The Friend

By lilactruffles

35.6K 2.2K 709

Bookworm Alicia Woodson only cares about one thing: having a successful life now that she's done with college... More



1.4K 87 51
By lilactruffles

Alicia looked up from her phone after texting Rodney back. Her fingers were restless. She was sitting in the passenger's seat as Nathan drove them home, but her mind was still on Rodney. She tried to still her nerves, but her mind kept racing. When she attended the wedding today, she hoped that she would get a glimpse of him, but they had done more than that. They had plans to hang out for the next day! She smiled to herself, feeling giddy.

When he ignored her at first, she knew he was hurt. She understood where he was coming from and didn't blame him either. After the ceremony was over, she thought about declining Ramona's offer to come to the after-party, but couldn't bring herself to leave. She wanted to see more of Rodney, even if he was upset with her.

She couldn't believe they were actually talking out there on the balcony. Though at first it was a little awkward, she felt so light and free around him. The weight that had been pressing down on her chest for years was gone. She was glad too that Rodney didn't seem that much affected when Nathan joined them, but did that mean he was seeing someone back in Los Angeles?

Worriedly, she looked at her phone as if she could muster up the courage and ask him right now, but then she stopped herself. She had no right to ask him that when she was in a relationship.

"Is something wrong?" Nathan asked.

"No," she said.

He side-glanced her so she busied herself with putting her phone back in her purse.

"Who was that man that I just met?" he asked.

"Why?" she asked.

"I don't know," Nathan said. "It just seems like there's something going on between the two of you."

"And if there is?" she asked.

Nathan chuckled at her response and discreetly Alicia rolled her eyes, scowling at the window.

"Tell me the truth," he said.

"When I asked you to tell me the truth last month about what happened at that work happy hour, did you? You didn't come home that night. You came home the next day smelling like another woman's perfume—" she said.

"Alicia, you already accepted my apology about that. You know nothing happened," he said.

She scoffed at that, "Whatever. I don't even care."

And she didn't. This wasn't the first time she suspected him of cheating. Whenever he apologized, she tried to move past those incidents, but he never made her feel loved or seen so it was hard. She always thought that there was someone else in the picture.

"So who is he?" Nathan pestered.

"My ex," she said.

"Huh?" Nathan's said, surprised.

"We were together a long time ago before I moved to California and—"

Nathan's cellphone started to ring.

"Hold on, hold on," he said to her, answering it, "Yeah, hello? Yeah, Bill..."

Alicia sucked her teeth so Nathan told her to shush. She glowered at him, imagining kicking him in the face with her heels.

For the rest of the ride home, he remained on the phone. It only ended as he pulled up to their apartment.

"So, what were we talking about?" he asked her.

She ignored him, grabbing her things. When she had everything, she opened the car door and slammed it shut, leaving him behind.


She slept in her personal bedroom that night so that Nathan wouldn't bother her. The following day, she got up early and started getting ready to see Rodney for lunch.

As she sat at her mirror, she put her hair in a bun. She hoped it didn't make her look too sophisticated, but back then she always wore her hair in a bun. She was wearing a pastel-colored, light green dress. Golden sunlight kept pouring in through her window, kissing her brown skin.

She touched the center of her collarbone, pinching her skin. After a minute, she got up from her seat. She got on her knees and pulled out the shoebox from underneath her bed again. Slipping off the lid, she picked up the heart necklace.

Would she be crazy to wear this to go see him?

She was afraid he'd think that she wanted to be with him again. They were just catching up today—that's all. Plus, he was leaving tomorrow so it wasn't like anything would come out of this. It couldn't have been what he wanted at all.

But she couldn't forget how he told her that she was best thing that happened to him. Something broke inside of her in that moment. And deep down, she did go to that wedding to run into him. He also lived on his own now and far away from his brother. But she was living with Nathan. Yet Nathan could never make her feel the way Rodney always made her feel. Without even touching her, just with his eyes, she could melt into butter.

She chewed at her lip and got up, not wanting to think about the circumstances anymore.

She placed the necklace back in the box and left her room.


The sun was in her eyes so she placed her fingers over her eyebrows, squinting. She walked down the street.

Rodney was in front of the restaurant already. He was leaning against his car, smiling at her. His long legs were crossed as he kept his arms folded over his chest. A ray of light shined over him and made her heart flutter. He was holding a bouquet of red chrysanthemums.

As she approached him, he tossed the valet his keys and went to her. He handed her the flowers.

"You shouldn't have," she said.

"I wanted to," he said.

"Well, thank you," she said and he smiled.

