
By SylukSky

19.7K 662 117

Shisui Uchiha expected to get caught and his remaining eye to be stolen, so he was ready to die. What he didn... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

4K 115 35
By SylukSky

Shisui knew that it was the end of the road for him.

The pain throbbed in his guts and lungs, the deep, excruciating feeling like someone had their hand in there and was squeezing his organs. A deep wound was sliced in the flesh of his upper right arm, heavily oozing out blood, and it trickled down the length of his arm, his fingers and onto the dusty ground below.

Sharingan faded and the jade-colored chakra construct that protected the young ninja from the last assault with it.

The raven looked in front of him blearily. Unfortunately, he was unable to get rid of all these Root scums, and he had no strength to run away or use chakra anymore.

His right eye socket burned like it was showered in hell-fire. The teen gritted his teeth, blindly reaching for a kunai. Danzo managed to steal one of his eyes and that was already bad enough, but if that sly bastard got his greedy claws on his second eye... it would be a disaster.

It was kind of ironic that he ended up cornered on the cliff of the Naka river – the same place where Itachi and he used to play and train and just spend time together.


Shisui could clearly imagine what kind of face his adoptive brother would make after hearing the news that he passed away. He felt guilty for leaving him without a word, but there was no way that he would allow his second eye – the power that came with it – to fall into the wrong hands and be abused or worse – used against the people he was trying to protect.

Another barrage of kunai whizzed towards the Uchiha's legs, aiming to injure but not to kill.

The teen took a deep breath and closed his eye. With the last drop of his strength, he jumped backward and straight off the cliff. Whipping out his own kunai while in a free fall, he moved it to slash it over his left eye...

The blade never made contact with his flesh. There was a sound of rattling chains and suddenly he felt something cold and sturdy slither around his limbs and body, leaving him completely immobilized in an instant and suspended mid-air. And then Shisui was yanked back up with the force so powerful that it knocked the wind out of him. He flew over the edge of the cliff and stopped high up above the ground. His eye widened at the sight.

The same chains were restraining the remaining Root ninjas, wrapping around them like golden glowing snakes with the sharp spikes on their endings pointed straight to their hearts. Then they shot forward and drilled themselves deep into their victim's chests, penetrating it like a wet tissue and bursting out on the other side in a mesmerizing fountain of blood and flesh.

Shisui went rigid, chill crawling up his spine. His gaze snapped to the spot from where all those chains sprouted.

The first thing he saw was scorching and fiery red hair, capturing the light of the setting sun in vibrant ruby hues. It tumbled over the person's shoulders like rusty water, flowing in gentle, warm curls of lava to their mid-back.

Shisui wondered if it was burning to the touch as it gave an impression from afar before the chains around him tightened and his heart sped up. He wasn't afraid of death, he was prepared for it – even as gory as getting impaled by these things – but he didn't recognize this person, didn't know if it was an ally or enemy, and thus uncertainty over the fate of his remaining eye caused the dread pool in his gut.

But instead of being speared through, the stunned raven was settled gently on the grass right next to the red-haired savor. Chains unwrapped from around him and slowly retreated, sinking into the back of their summoner who finally turned to face Shisui and fixed the most brilliant cerulean eyes he had ever seen on him.

It was a girl in her mid-teens, wearing a simple black jacket with orange trims and black ninja pants. The affiliation symbol to the village was missing on her person, but Shisui noticed a small crest of Uzu embroidered just over her heart.

The sun dipped lower between the trees, bathing the world and the kunoichi in a glow of red and gold, and if Shisui had to describe her at this very moment the word used would be – luminous.

"You're an Uchiha," the redhead spoke, her eyebrows knitting together.

It wasn't a question, it was a blunt statement. Shisui didn't know what to say to that. He felt those startlingly sharp blue eyes boring into him, visually dissecting him, pulling his very core apart bit by bit, until there was nothing but a bare soul laid in front of them, waiting for a judgment in a helpless suspense.

Honestly, it was a harrowing experience.

"But you're not an evil Uchiha," she said with a small smile. "Hey, how old are you?"

That threw Shisui for a loop. He was bleeding here, poison eating at his organs, his eye stolen by a traitorous bastard, and his unexpected savor wanted to small-talk? He answered her anyways, "Sixteen."

"Oh!" The kunoichi's face lit up like a bonfire. She nodded as if agreeing with whatever thought came to her. "Perfect. Marry me!"

The raven squinted at her, trying to determine if he heard her right. "Come again?" was the only thing that he could think of to reply, because, seriously, what the hell?

"You're an Uchiha, I'm an Uzumaki. We're of the same age, it's perfect!" she cheered.

Shisui briefly wondered what their respective clans had anything to do with marriage. It was the first time he even laid his eyes – eye, he reminded himself bitterly – on someone from that clan. Apart from the current Jinchuuriki Menma Uzumaki, of course, whom every Uchiha avoided like a plague.

"Uzumaki and Senju clans are distant blood relatives, and considering the animosity between Uchiha and Senju, our marriage might help to ease the unrest and integrate your clan into Konoha's society better. Don't you agree?"

