynda snarled as you inwardly smirked in a mocking way.

"Nope." You replied nonchalantly, making the mean teachers and Headmasters growl in anger.

"Why you! We oughta expel you right here and now!" Dogen snarled as your friends that you trained with stepped forward.

"Hey! That isn't fair! If you're going to punish him for being late, then you will have to do the same for the rest of us!" Likko shouted.

"That is correct." Rias added. The mean teachers and Headmasters were surprised to see people we're sticking up for you and were now trying to figure out the next bullshit way to get you in trouble while excluding the others. Senkou, Gekkou, The Mahou Precure and Rias along with her peerage were too valuable for the academy to lose. They had no idea that the most valuable one was the one they were trying to remove from the school, but you didn't care. By tomorrow, no one will hold any value to this school once you get done with it.

"W-Well, {Y/N} has gotten himself into more trouble than the rest of you, so he will need harsher punishment." Danzo explained as his lapdogs nodded in agreement while you and your friends gave them blank stares. Was that the best excuse they could give?

"Pfft! None of you can do anything to us anyway because i have two people who can vouch for us." You stated as they rose an they gave you a look of confusion while Vegeta and Granolah entered the building, causing their eyes to widen in shock.

"I suggest you leave {Y/N} alone. Or it will be you guys suffering the consequences." Vegeta warned in a dangerous tone, terrifying the cruel teachers and Headmasters and making them back away in fear.

"V-V-Vegeta!? W-What are y-you doing h-here!?" Danzo stammered in fear while you smirked in dark amusement at the terrified looks on their faces.

"Hmph! Isn't it obvious, you senile fool!? We are the ones responsible for {Y/N} and the others being late since we were training them." Vegeta stated.

"So if you have a problem, take it up with us." Granolah added with a slight growl to his voice.

"Who the hell are you!?" Dogen demanded as Granolah sent him a glare that paralyzed him in fear.

"I'd watch my tongue if i were you, Dogen." Vegeta warned. "His name is Granolah. We've encountered him while me and Kakarot were off world a few years ago. Also, he's just as strong as i am." Vegeta stated as everyone besides you and the friends you trained with, eyes widen in surprise.

"Why would you two waste your time training a weakling like {Y/N}?" Hanzo asked.

"Yeah. You should train someone who's actually strong like me." Homura said arrogantly as Asuka, Yumi and Miyabi nodded in agreement. They were all silenced when you, Vegeta, Granolah and your real friends sent them death glared. Hibari, Mirai, Ryona and Minori were the only ones who didn't agree with their teams, and they were the only ones from those team that were nice towards you.

"Pfft! I would never train you dumb, annoying brats!" Vegeta sneered.

"Agreed. That would be the real waste of time." Granolah added with a smirk, which made the spoiled brats angry.

"Tch! Fine! We won't punish {Y/N} and the others for this." Ozpin said reluctantly. He and most of the teachers and headmasters didn't like it, but they couldn't go against Vegeta or Granolah who is apparently just as strong as he was. They stood no chance.

"By the way, my computer detected around 6 high power levels coming from the Emerald Forest. I assume that two of them came from Vegeta and Granolah. What happened to the other high power levels that were detected?" Inumuta of the Elite Four questions while everyone looked at you, Vegeta, Granolah and the rest of the friends you trained with, curious to know as well. You sighed.

"Well, the truth is, we actually did get attacked in the forest. We were attacked by Dokurokushe's generals and their Yokubara while we were training." You stated as everyone gasped in shock. "However, Vegeta and Granolah come to our rescue and sent them packing." You lied as Vegeta, Granolah and the friends who you trained with knew you were lying but decided to play along.

"Right. And that's how we met {Y/N} and his friends.We decided to help them in their training so that they would be better prepared the next time this happens." Granolah stated, playing along with your lie.

"Now you know. If you have anymore questions you better make it quick. I need to get back home soon!" Vegeta said.

"No, no. I was just curious. To be honest, my computer detected these power levels hours ago, but every was too busy panicking over the Moro prophesy." Inumuta stated.

