Unforgettable Adversity

By IzaaaaF

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By IzaaaaF








“Wake up honey.” Mom’s voice called from outside the room while she knocked on the door non-stop.

The alarm clock was on the floor inside a pillowcase making an earsplitting wake up call. I probably swatted it while I was attempting to make it stop. I tried opening my eyes but it wouldn’t. I was too tired doing nothing last night.

“It’s time to go to school. You’re gonna be late again. C’mon now.” I was able to stand up but my eyes were still shut. My mind was still asleep, yet my body moved on its own like it was already a habit.

The cold water completely woke me up so the next thing I knew, I was in the bathroom taking a shower. I was completely unsure if I already brushed my teeth so I exhaled and smelled my breath. It was foul and I almost fainted from it. When was the last time I brushed my teeth?

In front of the mirror, I gazed at my reflection, studying my own face. I was struck to see a double of a young Tom Cruise or maybe if you compared me with many teen stars, I was better looking, Well, that’s how we see ourselves. Maybe I was not that handsome, but I thought it was enough, except for my pure black hair that wouldn’t lighten to a bistre when directed to sunlight just like my eyes. After having cleaning my teeth, I got dressed and walked to the dining area. I waited for the food.

“Since it’s your first day in sophomore year, I made you your favorite dish.” Mom served the food then sat with me. The usual, minced hotdogs and egg mixed with rice.

“Oh wow…” I said, sounding sarcastic, with a straight face. “Mom, this isn’t my favorite dish.”

“But you eat it everyday, how can you not like it?” She said.

“I’m not saying that I don’t like it. You serve it everyday, how can I not eat it.” Every weekday mornings, she prepared either minced hotdogs or bacon and egg. I ate it without complementing or complaining about its taste. Considering that she cooked it everyday, I was kinda fed up with it. Mom worked as a cook in a fast food restaurant a few blocks from here so that really made me wonder if those are the only food she cooked in there.

“Then do you want me to cook something else for you?”

“You really don’t have to. Mm… This is really great!” I said as I chewed my food. I didn’t want to disappoint my mom so I stopped complaining.

“Good to hear it. Anyway, are you excited for school?” She asked with eagerness in her voice.

“Not really. I’d rather sleep and watch TV the whole day.”

“Come on, what about your friends? Maybe they missed you a whole bunch.”

“Nah, I’m pretty sure they’ll also choose to sleep rather than to go to school.” I replied, saying the truth. Mom looked away.

“Kids nowadays, tsk. You should take your studies seriously, you know. Don’t sleep in class okay?”

“I’ll try.” I looked at her with a dummy smile.

“Hm…” She pouted.

“Don’t worry. I’ll try my best.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear!” She smiled and extended her right arm towards me with an open fist. I gave her a high five.

Dad left mom when I was young and I saw everything happen in front of me. By then, she started to raise me on her own. It was a tough thing for me to grow up with only one parent. I compared myself with other children and envied them for having a good father. My mom did a great job raising a kid like me. I think she was happy despite having a troublemaker as her son. Seeing me happy made her happy as well.

My mom and I got along as if we were siblings but the past few years, I did not open up to her that much because nothing new happened. Everyday was just the same story for me. I woke up and went to school, slept in class, hung out with friends, went home to watch TV or talk to mom a bit, then went back to sleep in the end. It was exciting, huh? But that was not the only reason why. Like most kids, we start to keep things from our parents. Mom couldn’t do anything about that.

We are influenced by the people around us and start to compare ourselves with our friends. I became curious with life and somehow, I began to adapt and I just changed my way of life. By the time I realized that my friends were losers who played cops and robbers at the age of twelve and wouldn’t mature, I left them and found myself around normal kids. My mom would often ask how they were doing and I’d answer her with a single word. By thirteen, I was spending more time outside after class. I would go home late and my mom wouldn’t know since she got home an hour later.

Part of puberty, my interests also began to change. From playing toys and games, I started sleeping a lot and doing nothing. My grades gradually decreased each year. I had been suspended many times for cutting class and for fighting. So I was not sure if I could make another year in our school.

