Vigilante, Not Villain (Under...

By coolbeans1502

48.5K 1.2K 723

Izuku Midoriya has had a tough childhood. His mother abuses him, his father left when he was a baby, his chil... More

The Rise of Tsuki
Bottled Up
The Past Catches Up
Yeah, I'm a Badass
Common Ground
The Number Two Hero
Making a Move
There Will be Blood
The Battle Continues...
The Future of One For All


2K 61 15
By coolbeans1502

Midoriya's POV

Aizawa and I drive to UA, not wanting to be interrupted by any wayward villains. I stare out the window at passing buildings. I don't feel like talking. I hate how after all these years of keeping terrible secrets, one look from Aizawa and I'm spilling my guts. Some of what I told him I was going to take to my grave. I suppose it is kind of nice not shouldering the burden myself, but the heroes and police really have no idea what they're getting themselves into. If any of them die trying to take down the League, it'd be all my fault. Whether I withhold information or not, they'll either go in not knowing enough, or thinking they know everything, neither being an advantage.

My eyes glaze over at the thought of all those kids Shigaraki murdered in cold blood. Their deaths were my biggest failure. I tried so hard to keep them safe and I failed. I remember this one kid, he was a boy about five years old, he was so scared. Shigaraki was in a rush and only disintegrated his torso, which was beginning to crumble. He was in horrendous pain, and I held his hands as he slowly bled out. There was no saving him, we both knew. He just didn't want to be alone, and I couldn't leave him. I remember feeling his grasp on my wrist go limp as the light left his eyes.

I don't register the tears in my eyes until Aizawa reaches over and taps my shoulder lightly. "You okay, kid?" he asks.

"Y-yeah," I breathe shakily. "F-fine."

He nods silently, knowing I'm lying but accepting that I don't want to talk about it. He must feel guilty for making me spill my guts not ten minutes earlier. As he should. I hate myself for how weak I am. At least I didn't tell him everything.

We pull up to the school and I climb the ladder up to my balcony, not wanting to be stopped by any of my nosy classmates. I noiselessly open the door and walk inside. The flash drive is on my bed, right where I left it. Thank goodness none of my classmates have the gall to go snooping in my room or it could have easily been stolen.

I leave my dorm just as silently as I entered it, ignoring the ladder as I did once before. Aizawa gives me a look but turns back to the car. We pull out of the school.

"So, what's on the flash drive?" he asks.

"A whole bunch of stuff," I say, holding the drive tightly. 

I think for a second about the night when my warehouse was raided and the information I left lying around.

"When you guys raided my warehouse, did you happen across my computer?"

"Actually, yeah."

"Well, everything that's on there is on the flash drive, plus a few other odds and ends."

"That's not very specific," Aizawa grumbles.

"It wasn't supposed to be," I smile cheekily. "Will I ever get the computer back?"

"If they haven't sent it back by now, they never will. They must not have found anything on it yet or they would be asking you to come in for questioning."

"So, they fell for my fail-safe!" I give myself a mental high-five.

"You seriously installed a fail-safe on your computer?" Aizawa gives me a questioning look.

"With all the stuff on there, I couldn't let it fall into enemy hands. If anyone entered the wrong passcode even once, all of the information would be deleted permanently. I kept the flash drive because I have very clumsy hands and type in the wrong code all the time. I didn't think the police would be dumb enough to try and guess my passcode though."

"Everything actually went to the Purple Revolution Agency for examination," Aizawa says.

"Wait, why would it go to them?"

"Hizashi saw some LoV info on the computer before it shut off and the Purple Revolution Agency already had a file on the League. He thought they could use any additional information."

"Hold up! You're telling me that a hero agency already has information on the League and hasn't done anything with it?" I ask, starting to get a little angry.

"They don't have enough information to go after them yet. You seriously have to stop underestimating heroes. Not all of them are as dumb as you think." Aizawa smirks. "Besides, they've made some pretty big advances the past few months, they're just keeping it on the down-low."

I sigh. If only I had known that!

"Ugh, fine. Maybe, heroes aren't as incompetent as I thought."