"What is this 'Moro prophesy' you speak of?" Vegeta asked, although he already knew.

They decided to tell Vegeta everything about the prophesy that Jiraiya told them earlier today.

"Ah. I see. So Moro was reincarnated and he will be coming here for revenge? Interesting. I wonder what you fools did to piss him off if he wants revenge against Union Academy?" Vegeta asked, feigning ignorance.

"We haven't done anything to the reincarnation of Moro. I mean, we've never even met him before!" Glynda shouted in protest as you had a deadpan expression on your face.

"She's right. Please! You have to help us! Only people with your caliber of power can prevent this crisis from happening!" Ozpin begged. He even dropped to his knees which you smirked at.

'Pathetic! You'll need to beg better than that. But no matter how much you beg, i will NEVER forgive you or any of the students, teachers  and Headmsters that mistreated me, and i will still raze this school to the ground!' You thought to yourself. Vegeta and Granolah glanced at you while you glanced back and nodded at them.

"Hmph! I'll be here for the party tomorrow with my family anyway, so why not." Vegeta stated as Ozpin had hope in his eyes. However, unknown to them, Vegeta was giving them a false sense of hope or security and had no intentions of stopping you tomorrow.

"Yes! We're saved!" Hannah shouted as many students cheered.

"Our victory is assured now!" Barbara chimed in. It took nearly all of your strength and self control to not laugh your ass off at them. They were going to be in for the shock of the lifetime.

"Aww. I really wanted to see the reincarnated Moro magic powers. But it looks like we probably won't get the chance now." Crox frowned.

"This is for the best, Crox." Ursula chastised. You overheard their conversation and smirked. Well, at least someone was excited for you.

"Well, we don't have all night for idle chit chat. We're going home to prepare for tomorrow." Vegeta stated as both he and Granolah put two fingers to their forehead and vanished.

"They... disappeared?" Akko questioned.

"That was Instant Transmission. Probably the best way to travel. I know that Goku uses this technique a lot, but i wasn't aware that Vegeta and Granolah also knew it. I hope that i can learn that technique one day." You mused.

"Ha! A loser like you will never learn something like that!" Asuka sneered, but you ignored her, which pissed her off as she kept yelling more insults at you, which you paid no attention too. You'll definitely put your former friend in her place tomorrow.

"Shut the fuck up bitch!" Katsumi shouted.

"Agreed!" Naruko added.

"Alright everyone! Its time to get back to your dorm rooms. We'll still be having classes tomorrow!" Tsunade ordered to hopefully prevent a fight from breaking out because she noticed the extreme animosity between your friends and your bullies. Everyone nodded and returned to their dorm rooms, not wanting to face her wrath.

Short Timeskip - Red Team Dorm Room

This was the room you stayed in. Since Ozpin was too stingy to give you your own room, you shared a room with the Red Team and if it was for Akko pleading to the Headmasters and Tsunade pulling a few strings, you wouldn't even have that. You was currently sitting on your bed, going over the plan you had for tomorrow in your mind.

"{Y/N}?" Akko called out shyly, breaking you out of your thoughts as you saw the girls from Red Team standing before.

"Yes?" You replied.

"Umm... We're sorry about what happened earlier today." Akko said in a sad tone.

"Yeah. I hope you're not angry with us." Lotte said.

"Don't apologize. You all gave your honest reasons for rejecting me without being an asshole about it. Diana, Weiss and Yang are the only ones im angry at when it comes to that." You replied.

"So... we're still friends?" Sucy asked.

"Of course!" You answered as the three girls smiled.

"In that case, will you try out my next new potion?" Sucy asked with a smirk as you smirked right back, much to her surprise.

"Sure. Although, i don't think your weird experiments or potions side effects will have any effect on me anymore." You replied as the 3 girls eyebrows rose above their hairlines.

'What does he mean by that?' Sucy thought to herself as you read her mind and smirked.

"So, what's its like to finally meet one of your idols/heroes in person?" Akko asked, referring to Vegeta.

