//Punishing Gray Raven\\

By KochoTurin

48.7K 1K 454

My First PGR fanfic The Punishing Virus has managed to destroy most of Mankind durings its first eruption in... More

Chapter 1 : Commandant Raiden
Chapter 2 : Field Test Completed
Chapter 3 : Skoll And Hati
Chapter 4 : Vast
Chapter 4.5 : White Red And Gray
Chapter 5 : Crimson Abyss
Chapter 6 : Babylonia
Chapter 7 : Frozen Darkness
Chapter 8 : Cyberangel
Chapter 9 : Arts Sand
Christmas Special
Chapter 10 : Strike Of The Hawk
Chapter 11 : Golden Star
Author Note
Chapter 12 : Roseleaf
Chapter 13 : Fallen Stars
Chapter 14 : Eternal Engine
Chapter 15 : The Nighter
Chater 16 : Ouroboros
Chapter 17 : Kowloong
Chapter 18 : Vermillion
EX Chapter 20 : Ocean Tides
EX Chapter 21 : Venus Vacation
Ex Chapter 22 : Firn
EX Chapter 23 : Firm Grasp
Ex Chapter 24 : Qu
Ex Chapter 25 : Luna
Chapter 26 - Ascension
Chapter 27 - La Luna Sangre
Chapter 28 : Frontiers
Chapter 28.5 : Scarlet
Chapter 29 : Gateway to Sight
Chapter 30 : Imprisoned
Chapter 31 : Mother
Chapter 32 : Previous Era
Chapter 33 : Rising

Chapter 19 : Lucia

1K 25 11
By KochoTurin






Lucia and Qu kept exchanging blow after blow...With Lucia managing to maintain her ground and consistently pushing Qu back up to the corner

Qu:"How did she became so strong than me"

Qu blocked another slash coming from Lucia... She then delivered a mid air kick to which Lucia dodged before grabbing Qu's leg


Lucia threw Qu to the concrete walls of the building to which Qu did a manuever and landed on her feet before charging towards Lucia

Lucia dodged and did a vertical slash with her blade before creating a spinning tornado to which Qu blocked


Qu was shocked to see Lucia descend down and crash into her which sent her flying upwards before Lucia quickly kicked her towards the ground


Qu landed in the ground with extreme force that it sent dust flying... Lucia was about to attack again which forced Qu to do a backflip and avoided the attack



Qu then used her spear and slashes one of Lucia's legs getting a mild cut... Qu then attempted to slash towards Lucia's waist

Lucia jumped and twisted her body upwards avoiding the attack... However Qu quickly reacted and used the hilt of her spear and bats Lucia in the head sending her a few feet away

Lucia then stood up before wiping some dust on her face and the grabbing her blade before doing a stance


Lucia then closed her eyes before opening them again before Slashing upwards creating a swordwave that went straight to Qu

Qu widened her eyes before blocking the attack but due to the force upon impact she stumbled a bit

Lucia then did multiple ice coded Swordwaves towards Qu which forced her to deflect and dodge... Lucia then charged and slashes Qu's waist

Qu responded quickly before twisting her body and kicking Lucia in the waist sending her flying
Raiden watched the battle from a safe distance... He then used some engineering techniques back from training

Raiden:"Hang on abit more everyone... Reinforcements would surely get this"
Lucia parried Qu's attack causing them to stagger and get on a standstill

Qu:"What good will this do to you? Memories are supposed to be cherished!"

Lucia:"I do this based on my own free will... Something you are not keen enough to understand"

Lucia says before getting a foot forward pushing Qu back

Qu:"You fool... This will be your undoing"

Qu says

Lucia:"My memories may be gone... But my team would carry on"

Qu:"Your expendable!"

Lucia:"I'm not blind to that truth... As the leader of the gray ravens i carry on my shoulders my teams burden"

Qu then tries to push forward but Lucia slashes at her forcing her to go backwards before getting kicked in the feet


Lucia then kicked her downwards before grabbing her in the chest and throwing her away from her

Qu manages to land perfectly and prepares her spear... Lucia points her blade towards Qu

Lucia:"I'am Lucia!"