The teen just stared at the redhead, trying to comprehend her logic. After a moment, he had to admit that her idea had some merit and could be given the benefit of the doubt; it seemed feasible – in some weird, unique, unconventional, roundabout way.

The girl narrowed her eyes when he said nothing. "What?" she asked, putting her hand on her hip and pursing her lips. "You think that Uchiha like yourself is above Uzumaki, 'ttebane? My clan might be nearly extinct, but we're still equally powerful and prestigious clan just like yours. So, don't you think that–"

"No..." Shisui croaked, feeling blood well inside his throat and coughed it out into his palm. "'M kind of dying here."

The girl's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "AH!" she gasped in alarm, crouching beside him and looking over his injuries. "I'm so sorry! I can't believe that I did this again... My friends always said to get my priorities straight! And I was so busy thinking about how to prevent Uchiha coup! There is so much blood, so much! And your eye is gone! I don't know what to do! I'm no medic! I should have learned from Baa-chan... Dammit! Don't die, please. I don't want to become a widow before I'm even married, 'ttebane!"

She was blabbing so quickly, completely flustered, a genuine worry pouring out of her in waves. Shisui couldn't help but chuckle. It was heartwarming. "You can't become a widow if you're not married," he wheezed out.

The redhead shot him a withering look. "Well, bite me!"

The teen was about to laugh at her again, but a naked arm shoved to his face sobered him. "What?"

"Bite me."

"Is this some kind of weird Uzumaki mating ritual?"

"No, you idiot!" the girl hissed frustrated, but Shisui could swear he saw a red hue spreading across her cheeks. "My chakra has healing abilities and the only way to transfer it to someone else is by bite. I don't offer it to just anyone, so, bite me before I changed my mind!"

Oh, that made sense. He might have heard something about it somewhere... Shisui suddenly felt so tired. His eye drooped and he slumped, any leftover energy leaving him altogether.

Someone winded an arm around his back holding him in place when the young Uchiha couldn't support sitting straight any longer. He could feel a gentle touch to his cheek – the left one, the one not smeared with blood.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't pass out now, 'ttebane!" the girl was panicking. "Come on, open your mouth and bite."

Warm skin pressed against Shisui's lips and he obeyed – opened his mouth and sunk his teeth into the offered flesh.

It was warm and pleasant feeling, spreading from his mouth down to his lungs and stomach, then splitting into all four of his limbs. Like the sun bathing him in its ethereal light, soothing the agony, easing the tense muscles, and calming his mind.

Slowly, a peaceful sleep dragged Shisui into a blissful darkness.


let the angels in
to shield your dreams with their wings

A soft singing voice woke Shisui up.

leave the fears behind
I'll be here to guard your peace of mind

A beautifully filigreed sound weaved around him, smooth and clear and quiet yet powerful. It was the beautiful promise of tomorrow, and he wished that it would never stop.

the road is long
followed by tales and legends of old
till their story's over
only then can your adventure begin

Fingers were gently combing through his hair, and Shisui realized that his head was resting on someone's lap; someone's who smelled of sunshine and summer breeze.

I'll be here to guide you
to help you spread your wings and take flight

He opened his eye and stared up at the kunoichi who saved his life. She looked so relaxed and at peace, a serene expression on her delicate face, her hair curling around it in fiery, thick rays of red, crystal blue eyes gazing somewhere in the distance, beyond the sunset-tinted skyline. There was longing and sorrow and grief reflecting in them, and Shisui wondered what could have happened to put such emotions in such captivating eyes.

The girl sighed after the last syllable of the song, looked down, and their eyes met. For a split second nothing happened and then...

"AAAAH!" the redhead shrieked, pushing the teen away from her lap with an amazing amount of strength for such a frail-looking kunoichi.

Shisui hit the ground with a painful yelp. He lifted himself up into a sitting position and rubbed the back of his head. And then it dawned on him that apart from this bump, he felt no pain. His right eye was still missing, but it didn't hurt anymore, the injury on his arm was gone completely and he felt no poison in his body. Even his chakra surged through his coils with a renewed vigor, overflowing with vitality like a waterfall instead of a small spring.

"You, you, you...!" The girl was pointing a finger at him accusingly. "If you're awake, then say so, 'ttebane! Don't stare like some lowlife, white-haired, senile, sake stinking, porn writing pervert!"

The raven offered a sheepish smile, absent-mindedly wondering about the odd, suspiciously specific description. "I'm sorry."

The kunoichi huffed indignantly as she stood up. Brushing the dust and blades of grass from her legs, she meticulously smoothed out creases in her clothes. Then drew herself to her full height and looked down at still seated Uchiha, furrowing her brow. "How are you feeling?" she inquired. "Can you stand?"

Shisui heaved himself up, standing just a few inches taller than his unexpected savor. "Yeah, thank you..." he trailed off. "I don't know your name yet. I'm Shisui Uchiha."

The girl grinned, bright and ferocious, like a roaring inferno ready to swallow the whole world. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"

The teen raised an eyebrow. That sounded like a boy's name, but amazingly suitable for this feisty little redhead.

