Insane Love [Naruto Various x...

By Coovaca122

113K 4.2K 676

[Naruto Various x Jujutsu Kaisen Reader] (Discontinued) (Y/n), a name she was given the day Sukana found her... More

S1 E1
S1 E2
S1 E3
S1 E4
Juju Stroll #1
S1 E5
Juju Stroll Quotes
S1 E6
S1 E7
S1 E8
S1 E9
Juju Stroll #2
S1 E10
S1 E11
S1 E12
S1 E13
Juju Stroll #3
S1 E14
S1 E15
S1 E16
S1 E17
S1 E18
S1 E19
S1 E20
S1 E21
S1 E23
~Halloween Special~
S1 E24
S1 E25
S1 E26
S2 E1
S2 E2
~Christmas Special~
S2 E3
S2 E4
(Y/n)'s Actual Backstory
S2 E5
S2 E6 + E7 Part 1
S2 E7 Part 2
S2 E8 - E10
S2 E11
S2 E12
S2 E13
S2 E14
~Easter Special~

S1 E22

1.7K 74 14
By Coovaca122

"Hey, you, with the attitude, hold on" Lee exclaimed to the group, causing them to stop in their tracks. "Oh, hey, it's you again" (Y/n) said with a small wave of her hand. Lee immediately smiled at her and waved back at her, before quickly averting his attention to Sasuke with a serious look.

"What do you want?" Sasuke asked, sounding annoyed with the guy. "I want to fight, right here, and right now," Lee said seriously. "You want to fight me here and now, huh?" Sasuke repeated, making sure he heard the guy correctly. "Yes," Lee said as he jumped down from the stairway.

"My name is Rock Lee, you said it was common courtesy for a challenger to give his own name first, right? Sasuke Uchiha?" Lee asked while pointing at Sasuke. "Hm, so you know me," Sasuke said blandly, seemingly uninterested in the guy. "I challenge you," Lee said as he got into a fighting position.

"Everyone is always talking about the Uchiha clan, and how great they are, I want to see if it is true. I figured you will be a good test for me. And also..." Lee trailed off as he turned his attention back to (Y/n), who cutely waved at him. "Oh, (Y/n)~! I love you!" Lee confessed, causing Naruto and Sakura to scream in denial. "Awe! I love you too boo~!" (Y/n) said while making her hands into a heart shape, sending him a wink.

"DON'T ENCOURAGE HIM!!" Naruto and Sakura yelled out at her. "You are an angel sent from heaven~!" Lee flirted as he winked back at her, sending her a floating heart. (Y/n) goes to catch it, but Naruto and Sakura quickly pushed her to the side, letting the heart hit a pole. "Why are you getting in the way of our love? Let's see you try and make her avoid this" Lee said with a determined look, now sending multiple hearts at (Y/n).

"LEAVE HER ALONE ALREADY!!" Naruto and Sakura screamed as they make her dodge every one of the hearts. When it ended, Naruto and Sakura sighed in relief, slightly out of breath. "Hey! Quit giving (Y/n) those creepy valentines! She doesn't need them!!" Sakura exclaimed angirly, while Naruto nodded rapidly at her words, "yeah! Believe it!" Naruto exclaimed.

"You two are just jealous, it's alright, I know I'm better than you both" Lee said confidently. "YEAH RIGHT!!" Sakura and Naruto yelled out angirly. "I'll be cheering for you boo" (Y/n) flirted as she sent him a heart, and he instantly caught it. "I will be sure to win this for you, my love" Lee said happily.

Sasuke sighed out in annoyance and jealousy and took the initiative to change the subject. "So, you've heard of the Uchiha Clan, yet you're challenging me? You must be even more psycho than you look if that's possible. You want to know more about my clan, then I'll teach you the hard way" Sasuke said sternly, slightly wanting to show off for (Y/n) since he never got the chance to.

