
By abc_deejay

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How Far Can Anonymous Love Notes Get You? Yujin G!P More



709 17 7
By abc_deejay

"Sweetie wake up, you're going to be late."

Minju groaned. She was not in the mood to go to church and out on a good girl facade. "Mom I'm sick!" She yelled out. Luckily, CL was very gullible and very late and didn't argue with her.

After hearing the door slam, she went downstairs to grab some breakfast. She refused to believe what happened last night and occupied her mind with other things.

The brunette felt her phone buzz under her leg and went to check it. It read SOLARIS she quickly locked it again and placed it face down without reading the message.

Her thoughts went back to last night and as much as she tried to forget it, she simply couldn't. What kind of person lets somebody duck them while blindfolded? She started crying and wondering how she could have been so stupid.

The worst thing is that she gave this person a consent to do whatever he pleased so it wasn't even real or anything of the like. And she liked it. That thought alone caused her to sob into the couch pillow.

Minju started thinking back to the times she had received notes or messages and how felt about them. She liked them.

Could it have been Yujin? Her mind kept wandering back to that ring. She was sure she felt it when her admirer was caressing her cheek. It felt the exact same on Yujin's hand. Minju was going crazy trying to put pieces back together. Surely her best friend couldn't do that to her, how could she... Nope. Minuu was sure it didn't have Yujin. It couldn't have. But she definitely knew who it was.

Monday rolled around too fast for her liking. She knew she would walk through the hallways and face somebody who's had sex with her. But whom?

The bell rang and Minju walked into English class, sitting next to her best friend.

"Hey, you alright? I texted you yesterday but didn't reply."

Minju widened her eyes. Had Yujin just accidentally confessed to being Solaris? She remembers getting a text from the number and none from Yujin. "I didn't get your text?" Minju replied. She checked her phone, just in case.

From: Yujinnnie💚 - How you doing? You seemed a bit out of it when I left, just checking to make sure you're okay.

Minju raised her eyebrows. "Oh."

Yujin smiled at her and left her alone for a bit, knowing that something was up with her but not wanting to bother her or push her too much.

"Hey Yujin...?"

"Yeah Minmin?"

Minju looked intently at Yujin before shaking her head and exhaling. "Nothing, don't worry."

"You sure?"

Minju reassured her with a smile and went back to work.

The two were making their way to the cafeteria when Minju stopped by her locker to put her books away. Yujin left without her.

I fell in love because of all the little things you never knew you were doing. - SOLARIS.

The note fell from Minju's locker and she smiled involuntarily. As much as she didn't want to feel this way, she liked it. She liked the personality of this person and she liked the way he made her feel. Minju hugged the note close to her chest and closed her eyes.

Pulling out her phone she created a new text.

To: SOLARIS- I got your note. It was nice. I'm sorry that I haven't said anything, I was actually a little sad to be honest. It's nothing you did, I just felt a little bit sick at the thought that I had sex with someone without knowing anything about them and I know that's not your fault; I'm the one that accepted. I just thought that if things you wanted (Me) you would forget all about me. But I was wrong, you're still sending me notes and being all adorable. Thank you. If what you said really is true, if you really do like me then I guess I can trust you? I won't ask who you are or pester Yujin about it but I can't guarantee that I won't be curious!

She smiled and put her phone in her pocket but not even five minutes later, she felt it buzz.

From: SOLARIS- You are what I want but it's not just a sex with me. Yes; it was absolutely amazing and you're amazing and wow! But you as a person are so much more than that. I'm so in love with all of you! Even that cute little mole on the top of your head! I honestly get all giddy just thinking about you! My friends are mocking me right now because I have this huge smile on my face just because you actually texted me.

To: SOLARIS- You were surprised that I texted you?

From: SOLARIS- Yes! I convinced myself that you wanted nothing more to do with me because of how creepy I was weird. But you did! So thank you babe.

To: SOLARIS- I so. I want you in my life, whatever it's through text and messages or whatever. I want you. I like you.. And yikes you made me all mushy when you call me that❤

Minju arrived at the table her friends were sitting on, noticing the huge smile Yujin was sporting.

"What's with that big smile?" She asked curiously.

"Yujin here is all loved up tex-ouch!"

Minju was beyond confused, had Yujin just kicked Wonyoung under the table? "You alright?"

"Yeah," Wonyoung faked a smile, "Yujin's just happy that Hot Blonde asked her out," She finished with a slight growl and furrowed eyebrows.


Yujin caught Minju's millisecond look of jealousy and wondered whether she'd imagine it. She hadn't. Minju was jealous. But why?

She made sure to put her phone vibrate and put it back inside her jeans pocket. "Okay girls, so! I was wondering - what do you say when we go to Hailee's party?" Yena shot out incredibly excitedly, as always.

"The masquerade one?" Yuri asked. Yena nodded with a smile and the rest of the girls joined in.

"Hell yeah!" Minju said.

Yujin thought about it and looked at Minju. She put on a very dubious secret smirk and very quickly hid it. Denying the invite. "I'm sorry guys," She faked sadness, "I can't. My parents are making me babysit my siblings."

"Your siblings are 15 and 17..." Yuri replied.

"Tell that to my parents."

Minju pouted but no one said anything else. They would just have to go without the green eyed girl.

As they made their way to their respective classes, Yujin felt her phone vibrating.