"How you doing?" he asked, squeezing her upper arm.

Her mind shut down at the small touch, but quickly she recovered.

"Fine. You?" she asked.

"I'm wonderful," he said, leading the way inside.

"Was that your car?" she asked.

"Yeah, you like it?" he asked and she nodded. "I'll take you for a spin in it later."

The car he had and restaurant he picked seemed expensive, definitely Nathan's taste. She wondered if architects made a lot of money to afford such nice things. She didn't think so, but Rodney was beginning to change her mind. She wondered what type of firm she worked for.

In the restaurant they were in, there were many tall windows that brought in a lot of natural sunlight. They ordered from the menu. The wine came out first so Alicia sipped from her glass.

"Now don't you look beautiful today," Rodney smiled.

She touched her face, feeling hot.

"Thank you. It's great that I can see you before you leave tomorrow," she said.

Rodney's smile faltered a little.

"You know," he said. "I've been going back and forth from here to L.A. for a while now. I always look at it as needing a change of scenery, but I think this is the first time I don't want to go back."

She let his words settle in the space before them as they held eyes. Nervously, she touched her neck and realized the necklace wasn't there, so she rested her hand back down. After a minute, he half-smiled.

"Did Nathan get you home okay?" he asked.

"Oh—uh, yes," she said.

"Do you guys live together?" he asked.

"Well...yes, we do," she said.

He nodded and she couldn't tell if it bothered him or not. He seemed to be taking the news easily. She felt anxious again; he had to have moved on from her too.

"I'm sorry," she said suddenly.

"For what?" he frowned.

She wasn't sure why she was sorry, so she made her response up on the spot.

"For—well, it must've been awkward when he popped up like that out of nowhere," she said.

"No, it wasn't awkward at all," he said.

He didn't care if she was with Nathan. He probably saw her as a friend now. So what was all that that he was saying yesterday? What was he thinking now? It was all hard to fathom.

When their food came, it was easier to catch up and talk to him because they stuck to light topics. He told her about the club that he designed, the hotels he was working on. She told him about her story being published and how she was now a fiction editor. They cracked jokes and eventually started to reminisce about their past. It didn't hurt as much as Alicia thought it would've to talk to him about the time they dated.

"It was short, wasn't it?" Rodney remarked.

"Yeah, I think we were only together for like fourth months," Alicia chuckled.

"How long have you been with Nathan?" he asked.

"Three years," she said.

Rodney's mouth dropped, "You've been with a loser like that for how long?"

"Hey!" she said, laughing out loud. "Don't say that about him. I'm still with him you know."

She was still laughing, clapping her hands, so she didn't notice that Rodney wasn't laughing with her until she stopped. When he realized she was staring at him, he smiled.

"Sorry. I guess he's doing something right to have been with you for that long. Three years and going on strong, huh?" he said.

Alicia's fingers caressed the stem of her wine glass as she pondered over his words.

"Time doesn't mean anything," she said.

"That is true. If we were even together for one week that would've been the best week of my life," he said.

Slowly, she smiled at him and sipped her wine. She didn't want to go home. She didn't want him to go back to California. She wanted to be here with him like this for as long as possible.

"He looks a little older than you though," Rodney frowned.

"Only by six years. He works in TV advertising," Alicia said.

"I could tell he has a pretty senior role. Looks like you picked a good one. I always knew you could," Rodney said.

Alicia rolled her eyes.

"Just make sure to invite me to the wedding, okay?" he teased.

"I'm not marrying him," Alicia said.

"Why not?"

She could tell he was joking, but his eyes were still so serious.

"Because people shouldn't play with stuff like that. You should marry someone when your heart's in it. Like Cortes and Priscilla," she said.

"Some people never experience that though so they settle. Some experience it for a short period of time so they can't make anything out of it," he said.

She gulped as her eyes flickered down to her hands.

"Last night, you said you might get an apartment here. Will you?" she asked.

"Maybe. It depends," he said, playing with a napkin.

"On what?" she asked.

"On whether I can tolerate potentially running into you and Nathan every now and then," he said.

Skeptically, she examined him.

"You know what? I think you're right. I shouldn't have two apartments. I should just break my lease and move back here for good," he said.

He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. Alicia shivered.

"You don't mean that," she said.

"I do," he said.

"You'll regret it."

"I won't."

"Why would you do that?" she asked.

"It wouldn't be too bad of a thing to do. I was born and raised in New York City. When you're in L.A., you're surrounded by so many rich snobs and airheads," he said.

"Is that all?" she asked.

"No, there's you," he said.