"Bring it on," Lee said with a determined look, only to be quickly interrupted. "Hold it!!" Naruto interrupted angirly, gaining the opponent's attention. "I get him first, this weirdo is mine," Naruto said confidently, a small tick mark on the side of his forehead. "Go for it," Sasuke said blandly so that he can evaluate the opponent's moves from afar before taking him on.

"Naruto" Sakura huffed out warningly, mad that Naruto is stealing the spotlight from Sasuke. "What? It'll take me two minutes to have this guy begging for mercy" Naruto said confidently. "No, thank you, right now the only one I want to fight is Uchiha," Lee said politely.

"Yeah? Well, I've got news for you! Sasuke can't compare to me! Believe it!!" Naruto yelled out as he ran at Lee. "Woo! Go Lee!" (Y/n) cheered on the sidelines, pom-poms swishing from side to side. "When did you get pom-poms?" Sakura asked curiously. "It's a secret" (Y/n) said ominously as she kept shaking the pom-poms. Naruto got closer and closer to Lee, yet Lee hadn't moved an inch from his spot.

When he walked forward, he quickly pushed Naruto's hand down, causing him to miss. Naruto quickly landed on his hands and went to kick Lee in the face, only for him to dodge. "Leaf Whirlwind!" Lee called out as he dropped to the ground, spun his leg around, and kicked Naruto off of his hand, sending him to the ground. Due to the fall, Naruto spun in circles like a tabletop and spun all the way to the wall. When he stopped his back slammed into the wall, and he slumped to the ground defeated.

"Wooo!!! Good job Lee!! You kicked his ass!!" (Y/n) cheered in between Sasuke and Sakura, earning her a thumbs up from Lee. "Thank you, my love! Now, continue to cheer me on as I beat Sasuke as well!" Lee exclaimed confidently as he got back into his original fight position.

"I will admit, your skills are impeccable, but it will be I who will defeat you," Sasuke said with a confident smirk. "There's no time, Sasuke, we've got to register by 3:00, that's less than half an hour," Sakura said worriedly. "Relax, this will all be over in five seconds," Sasuke said seriously, confident in his abilities to beat Lee.

Sasuke then ran at Lee and goes to punch him, only to miss. "Lead Hurricane!!" Lee yelled as he appeared above Sasuke and went to hit his head, only for Sasuke to duck out of the way. He then landed on his hand and spun his leg at Sasuke again, who goes to block it with his arm.

Suddenly, Sasuke is kicked in the face and sent backward towards Sakura and (Y/n). "Wooo!!! Go, Lee! You can do it!!" (Y/n) cheered as she bounced the pom-poms up and down. When Sasuke tried to get up, he seemed to be having trouble, while Sakura stared at him in worry.

When Sasuke finally got up, Lee is already in the same position as before. "I've been waiting to try this out," Sasuke said with a smirk, a shadow covering his eyes. Sakura gasped in realization, as Sasuke looked up, showing off his Sharingan. "Go get him, Lee!! You can do it!!" (Y/n) kept cheering.

Sasuke then jumped back into action, now confident he'll win, but Lee looked unbothered by the ability. Suddenly, Sasuke is uppercut in the chin by Lee's foot and is quickly sent backward again. "WOO!! What a blow!!" (Y/n) cheered excitedly, while Sakura stood there in disbelief.

"You see, my technique is not Ninjutsu or Genjutsu" Lee explained as he ran at Sasuke. He then swung his leg upwards, when Sasuke dodged, he used his other leg to swing at his side. Instead of using his other leg, he spun a full 180 and kicked Sasuke in the stomach.

"Sasuke!" Naruto yelled out, indicating that he woke up. Sasuke tried punching Lee, only for his arm to be caught, and got elbowed in the stomach. "Get him, Lee! You can do it!" (Y/n) still continued to cheer, unbothered by the fact that her teammate is losing badly.

"You get it now? I am using Taijutsu, which means no tricks, Sasuke" Lee said as he got back in his original positioned and vanished from their view. "It's just straight martial arts, nothing more" Lee explained as he appeared behind Sasuke. "Why, you--" Sasuke exclaimed as he swung his arm at Lee, only for him to vanish and land away from Sasuke.