From: ❤❤- Hey, I'm not sure if you've heard about it but there's a masquerade party sometime next week and I was wondering if you wanted to go... I know it's a bit of a long shot but I just guessed that since it's a masquerade you won't actually have to show your face?

She smiled and let out a chuckle. I knew you wouldn't let me down baby girl, she thought to herself before replying.

To: ❤❤- I'm not sure, I'll definitely think about it, I would love to kiss you again that's for sure!

Minju smiled, reading her text message. She put it away and got on with her school day, not wanting to get distracted for now.


"Min come on, this one is perfect!" Wonyoung yelled, frustrated with her friend. They had been shopping for the past three hours and she just wanted to get junk food but Minju wouldn't let her unless they found the perfect one.

"No, the neckline is too uncomfortable and it's not dancing-able, I would fall flat on my face so fast!" She said,

"Min, you're bound to fall flat on your face nevertheless, so just pick one!" Wonyoung begged.

"Arghh, fine!"

After another two hours of shopping, Minju was finally happy with her buys, and Wonyoung was finally ready to be arrested for murder. Luckily for Minju, they quickly arrived at McDonald's, ready to satisfy Wonyoung's hunger once and for all.


"Yuj that is really messed up."

"I know but I don't know what to do, I love her."

"It doesn't make it any less fucked up! You need to tell her, and soon. Before I do."

Yujin understood what her friend was saying. She had to confide in somebody, she needed to tell someone before she went crazy. Her best friend wasn't exactly on board but she wasn't judging her either.

"So what do you think I should do about this party?"

"Honestly... I have no idea how you'll pull off the boy look, so you should at least tell her you're a girl. And wear contacts."

Yujin nodded. Would Minju still like her if she knew it was actually a girl? The green eyed was a little skeptical whether Minju would figure out it was her but the chances were slim.

"Yeah... What the hell she thinks about my... You know."

"Yujin, this is the twenty-first century. It's not rocket science. Or maybe it is.. I don't know. Just tell her and then you can wear a nice dress at the dance and be with her and kiss her and it'll be a weight lifted off your shoulders."

Yujin agreed. She hoped for the best and vowed to herself that she would tell Minju as soon as she got home. Hopefully Minju will be open minded and not freak out or gross out in any way.


Minju was catching up on her homework when she felt her phone buzz on the table.

From: SOLARIS- Hey baby...

She smiled and blushed at the term of endearment.

To: SOLARIS- Hey you, why the ellipses? Everything okay?

From: SOLARIS- There's something that I sort of need to tell and I feel like once you know, there won't be an us any more.

Minju was a little worried. What could he possibly tell her that would make him think things would be over?

To: SOLARIS- Okay? You're scaring me little but go on


Yujin was lying down on her bed, stomach down, texting Minju. She was home alone and thought if things went wrong she could always just scream and throw stuff.

She took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. She thought.

To: ❤❤- I'm not a 'he'.

From:❤❤- You're funny.

Yujin's face hardened. She wasn't sure what Jennie was thinking and she was starting to freak out.

To: ❤❤- I'm a girl... Technically I've never lied to you, I never told you I was a guy, you just assumed I was because I have a penis.

From: ❤❤- Wait, what?

Yujin sighed.

To: ❤❤- I'm a girl, I was born with a penis, but I identify fully as a girl. I'm sorry that I never told you before. I just didn't think I'd have a chance if you knew from the beginning.


Minju was wide eyed looking at her phone. She was speechless. A girl? With a...? She shook her head and decided to reply.

To: SOLARIS- Okay... That's... Okay

From: SOLARIS- Just okay? Where do we stand?

Minju has never been one to define herself. She liked this person. He-she had a nice personality, was nice to her and made her feel extremely amazing, so what if it was a girl.

To: SOLARIS- It doesn't make a difference to me. Yes, it took me a little bit off guard but I like you for you, not for your gender.


Yujin was elated. She couldn't believe it. Minju was okay with it! And she sort of just told somebody the biggest secret of her life fir the first time.

She actually did scream out loud, from happiness.

To: ❤❤- I love you so much.

From: ❤❤- 💚

To: ❤❤- Why the green heart?

From: ❤❤- It's on my most used page it was easier babe.

To: ❤❤- I think I just died and went to heaven from calling me babe, Hey... Not trying to be jealous here, but who do you send green heart emojis to?

From: ❤❤- I like you jealous, I also like this whole emoji thing we have going on here! You don't need to worry, I use them whenever I type Yujinnie💚 (My best friend) see? It's defaulted.

Yujin's smile was about to split her face in half from how wide it was. She didn't know Minju had her name defaulted with an emoji... That was adorable. She blushed furiously and her phone down, unable to text anymore without being extremely clingy and loved up.


Minju realized she wasn't getting a reply and went back to her homework but the smile wasn't going away. She was happy. It didn't matter to her who the girl was, she liked her, and she didn't care what anybody else thought.

She finished her homework and headed to bed, turning off her bedside lightband sending one last text.


"... Okay mom, I'll do that tomorrow," Yujin shouted to her mother before heading to her room. She was about to get inside the covers of her bed when she noticed a ping ring from her phone.

From: ❤❤- Good night baby, thank you for telling me about yourself. I actually feel myself falling for you a little more each time we speak. I know I haven't said the three words back and you probably hate me for it but I need you to understand that you've loved me for longer than I have known about you, you know? I do have feelings for you but they're growing. Be patient with me, I can't wait to speak to you again, text me in the morning if you want. Sleep well.


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