Her eyes grew large.

"Me?" she said softly.

He busied himself with looking over the menu, but spoke, "I already told you. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. Well, now that you've passed me by again, do you think I'd be crazy enough to let you go? Nathan or not?"

"You're single?" she asked.

"Yes, though I'd rather not be. I'm just waiting on a certain someone," he said.

The wind was knocked out of her lungs. She licked her lips and looked around the room, trying to calm her racing heart down. Rodney was still looking at the menu, but calmly he spoke again.

"Alicia," he started. "Are you happy?"

They both knew she wasn't, but her mind drifted to her friends. They all thought she had the perfect life and was happy with Nathan. She had been with him for so long and was comfortable with him that she was afraid to experience anything new. When she dated Rodney, she hadn't been with him for that long and it was so much drama that she had to deal with. What if it didn't work out again between them? She couldn't go through another painful breakup like that once again. It would kill her.

Her eyes studied the linen table cloth.

"Yes," she answered.


He told her to keep the Chrysanthemums though she was reluctant to. She didn't want to explain to Nathan where she got them from, but thought she could just keep them in her bedroom.

He drove her back to her apartment in silence. They hadn't spoken since she lied in the restaurant and said she was happy. He didn't push or call her out on it. He just accepted her answer with grace. She wondered if he was at peace with it. She didn't feel good about what she said to him at all and the closer they got to her building, the more she dreaded going back to her life. She kept digging her fingernails into the back of her hand.

After he parked his car, he walked her to her building. It was late afternoon so the sun was beginning to set. The sky was a dreamy orange and pink. When they got there, they faced one another. He took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to smile, but he couldn't this time.

"I didn't think I'd see you this weekend," he said.

"And?" she asked.

"I'm glad you're okay," he said.

"I'm glad you're doing alright too," she said.

"Back then, I never got to thank you for all the moments we shared. So, thank you and I hope you continue to be happy with whoever you decide to be with and whatever you decide to do," he said. "I hope you publish more stories and become a household name. I hope you watch as many scary movies as you can. I hope you know that you're an amazing person and I'm happy to have met you."

Her breathing stilled and it was hard to look him in the eye. He reached out a hand and took hers into his, squeezing it.

A hand shake? Only a hand shake?  She itched for a hug, but didn't push. It was better this way. She didn't think she'd be able to let him go if she was in his arms.

"Goodbye, Alicia," he said.

He lingered there for a minute, holding her eyes.

Finally, he turned around and walked back down the street, heading towards his car. Because his back was to her now, she burst into tears. She covered her mouth, trying to keep silent, and headed into her building. As soon as she got inside her apartment, she clutched the flowers to herself and continued to cry, falling to her knees.


Day made way for night. Alicia remained sitting on the floor, recalling her past. When she first met Nathan, she was numb inside. She didn't look for Rodney in all the people she encountered anymore, didn't have the urge to embrace him and her memories of winter and snow didn't revolve around  him no longer.

Nothing mattered to her back then. So when Nathan started to act out early on as they dated, she never really cared. She thought that she had to endure it because that's what a real relationship was. What she had with Rodney was the stuff that dreams were made of; something that wonderful would never last long.

But there he was earlier, wanting to make it work.

As she looked around her apartment, she realized how empty it made her feel. She didn't like feeling empty and numb anymore.

She spent all these years with Nathan, cleaning after him as if he was her child. All these years, arguing with him. All these years, wasted. What was she doing with someone like him when she meant nothing to him?

The door opened and Nathan came in, spotting her on the floor. He stopped in his tracks.

"God, you look a mess," he said.

"Nathan," she said. "I'm sad. Is that how you talk to someone who's been crying?"

He chuckled, "Oh come on, I didn't mean it like that—"

"I want to break up," she said.

He rolled his eyes, "This again? What did I do now?"

"What haven't you done," she said.

"Look, I don't have time for this right now. Why don't we take care of this later tonight, okay?" he asked.

He made his way over to the fridge as she went to the bathroom. She started to wash her face. She didn't have that much time. She had to catch Rodney before his flight tomorrow. She raced to her room and pulled out the shoebox from her bed. She slipped out the necklace and put it on. After getting her things, she went back out to the living room.

"Where are you going?" Nathan asked.

"To see Rodney," she said.


"My boyfriend," she said.

"What? What are you talking about right now? I'm your boyfriend."

"I told you already. No, you're not. I just broke up with you," she said.

"Alicia, what is your problem? Are you seriously going to do this to me right now? I have a lot going on at work that the last thing I need is to come home to all this drama," he said.