I finished my food and said goodbye to mom. She also gave me my lunch and some money. I started walking to school. My school was just nearby and it only took me fifteen minutes to get there.

This city is Northlake, Illinois, the city where I spent my whole life. I was born here and I noticed the changes that occur. This was only a town with a few people before. Little by little, the town changed. Factories, shopping centers, and more buildings have been added, until the time that this town was declared as a city. Countless trees have been removed and replaced with townhouses and condominiums. Now, There are only a few farms. I wasn’t positive whether I could call it a development or a regression.

On my way, I encountered strangers and stared at them fiercely in their eyes. I wanted to see if they would turn away from fear. If they didn’t mind me, I watched what they were doing and I found it senseless.

I made it just in time for school. As I was just about to check my name in the class lists, there was a huge crowd. I forced my self into the crowd and looked for my name in the list. I belonged in class E. I didn’t bother to check who my classmates were because it’s somewhat pointless. I immediately headed to my classroom, which was in the third floor. As soon as I got in, I found a seat beside the window in the backmost part of the room. I didn’t look around me, instead I walked straight and took the seat. While waiting for the teacher. I crossed my arms on the top of the desk and rested my head. I quickly fell asleep.

 “Hey Dale!” An irritating voice called while tapping my shoulder.

 “Go away.” I whispered half asleep.


 “Go away.” I repeated. And again, after a few seconds, someone tapped my shoulder. I ignored him until I got really pissed because he wouldn’t stop. I quickly stood up and yelled, “Can you please s-“it was the teacher who was in front of me and he seemed really surprised. He was the one tapping me and my best friend Zein who was beside me was surely the one who kept calling my name.

“What were you saying?” The male teacher asked. The teacher was kinda young, maybe in his early to mid twenties. Zein was trying to hold his laugh. He probably had an idea that it would happen.

“Can you please s…” I thought of words to say because I knew I was gonna get in trouble. “Show me the way to the clinic? I’m kinda dizzy.” I added. I said it with a big smile on my face, trying to make him laugh. Everyone started laughing but he was still dead serious.

“Who would fall for that? Anyway, introduce yourself to the class.”

“Oh, right. My name is Dale Lawrence Nathaniel. I’m sixteen years old. My hobby is sleeping.”

“That’s obvious.” Insulted by the teacher. I knew that he was gonna make me tell more about myself, so before he acted, I pulled an emotionless stare at him. We glared at each other for a moment. As a result, he turned away and went back in front. No teacher could stand my stare.

“Still the same, huh?” Said Zein Valentine; my bestfriend ever since the year I started studying in this school. We didn’t get along at first but we turned out as really good friends. He was famous for his red hair that didn’t fit his childish face. He may not look like much, but he was the most fearless person I knew.

“Huh?” I asked, arching an eyebrow.

“I’m a changed man now.” He said randomly.

“Okay.” I said, since I didn’t want to hear whatever he was gonna tell me. I was longing for more sleep.

“You’re supposed to ask me why I am a changed man! Don’t end the conversation.”

“Why are you a changed man?” I said what he wanted to hear. What a dumbass. He wanted me to do according to his script. “Is this really necessary?” I added.

He ignored my question and faked a reaction. “Why? Haha! Good thing you asked. I’m going to become the top student of this class. Everyone’s gonna look up on me. And when that happens, all the ladies would be like, Oh Zein! I love you, or, marry me Zein, take me as your wife.” He explained.

That crept me out a little bit. He also said something similar last year yet he turned out to be the worst student. I blankly stared at him and said, “Right. You also mentioned that last year. Anyway, I’m going back to sleep. Wake me up when it’s break time.”

“This time for sure. Sleep all you want. Nobody’s stopping you.”

I didn’t respond. I did not want to hear anymore of his non-sense. I rested my head and fell asleep after a minute. Although Zein acted like that, I considered him as my best friend. He made himself look stupid in front of people to make them laugh.

