True Love [A Ghanith story]

By SiriusXblackXlover

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Will Ghastly get his love back? Or will she always be kept away? SET AFTER DEATH BRINGER. More

True Love [A Ghanith story]

Old and Abandoned

238 8 6
By SiriusXblackXlover

Valkyrie glanced at Skulduggery.

'You sure this is the place?'

'Positive.' He sounded sure. Well, that was a start.

They were standing in front of an ancient building, it's pea-green paint peeling and rotting, smashed windows, and it had an all-round musty look. Valkyrie glanced at Skulduggery again.

'Are you SURE this is the place?' She was desperate for them to have gotten the wrong address- her friend, no matter how evil, wouldn't stay at a place like this.

'Unless Ghastly was incredibly wrong, I'm pretty sure this it it.' He conceded.

'Great!' She replied sarcastically.

'Stop being so moany. She's trying to keep low-key, remember?'

'Yeah, yeah.' Valkyrie muttered.

'Now, in you go!' He gestured with his hand for her to go first.

'I hate you.' She muttered. He merely laughed.

'I think we all do. Just hurry up!'

Valkyrie grumbled something about leadership, but he took no notice. She grudgingly stepped inside the building, and started to investigate.


Ghastly felt his phone vibrate. He was initially going to let it ring, but curiosity compelled him to see who was ringing. It was Skulduggery. Ghastly stood up at the table and cleared his throat. All eyes turned to him expectantly.

'So what do YOU make of the toilet problems, Gh- I mean Elder Bespoke?' Ravel asked.

'Actually, it's nothing to do with toilets. I-I have to go.' And with that, he hurried out of the meeting.

Ravel turned to Madam Mist.

'You don't suppose he's going to the toilet? I don't think he realised they're blocked.' Madam Mist shook her head in disbelief, and returned her attention to the meeting.


'Yes?' Ghastly said expectantly.

Skulduggery's voice was crackly when it came through.

'I was just going to tell you to carry on with any Elder business you may have, because we found nothing.'

Ghastly's jaw dropped.


'Nah, I'm just kidding.'

'I hate you, Skulduggery.'

'It appears everyone does. We're bringing Tanith over now. See you in a few hours. Oh- and have Nye ready.'

Ghastly breathed a sigh of relief. He was getting Tanith back. It was all falling into place.


What do you reckon guys? Should I carry on? Or forget about it? And sorry it's short =/

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