"You're right. Let's break our lease then. The apartment is all yours. I'll move out by the end of the month. Okay? Goodbye, Nathan," she said, heading out.

"Wait, what? Are you kidding me? This is ridiculous! Alicia, hey, Alicia!" he called.

She raced out of the building, calling Ramona for Michael's number. She didn't know what hotel Rodney was staying at.

After getting the address, she waved for a taxi and got in. As the driver sped down the  street, she tapped her foot repeatedly over the floor. Thunder roared over the sky. She cursed, forgetting to bring an umbrella.

By the time they got to the Lowell, it was pouring outside. Alicia paid the cab driver and without a second thought, stepped out into the rain. Quickly, she raced inside and went to the reception. At her drenched appearance, the woman at the front desk, stepped back.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" the woman asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just raining cats and dogs outside. I'm looking for a guest. Can you please tell me what room they're in?" Alicia asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but we can't give out that information," she said.

Alicia said, "Well, can you please just tell me if he's in? His name is Rodney Greene. His friend told me that he was staying at this hotel."

The woman looked up his room number and dialed his room phone, but Rodney didn't pick up. Alicia's fingers went up to her temples, trying to calm down.

"I'm sure he'll be back soon or he just couldn't get to the phone on time. We don't mind you waiting in the lobby for Mr. Greene. Why don't I give you a towel?" the woman started.

"No, no, it's fine. Thank you," Alicia said.

She moved away from the front desk and dialed Rodney's number. Immediately, it went to voicemail. Did he block her? She wouldn't blame him after the way they parted ways.

She went out into the rain again, getting soaked in water.

She could wait for him to come back inside, but she wasn't sure what time he'd come back.

She could go back to her apartment, but that would mean facing Nathan and she didn't have the energy to do that.

She spotted a pay phone across the street. She knew Rodney's number by heart. Quickly, she ran towards the payphone and dialed his number, but the call still didn't go through.

Thunder boomed and Alicia squinted up at the dark sky. Barely anyone was out in this weather. She decided to wait in the lobby.

Several hours passed and then it was midnight. Rodney still hadn't returned to his hotel. It was still pouring outside. She rested her head in her lap, not knowing what to do. His flight was tomorrow, but she didn't know when. What if she missed him again?

She decided to go home and come back early tomorrow morning. If she missed him again, she'd just call Michael and beg him to make Rodney speak to her if she was in fact blocked. With that in mind, she decided to get an uber.

Ten minutes later, her uber slowly came to a stop in front of her building. A man was standing outside holding an umbrella over himself. Her eyes widened when she realized that it was Rodney. He had this determined look on his face. Her heart skipped a beat as tears came to her eyes. Quickly, she got out.

"Rodney!" she called out.

Spotting her, he rushed over to her and placed the umbrella over the two of them.

"Alicia, what happened to you? You're shivering," he said.

"I'm fine," she said, coughing up water and laughing.

"Are you sure?" he frowned.

"Yes!" she shouted over the rain. "Why didn't you answer your phone?"

"It died. I've been waiting here for you," he said.

"You have?" she asked.

"Yes. I wanted to let you know that I've decided to get an apartment here and stay for good. Whether you like it or not. I know you were lying earlier about being happy so I don't care if I run into you and Nathan. In fact, I want to run into you and him every single day," he said.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes, so I can fight for you," he said.

Her expression softened as tears rolled down her cheeks. She was so crazy to have not wanted to be with him again.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" she asked.

Rodney nodded, "Yes, I'm still in love with you and I always will be."

"Then you don't have to fight for me," she said.

Before he can say anything, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. After a second, she pulled back.

"I still love you and I want to be with you, too," she said.

Shock was written all over Rodney's face for a split second before it turned into elation. He dropped his umbrella and embraced her. She let out a yelp as he lifted her off her feet and spun her around, kissing her lips and cheeks. Alicia couldn't stop crying and laughing. Rodney cupped the back of her head, tucking her face into his neck.

Within seconds, they are both soaking wet in the rain.


Thank you for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed  it. It made me soooo happy to see people read/ vote/ comment with each chapter so I truly appreciate ya'll. You guys are the ones that kept me posting a new chapter each week, seriously🤠

This is a story I wrote in 2017, so roughly 4 or 5 yrs ago? Randomly, I decided to finish it this year. Some chapters stayed the same, some are new.

Anyway, I won't be on Wattpad for some time. I want to have time to breathe and create and read other stuff in other places, but I hope to see you again in the future with a new story I'm thinking of writing. Thank you🥰 — Bas :)

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