I am Zein’s only friend not because he acted that way but because of his short temper. He also made a lot of enemies. When he was angry, he saw everyone as a threat. He’d fight anyone who got in his way. Even though he was small, I didn’t have to look out for him, because he could handle himself.

As for myself, I was not aware if I had any enemies. Maybe someday, they would wait for me in one ally and then beat me up without any excuse. I’d forgotten the people whom I fought with but I didn’t pretty much care. I think there were several people who received punches from me. I rarely start conversations. I didn’t like talking to people unless curiousity attacked me or if I had something important to say to them. That is how I was.

Despite being a man of few words, they just talked to me for no reason. It was kinda irritating because even nerds talked to me but there were benefits from it. They did my homework free. Girls also asked me out but I rejected every single proposal from them because having a girlfriend, for me was just stress and a waste of money. I loved to play pranks but I was always careful. I made sure that the person wouldn’t be too offended. I never played them on people who couldn’t comprehend true humor.

“Yo Dale! The bell rang already.” Zein woke me up, kicking my chair’s leg twice or thrice. It was already recess before I knew it. I opened my bag to get my packed lunch. I placed it on top of my desk.

Before I opened the container, I called Norman Dickerson, the nerdest of all the nerds. Just like typical nerds, he wore big round glasses with a lace strapped around his neck. “Dickerson!” I yelled. Norman ran beside me.

“Yes Nathaniel? What did you call me for? You need anything?” He asked in a weird tone.

“Here’s two bucks. Buy me a milk tea will you? You can keep the change.”

“I’m on it. Thank you! I’ll be back as fast as I can.” He replied then sprinted outside. I stared at him until he vanished from my sight.

“Hahaha! Dickerson!” Zein chuckled.

“You’re crazy, you laugh at something so unreasonable.” I said, opening my lunch box.

“Dickerson… Pft.” He held in his laugh. I stared at him blankly yet his mind was stuck with the thought of Norman Dickerson. “Wahahaha!” He screamed. Everyone looked at him with an annoyed glare. He was exaggerating with his laughter. After several seconds, he finally got over it. I was still staring at him blankly while chewing my food. “Okay, I’m done.”

“Aren’t you going to eat yet?” I asked after swallowing my food.

“Nah. A great student has to sacrifice his time to acquire the grade he desires.” He explained as he unzipped his bag. He pulled out all of his books then stacked it on top of his table. He opened the biology book and began reading.  I continued eating and did not react in any way.

I was concentrating on my food when I noticed a person standing in front of me, placing his hand on the edge of my table. I saw the rolled bandages on his hand so without looking, I was able to tell that it was Jeff Castillo. The guy who borrowed my blue shirt which had my favorite wrestler’s signature on it. I lent it to him two years ago and I never saw it after that. He kept telling me that he’d pay for it.

“Nathaniel. Sorry bro. I wore the shirt last night while we were having dinner at my grandparents’ house, and it got stained with curry sauce. I’ll bring it as soon as I get it back from the laundry.” Jeff told me, making a sad expression. I could determine from the way he sounded that he made that story up. How could my old shirt fit on a person with a big belly? I thought it was probably worn out.

I stopped eating. “No, no. It’s fine. Hahaha.” I replied.

“I’ll pay for it. Swear.”

“It’s okay. Really, you don’t have to.”

“Next week, I’ll give it back. Okay?” He promised, pointing at me with his thumb raised.

“Sure.” I said to end the conversation. That had been our conversation every time. He kept telling me that he’d surely bring it the next day, but up until now, he still hasn’t. He thought I felt bad so he kept making excuses. I was certain that he lost it so I was not asking it back. I wasn’t asking for him to replace it either.

“Sorry, kay bro? Next week for sure.” He said as he walked away. I resumed on eating. I was about to take a bite of this delicious fried chicken my mom made for me when another one of my classmates called my name.

