demon lord from another world...

By otakucrow690

13K 225 88

after momoshiki's figh with boruto , right before he was about to die he got teleported to some other world ... More

what is a demon lord
bullying clayman
unexpected guest
momoshiki's resolve
Enneagram (9 star demon lord )

who is he

2.2K 38 13
By otakucrow690

Cutting off the akward staring momoshiki said 'where am i , who are you all '

They came to their senses
Rimuru was about to tell the man but was cut off by shion

This righ here is the great rimuru sama he just become the demon lord , the leader of this jura forest and i am his one and only assistant
Shion said and was completely ignored by momoshiki who was trying something
She stopped speaking
Diablo low laughed on the assistant
Rimuru swet dropped

shion made a face and mumbled

Not even paying attention , nameless monster

momoshiki herd the disrespect towards his big ass ego
Activating byakugan he looked at girl (not realising how powerful he has become now)

Momoshiki's POV

I activated my byakugan looking at the girl with death glare ,they were frightened (not the bubblegum blue head) still red headed drew his sword out and came in front of the girl so did the black haired , he had claws
but the bubblegum blue haired stoped the two
'stay you guys , let's hear what he has to say first'
They stopped right away
I too deactivated the byakugan

I am trying to be nice
why is this girl even talking to me like that
I don't want to harm anyone anymore afer being defeated by a lowly human , but these don't seem to be human some even have horns , he thought

The bubblegum blue haired said , my name is rimuru tempest , these are my friends , we are not here to harm you and you are in jura forest

I hmmd , still deep in thought about this all

Rimuru asked me my name

I am momoshiki Otsutsuki a celestial being
i am not from this world i got teleported here when I was about to die in a fight , i said

Looks like you were given a chance to change and live again , rimuru said

So where are you from , and who were you fighting and lost despite having such power , says red head

I am a member of Otsutsuki clan's main family i went to earth to inspect and complete the work of one of the member who betrayed us
I with my subordinates attacked human village to take the person who has the power to get our clan's power back
But they were strong we were successfully at capturing him after a day when half of his power was extracted
Some people came to take him back
I wanted that power of ours whether time came i turned one of my subordinate into power fruit i ate it i got powerd up my appearance changed

All were defeated but
2 of them could still move one tricked me with the power he had in his eyes and stabbed my eye , the eye that can absorb power made attacks and other inferior creature attacked me
I made a attack like his but it got destroyed and hit me
I was about to die and leave a seal to the boy who killed me and had a rather intrusting fate

And I am now here

You can see fate ; rimuru looked amazed
Yes , indeed i can with these eyes

And why do you have eyes on hand too , says the annoying girl
I looked onto my hand opend eyes and i saw none of them was destroyed

I was shoked and asked them for mirror

I saw my right eye was jougan same as that human kid
I wondered from where tf now this came from
I tried letting my power go all free
Surprisingly it was 100x greater than before
Ground stared to shake , i stopped when saw them not being comfortable

What was that someone appeared out of nowhere

Veldora why are you here , rimuru asked
Veldora in answer said I sensed some intense powerful around here and to check out i came , so who was it

It was me i said
He looked at me surprised

I made a frowl and said you 3 here also got this much power as myne , i don't even know how i got sudden stronger to have this rare power of the clan , i am trying to be nice stope acting so scared I sad looking at the scared others Peking at the room

Rimuru said
"Ya ya calm down momo-san "
Hn i-
what's wrong momo-san
Nothing , its new someone to here someone adress me with names other momoshiki sama
Oh, evryone here call me rimuru sama too , you can call me rimuru and I'll call you momoshiki , he said with a smile

I felt nice here with the people around

I accepted his rimuru's proposal to remove sama while addressing each other

But others will still call me momoshiki sama i am respected person after all

Rimuru agreed and told everyone the same and asked everyone to leave and rest free

So everyone did

So we are friends now , you will now stay in here with me ; okay

That may be the first time i ever smiled genuinely

I do miss kinshiki , he was with me for years he was like father to me
It was pathetic of me to eat him and kill him
But the work was important

Rimuru's POV

So he is a celestial being not from eart and was teleported to this world and he is on level of those of demon lords
I can tell he was the bad guy but now he wanted to change , still hates humans to kill him
But it turned out to him be our allies

This is nice for our Village to have such powerful allies as our friends

So , how old are you momo-san I asked him

Over 1200 years i guess he said
Hnnnnnnnnnn , you are ancient i said

So you just become demon lord what's that he asked
And ramiris came crashing to the glass window
She seemed to have something important to tell


Precious note

Ayo , sorry if it's not fair but I gave momoshiki power kaguya and kinshiki and jogan too
He is week to be a demon lord

Let's assume that jougan have pover to destroy anything everything anywhere whatever the user wants

It's all for today
In next chapter will be about Walpurgis and momoshiki's wist to become a demon lord .

Until then

Vote , coment , TATAKAI , i guess

Word count 1067

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