She shouts before charging and delivering blow after blow towards Qu who couldn't do much but dodge and parry Lucia

Qu:"So strong"

Qu thought as she was being pushed back to the endless barrage of strikes that Lucia does
Babylonian Office

Lucia, Lee and Liv stood upon the president himself and his coworker... Hassen and Celica

Hassen:"We have determined and had stationed your previous commandant on ropes"

Celica:"And your request has been approved by the higher-ups"

Lee could be seen taking a deep breath and exhaling... Liv nodded and Lucia was still

Hassen:"However... We cannot handpick you a Commandant off the bat"

Lucia tilted her head slowly
Celica and Hassen motioned them to come to which they followed
Lee:"So this is the training area"

Lee said looking upon the many commandants that are taking their time
Liv was in awe at the size of the recruits and in training commanders


Celica:"See anyone you like?"

Lucia scanned the area and came upon a figure that stood silently upon the artificial tree reading a book
Celica noticed and did a small smile
Hassen:"You've found your chosen?"

Lee and Liv looked at Lucia in anticipation


Hassen nodded as Lucia gave him a picture... Hassen did a small nod before smirking

Hassen:"Alright... I'll make sure of it soon..."

Lucia nodded

End of Flashback
Lucia did a massive slash and Qu parried it causing sparks to fly in each direction

Lucia then spun around creating an ice tornado before slashing towards Qu

Qu dodged it by doing a backflip before charging at Lucia again and began exchanging slashes only to be met with parries and sparks as blades collided

Qu:"Your strong... I'll give you that"

Lucia:"I pay no heed to your calls"

Lucia says as she jumped up before descending towards Qu blastin dusts in the air

Qu then grips her Spear tightly before delivering a slash towards Lucia's waist which hit forcing Lucia to scramble and retreat away from Qu

Qu:"Very well... Let's be serious"

Qu said doing a stance
Lucia widened her eyes... Qu appeared infront of her before slashing her to which Lucia belt dodged getting grazed on her cheek

(More Flashbacks less go)

Raiden:"So that's the plan okay?"

Raiden said on the very first mission they ever did


Lucia nodded with a small smile
Lucia blocked Qu's attack before countering her with a jab to the waist and a kick in the knee


Lucia then used the hilt of her blade and uppercutted Qu to the air sending her flying backwards

Lucia then charged at Qu despite the multiple grazes on her frame... And the constant memory loss she is experiencing

Qu attempted to land but Lucia slashed one of her legs causing her to groan loudly

Lucia:"Take this!"

Lucia used her companion robot and sent it to Qu and once it hits multiple ice appeared and scattered at Qu

Lucia looked at him as multiple crates are being lifted...
It then shows them sitting with each other on one of the seats

Raiden:"How have you been?"

Lucia:"Nothing Commandant... I just feel more... Safer right now"

Raiden looked at her and pats her head... Lucia blushed and puts her own hand on his hand and stays it there

Lucia:"Please... Let it"

Raiden chuckled lightly

Qu hits one of the concrete wall of the graden breaking its surface before landing on the other side

Qu then dodges and turns left to avoid Lucia's stab... She then kicked Lucia on the legs making her lose her balance before falling face first to the ground


Qu then grabbed Lucia's arm twisting it earning a hurtful shout to come out of Lucia's mouth... Lucia then twisted herself and kicked Qu right in the face ignoring the pain
Raiden:"Nice work back there"

Lucia:"Its all thanks to you Commandant"

Raiden then puts a hand on her head

Raiden:"We all did good... Better even"

Lucia nodded with a small smile

Lucia parried a strike coming from Qu before retaliating with a Vertical upward slash

Qu parried it but the force sent her flying upwards, Lucia took this opportunity to jump towards her strike her down

Qu:"This Construct..."