"Hey! I know what you're thinking!" The accusing finger pointing at him was back with vengeance. "Yeah, it's a boy's name, 'ttebane! My parents thought that they were expecting a boy and gave me the name before my birth! And then..." she quieted down somewhat, a grief and hurt fluttered over her features. "And then they died on the day of my birth and others thought it was wrong to change it, so that's why I'm Naruto! And I'm proud of my name! Deal with it!" the girl finished putting her hands on her hips and glaring at the Uchiha, openly daring – challenging – him to contradict her opinion on the matter.

Shisui lifted his hands up in a placating gesture. "I have nothing against your name, Naruto."

Naruto squinted at him. "Good," she said. "Because I'd have to punch you if you did and that would be unfair because you're injured and... Oh! That's right. I have your stolen eye right here."


A small scroll puffed into existence and the girl grabbed it from mid-air. "While you were resting, my shadow clones dealt with Danzo and took it back. I sealed it into this stasis seal."

It took a few seconds for those words to sink in. "Dealt with Danzo?!"

Naruto looked at him like he was slow on the uptake – which in this particular situation he definitely was – and her lips stretched into a toothy savage grin, azure eyes sharp and gleeful, that of a predator's after a successful and satisfactory hunt. "He's packed up and delivered to the Sandaime with all the proof about his shady deeds. Good riddance, 'ttebane! Now we just need to stuff this eye back into you," she proceeded to smack the scroll across her open palm and it landed with a sharp slap sound, "and you'll be as new as before."

Shisui suppressed a cringe, but still subtly inched away from the redhead, half expecting to get his eyeball punched back into his skull at this very moment. He'd rather stay one-eye blind in that case, thank you very much.

Uzumaki women were kind of scary.

And that reminded him. "You think that... our marriage could stop the coup?"

Naruto faltered at that, but just for a brief moment. "I don't know. It's the only way I can think of. I don't want to see Uchiha annihilated like my clan was," she said quietly before throwing the scroll with Shisui's eye to him and he easily caught it, blinking in surprise. "I understand that Uzumaki clan is really not worth anything at this point. As a new clan leader, I'll revive it at all cost. But I don't intend to ride on Uchiha's name to get it back to its glory, just so you know, 'ttebane! We already have four members, two of them currently traveling to Konoha, and my clones are all over the Elemental Nations searching for survivors, and while they–"

She was rambling again. Shisui noticed that she tended to do that when she was apparently nervous or excited. He smiled. It was endearing.

"–worth trying. Better than let a good person to overuse his Mangekyou Sharingan until he goes blind, don't you think?"

Shisui choked on the air. "What– How do you– You know about blindness?"

Naruto quirked an eyebrow at the question, a smirk pulling at the corner of her mouth. "It's a long story. Perhaps, I even tell you someday."

"Right," he grumbled.

The girl sighed. "I know that I'm not really... wife material." She grimaced as she said that. "I'm loud and brash, and weird, my cooking tastes like crap, and I ramble a lot, my hair is weird, my eyes don't match, and–"

Wow, Shisui thought, Naruto really didn't have much self-esteem. Such a contradictory personality was a bit jarring. And she was definitely rambling again, her fingers fiddling with the hem of her jacket anxiously. Suddenly, she looked so lost and so insecure, it was mind-blowing. "I think your hair is pretty," he blurted out.

Naruto's endless chatter ceased instantly. Her eyes were wide and expression shocked as she gawked at him like he said something world-shattering.

The raven winced. Not that he wanted to take the compliment back, but he said that without thinking. Maybe things like that were insulting for an Uzumaki? Damn, he would have to do some research on that clan's people and their traditions.

Naruto's face turned into a deep shade of red. She turned to the side, distractedly stroking and wringing the lock of her hair around her fingers. And then she smiled to herself, the small bashful curve full of so much warmth and kindness, so heart-wrenchingly beautiful that it put all of the other smiles in the world to shame.

Shisui's heart skipped a beat.

"You're the first guy who ever complimented my hair," Naruto said, her voice quiet, awed. "So..." She spun on her heel to face the Uchiha again and was upon him in a blink.

A small lock of red tickled Shisui's nose as Naruto's lips touched his cheek, gingerly, carefully, just a feathery brush, simple gesture yet very special.

She pulled away silently, but their eyes locked, having a private conversation of their own as the time seemed to come to a halt and the world fell away.

"Marry me?" Shisui asked breathlessly.

Naruto rewarded him with a grin straight from her heart. "Yes."

The tips of his fingers caressed the strands of her hair and when she didn't shy away from his touch, the raven leaned closer, his breath ghosting over her lips, just an inch apart...

An awkward cough nearby startled them. They both whirled in unison, kunai in hands.

Itachi stood there as unperturbed and cool as ever, but there was an amusement dancing in his eyes. "Hokage-sama sent me to get you two," he informed dryly.

Naruto's shoulders slumped and she threw her arms up into an air. "Urgh, way to ruin a moment, brother-in-law!"

Shisui nodded. "He's an ass."

"Totally, 'ttebane."

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