“Nathaniel! I’m selling pens and notebooks today. Do you want to buy one” Manuel Fisher offered. Manuel sold different stuff everyday. Cookies, soft drinks, candies, beer, shoes, and a lot more. He became famous for his hobby. Even teachers bought stuff from him but he had been in a lot of trouble since it was illegal to sell inside the school. Someday, I’m sure he'd become a great entrepreneur.

“How much for a pen?” I asked.

“One dollar.”

“Can’t you give me a discount for it?” I begged with a smile.

“Fine, haha, since you’re a FRIEND.” He agreed, emphasizing the word.

I traded my dollar for his black pen and some change. “Thanks.”

“Thank you too. Just tell me if you need anything. Can you suggest of a good thing I could sell tomorrow?”

“Mm… How about a mayo-sandwich?” I replied, saying the first thing I came up with.

“Great idea. Thanks.” He said as he walked away and offered my classmate a pen.

Again, I was about to take a bite when someone called me from outside the room. “Oh, Nathaniel…” Miguel Houston; also known as the love loser, approached me. He was known for trying to date any girl he found interesting. Bad thing is he had always been rejected. He didn’t have a monstrous face or anything, but his sense of style was kind of in the 80’s. His hairdo was similar to Elvis Presley’s and his collar was upturned like in the pop culture. He kept asking help from me but I never had any experience on love.

“How many times now?” I asked with a smile. I was referring to the rejections he suffered.

“Ninety-four.” He seemed really down. The frown on his face made me laugh.

“Hahaha! Just stay cool. You’ll surely have a girlfriend one day. There’s no need to rush.” I adviced.

“But…” He paused and turned his eyes away from mine. He looked like he was about to let go of tears so he closed his eyes for a while. “How do you do it?”

I was surprised with his unexpected question. “How do I do what?”

“How do you attract the ladies? They all come to you.”

“I don’t know. I’m nothing special. I’m no better than everyone you know.”

“How could you say that you’re nothing special. You’re a chick magnet but all you do is waste wonderful gift. That’s like a blessing dude. Why did God give it to you if you’re not gonna use it in any way? Please… Just tell me your secret.”

I didn’t know what he was talking about as I was not sure what I had to say next so I simply agreed to stop the conversation. “Alright then. I’ll help you out with the next girl you’ll ask out.” Those words just slipped out of my tongue. I wasn’t sure what I had to do exactly.

“Really!? Thank you! You’re such a good person. I’ll repay you with your kindness.” He gladly said, hopping like a hyped frog while he shouted.

“Yeah. Treat me some milk tea next time. Hahaha.” I replied, joking about the milk tea part.

“I will, Thank you dude.” He walked away backwards. “Thank you!” He repeated several times until reached the exit.

“Hey wait! I was kidding!” I yelled before he had gone out but he did not hear me. I never thought he would take it seriously. I was totally fooling around. I didn’t know that he trusted me that much with something he strongly desired. I had no idea how to ask a girl out. I stopped thinking about it, and went back to eating. I barely even touched my food.

I was about to put the food in my mouth when someone hugged me from behind. I was stoned and accidentally dropped my spoon by surprise. Only one person had the courage to hug me in public. Guys began to stare at me angrily. “What are you doing?” I asked without moving, as if I was paralyzed.

“What do you think?” I’m hugging my boyfriend.” She replied.

“How many times do I have to tell you, Nikki. I’m not your boyfriend.”

“Don’t you dare say that to the girl you love.”

“Just let go of me will ya’? This is embarrassing.” I answered while looking at each student who stared at us, making them feel sorry for me. I felt a deep unease, which made me feel weak physically, like she was draining my strength or something. “Stop saying such nonsense, please. Let me go!” She immediately released me, walked up in front and sat on my table.

I glared at her azure colored eyes. Instead of giving me a bad glare or turning her eyes away, she smiled and started to gaze at me, making her self look cute.

“If you think that’s cute, no way. It’s annoying.” I insulted. When talking to her, I was straightforward but I knew the limit of my words. When I looked at her, I noticed that her hair was longer than the last time I saw her. It was above her elbow level.