Lucia:"After this battle... I'm uncertain of what is to come next... But no matter what happens"

Lucia then slashes at Qu who blocked it with her spear handle... Lucia the grabbed the spear handle with her free arm and head butt's Qu

Lucia then threw Qu downwards after that causing a loud thud due to the impact... Lucia then in midair dives towards Qu

Lucia:"Commandant... Will always be by her side... My side..."

Lucia then dove in for the kill but Qu's quickness made her dodge the attack... The Two then clashed blades once again emitting sparks to fly off due to the clash of their own weapons

Raiden turned towards her with a raised eyebrow


Lucia:"Thank you... For always being there"

Raiden gave her a closed eye smile

Raiden:"I'll always be by your side...by everyone's side"

Lucia nodded and places a hand on her chest as Raiden turned around again

Lucia:"Raiden... Yamashita"
Lucia:"Commandant... No... Raiden Yamashita... That's a name i will always treasure"



Lucia:"Kamui... You maybe a bit of a rushing head butting male... But your aura warms us all... May the new Lucia also feel that warmth from your kindness"

Qu and Lucia exchanged blow after blow with Qu backing down and Lucia prevailing

Lucia:"Chrome... Your the leader that strives to be perfect... Something i myself would have want to be...i wanna thank you...for your part"



Lucia:"Ayla and Selena... Never have i known Commandants view of you two... But your friendship... Is something truly remarkable and special... Ayla please take care of Commandant... And Selena... I don't know much about what happened... But the new Lucia... She will help you regain those memories and maybe... Create new ones"

Lucia and Qu's battle was a sight to behold
Qu attempted to stab and jab towards Lucia to skillfully manages to dodge and retaliate a counter attack

Lucia:"Sophia and Changyu... More will be asked of you in your mission to reach the final destination... With your strength i hope you accomplish that"

Lucia moves her head to dodge Qu's stab before grabbing the Spear handle and kicking Qu in the waste


Lucia then tried to slash at her only for Qu to jump backwards with her weapon

Lucia:"Bianca... I always admired your view and calmness... Something i wished i had... Your stature even on the face of those who will ridicule you... It seems heavenly and admirable... To keep a straight face...at the face something harsh... Your confidence and your leadership... I hope the next Lucia will take you as an example... Of a great leader"




Lucia and Qu striked each other with such force that there attacks seem to disappear to the naked eye

Lucia:"Karenina... I never understood your motives... Or your personality... Why do you seek to become the best?... But no matter... I have one thing to say to you... You have always been... Better than me"

Lucia then created an ice tornado to which Qu slashes at

Lucia:"Lee and Liv... My two companions... The road ahead seems bleak for me... I do now know what our future holds... Lee... You have always been the serious and greatest member i can have and trust... Liv... Your the sister i wished i would stay with... Forever... Your kindness and willingness to help... Your strive to be better... It has always made me proud... To see you... Stand up and be strong... Liv and Lee...Carry on"

Lucia and Qu did a powerful strike towards each other sending dust to fly and scatter around them... Qu then did multiple slashes and strikes that grazed Lucia but Lucia striked back by doing an ice tornado with both sword and hand grazing Qu with each attack

Lucia:"A... The real Lucia... I do not know how to you became this... Or your motivations for joining... A... The real me... The Real Lucia... I always strived to beat you someday... Unfortunately... That day... It will never come... Nevertheless... I'm glad... That the real me... Is protecting Luna...Our sister... Farewell"





Lucia charged and jumped as her sword grew blueish and attempts to strike at Qu... However Qu had other plans... Qu stabbed her weapon to the ground before spinning and kicking Lucia upwards with her feet

Lucia however recovered mid air and held her sword up high

Lucia:"Commandant... You have always been someone so mysterious... So gentle... So warm... Your very presence soothes my heart... If you can call it that... Please... Guide this Lucia to the next generation... I will never forget all the times we stayed together... Commandant"

Lucia's thrusters began firing at max capacity asher sword emits icy smoke

Shows Lucia gently holding a flower in her hand... As Lee and Liv are seen sitting and enjoying watching the children play


Lucia:"Have you ever... Considered settling down? Once everything is over?"