"I know your technique, forget it, it will not work on me, not on me. I know you can see through your opponent's Jutsu, that Sharingan gives you the ability to read their chakra and decipher their hand signs and movements. You can guess what they're going to do almost before he knows himself. The problem is, Taijutsu is a little bit different," Lee explained confidently.

"Right, so what's your point?" Sasuke asked impatiently. "I do not try to hide or disguise my moves, I do not have to. Even if you can read them, you still cannot stop them, you are too slow. Your eyes may be quick enough to stay one step ahead of me, but if your body cannot keep up, what good does it do you?" Lee asked rhetorically.

"You know what? Here is what I believe, there are two different kinds of a ninja. Those like you, are born with talent and do not have to work at it. Then those like me, the ones who have to train every day of our lives!" Lee exclaimed as Sasuke ran at him again.

"Fact is, your Sharingan is the worst match for my extreme Taijutsu" Lee explained as he dodged Sasuke's punch and kick. "here is what I mean!" Lee said as he goes in for the attack and kicked Sasuke in the face. But, while he is in the air, Lee got on all fours and vanishes from his spot, only to appear behind Sasuke.

"Dancing Leaf Shadow" Sasuke said as he glanced back at Lee. "Good eye, now I will prove my point," Lee said as his bandages started to unwrap themselves. "That hard work beats out natural talent," Lee said ominously, keeping Sasuke guessing for his next move.

"You're finished!" Lee said confidently, only to be interrupted by an object heading his way. This object pinned his bandage to the wall stopping his fight. Sakura and Naruto gasped in surprise, "this is bad" Lee said while glancing at the people who interrupted him.

Well... We say, people... It's actually a turtle. "All right, that's enough! Lee?" The turtle asked, indicating that he wants Lee to release his opponent. Lee did just that, causing Sasuke to plummet to the ground, while Lee skillfully landed on the ground. "Sasuke!!" Sakura called out worriedly as she quickly went to catch him, while Lee landed in front of the turtle, bowing respectfully.

"Woah, a turtle, cool" (Y/n) said blankly, as she walked up to the turtle and Lee. "Are you okay? Sasuke!" Sakura called out, only to be ignored. "You... You were watching us the whole time?" Lee asked nervously. "Of course, that last technique is forbidden, you know that!" The turtle scolded him.

"I am sorry, I did not mean to..." Lee apologized, lowering his head a bit further. "GAH!" Lee yelled out as the turtle glared at him. "I was not planning to use a forbidden Jutsu! It is just, I was in the middle of the fight, and I mean, you understand!" Lee exclaimed frantically.

"I'm right! It really is his Sensei!!" Naruto pointed out rudely, earning confused looks from his teammates. "Oh, well... Parden my rudeness, it's a pleasure to meet you Turtle-Sensei" (Y/n) bowed to the turtle while Naruto ran off towards Sasuke and Sakura. "You're a disgrace!" The turtle exclaimed harshly, ignoring (Y/n) and Naruto's argument with Sakura.

"You think you'll get away with a bunch of lame excuses like that? A shinobi never reveals their techniques! Unless it's absolutely necessary!! It's such a basic rule, you should know it by now!" The turtle scolded Lee harshly. "Forgive me, sir," Lee said with a guilty look.

"Are you prepared to take the punishment for your actions?!" The turtle asked harshly. "I-- Yes, sir," Lee said silently, looking like a kicked puppy. "Alright then, please come out, Guy Sensei!" The turtle ordered, and a puff of smoke appeared on his back, revealing a guy who looks very similar to Rock Lee.

"Hey!! What's shakin'? How are you doing, everybody? Oh, love the pom-poms!" Guy said as he pointed to (Y/n)'s pom-poms. Both Sakura and Naruto screamed in distress, while Sasuke kept his distress silent, allowing the two to voice out his internal thoughts, which are just screaming in surprise and shock.