Nikki White was the school’s beauty queen. Many guys had been dying to date her. They even fought over her love. Maybe that was also the reason why I got into fights. She made them think that I was going out with her. She hugged me randomly which made me feel really uncomfortable. I didn’t know how I could convince her that she’s not my girlfriend. I told her several times but she just kept coming back. It was not that I didn’t like her or I didn’t find her attractive. It was just that, I didn’t see her as the woman I wanted to date. She would only add to my problems and I would add to hers.

“Nikki. Have you ever thought that you’re doing child abuse to Dale?” Zein suddenly interrupted, catching our attentions. His eyes were still focused on the biology book he was holding. “I mean, he’s younger than you, so that’s considered to be it.”

“What are you talking about? Wow Valentine… That’s quite a surprise.” Nikki was amazed that Zein was reading, or maybe because he was holding a book.

He ignored what she said. He didn’t even move his eyes away from the book.

“Um… Anyway Nathaniel, do you have any plans later?”

I wanted to check my planner, which I never had. I wanted to be away from this girl. I was irritated that she wanted to date me, knowing the fact that she called me by my last name. Well, everyone did except for Zein but I didn’t mind. “I don’t but I’ll look for one to avoid you.” I answered being impolite.

“How harsh.” She was terribly offended. Her face began to blur from sadness. Losing the mood she had earlier. Guys who are lovers of Nikki made a fierce stare at me.

I didn’t want to frustrate her even more and I didn’t want to start a fight either since it was the first day so I rephrased my words. “I mean, I can’t go today, maybe another day. I’ll look for a date.”

That gave her grace back at least. “Aw… You’re willing to do that for me? How sweet. Okay then, thank you.” She said with a very big smile, exposing most of her teeth. Now I regret saying that. It had me scared when I saw her uncontrollably shudder in delight. I wasn’t really willing to go on a date with her. I just had to say it for her to stop mocking me. She slowly walked away.

I thought it was over. “Oh wait, I almost forgot,” She turned to me and flicked her hair, making them sweep her shoulder and fall behind her. She leaned and lowered her head near mine. I caught a fragrance of her lemon perfume. What the heck is she trying to do? She whispered something in my ear. “Your goodbye kiss.”

My eyes suddenly widened on its own. Her face was very close and her lips drew near my cheek. My heart pounded quickly. Everything around me moved in a dawdling pace. I was startled and my body was frozen. All the boys who were watching us reacted in their own silly way. One person was drinking and spat out water from his mouth, showering the guy in front of him. One person screamed continuously producing a sound that could be heard from the other room. Another was dazed, leaving his mouth open. I couldn’t help but stand up just to prevent myself from getting smooched with her lips painted with lust. “Uck! Stop it!” I yelled, feeling extremely horror-struck.

“Heehee. I wasn’t really gonna do it you know.” She giggled. She sounded like she was she was only teasing me.

“Just… Ugh! You’re creeping me out. Now I can never go back to sleep.” I gave her a cold stare for seconds, waiting for her to be threatened but instead, she stared still with her uncanny grin. I closed my eyes and sat down. There was no point in giving her a look like that. She wasn’t scared at all. “I’m going to eat now.” I said as I reached for my spoon and fork.

“Goodbye Nathaniel.” She said and finally marched away. There was only a few minutes left for my recess. I had to hurry. I was about to put a spoonful of food in my mouth, when…

“Nathaniel!” A group of guys called, trudging as a squad when they entered the room.

“Not again.” I murmured. They walked up front and stood around my area. There were five of them. Anthony Ruffles, the leader of the group. He was one of the students who were feared in the school due to his intimate personality. He had three piercings on his left ear and one under his lip. He always wore his polo shirt unbuttoned. His hair was fixed in a cool Mohawk with marks above his ears.

James Smith, the football team’s star. He was the most buffed man among the sophomores, nearly as buff as a gym instructor. He was mostly seen talking to a group of girls during his lunch break. He was the playful type of person and he had a lot of girl clicks. He had blonde hair which looked kinda stupid to me. His short hair didn’t define the type of guy he was.