Raiden thought to himself

Raiden:"Yes indeed... But that's a tall ask... Considering the situation down on earth"

Lucia:"Commandant... What is love?"

Raiden:"Lucia... Love is something"

Raiden walked over to her and gently grabs her free arm while slowly pointing at the flower in her other hand

Raiden:"Love is something... You feel towards another person... Something special... Like that flower"

Lucia:"... Am I? Capable of that?"

Raiden:"... You are... You have always been capable...Because... You have something..."

Lucia:"What is it?"

Raiden points at her heart
Lucia looks at him with confusion

Raiden:"Love is something you find... On yourself... Someone dear to you... Someone your willing to die for... Someone... Who is always there for you..."

Lucia nodded
Lucia then closed her eyes gripping her blade tightly as Qu watched and looked in complete shock

Lucia:"Raiden... Yamashita... A name i will always treasure with my very life... My very being... And i knew... Once i held you close... I was never... Letting go"

Lucia opened her eyes remembering the time that flew past her and times where it was her and him

Lucia:"I'm forever grateful... You came to my life... Commandant... If there was ever a chance... Will you?"

Lucia then descended upon Qu as her Sword glowed brighter... Qu stood her ground and ready to block it with her might
Lucia felt a single tear leave her eyes

Lucia:"Will you and I?... Be together? Commandant... Is that possible?... Is this what you call Love?... If so... Commandant... Commandant... In another life... Will you wait for me?... Will you promise me? To stay?... Beside me?"

Lucia's blade clashed with Qu's spear forming a standstill

Lucia:"Commandant... No... Raiden... The name that sparked... This Lucia's heart... As my own self... I wholeheartedly say... That"

Lucia's strike wears Qu to the ground bending her knee as she grunts


Qu's blade began to break shocking Qu at the thought of her losing and it seems... Its becoming a reality


Qu's weapon broke in two as she striked at Qu


Lucia struck Qu down forming a massive ive tornado that engulfed them all... Winds roared with fury and pushed everything on all directions due to the force
Back with Selena and the others



Selena:"Did you all felt that?"

Lee and the others staggered as the remaining enemies fell down


Ayla then looked at Selena and nodded before running towards the uppersection


Liv tried to stop them but they were already gone

Lee:"Let's go Liv!"


Lee and Liv soon followed them


Raiden waved his hand from his face as the dust subsided... It appears the Others have reached it and are now aware of their location

Raiden stood up and looked around as the dust settled... Lucia and Qu layed on the ground unmoving

Raiden widened his eyes before running towards Lucia and puts her on his arms

Raiden:"Oi! Lucia!"

Lucia remain unresponsive
Raiden then looked around and it was only him and her with Qu

Raiden:"Lee and Liv... Hurry up"

He said... He then looked at Qu who began moving slowly while coughing,
Qu then stood up and it was clear she had suffered much damage

Qu:"I admit... This is my defeat..."

Qu coughs struggling to stand up


Raiden remained silent staring at her as she groggily stabilise herself and shake off the after effects of the battle


Raiden then widened his eyes remembering something from Hassen

Raiden:"He was waiting for this!"

Raiden then saw a figure approaching Qu

Raiden:"Qu! behind you!!"

Qu immediately looked behind her only to be met with Gabriel's hand striking her back and stabbing it from the back towards her chest
Raiden was shocked

Qu let out a painful scream that echoed the place

Gabriel:"A spectacular battle indeed... Fortunately you did my job for me"

Gabriel then take his hand back and throws Qu towards Raiden... Raiden quickly laid Lucia to the ground before catching Qu and laying her beside Lucia

He then stood up and puts himself between the unconscious Lucia and Qu and Gabriel who held a small glowing orb on his hand
Selena:"I can see it Ayla... We're getting nearer and nearer"

Ayla nodded... Liv and Lee caught up to them and began running faster
Gabriel:"How have you been... Child?"

