Dearest Mum and Dad, With Love

By YaMujahadah

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"I just wanted to fit in." Growing up has never been easy. School isn't just about increasing your knowledge... More

Prologue - Promise
Chapter One - A wake up call
Chapter Two - Attending a New School
Chapter three - Being the Unpopular New Girl
Chapter Four - The Boy at school
Chapter Five - Co-Curricular Activities
Chapter Six - New Friends?
Chapter Seven - Sighting
Chapter Eight - Visitor
Chapter Nine - To Tutor Or Not to Tutor
Chapter Ten - I Know Your Secret
Chapter Eleven - Deal or No Deal
Chapter Twelve - I'm Not A Liar
Chapter Fourteen - Betrayal

Chapter Thirteen - Madrasah

245 10 3
By YaMujahadah

Chapter Thirteen - Madrasah

Thunder growled as I walked underneath the shelter to get to the void deck of my house. Rain was pouring mercilessly and quickly filling up the drains - and it didn't look like the water was going to be drained out soon. In the distance, I saw a familiar looking yellow taxi in the open car park. The driver got out of the driver's seat, slammed the door shut and rushed to the boot unguarded. I watched him take out a worn out leather bag and hide it underneath his -already wet - shirt before racing back to the driver's door to lock the vehicle and finally making a run for the shelter. My heart broke once I identified the man.

It was my father who was caught in the rain - drenched from head to toe like a drowned rat. His body disappeared from sight as he turned a corner where the lifts were located. It was painful for me to watch and I worried for his health - especially now that he has diab-diabit - whatever it's called.

I trudged home slowly in misery, keeping the lie that I told in mind. It was Ayah who welcomed me home the moment I stepped into the living room.

"Walaikumsalam Ida!" He said in response to my greeting.  "Have you eaten?" he asked just as I noticed he had already changed into a set of dry clothes.

"Yes, just now. You?"

"I'm going to eat now," he replied, walking into the kitchen. "Your mother isn't feeling well so do look after her for me, okay? "

I lurched into the kitchen. "Where are you going?"

"To work, silly!" he said cheerfully over his shoulder as he scooped rice onto a plate before moving to the stove. "Where else?"

"But-but, it's raining!" I protested.

"Yes, it is," he said, pulling a stool from underneath the table as he set down his plate. "But if I don't work, there won't be any money."

And there my dad goes, mentioning about money again. I always see him constantly worrying and obsessing over it - how he would pull out his wallet and count the dollars he had as worry lines creases his forehead- that I wish there was something I could do to help but sadly, I am only a thirteen year old who could do nothing but watch. Sometimes I wish that the world is money free or that money will drop from the sky or grow on trees like they do in cartoons. But sadly, that isn't the case.

"Oh and before I forget.." My attention snapped back to his face. My father pulled out his wallet from the pocket of his pants and took out a few dollar bills. "Here's your pocket money for next week."

I stared at the cash held out to me in dismay and quietly took in. I didn't want to accept it especially knowing how hard my dad worked for it.

"And I've enrolled you for madrasah [Islamic religious] classes," he continued, pushing a paper bag towards me.  "It's at the mosque and it's once a week - every Sunday. " I took it and withdrew the first thing my hand landed on and found a thick-looking brown envelope. "Those are the learning materials you'll need." My dad explained. " There's also a jubah (loose-fitting abaya) dress and a tudung (hijab/headscarf) inside. Mudah-mudahan kelasnya bermanfaat untuk bekalan dunia ini mahupun di akhirat kelak. (May these classes be of benefit for this life and the hereafter) Ameen. "

My father left the house half an hour later, the skies still crying just as my heart.


"Girl Guides, " Joanna said as she strode in front of us. "I give you a five minute water and toilet break. Go have a drink and return to the Guides' room.  Is that clear?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"I can't hear you!"

"Yes Ma'am!" we chorused again, this time I could feel my parched throat.

"Senang Diri!" (Ease yourself) she commanded and we did as told. "Go."

The contingent immediately broke and everyone went to collect their water bottles. Yani caught up with me as I was chugging my water bottle while walking towards a bench.

"Ahhh!" she exclaimed after she drank. " So refreshing."

"I'm going to the toilet," I said, standing up. "You coming?"

"Nah, I've already gone just now," she replied, leaping to her feet as well. "I'm gonna go in first."

"Alright see you inside."

Seeing some other guide members coming out of the toilet and already making their way back, I scurried to the toilet entrance. I didn't want to be late for fear of Joanna's wrath. Though she was also a student and only two years my senior; she was pretty strict with the rules and I sometimes felt as though we were really in the military. A military for girls.

Rinsing my hands, I bolted out of the toilet door when a ball came flying my way, knocking me to the floor.

"Ouch!" I yelped, rubbing the aching spot on my head as a voice cried. "Hey, are you okay there?" I saw the silhouette of a male running towards me from the basketball court nearby. A group of other males standing behind and watching.

Which idiot kicked the ball to my head... I thought as I stood up and turned to face the fella, ready to take out my anger on him, when I saw the face.

Crap. It's Faris! I turned my body the other way, my heart already pounding wildly in my chest. RUN! Wait...what the heck am I doing! Stupid idea. I whirled around and willed for my heartbeat to slow but to no avail. How was I supposed to remain calm and tame the arrhythmias in my heart when Faris was right here - in front of me? And he was looking so cute in that soccer jersey too...Wait, why is he playing soccer if he's in NCC?

