Riddle's Mark

By DracoMalfoyShifing7

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Starting at your third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and to no surprise, nothings normal... More

A Little Background.
"What the Hell is Happening"
"We'd be good together, don't you think?"
"Oh My Merlin, Love Potion?"
"Come On Talk To Me Baby."
"It's My Father Harry, I Have To!"
"I Got Him, Don't Worry."
"I Think he did This Because of me."
"Pansy is looking for you..."
"Oh! Well That's Great Draco!"
"All The Time."
"Feet Off The Table!"
"Did You Just Say?"
"I thought there was only 3 champions?"
"Aww Tom Riddle Has A Heart."
"You're up Y/n."
"I Meant Open It Under The Water."
"You Got This Eh Y /n?
"Does This Mean?"
"This Isn't Going Too Well."
"Can I Talk To You For A Second?"
"Cedric! Get Back To The Cup!"
"What Was It Like"
"I-I Can't"
"You're Leaving Me!"
"What did you do Y/n?"
"Well, Options."
"I Think you Should go."
"My Deepest Apologies Professor."
"I Just Wanted to Make Sure You Were Okay."
"I Like This One."
"I'll Protect Her With My Life."
"...I'm Her!"
"What Did Happen On The Stairs?"
"You're A Hypocrite"
"Y/n It Isn't Even Like That."
"What Was The Fight About Nott?"
"What The Hell Are You Doing Here?"
"Y/n Isn't It?"
"You're Such A Bitch!"
"This Is Quite Tragic."
"You Didn't. Not For Me."
"Whenever You're Ready."
"You In Or Out?"
"You're Not With Your Dad... Are You?"
"This Is Mad"
"Watch Yourself Nott."
"It's Probably Broken."
"No, It Just Smells Different Now."
"So What Happened With Nott?"
"What Side Effects?"
"Please go Away."
"Two Days?!"
"Are you gonna screw that up like I did?"
"I didnt want to do it.."
"How are you?.... Honestly?"
"Y/n Trust Me On This."
"Not Fucking Funny."
"Whatever You'd Like Princess."
"It's Easy For Him To Be Confused."
"Or What Princess?"
"You Left Him!"
"He Needs You."
"Then Let It Last."
"It Stays Here."
"I Don't Need To Talk About This."
"Love Potion I Presume?"
"I did it."
"Would You Though?"
"It Doesn't Feel Like It."
"While It Was Good Advice..."
"You Can't Break Now..."
"Can We Talk About It?"

"Y/n, Step Away From Him."

360 8 0
By DracoMalfoyShifing7

He walks out of the bathroom with a smirk on his face. "I don't know how to get you out."

"Is that such a bad thing?" He comes over and kisses me. I giggle while we pull away everyone second or two.

"Maybe not," I kiss him again, "but if I get caught, I'm screwed. You too."

"How about I stay with you until you have to eat dinner." He pulls me closer to him, sitting on my bed.

"Hmm, why should I let you." I smirk and he reached up to kiss me again, "Maybe you can." He pulls me onto his lap when I kiss him again. We stay in my room for a while until my mom calls you down for dinner. I get up off of Theo and off of my bed. When I'm standing and fixing my hair, I see him looking at my neck, "What?"

"Your, um, your neck." He points to it. I go to a mirror in the bathroom and see 3 bright hickies on my neck and 2 light ones forming.

"Theo! What the fuck am I supposed to do?!" I yell a little too loud and hit his shoulder. "I can't use magic outside of school!"

"It just happened I don't know!" He says putting his hands up. I go through your clothes and find a big sweatshirt that covers them up for the most part. I grab his hand and start for the stairs, I look around seeing no one near the door.

"I'll let you out, just be quiet." He nods and I walk to the door, opening it quietly and he walks out.

"I'll call you." I go to respond, but hear footsteps. The door slams in his face and I turn to the arch way of the living room.

"What are you doing?" My mom asks as I start to walk towards the kitchen.