Raiden sadly lowered his head

Raiden:"So... It really it you?"

Gabriel nodded as the two stared at each other for a while
Raiden:"I never understand... Why?"

Gabriel merely didn't answer

Raiden:"Why aren't you giving me an Answer? Father Gabriel?"

Gabriel's circuit then sparked... He then shouted something


Gabriel shouted before switching to the original cold hearted voice

Gabriel:"Nothing special..."

Raiden:"I see..."


Ayla sprouted into action and dashed towards Gabriel with scythe in hand
Gabriel merely grabbed the edge of her scythe before throwing her towards Raiden's direction

Ayla used her scythe and stabbed it on the ground making her stop
Then Selena went beside her


Raiden noticed the arrival of Liv and Lee and nodded

Raiden:"Liv stand guard on Lucia and Qu... Lee help Selena and Ayla"

Lee nodded before getting beside Ayla and Selena

Ayla:"They got Gestalt..."

Selena:"Not yet!"

Selena then charged at Gabriel and blocked a back hand before flipping herself and kicking Gabriel's head

Gabriel was about to retaliate but he gets Huaxu away first in order to fight

Lee then shoots Gabriel's legs forcing him to react and backhand Selena again... This time Ayla dashed and appeared behind Gabriel slashing at his back

Gabriel:"I must not fail Miss.Luna!"

Gabriel then kicked Ayla away before grabbing Selena by the neck and throwing her to the ground

He then used his control of the virus to block Lee's attacks via Wall

Raiden:"Punishing virus manipulation"

Raiden thought before looking at how both Selena and Ayla coordinated and attacked Gabriel

Raiden:"Ayla and Selena..."

Ayla used her scythe to keep Gabriel busy as Selena kept attacking with both weapons whenever Gabriel turned his back

Ayla then dashed and used her scythe's long reach and flipped Gabriel down before Selena jumped and stabbed his chest

Gabriel didn't react and merely released an Aura of punishing virus that pushed everyone some steps back
Due to the sheer force

Gabriel then locked everyone in place excluding Raiden who jumped and landed back down

He then eyed Raiden who began walking towards him
Ismael:"I sure hope you know what your doing Raiden... Cause i do not want you to push yourself beyond human capabilities"

Ismael said looking a specific file and section of her work place and alot of the equipment she uses that are laid out of the table
Raiden:"... Thank you Ismael"

Moon Shadow Battlesuit
100% Activated
Commencing Full powered Automation
Automation Complete

Raiden then prepared his gauntlets and walked towards Gabriel... Gabriel used his power and threw both Ayla and Selena to Lee who caught them both


Raiden:"This fight is mine Lee..."

Lee with visible sweat on his face nodded towards him

Gabriel:"Come Child..."

Raiden:"As you wish... Gabriel"

Raiden then appeared infront of Gabriel for a quick second making Gabriel too late to react before a Punch connected itself towards his chest sending him tumbling a few meters away

Raiden then jumped and pounced on Gabriel and began jabbing his gauntlets towards Gabriel's face

Gabriel the got ahold of his hand before tightly gripping it and spinning before throwing him down


Selena shouted before 16-C de camo'd itself and saved him before putting its arms together and allowed Raiden to once again pounce on Gabriel


Gabriel dodged most of Raiden's attacks however getting hit by some of those punches forcing him to stay defensive

Gabriel:"Your truly have grown..."

Raiden then punched Gabriel in the chest stationing him before punching him with both his arms and sending him flying away for a few feet

Gabriel staggered from the impact before revealing his true form and a huge wave of aura made Raiden stepped back

Raiden motioned his hand and 16-C appeared before him ready to combat Gabriel again
Vera:"Whew i missed a party"

Vera said as she passed the guards destroyed along with her was 21 and Noctis along with Karenina, Bianca, Kamui and Chrome

Karenina:"Better get moving!"