Mike Davids, a skinny guy who was best with trash talks. Before, he tried to affront a teacher, and made the old lady leave the school for good. His appearance was like a lollipop. He had large popped eyes similar to a goldfish, and had wrinkly skin underneath. His hair was long and a bit wavy.

Daniel Brook, a guy with a growing uni-brow. He had lots of battle scars despite being a happy person. He was always smiling and often took things as a joke. He was an optimist and found everything fun.

Avraham Tran, a very tall and stout guy. Any person would regard him as a mature person because of his appearance. My first impression of him was a father to three children. He might need to shave his beard twice a day too. Well, that was what I thought at least. He happened to be very immature, dumb, and carefree.

The five of them were always together and they could be very loud at times. The name of their group was CB, which meant Combined Brothers. They found time to be together in every occasion. They’d play a prank on anyone they encounter.

“Nathaniel, are you free later? We’re going to the usual spot. “Anthony Ruffles said.

I slouched at my seat and relaxed as I looked at him. “Yeah, I’ll go.” I answered calmly. They were all glad to hear my reply and started hooting.

Then that makes… one, two.” Avraham Tran paused to count. “Six of us!”

“Then that makes… Uh… Six of us!” Daniel Brook mimicked, also trying to imitate Avraham’s low voice. The way Daniel said it made us laugh for a while.

“We saw Nikki went out of this room just now. I bet she’s trying to flirt with you again.” James Smith started.

“You figured right.” I replied.

“Hahaha. You’re just like me.” He praised, although we were completely different.

“That would be a myth, James Smith. You’re a flirt and Nathaniel’s plain dirt.” Mike Davids insulted, speaking in rhymes.

“True.” Daniel agreed.

“Why don’t you stick to one girl? It’s better if you ask me.” Anthony advised as he crossed his arms.

“As if you’re serious with your girlfriend right now.” James affronted.

“I’m not. I guess… Anyway, let’s not talk about mine. Nathaniel, why don’t you give Nikki a chance?”

“Yeah, she’s hot.” James said.

“Go out with her. C’mon, she’s beautiful, tall, smart… Everything a guy could ask for.” Daniel said.

I wasn’t sure what I should tell them. They might be disappointed if I told them that I did not want to since all of them did. It was obviously important to them. I visualized about the possible disasters that could happen if I dated her. Being with her all day would sound extremely bad. Her arms would be wrapped around me twenty-four-seven and I would probably have to carry her on my back. My time with Zein and with the CB’s would be lost. My money would be spent on her clothing and make up instead of milk tea. That was the worst possible scenario. “Let me think about it.” I told them with a tone of uncertainty.

“Yeah… You are gay Nathaniel.” Mike insulted.

“I have a reason for it.”

Before they were able to say another word, the bell rang. Recess ended and my food remained barely untouched.

“Darn! I wasn’t able to finish my food.” I said as I thumped the desk with my hand. I closed my food container.

“Hahaha. Why don’t we stay here for now? The teacher doubtlessly would not notice, right?” James suggested.

“Good idea.” Anthony agreed.

From outside, this lady yelled with her earsplitting voice. “What’s that crowd doing there?!” That voice could only be Beatriz Nieves, the sophomore’s student council leader. She could be very scary because she was strict and very tough. If you dare not to obey the school rules and her orders, she would totally punish you.

This girl’s eyes were filled with malevolence and the way she glared at boys made them seem like a hostile. Her hair was always tied in a ponytail, which was the only thing I liked about her. She wore braces. Although she was a threat to guys, she was immensely hospitable to girls. It was not fair. All the people who came to see me today were my classmates last year.

“H-hey!” James greeted with a happy face.

“Don’t h-hey me.” She said as she approached us. “What’s all this about?”

“Uh…” Avraham was speechless.

“This is none of your business.” Anthony said in a sharp tone.

“What did you say?” She asked.

“Are you deaf or something? Do I have to repeat it for you?”

“Are you asking for a fight?”