"Fresh air, it's always good for you." She doesn't respond, just nods confused. I get a plate of food and sit down at the table.

"So what were you guys doing in London?" I say after taking a few bites of my food. Careful not to move the hoodie.

"Tell her, she's old enough." My mom says as my father looks at her. He sighs and looks at me.

"We lost track of you-know-who." I almost choke on your water when I hear them.

"What? How?"

"We're not sure, we think he's gone in to hiding. Yet he practically disappeared." He says moving his food around with his fork.

"Where is he hiding?" My eyes darts from one to another.

"We're not sure." He tries to ignore the subject.

"Well there is-" My mom starts, but he cuts her off.

"Tonks." She shoots a look at him.

"Remus." She looks at me, "we think he could be hiding out at the Nott family's manor." She takes a bite of her food and I put my fork down. I get nauseous and my mind goes nuts.

"So why don't you look." I say a little quieter.

"We can't, not without the ministry." My dad answers this time. I try to stay focused on the other subjects they mention, but I can't help but think about Theo's family.

"May I be excused?" I sit up in my chair.

"You've hardly eaten." She looks at my plate then me. I do as well and look at her.

"Wasn't that hungry." She takes a deep breath then nods. I get up and go to my room, wanting to ask Theo about it. I end up deciding not to, just in case he doesn't know.

(Time skip!!! A month and half later)

I snooze the first three alarms I set and wake up a little while after realizing I overslept. I shoot up off my bed and quickly get ready. Once I change and put on some light makeup, I miss almost every step running downstairs. When I get down, I look around for my keys. "Dad?!" I yell as I rummage through the living room.

"Yes?" He asks coming in from the kitchen.

"Where are my keys?!" I look up quick then back to searching.

"Your mother took your car, I thought she told you last night?" He says and I look up with my hands on your head.

"No! Dad I'm gonna be late!" He puts down his coffee cup and goes into the kitchen. A minute later he comes back with a bag labeled 'floo' on it.

"Just floo there, it's okay. I'll drop your car off when she's back." I take the bag and walk over to the fireplace.

"Thank you." I smile and he nods, walking past him and into the kitchen. "Diagon alley." I drop the powder and green flames surround me. When I get to the alley, the smoke starts to fade. I brush off the ash as I rush to the. As soon as I get in there's a crown, I make way through it and to the register.

"Nice of you to show up." George says taking some girls money and cashing her out.

"I know I'm really sorry." I set my things down on the shelf behind.

"It's fine, take over here." Fred steps away from his register and heads for the back. I start cashing people out, the shop practically filled. It's been so busy ever since everything got set up. I switch between helping out people around the store and being at the register until it dies down at around 4. I stick around for an hour or so after, helping restock while a couple people come in and out.

"You can head out now if you'd like, we've got it till close." George says standing behind the register again. You look around seeing only 4 or 5 people still shopping.

"Okay, thanks." I get my stuff then leave to go to a cafe with Ginny and Hermione.

"So did you ever answer Theo?" Ginny asks, opening the door and headed towards a table where Ron and Harry are sitting.

"Not yet." We sit and I smile at Ron and Harry to greet them, "Hey guys." They both nod, while eating their pastries.

"He asked you out like 3 days ago! You have to answer him at some point." Hermione says getting my attention again. Ginny look at her phone and gets up.

"I'll be right back." She leaves to answer the phone.

"If it's still about Tom, I think you should forget about that." Ron says putting his drink down after taking a sip. How did he somehow understand what we were on about?

"True." Hermione says and I look out of the window.

"Yeah yeah, I'll talk to him tonight." I reach over and take a piece of Harry's croissant and eat it. He shoots me a dirty look and I laugh while still chewing.

"I have to go, mom found out I've been using Fred's old quidditch stuff." Ginny comes back in to grab her stuff, "Can you give me a ride?" She looks to me after slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Yeah, I have to get back anyways. My parents are hosting some stupid dinner." I pick up my stuff as well and get up.

