Generation Antihero 2

By JasminBino

69 78 0

~BoyxBoy~ and ~BoyxGirl~ After ten years in the very same storage hall and more and more criminals, it's gett... More

Not alone
Notice me, Senpai!
A fish in a cherry blossom pond
Afraid of the afraid tiger
Catching feelings
Stray bullet
Without trust
Admitting weaknesses
Little troublemaker
Where grown-up children liven up
What a usual day would look like
Huge race
The armadillo did it
Plans for near and far future
Distributed worldwide
And you guys?
Just keep on confusing
Camp Idiot
Camp Idiot - The absolute twits
A Chef is as strong as his members
Living with flaws
Drift apart
A breath of fresh air
Welcoming rite
Living confidently
The greatest maxima
On tension
Phase 1 - Strategically bypassing the enemy
Phase 2 - Smack 'em
Crazy freaks in the mad house
Disturbing the Great Tiger
The meaning of "best friends"
Tasted blood

A bit of trouble to start off

4 2 0
By JasminBino

Hot Henry exhaled heavily.

A deep voice purred against his lips.

They kissed each other passionately.

Greedily his tattooed hands scratched over Henry's body.

Thereupon Henry moaned quietly: "Koi...". Again and again. With each time becoming louder.

Eventually Ilus ripped out of his sleep soaked in sweat and rapidly breathing. He couldn't sort himself in at first. His heart stopped beating for a second when he heard Henry from his right: "Koi...". Hectically he looked over where Henry sleepily tried to get Koi's arm from his body. Koi didn't respond more than to mutter quietly and not move. Ilus took Koi's arm, put it back and hugged Henry. Shortly his light-brown eyes glimpsed at him, then he smiled and went back to sleep. After all, it was still so early that the sky had a light green touch to it in the fog. Ilus took a deep breath and calmed himself while lying back down. Tired, yet pensive, he observed how everybody was kind of lying on top of each other in that small wagon. For an inconspicuous relocation the whole gang had to travel in different ways. Shark, Zigz, Koi, Lucky, Shota, Henry, Ilus and three other members managed to fit into a wagon.

He was sorry to have to put them through this tight torture. But it simply became too dangerous in the storage hall in Los Angeles. Ilus was sure that Iceman had data about him and his hideout in his mansions. All those were supposed to get searched. So he rather packed his things up and travelled a long way to start fresh in Seattle. Though with the same crackheads, but with a new image. At their last fight the number of members decreased drastically. Obviously, he couldn't replace anyone and would still mourn over every single one of them. He got all of them from the streets personally, after all. But eventually he found new accomplices.

Surely he couldn't sleep anymore. These nightmares he already had often, so he didn't try it anymore. He only viewed the dawn adrift in thought. The hours went by, so Shota woke up first at some point. He looked at his phone and dropped his head back into his jacket serving as his pillow. With that he woke up Koi beside him: "Is it time to keep going already...?". Lucky warned mumbling: "Careful, Chef is here too...". Shark was the first to manage to pull his body up. In the following, the wagon tilted sideways and everyone slid down a bit. Afterwards, everybody was awake. Only Zigz muttered: "We need a coffee machine...". They waited on Ilus' commands, but he just rubbed his face. Henry bumped him lightly: "Didn't sleep well?". He shook his head, got out and didn't tell where he was going. Shark noted: "He is always tired". Worried Henry scratched his back head: "It's probably still the backlash of the fight with Iceman. It's been only a few weeks".

One after the other they crawled out. The temperatures rose up and it wasn't too much of a problem to walk on a sandy street in only a t-shirt and underwear. Koi looked at his phone while stretching: "Just about four hours, then we'll reach Seattle". Shota stretched together with him: "Flying would've been much easier... Why did Kiki get the privilege to fly all by herself? With you guys in such a small space it gets really narrow". Koi laughed at him: "Must be truly hard for you to lie between so many guys in such a small room and not being allowed to touch even one of them". "Starting with you being right by my side I don't feel the urge to do so", he declined. Henry let the fresh countryside air travel through his lungs. He liked that the most. Shark was also quite nature-minded. He walked up to a tree and observed a few birds up close. Lucky and Zigz still lied there.

When Ilus came back and directly walked past Henry to linearly give out the order: "We'll continue driving in ten minutes", many were confused. Henry the most among them. But he put that past him for now. He rather discussed that with him alone. The others surely also preferred that.