"I am doing good, it's a pleasure to meet you Guy-Sensei" (Y/n) said with a bow. "Well aren't you a charmer! No wonder Lee picked you" Guy half-whispered to her, but it wasn't that secretive. "He's got the biggest eyebrows yet!! They're almost alive!" Naruto pointed out rudely.

"Too weird!" Sakura said in disgust, slightly glad they were far away from him. "So that's where Lee gets it from! Same soup bowl haircut, and even bushier eyebrows!" Naruto exclaimed, pointing out the obvious, while also being rude about it. "Hey!! Do not insult Guy Sensei! He's one of the greatest men in the entire world!" Lee exclaimed angirly.

"WELL EXCUSE ME FOR NOT NOTICING HIS GREATNESS!!" Naruto yelled back just as angirly. Meanwhile (Y/n) is having a decent conversation with Guy-Sensei. "Oh, that story moved my heart! How'd you even come up with a story so moving?" Guy exclaimed dramatically, as she just told him the story of how she met Haku.

"Well... I have a wide imagination" (Y/n) said with equal dramatics as him. "Right, back to why I'm here! Now for your punishment Lee!!" Guy exclaimed, interrupting Lee and Naruto's banter. Guy then punched Lee in the face, causing another screaming session from (Y/n)'s group.

When Lee landed, Guy walked over to Lee and got on one knee. "I'm sorry, Lee, but it's for your own good," Guy said while sounding like he was about to cry. "Sen-- Sensei..." Lee muttered out, also sounding like he was about to cry. "Oh, Lee" Guy said, now actually crying. "Oh. Oh, Sensei, I am so sorry!!" Lee exclaimed also crying.

"All right, it's over, you don't need to say anymore," Guy said through his tears. In the background of their delusional moment, they're on a rock, the ocean behind the rock, with the sun setting. "Sensei!!" Lee exclaimed as he jumped onto Guy, giving him a hug. "Lee!!" Guy exclaimed back, hugging the boy back, both crying historically and a wave crashing above them.

"Okay... Now that's weird" (Y/n) muttered as she scooted over towards her team members. "That's the only thing that's weird to you?!" Naruto and Sakura exclaimed in disbelief. "You're not serious about being friends with him, right? He's so lame!" Sasuke exclaimed in frustration.

Now that their weird imagination is finished, it's just Guy and Lee crying at each other in front of the group. The turtle stood beside the two, also crying at the scene. "Actually... It's kind of sweet, the way they're all huggy and stuff" Naruto said nervously, trying to lighten the mood.

"HUH?! YOU'RE JUST AS DELUSIONAL AS (Y/N)! NO WAY IS THAT SWEET!" Sakura yelled out angirly. "You're just caught in between, you're too old to be called a boy and not yet quite a man," Guy said as he placed a hand on Lee's shoulder. "Should we leave them? I kinda feel like we're intruding" (Y/n) suggested to her group.

"Now take off! I want you to give me 100 laps around the practice field! Show me what you got!" Guy ordered while pointing forward. "Yes, sir! No problem!" Lee exclaimed, now ready to do as ordered. "Run into the setting sun-" Guy said, despite it only being 3:00 PM, not even close to setting. "Run and suffer! But don't mess up your hair" Guy said with a smile, his teeth sparkling. Lee smiled back, his teeth also sparkling, and they go to leave somewhere.

"I hate to interrupt, but we're in the middle of a Chunin Exams" (Y/n) butted in, catching Guy's attention. "Oh, right, I completely forgot about that. Lee, you not only disobeyed the rules against fighting, but you've disrupted the Chunin Exams. I think that warrants a slightly more severe punishment, don't you?" Guy asked Lee, completely missing (Y/n)'s point. "Yes, sir!" Lee said with a salute, "let's say 500 laps, how does that sound?" Guy asked with a weird pose.