“What if I am?!” Anthony answered. The two of them were like this all the time. They never got along.

“Could you guys keep it down? I can’t concentrate.” Zein interrupted while reading the book. I’ve forgotten about his presence.

“Whoa! Would you look at that, people? When did you learn to read, Zein?" Mike insulted. Everyone looked at him, surprised as if seeing a dancing dog.

“Shush. Be quiet. I’m trying to study.”

“Whoa, I never imagined that this was possible.” Anthony said.

“At least he knows how to read, unlike you, idiot. You still don’t know how to button your shirt. And will you take off those piercings?” Beatriz remarked.

“Why would I? You’re not my mom or anything, right?” He answered. Bea grabbed Anthony near his shoulder, dragging him with his shirt. “Where are you taking me?”

“Where else?” She replied with a serious face. The group was suddenly bothered and stood in her path, stopping her from getting away, except for Avraham who didn’t know what was happening around him. Mike and James stared at her as if they were picking a fight. The look in their eyes made them look like hungry tigers that have set sight on their prey. Daniel looked at her with a calm straight face. I knew that I had to stop them before the worst happens.

“Out of my way, runts!” She yelled. Bea did not fear any of them. She glanced at their eyes, completely unbothered. She was maybe thinking that she could take them down alone. Everyone inside the class started to notice. The people outside gathered as well.

“What did you call us?” James asked. “I really don’t like to hurt girls so take that back and release Anthony.”

“You’re just like your leader. You are all deaf.” She insulted. Anthony tried to remove Bea’s hand off his shirt but she had her fingers locked on it.

“You? You are a worthless council leader and you look more like a serial killer. If you compare all our faces, the only thing cute on you is your braces.” Mike spoke in rhymes. Everyone moderately laughed. That was expected to be heard from Mike. He never failed to piss anybody. The way he spoke in rhymes, made it direct and more insulting. Sensitive or not, he still managed to discourage them. It did not even take him a second to think of more insulting words.

Bea lifted an eyebrow at Mike and then feigned her appearance. “Maybe I should tell you that even if you go through a million plastic surgery, your face will still look like crap. Not to make you angry, but when I first glanced at you, I thought you were a lamppost.” That made everyone who heard laugh even louder. Even James, Daniel and Anthony threw their heads back, laughing like little kids. Avraham was still dazed and didn’t hear a thing. I bet Mike was pretty upset and lost his dignity although it wasn’t seen on his face.

He didn’t want to lose to her so he started again. “If you think you’re a star, then you’re thinking so far. You’re more like Donald duck with the way you quack. If you pay attention to Donald’s voice, it sounds a billion times better than yours.” He turned the battle equal. It's true that Bea talked like a machine gun, making noise non-stop. She’s somewhat pretty in a way, but her mouth just wouldn’t shut. It was very disturbing.

“Ouch… Quack!” Anthony teased. Bea was pissed by his sudden banter. Bea pulled Anthony and then she used her left fist to give his stomach a hard uppercut. I knew that all his insides were crushing and that he could feel his breakfast run up his throat. That left him fallen on his knees as he groan in pain. Bea liked picking on Anthony the most. She could take insults from anyone but him.

The boys were startled, seeing Anthony down in a single blow. “Who’s next?” She asked, trying to scare them off. Mike clenched his fist and pulled it back. I knew by the way he looked that it has gotten intense. I immediately kicked the ground and rushed to their position. Mike only hesitated for a bit before lunging his fist forward. At the same time, Bea threw her leg in a circling motion. I stood in their way.

I saw Mike’s knuckle coming, and neared me at an alarming rate. The impact was like a bowling ball flying straight in to my face. The warm pain that had started in the nose caused throbbing in my eyes. Bea’s shin cushioned between my waist and ribcage, leaving my legs crumble under. I did not know what else to do, and I admit that I did a wrong move. I landed on the ground feeling weak on the knees and felt the stinging pain in my muscles. I felt dizzy from the sickening sight. I tried to gasp for air to regain my breath.