"Come over afterwards." Ron says and I nod to him, as Ginny and I leave. While we walk, I look through my texts seeing my father telling me where he dropped the car off. After I drop Ginny off, I try to get into the house as quiet as I can.

"What are you doing mini moony?" Sirius asks from a doorway. I jump a bit, thinking it was my parents.

"Shh, I'm late for dinner. Mom's gonna kill me." He nods, winks, then walks back to the kitchen. Probably to distract them. I run upstairs and put on a white and black dress that's nice enough for this, fix up my makeup and hair, rushing back downstairs to the kitchen.

"Y/n, how nice of you to join us." My mom gives me an annoyed look that I can decipher.

"I'm really sorry, I was held up at work." I sit between Sirius and my father. As I start putting some food on my plate, I subtly look around to see who we're even eating with. Two men I've never seen, the minister of magic, and Umbridge. Didn't Harry and Hermione feed her to the Centaurs? They talk for a while as I silently eat and listen.

"So Y/n, you're attending your 6th year as Hogwarts?" Scrimgeour asks and I nod, but remember how I need to apparently 'answer with my words'.

"That's right." i smile and get some food onto my fork.

"Do you know who will be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?" Umbridge asks in her high pitched voice that makes me wanna throw my fork at her face.

"If I were to guess, Professor Snape would be Dumbledore's first option." She nods and I look back to my food.

"Doesn't he teach potions? Who would replace him?" One of the men I don't recognize asks.

"I haven't a clue, but whoever Dumbledore chooses. I trust him and his decision." I flash a sweet smile and look to Sirius who's proudly nodding. I smile down at my food. It's stupid, but knowing I've done anything to make Sirius or my father proud makes me smile.

"Smart girl you have here Remus." Scrimgeour says smiling at me.

"Yes well it's from her mother." They talk for a little while longer, I sit there zoning out for most of it. I've given up on listening, it's all boring.

"There is just one thing about you Y/n." Umbridge catches my attention. I look up with a 'go on' type of look, "You seem to have these scars all on you?" She looks at my body as I stay quiet and look to my parents, "I mean your face, some on your arms, your legs."

"That's a little more personal than appropriate is it not Delores?" Sirius says filling in for my loss of words.

"Just a question Mr. Black. If you insist we can change the subject." I cross my arms over my body, wanting to hide it. The scars are pretty noticeable and quiet ugly. I sit back feeling completely uncomfortable, "You're still being questioned about the Peter Petigrew case correct?"

"No, he isn't. They released him, free of all charges, because it was clear and still is that Sirius never hurt anyone." My voice stays calm, hoping to shut her up. Or maybe get excused from dinner.

"Y/n." My dad gives me a stern look and I just look back at him.

"How am I to believe a 16 year old girl?" She asks and I sit up.

"Why would I lie."

"Cause he's a criminal and you're protecting him." She raises her voice a bit.

"You used the cruciartus curse and a quill that tortured students" I stand from my seat and look down at her, "Who's the criminal in this room?" She looks at me shocked before I leave the table and walk to the burrow. As I'm walking through the trail that cuts through the cornfield I see the air around me getting darker. Which is odd since there was a beautiful sunset in front of me. I take my wand out and hold it up. Theo steps out from a large fog cloud in front of me.

"Did I scare you?" I groan in annoyance and put my wand away.

"I thought you were a death eater!" I yell and hit his shoulder when he walks over to me.

"You shouldn't be walking out here alone, especially at night Lupin." His goes to mg waist and slides behind my back, pulling me a little closer.

"My parents had people over for dinner, they were annoying. Do your parents know you're here?" He looks down at my question.

"I needed to get away as well." His voice goes a little quiet.

"What happened?" He looks down at me, but ceases to say anything, "Theo?" He puts his hand on the side of my neck and pulls me into a kiss. I kiss back for a second then pull away, looking at him.