Karenina said as everyone nodded and proceeded to run towards upwards

Noctis:"We missin a party up there!"

Raiden punched Gabriel who dove down and tried to stab him with a spear before Raiden grabbed it and yanked it forwards

16-C then delivered a mean left hook towards Gabriel's head and spent the Ascendant flying upwards


16-C's cannons fired several drill missiles that hits Gabriel causing an explosion... Gabriel then descended towards him with spear in hand

Gabriel:"Insolent Child!"

Raiden:"Old Fool!"

Gabriel tried to stab his weapons towards him only for Raiden to stop it and grab it with his bare hands before spinning and hurdling Gabriel to the ground

Raiden then instantly delivered a huge punch directly on Gabriel's chest creating a big impact and sending bits and pieces of Gabriel's armor to fall off

Raiden then grits his teeth and grabs Gabriel's neck before jumping and throwing Gabriel to the ground creating a small shock wave


Raiden shouted as 16-C fired its cannons again and creating a small explosion that created smoke

Raiden then dove straight towards Gabriel with a punch ready and punch Gabriel straight in the head sounding a sickening crunch

Gabriel then swatted Raiden in the head sending him flying towards the side and rolling... Raiden then quickly stood up and avoided a stab before kicking Gabriel in the shoulder

Gabriel tried to punch him but Raiden immediately dodged down and uppercutted him upwards


Raiden snapped his fingers as his eyes glowed blue and four cannons manifested and fired towards Gabriel emitting an explosion

Gabriel then shook off the attack and flew up and dove towards Raiden who tried to block but Gabriel suddenly sweeped him with his robotic legs and punching him down towards the ground

Gabriel:"Die... Child"

Raiden spits out blood before 16-C delivered a mean left hook before uppercutting him and then grabbing him upwards before descending to the ground crashing damaging both it and Gabriel

Raiden stood up and so did Gabriel... Both then readied there own weapons for one more attack

Raiden's eye glowed a bright blue along with his Jewel and it projected an Blue Astral like suit and a flower head band on his hair... His hair turned gray

Lee:"What the..."


Ayla and Selena sweats hardly as they see this may not end well

Raiden:"Come on!"

Raiden challenged before running towards Gabriel who then screamed before charging towards him

Raiden and Gabriel:"HYAH!!"

Gabriel delivered a right hook towards his waist earning a painful scream from Raiden... Who then in turn stumbled down

However Raiden quickly regained his sense of self and used his feet to lock his arm... Raiden then punched a hole right through Gabriel's arm before spinning nd breaking it off

16-C then Uppercutted Gabriel straight up and then teleports above him... Puts its hands together slammed Gabriel back down to the ground towards Raiden

Raiden then delivered a straight punch towards the falling Gabriel and punched a hole through his waist

Gabriel screamed in Pain and Agony before regaining his self and flying up and circling... He then floated for a while

Raiden eyed him and prepared his hands

Battlesuit has reached max capability
Preparing to go to lockdown mode
In 30 seconds

Raiden chuckled as Gabriel then prepared his final attack as Red Smoke begins going towards the Spear Gabriel held


Raiden's hand glowed purple and lighting sparks began forming around it.... 16-C prepared its cannons and readying to fire a full capacity


Gabriel and Raiden charged at each other and began striking each other


The Two exchanged blow after blow


Raiden managed to uppercut Gabriel upwards before staggering backwards a bit


Gabriel:"Take this!"