At the suburbs of the city they already saw Kiki diligently moving furniture around in front of a huge building. Zigz stood there wide-eyed: "Is that whole thing our new hideout?!". Ilus explained: "It isn't too far away from population anymore, but we finally have enough space for everyone. Some will even get appointed beds and rooms. Back there is the entrance. We should be the last to have arrived". Astonished they stormed in. Inside, most was already furnished. Ilus resumed his explanation: "Just now we entered through the community kitchen. This here is our main hall where all work and meetings will be done. Over there we also have a small gym area as that was often wished for. Koi, behind those curtains is your personal space. The stairs above have see-through stairs, but you shouldn't be bothered too much. On the second floor are bathrooms, some sort of nursery and the bedroom of Henry and me. One floor further up the rest of you have their appointed rooms. Enough for fifteen people. Everybody else will sleep where they feel comfortable again".

Jumping up and down in joy Koi sprinted through the curtains and wriggled around on his first own couch: "I love it here!". Shark asked: "Who has appointed room upstairs?". Ilus answered: "My best friends. Anyone who doesn't know if they should consider themself one is supposed to compare their monthly payment with the others. Who earns more has a room". Just like that Zigz rushed up: "Back then I was first to get a raise!". Shark directly followed him. Multiple others compared their payments and one after the other they ran up. At last, Lucky jumped: "Yes! I don't know since when I'm one of your best friends, but thank you Chef!". Henry tried to behave normally: "I'll go take a look what our room looks like". A wink he added. But as soon as he turned around, he growled since Ilus didn't show any reaction.

Meanwhile, Zigz look got dull: "Three... beds...?". Lucky was just as in a bad mood: "With own rooms he apparently meant flat share...". Shark wasn't bothered and sat down on the bed farthest in the back. Delighted he smiled: "It doesn't crack". With a raised nose Zigz puffed: "Then at least I'll get the middle bed so I can use both night stands". Sighing Lucky sat down on the bed at the wall to their bathroom: "At least we have our own bath and kitchen". That quickly Zigz rolled out of his bed again: "We can cook as much as we want to! We have our own fridge!". The more desperate Lucky was: "I want to sleep with Koi...". Zigz startled: "What?!". "At his side, not with him, you underprivileged twat!", Lucky yelled at him. Shark saw many fights coming up in their future.

Two rooms further Kiki made herself comfortable with Jurij. You weren't able to hear the others talk, everything was pretty much soundproof. Unbothered she furnished her room with much more space than what she had above her former café.

Underneath that floor Henry rolled around in his padded double bed: "These sheets are so cozy! The whole room looks so rich!". "Therefore we have to work hard the next nights", Ilus murmured as he carried a chair in. "No party for our success and relocation?", Henry asked disappointed. "Tonight everyone is allowed to walk around Seattle freely and get to know the city. I won't control anybody. Tomorrow we'll pick a club. You won't believe how expensive all of this here was. This building wasn't abandoned", Ilus spoke and hung up a few pictures. "And us two?", Henry lied there demotivated. "No. We only have these two evenings and that I want to give to everybody else", he got colder. "What's been up with you lately?", Henry got grumpy. Ilus waved it off meagerly: "Nothing, it's just been stressful". "Fine", Henry groaned and got up, "I'll see what Koi and Shark are doing". Shortly Ilus stopped moving, which Henry didn't notice.

Underneath the stairs Koi just hung up a painting of two fish - kois. Henry joked around: "Your missing partner?", while pointing at the second koi. Then he got flicked. Optimistic Koi crossed his arms: "This is a new city here. Perhaps I'm not known here yet. I'm sure I'll find my luck". "You seem to have caught the spring fever", Henry rubbed his forehead. "With just a little bit of luck another girl also did", he simpered and dropped down on the couch. -"I'm only wondering - Los Angeles was packed with girls in bikinis. And you didn't find one for yourself?". "Personality she should have. I'm not looking for a barbie. Find me someone with a quick-witted personality and a big heart at the same time. It has to be horrible if she would crawl around on her kness in front of me", he hissed.

Above them they saw Shark stomping down the stairs with a drum in his hands: "I'll sleep at Olga's!". Zigz stumbled after him: "No! I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry!". Shark noticed Henry and asked: "Can I go in your room?". Henry shrugged: "Guess the door could currently stand open at any time". Koi felt tensions: "Wo-oh, what happened?". Shark meant angrily: "Zigz says I'm stupid!". "I'm sorry for you, but I wasn't talking to you", Koi shook his head. Zigz called louder: "Sorry!". Henry sighed and let his shoulders down: "I'd like to know too".

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