"It was awesome! Like i said earlier, both Vegeta and Granolah helped me greatly with my training. Training under them was hell, but totally worth it!" You stated as Akko gave a sincere smile. She was happy that you met one of your heroes. Even if it was to protect you from those  Dark Magic users.

"That's great! Although, im still a little worried about tomorrow. I know Vegeta said he would protect us, but still..." Lotte trailed off.

"Yeah. I feel the same way." Akko said honestly as you softly pat both of them on their heads.

"Don't worry. You are good girls. The reincarnated of Moro won't harm you. Besides, i will also protect you 3 as well." You reassured as Akko and Lotte face became red while Sucy smirked.

"Akko, Lotte, you're both blushing." Sucy teased.

"N-No we're not!" Both shouted simultaneously as you chuckled in amusement.

"Well, i think its time we get to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." You stated. "But before we go to sleep, i need to borrow someone's alchemy books for tomorrows alchemy class. One of those asshole bullies stole my book."  You finished as they frowned.

"Here, you can use mine." Sucy offered her book to you.

"Thanks. It won't be long. I just need to review for tomorrow." You told her as she nodded and you began reading every alchemy recipe in the book. Even the things that were too advanced or dangerous for students to understand/use.

"That's another thing we wanted to discuss with you about. We would also like to apologize for not doing more to help you with your situation with the bullies." Lotte said.

"Its fine. Besides, the rest of you suffers from bullying and scrutiny as well." You stated.

"We need to put a stop to it!" Akko shouted.

"Indeed. However, there will be no need to worry soon." You replied as you flipped through the pages of the book.

"Why is that?" Sucy asked.

"Because tomorrow, the bullying will be put to an end... permanently." You said the last word in a dark and cold tone, which made the other 3 shiver. "Ok, im finished studying now. You can have your book back, Sucy." You stated, returning the book back to her. They gave you confused looks.

"You're done already? You barely even had the book for a minute!" Akko shouted in surprise.

"True. To me it looked like you was flipping through all the pages. Even the stuff we aren't yet ready to understand." Lotte added as you grinned.

"Are you sure you're ready for Alchemy class tomorrow, {Y/N}?" Sucy asked concerned.

"Yep! I'll do fine in class tomorrow." You reassured. What they didn't know is that you mastered every single Alchemy recipe/spell in the book just by skimming through the book once. More perks to being the reincarnation of Moro and the awakening of your powers you figured. "Anyway, we better head to bed and get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow, and i will also need to be ready for the exhibition matches the headmasters have arranged for me." You told them as they nodded in understanding.

With that, the 4 went to their bed and got under their covers.

"Aw man! I forgot to turn the magic lights off!" Akko whined, not wanting to get out of her bed to turn it off. You chuckled in amusement.

"I got you covered." You said as you snapped your fingers, instantly turning all the magic lights in the room.

"Impressive. When did you learn to do that?" Lotte asked.

"From my training with Vegeta and Granolah. I was able to improve my magic a little bit." You replied. "Alright, goodnight, girls!" You told them.

"Good night {Y/N}!" Akko, Lotte and Sucy replied.

With that said, the girls slowly drifted off the sleep.

'Tomorrow, there will be hell to pay and i will reveal to everyone who i really am!' You thought to yourself, clenching your fist before drifting off to sleep yourself.

The students and staff of Union Academy had no idea that their lives were going to change forever tomorrow.

End of Chapter 3

A/N: So, how did you guys like this chapter? Good? Bad? Mid? Anyway, next chapter, you will be an absolute badass and won't take shit from anyone (also, according to Wattpad, its been almost exactly a year since i posted the previous chapter so hopefully next chapter won't take a year lol. Also this is my first update of 2023).

Power Levels


Tree Yokubaru




Cure {Y/N} (Diamond Style)

Cure {Y/N} (Ruby Style)

Cure {Y/N} (Sapphire Style)

Cure {Y/N} (Topaz Style)

{Y/N} (Post Training)

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