"Hey." I heard him say. There was something distinctively different in his tone. My eyes shot up to meet his. He looked puzzled. Had he been talking to me? How long had I zoned out for?!

"S-sorry!" I blurted out, growing embarrassed. "I, uh, wasn't listening. Say again?"

He still seemed weirded out by me and I wanted to die there and then but luckily he said nothing and quickly shrugged the matter off.

"I was asking whether you are okay." He cleared his throat. "That was one nasty hit. And well, sorry," he sheepishly added.

I reached up to massage the throbbing spot my head. I was bound to have a bump soon. I had forgotten that just a moment ago, Faris' soccer ball had knocked the wind from my lungs. I should be mad and upset, I know, but I couldn't help the smile that carved on my lips. I had to force myself not to smile. Gee, I must have turned into a loony or had a really bad fall.

I held up my hands. "I am! It's okay," I said confidently with a smile. "Don't worry about it."

"Are you.."

"Yes?" I responded, still smiling widely for no reason.

"Are here?"

For some reason, I had the urge to chuckle so I did. "Well I guess you could say so. I have only been a student here for a month," I said after my chuckle died down. Note-to-self: remind me to smack myself afterwards.

"Oh. That'," he replied slowly.

For the next passing seconds, we just stood there, looking at each other wordlessly. Both of us shifted our bodies slightly from the awkwardness.

"So..." I dared myself to speak. "Where's your class? I-I mean, what class are you in? I don't see you in any of my classes."

Both corners of his lips lifted into a curl and I almost melted at the sight of it. "I'm in 1A1," he responded. "Are you in the Express stream?"

"Yes I am. I'm in 1E1."

"Same class as Shazzana I suppose?" he asked. "You're friends with her, right? I...I saw you that day with her and Ziana."

You did? "Yeah..." I answered shyly, fighting back a blush while drawing a random pattern on the ground with my right foot.

"So...You're okay, right?" he said and I realised he was talking about my head.

I nodded.

"Okay so...I'll see you around then-" he paused, seemingly struggling to recall something.

"Hidayah," I replied, catching on. "But just call me Ida."

"Okay Ida," he said with a bright smile. My head became giddy and I fought to keep my mind straight.

 "And yours?"

"Faris," he answered, already turning away.

"Wait!" I blurted out without warning.

He froze in his tracks and turned back to me. "Yeah?"

"Aren't you in NCC?"

I wanted to die for asking him that. When did I suddenly became shameless and bold?

"Yeah, why?"

"Why aren't you marching?"

"Oh it's games day today for us. So we are playing soccer and floorball."


"Well, see you..." he said, smiling again. How I loved that smile.

I watched him jog back to the parade grounds, feeling my insides melt. When he was a couple of metres away, he stopped and turned back, looking straight at me.

My heart jumped into my throat.

He lifted his hand in the form of a wave.

Was he waving at me?!

I quickly caught on and waved back although I was still starstruck.

Today must be my lucky day...

I floated to the Guides room, totally forgetting that I was running late. Joanna paused mid sentence when I opened the door and all eyes in the room flew to me.  That's when I snapped back to reality and blood rushed to my cheeks.

"Why are you late?" Joanna questioned sternly.

"Sorry, someone knocked me down with a ball just now."

"Don't do it again."

"Yes ma'am."

I quickly took a seat on the empty space next to Yani.

She continued just as the girl sitting in front of me passed me a stack of white forms. "So, as I was saying:  We will be having a three days two nights Girl Guides camp in school during the one-week term break." Excited murmurs burst in the room as I took a copy and passed it to Yani who did the same before passing it to her neighbour. " Get your parents to sign the consent form and submit it next Friday. It's $10 per person."

"On page two--" I flipped to the next page.  "You can find a list of items to bring and another list of prohibited items. We will be having a joint mass campfire with the NCC, NPCC and Boys' Brigade."

Loud shrieks filled the room but was quickly dimmed by Joanna's hushing.

"Now I don't want any hanky-panky here-"

"Hey, will you be going? " Yani whispered to me as Joanna talked.

"Yeah! It seems fun," I replied confidently. And there's a high chance Faris is too. I thought to myself as I tried to stop myself from smiling.

"Good! Let's have fun together!"


Sunday morning came.

I followed my father into the General Office of the masjid (mosque)  and waited in my loose jubah (abaya) and long tudung (hijab/headscarf) as my father filled up a couple of forms on the counter. I was so glad that the office was air conditioned as it was hot and I wasn't used to wearing such clothings, what more, the headscarf.

A bell jingled as the glass door behind me was pulled backwards and I turned to make way for the person coming in when she turned to look at me.

"Hidayah?" Farah asked.

"Farah!" I squinted. " What are you doing here?"

"I came to deliver some papers. I study madrasah here. You too?"

"Yeah...what class you in?"

"I'm in Secondary two."

"Oh I'm in secondary one, " I replied as I took in her appearance. I almost couldn't recognise her because of the tudung (hijab) she wore. She too was dressed in the same uniform as I was.

"Well I'll see you in school..." she said, already making her way to the back of the office.

"Yeah...see ya."

Shortly after, the female clerk led me to my classroom after I had bidden goodbye to my father. I was introduced to the ustazah (female religious teacher) who would be teaching me for most of the subjects. Even though I was once again the new student and did not know any of the female students there, I had no problem making friends.

Maybe it's because it's a madrasah (Islamic institution) and people at the masjid (mosque) are always nice.


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