Gabriel threw a projectile at him only for him to dodged


Gabriel then flew up and concentrated his spear with punishing virus smoke


Gabriel shouted before descending towards Raiden... Raiden charged towards him


Vera and the others arrived only to see Raiden rushing towards Gabriel


Raiden's punch and Gabriel's spear connected sending a shock wave that pushed everyone back

Raiden:"...Gabriel...if you survive this... I'll finish you in our next encounter"

Gabriel:"And so will i"

Raiden chuckled before his eyes flickered blue and this shocked Gabriel who looked at 16-C... 16-C fired straight up infront of Gabriel causing an Explosion that filled the area with smoke


Selena widened her eyes and dashed forward... She then held her hand out and catches Raiden who came flying out of the smoke... Selena wrapped her arms towards Raiden and rolled to the ground due to the force of tge impact

Ayla then dashed towards infront of Selena with Scythe in hand preparing her weapon

Once the smoke cleared... Gabriel was no where to be seen... Ayla sighed in relief before dropping her weapon and rushing towards Raiden who was out cold

Ayla:"His bleeding"

Selena nodded and held her hand towards Raiden's head that bleeds
Liv then ran full speed towards them and kneels before getting her stuff and began parching up the unconscious Raiden

Lee then carried both Qu and Lucia with her arms and noticed The group who arrived in shock and awe at what they had just witnessed

Lee:"If you have time... Please check the parameters"

Vera shakes her head before sighing

Vera:"Heh...late to the party i am"

Bianca carefully places Lucia behind Raiden who regained consciousness with a bandaged up wound

Lucia:"Commandant... Did we did it?"

Raiden could feel Lucia's voice slowly dissappearing becoming softer

Raiden:"Its over... Lucia... We lost"

Raiden sadly said...he then waved Bianca and the others to leave them alone for a while... Lee and Liv just sat a few feet away... With their heads down

Lucia:"We couldn't... Have done... Better?"

Raiden:"... We... Did the best we... Could"

Raiden understood this was a farewell with the Original Lucia he met

Lucia:"Ehe... Commandant... I can't feel myself anymore... I don't know... How much time.. I have left"

Lucia weakly says

Lucia:"What do you think... The next Lucia will be? Loud as Karenina?... Or Stern like Bianca?... Or maybe something like Sophia?... Or... Something different entirely?"

Raiden:"... That's a mystery... Best kept"

Lucia smiles weakly at his answer

Lucia:"Commandant... Can i say your name?... For a few more minutes?"

Raiden:"...Yes...go ahead"

A single tear falls of his eye... Lucia smiled as her eyes remained almost closing

Lucia:"Raiden... Raiden... Yamashita... Raiden... Raiden..."

Lucia said weakly and in all sorts of manners... Like playing with it with the tone

Raiden:"Would this be Lucia?...If she was her own?"

Raiden thought listening to the Girl behind him

Lucia:"Raiden... Promise me... That you'll guide the new me... Create memories with the new me... And"

Raiden moves and helds Lucia's arm weakly... He grips it gently

Lucia:"Promise me... That you'll remember me... The Real Me... The Lucia... That you first knew... Okay?"

Raiden:"I... I... Promise you..."

Lucia:"Commandant... I'm thankful you've come to my life... To this Lucia's life..."

Raiden:"And...I'm glad... To have met you...Lucia"

Lucia chuckled as she slowly began to close her eyes

Lucia:"Thank you... Raiden... Yamashita... Till next time... I'll see you...In the next world... Commandant"

Raiden:"See you soon... Dear... Lucia"

Lucia finally closes her eyes with a smile

He softly sighs... He then gazed towards Lee and Lucia who had some tears fall down their own eyes

Liv was the first to walk and kneel before Lucia... She then placed her head on her chest letting out a mournful cry

Lee was the second and it took a few minutes for him to cry himself
Rosetta:"Let that... Be a reminder"

Alpha had a graze on her knee as Rosetta aimed her spear at her
Alpha merely chuckled

Alpha along with Luna then dissappeared faster than Rosetta could react

Rosetta however was unfazed and merely shakes her head

Rosetta:"What... What did i?"

Rosetta grips her spear and looked around seeing her opponent was gone

Rosetta:"How did i?"

Rosetta touches her right face area while walking away back to Diana and the others
There we go
Chapter done

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