“What’s happening here!?” The teacher suddenly entered and saw both Anthony and me down on the floor. Bea and Mike pointed at each other.

“Huh?” Avraham had finally awakened from his slumber.

Anthony, Bea, Mike, James, Daniel, Avraham, and I were taken to the principal’s office. I brought my lunch with me. Anthony and Bea explained that we were only fooling around and the teacher was only exaggerating. This usually happened to us and I got involved with them. The principal was already used to it so we got away with only a verbal reprimand. As soon as we left the room, they went back to their class and I stepped out of the high school building. I walked freely behind the building. Since classes have already started, no one was around.

At the back of the building, there I stayed. I had walked this place alone several times and today’s breeze is about as cold as yesterday. The birds chirped in the background as they welcomed me. It was a place only I would spend time. The place was tranquil, peaceful, calming and very green. The grass was dry and not scratchy so it was best to have a nap in such a place. I sat on the ground and opened my packed lunch. Finally, I can eat without anyone bothering me. I scooped the rice with my spoon and pierced the chicken’s skin with the fork. I slowly moved the spoonful of rice towards my mouth.

“Nathaniel…” Someone called, breathlessly. This time, I was totally pissed. Why would someone follow me even in here?

“What is it now?!” I yelled as I looked at him with my eyebrows roughly covering my eyelids. It was Norman Dickerson, holding the milk tea I asked him to buy. He was terrified and stunned. His eyes were entirely opened and his whole body was shaking. I just realized that he hadn’t come back after I ordered him. “Oh, Dickerson. What took you so long?” I asked him, suddenly calming my self.

“I looked for you everywhere but I couldn’t find you. Sorry Nathaniel, here.” He handed me the drink. The milk tea was trembling as his hands did.

“Thanks. Go back to class. Don’t tell anyone that I’m here.”

“Okay. If you have any requests, just tell me. I’m willing to help a friend.” He said, looking nervous, before he left. Poor guy. People ordered him around and used him because he was too nice and he trusted almost everyone. He wasn’t aware that he was only being used. I am one to talk, but I paid for his service unlike other people.

He never had real friends, though he called us friends. Looking at him made feel sorry. I was thinking if I should either give him a house or a car. I just wanted to help him in anyway but his actions and the way he spoke was too weird. I wanted to be his friend but we were entirely different. He could trust people easily and I was the type of person who trusted only two out of a hundred people. It made me wonder if he was enjoying the services he provided or if he simply cannot get away with it. He was given a life similar to a slave’s.

I was able to finish my food. I lay down on the grass underneath the shade of a tree with both hands used as a support for my head. My left leg was bended for more relaxation and my right was flat to the ground. I stared at the blue skies between the branches and watched the clouds move with the sound of the wind whistling. The air was cool although the sun was out. I soared from a height and saw flying shapes. I imagined figures in these thick fluffy heaven pillows covering the blue skies.

The clouds sketched a figure of a giant tortoise. I waited for the clouds to overshadow the sun, breaking the long fine rays. It slowly travelled across the sky and it disappeared from my sight.

The second one was a horse with the head of a fire-breathing elephant. My image became an image of a crow.

The third one was a monster truck. I tried to visualize a more brilliant figure, but it was the best I could. My brain began to wonder who made these clouds. Who painted these floating white images above us? It’s a majestic art, like an eternal puzzle scattered all over the horizon.

For each time, it formed another image for us to figure out what it symbolized. It may be temporary and it may only show us once in our lives but another one replaced it. If I concentrated on these clouds, it was like an animation of memories.

It reminded me of my childhood, when I was still curious. Every day, I discovered each object. Now, these clouds journeying around the dome of sea above that sealed us have shown me my past. The days when I was still learning what every object was. When I pointed at a car and asked what it was. When I pointed at a dog and asked what it was. When I pointed at the lake and asked what it was…

Time lingered on, and all I could think of besides the flock of birds that crossed was the clouds that headed the same direction. I focused on the cloud, studying what it may be. White, fluffy, big-eared, Ah! It was a rabbit!

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