"I will try not to be offended by that."

I ignore him.

"With our combined information, I bet that we could take down the League for sure. I just have to make sure that my lifetime of research doesn't get me in trouble."

"Seriously, what do you have on there?"

"You'll find out soon enough," I reply. I forgot how good it felt to taunt heroes.

Aizawa's POV

We arrive back home quickly. Hizashi is standing in the living room, trying to figure out how to turn on a massive computer he found sitting in our office. 

"Hey! How'd it go!?" he asks/yells.

"The mission was a success," Midoriya says with fake enthusiasm.


I walk forward and press the power button on the computer. The screen lights up immediately and Hizashi looks at me like I just performed a miracle. He really is terrible with computers.

Midoriya stands next to me, holding out the flash drive. I gently take it and insert it into the USB port. The drive pops up on the computer and I click on it.

A mess of files, images, and records adorn the screen. It's all so muddled that even I can barely navigate it. 

Midoriya rolls his eyes and takes over. Of course, this mess would only make sense to the one who created it. 

He types in a command, and everything becomes organized. At first glance, I can see files labeled LoV info, Hero Patrol Routes, Quirk Database, Support Item Blueprints, Hero Analysis, Villain Analysis, Black Market Info, Study Materials, Coffee Tutorials, CPR and First Aid, Bank Account Info, and Hero Fights Analysis. Each folder has at least fifty documents or videos. If some of this got into the wrong hands, the heroes wouldn't stand a chance.

"Damn, kid," I mutter.

"What's with the coffee tutorials?" Hitoshi asks from behind me. Leave it to Hitoshi to pick out the coffee tutorials out of everything. Wait, when did he even get here? 

"I previously worked as a barista at a cafe. But because I was on my own since I was seven, I knew absolutely nothing about coffee."

"Then why did you choose to work at a cafe?"

"Because it's a good source for information. Some famous heroes go to that cafe, and they are very loud talkers."

My face reddens slightly at all of the confidential information Hawks and I must have let slip to the kid. I notice everyone is looking at me and I blush harder.

"How was I supposed to know someone was listening!?" I ask defensively.

I see my husband roll his eyes and I turn back to the computer.

"Anyway, what have you got on the League of Villains?" I ask, trying to focus everyone's attention on anything but me.

Midoriya opens the LoV Info folder and about twenty other folders spread across the screen.

"Anything you can think of," Midoriya smirks.


Midoriya's POV

Aizawa and I are back in the car headed towards the Purple Revolution Agency. But before we go there, we make a pit stop to pick up a particularly large chicken. Hawks wasn't informed about any of what was going on, so he has no clue why we're picking him up.

We pull up to his apartment and he jumps out his second story window. Honestly, I don't blame him. Stairs suck.

He hops into the backseat and we're off to Aizawa's agency. 

"Sooooo, where we headin'?" Hawks asks.

"Purple Revolution," Aizawa responds curtly.

"Oh, no! I don't want to talk to Chest Hair dude!" Hawks complains.

Aizawa told me that the Purple Revolution Agency is run by His Purple Highness whose quirk is Chest Hair. I'm not entirely sure what his quirk does and I'm afraid to ask.

We pull up to an extravagant-looking building with palm trees surrounding it. Midnight is waiting for us outside the entrance.

"Hello, Darlings!" she calls as we step out of the car.

"Hi, Nemuri," Aizawa grumbles.

"Well don't you fellas look handsome! Come inside! His Purple Highness is dripping with excitement over your return!"

And with that needlessly suggestive remark, we follow Midnight inside.

Before I know it, we are in a large conference room with the Chief of Police and a guy with an astounding amount of chest hair who I assume to be His Purple Highness.

"Welcome, welcome!" the chest hair dude shouts. "Come, take a seat! We have much to discuss."

His Highness sits at the head of the table with Midnight and Hawks to his right and Aizawa and I on his left, next to Chief Tsuragamae. Hawks does not look entirely comfortable probably as he still has no idea why he's here.

"So, I've come to understand that you fellas have some information for me?" His Highness asks.