"Why did I bother?" (Y/n) muttered as she and her team slumped their shoulders in disbelief. "They're insane" Sakura muttered with a deadpan look. "Probably, but never mind that, what's the deal with that turtle, anyway?" Naruto asked while pointing to the turtle. Meanwhile, Sasuke is darling glaring into nothingness, most likely debating on his life choices.

"Agh! No! He's looking at us!" Sakura exclaimed in disgust. "Tell me, how is Kakashi Sensei?" Guy asked randomly. "Do you know him? Sasuke asked blandly. "Do I know Kakashi?" Guy asked rhetorically, and chuckled confidently, "well, people say... He and I are archrivals for all eternity" Guy exclaimed cockily.

"THERE'S JUST NO WAY!" Naruto and Sakura yelled out, one was in dread, while the other was in surprise. Sasuke still looks like he's still debating on his life choices. "How dare you?! If Guy Sensei says it is true, then--" Lee started to argue, only to be interrupted. "Let it slide, Lee" Guy said, instantly stopping Lee from continuing his argument. "A ninja's actions always speak louder than words" Guy said wisely.

Suddenly, Guy vanished from their view, while (Y/n) instantly looked at Guy before he could appear. "My record is 50 wins, and 49 losses, which is one better than his by the way," Guy said confidently as he startled the trio. "What?!" Sasuke asked in disbelief, as they all turned around simultaneously.

"Aah?! You're kidding! How'd he beat Kakashi?!" Naruto exclaimed with wide eyes. "The fact is I'm stronger than Kakashi, and faster" Guy said while pointing his thumb to himself. "You see? Guy Sensei is the best there is!" Lee exclaimed stubbornly. "I'm sorry for the trouble Lee caused you, look into my eyes and accept my sincere apology, also notice my handsome manly features," Guy said to Sasuke.

"Lee, you should accompany these fine young Ninja to the classroom, right now," Guy said as he tossed his Kunai Knife at the pinwheel that held Lee's bandage. While Lee is wrapping up his arm, Naruto stared on in shock, noticing the damage to Lee's hand. "Remember, give it your best, Lee, farewell" Guy said as he saluted his student.

"Yes, sir!" Lee exclaimed as Guy poofed away, "Woah!!" Naruto exclaimed in shock. Then the turtle poofed away as well, leaving only the 6 of them alone. "Hey, Sasuke, actually I have not been totally honest with you, I said I wanted to test my skills, and that is true enough. But you are not really the one I want to test them against" Lee said truthfully.

"I lied to you when we were fighting before, I told you I am the best genin here, but there is another top ninja, someone on my own team," Lee said seriously, while Sasuke narrowed his eyes at Lee. "I came here to defeat him, you were just practicing, now you are a target, I will crush you" Lee promised confidently.

"There you have it! Consider yourself warned!" Lee exclaimed as he jumped back onto the hallway above them. "I hope to see you around Lee!!" (Y/n) called out while waving him off. "Oh, Sasuke..." Sakura said worriedly, "nyah... How about that? Looks like the Uchihas aren't as great as everybody thinks they are" Naruto exclaimed snarkily.

"NARUTO!!" Sakura called out warningly, while Sasuke is huffing in anger. "Just shut up! Next time, I'll drive him to his knees!" Sasuke said confidently. "Yeah, right, who just got his butt kicked?" Naruto asked snarkily while glancing to the side. "Would you two stop it? Maybe we should get going before we miss the Exams" (Y/n) suggested lightly.

"She's right, we shouldn't waste our time arguing when we have an Exam to do. Plus, this thing is starting to get interesting. The Chunin Exams, can't wait to see what's next," Sasuke said with a dark look, now determined to kick ass. "Right!" Naruto agreed as he slung his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders.

"Let's get started! Naruto! Sakura! (Y/n)!" Sasuke demanded with a small confident smile. "Yeah!!!" Naruto exclaimed excitedly, lifting his freehand upwards. They then made their way towards the Exam, (Y/n) stood in between the two boys. Naruto's arm comfortably wrapped around her shoulders, and Sasuke's hand in her own.

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