"I'm fine, I just wanted to see you." My look stays concerned. He's obviously lying, but I let him pull me back into a kiss.

"Hey, get off my daughter!" I hear my dad yell and I push yourself away from Theo. I try to calm him down, but he pulls his wand out. "Flippendo." He walks over, but I stop him by going in front of him.

"Dad!" One hand is in front of my dad so he doesn't come near while I turn to check on Theo, "You okay?" He nods holding his back as I help him up.

"Y/n, step away from him." He keeps his wand up, pointed at Theo. One hand out, beckoning me to him. I walk over and take his wand.

"Dad." I take a second before continuing, "Theo and I are... dating." He looks completely shocked. I look over his shoulder and see my mom racing over.

"What happened?" She looks at Remus's shocked face then at me.

"Mom, this is Theo Nott." I walk back over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. She looks at us two for a second, but then nods.

"Oh you're dating! That's lovely."She looks back at Remus and shakes her head. "Okay, let's go." She pulls him away. "Have fun!" I watch them leave and look back at Theo.

"Don't do anything stupid Nott!" He yells over his shoulder to him.

"Stop." I yell back through gritted teeth.

"Great way to meet your parents." Theo jokes, straightening his back out.

"He means well. Just protective of course." He wraps an arm around me after I laugh.

"Yeah I can tell. So what do you wanna do, I have nothing." He says and I look up at him smiling.

"I have an idea." The idea of going to the burrow flees my mind as I lead him toward a hill.

"What is this?" He asks as we approach a big willow tree.

"My tree." I smile and pull him along.

"I'm sorry, your tree?" He acts weirded out by it.

"Yes, it is." I climb up on the side that I made easier to get up on over the years. "You gonna come up or what?" He hesitates, but comes up as well. We talk for a while and end up in his arms with my head resting on his chest. We start talking about the stars when they start to show after the sunset fades completely.

"Where's the northern star?" He asks scanning the sky.

"Okay," I point up to the sky, "you see those two stars?" He points to where I am to keep track.


"They dip down to these," my hand moves down to the stars under it, "and the tip points to it." I move his hand over to a brightly lit star. "It never moves, everything just revolves around it." I tilt my head to look at him.

"How do you know so much about astronomy?" He looks down at me and I shrug with a smile.

"I guess I'm just gifted."

"I guess so." He tilts my chin up a bit and gently places his lips on mine then pulls away. I move my head back into the crook of his neck. He looks back up to the star.

"My mom used to always talk about stars." I feel his cheeks as he starts to smile. When I overthink his words, I look to him.

"Used to?" He looks at me for a second, thinking, then back to the stars above.

"She... died. A couple years back." He says softly and I keep my eyes on him. I frown and he continues. "2nd year I believe it was."

"Theo, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell me?" You ask and he shrugs.

"It's hard thinking of it." He looks down at me and smiles. "Thinking of her isn't as hard when I'm with you. I don't know it's weird." I smile and he kisses me.

"Wow Nott, I wasn't aware of how soft you've gotten with me." He laughs a bit and keeps his eyes on me.

"I love you." I'm not really sure how to respond after this. After Tom, 'I love you's' don't come as easy. It's even hard saying it to my parents...

"I," I look in his eyes for a second and feel safe. Just looking at him makes me feel happy, "love you too." He smiles and holds me closer. We stay there for a while and I start to fall asleep. I can't remember falling asleep but I guess I did when I feel Theo nudging me awake. My eyes take a second dot adjust to the rising sun.

"Shit, my dads gonna kill me." I sit up and look at Theo who's getting up as well. I jump down from the branch and wait for him to come down as well.

"You want me to walk you back?" He asks and I look back to my house that's only a little ways away.

"I'm okay. Besides you need to get back as well." He looks down nodding, "Thank you for coming."

"Anytime Lupin. I'll see you at school." He walks away, holding my hand until they pull apart. Black fog fills the air and flies away. I take a deep breath, preparing for my parents reactions to me coming back after a whole night.

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