Aizawa nods and gestures for me to present the flash drive. We discussed what we were going to do before arriving, so I know it is my time to talk.

"On this flash drive there is extensive information about the League of Villains as well as other villains in the area. It also contains in-depth quirk analyses and useful information on each villains' weaknesses. I also recorded all known locations run by the League and everyone employed by them as of the last six months."

"This information is exceedingly valuable! How did you come across it?" His Highness seems very impressed and excited at this massive break.

"I infiltrated the LoV's base while they thought they were holding me captive," I declare.

"That is very impressive indeed! So impressive I dare say that no ordinary teen could accomplish such a feat. Not to mention being the target of the League," he narrows his eyes at me. "Who exactly are you, my boy?"

"I, uh..."

"He's my kid. Hizashi and I have been looking out for him," Aizawa speaks. 

My heart swells at my kid

"Ah, well. You always were one to take in strays, weren't you?" His Highness chuckles. "But that is not the answer I was looking for."

"I do not believe that information is relevant, Tenma," Chief Tsuragamae interrupts, respecting his vow of secrecy.

"Very well. I was merely expressing my curiosity," His Highness smiles. "Now, let's see what's on that drive of yours, shall we?"

"On one condition," I say, nervously.


"I cannot be charged with anything based on how I got the information or the content on this flash drive."

His Purple Highness looks over to Chief Tsuragamae. He nods.

"Okay, that should be fine. But I have to admit that now I am a bit more than curious to see what's on here!

I apprehensively hand over the flash drive. I feel a lot lighter without the drive in my hand for some reason, even if it is just a copy.

Hawks's POV

I watch as Midoriya hands over the flash drive. He said he had a list of everyone working for the League of Villains in there. Am I about to be exposed? I have been working there, undercover, for a good part of the year now. Only a select few people know about it outside of the League. I can't let that information get out!

I glance worriedly at Midoriya and catch his eye. 

He winks.

He must know. Damn, that kid has always been too smart for his own good. It's nice to know he's got my back, though.

His Highness and the Chief take a few minutes to look through the contents of the drive using a laptop.

"Wow," Chief Tsuragamae barks. "This information is a big jump. We'll have to look into this to make sure, but I think we might have enough to take down the League once and for all."

"Yes, this research is quite extensive! Thank you," His Highness praises.

Everyone stands up and starts to file out. I hang back with Midoriya. I want to make sure he actually removed the information before I get police knocking down my door.

"Hey, kid! I was just wondering if-"

"If I gave them information regarding your undercover mission with the LoV? No, I gave them a copy of the drive with only certain information."

Damn, okay.

"How did you find out about my mission?" I ask, a little worried about how the information got out.

"The League isn't very good at keeping secrets. They blabbed on about how if a great hero like yourself could join the League, then so could I. I was angry with you at first but after we met, I realized that's not who you are, which meant that you must be working undercover."

"Shit, kid. You must be a genius or something 'cause there's no way I would've ever figured that out!" I laugh.

"That's because you're a bird-brain," Midoriya deadpans and stalks off.

I am left frozen in my tracks, mouth hanging open. That kid really is something else.

Midoriya's POV

Ohmygoshohmygosh! His face! I've gotta play it cool. Coolcoolcool. Pfft that was hilarious!

I suppress a smile and race after Aizawa.

"What took you so long?" he grumbles as we exit the building.

"Just having a little fun," I reply.

Aizawa looks back and lets out a chuckle at Hawks's flustered appearance.

"Let's go," he smiles.

Aizawa just started the car when Hawks zips into the backseat.

"Now I know you weren't going to leave me behind, were you?" Hawks gasps dramatically.

"You've got wings," Aizawa retorts.

"True. But I'm lazy."

"We know," Aizawa and I say simultaneously.

"Ha ha, real mature." Hawks rolls his eyes at us.

Snickering, Aizawa starts the car and we drive back home.

When we arrive, Aizawa asks, "Midoriya, how would you feel about helping to take down the League of Villains?"

"You couldn't stop me if you tried."

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