By Ink3dverse

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[FEATURED x 7] The Pirropi constellation is a cluster of four stars, creating a unique stellar formation tha... More

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188 52 231
By Ink3dverse

"O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;

It is the green-ey'd monster, which doth mock

The meat it feeds on. That cuckold lives in bliss,

Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger:

But O, what damnèd minutes tells he o'er

Who dotes, yet doubts, suspects, yet strongly loves!"

William Shakespeare, Othello

In a world where greed, jealousy, indifference, conceit, and penchant intertwined like a tangled web, society danced on a tightrope of chaos and desire. What was once glorified as ambition and aspiration had now become the very shackles that bound individuals in a never-ending cycle of envy and rivalry.

Every gesture, every word, every possession was a mark of comparison, a battlefield where egos clashed and friendships withered. The pursuit of self-interest overshadowed the warmth of camaraderie, leaving behind a trail of broken promises and shattered trust.

The allure of material wealth and social status had turned hearts into stone, leaving little room for compassion or empathy. In this dog-eat-dog world, alliances were fragile, easily broken by a whisper of deceit or a hint of betrayal.

Envy, the silent predator, lurked in the shadows, waiting to strike at the slightest sign of vulnerability. Love, once a beacon of hope and unity, became a casualty of these toxic emotions, suffocated by the weight of possessiveness and selfishness.

As the cycle of envy spun its intricate web, it became clear that holding on too tightly only led to suffocation. The quest for more, for better, for superiority, blinded individuals to the true essence of life - connection, kindness, and shared humanity.

In the end, as hearts hardened and souls grew weary, it was the realisation of the futility of these pursuits that sparked a glimmer of light amidst the darkness. The journey towards redemption began with the recognition that true wealth lay not in possessions, but in the intangible treasures of the heart - empathy, gratitude, and love.


In a realm where envy thrived like a poisonous thorn, Jaishi emerged as the queen of all things covetous. Her heart was a barren wasteland, consumed by the flames of desire for everything that she did not possess. She cared not for the happiness of others, consumed only by the insatiable hunger for more.

Long before Jaishi's reign of envy began, there existed a delicate balance within the trinity of stars - Durai, Tewuni, and Sangji. They danced in the celestial skies, their light intertwining harmoniously until the year 456,670 Jeis when Envy was birthed into existence.

Envy, they say, is a force as potent as love, born from the depths of a heart devoid of compassion. It was a force that could compel one to commit unspeakable acts in the name of ownership. And so it was that a Sangjian Fae succumbed to the forbidden allure of a mortal, a love deemed sinful by the laws of their lands.

Geisha, the Fae, dared to love Jehovah, a royal destined to ascend to the throne. Their love was a flame that burned bright and fierce, defying all societal norms and expectations. Yet, in the face of duty and obligation, Jehovah hesitated, torn between his heart's yearning and the weight of his crown.

As their love unfurled against the backdrop of a world in turmoil, the echoes of their hearts reverberated through the halls of destiny. Geisha, consumed by her love for Jehovah, grappled with the realization that their union would forever be forbidden, a dream dashed upon the rocks of reality.

"I cannot marry you. I am the next in line to the throne, the successor."

"So? What is wrong there? I would never stop you. Pirropi is yours, your world... " Geisha held back pondering, what must be the thought in his head.

"Geisha, you are a Fae, and I am a royal." Jehovah's heart bled, broke too. It wept and cried, it howled, but nothing over Pirropi, not even his happiness. But then again, love happened with no heed to the rules, amidst the forest fire of destiny.

"But you always... Oh! Marrying a Fae would pull you down, won't it, almighty?" Her demeanour shifted; she had seen everything and understood what he was saying by this point.

But Jehovah stayed quiet, maybe in guilt or something far more dangerous.

The pain of unrequited love seared their souls, leaving behind scars that ran deeper than any physical wound. Geisha, once a carefree Sangjian, found herself transformed by her anguish into a being akin to a Tewunian, her heart heavy with the burden of longing.

Jehovah, too, bore the weight of his love like a crown of thorns, each thorn a reminder of the forbidden fruit he could never taste. His silence spoke volumes, a testament to the turmoil that raged within his noble heart.

As the world spun on, oblivious to the tragedy unfolding within the hearts of the star-crossed lovers, a new figure emerged from the shadows of despair. Jaishi, born of envy and nurtured by bitterness, watched the unfolding drama with hungry eyes.

For the first time, her heart burned, and never had she felt so. She had her heart broken and abused, but never burnt.

'Why is she a mortal and not me?'

'Why can she have him and not me?'

'Why couldn't she keep being a Sangjian?'

'Why wasn't love enough?'

Her heart, a blackened abyss of yearning and resentment, craved the love that had eluded her. She watched with envy as Geisha and Jehovah danced on the precipice of bliss, her soul ablaze with the fire of desire that could never be quenched.

It wasn't a simple task. The world was perplexing. Life was difficult. And living is often painful.

And so, Jaishi embraced her envy, allowing it to consume her like a wildfire, blazing a trail of destruction in its wake. Her heart turned to ice, her eyes to fire, as she vowed to claim all that she desired, heedless of the consequences.

As Jaishi's envy spread like a contagion, poisoning the hearts of those around her, a darkness descended upon the land. Her thirst for possession knew no bounds, her hunger insatiable as she sought to devour all that lay before her.

In her quest for absolute dominion, Jaishi became a specter of envy, a cautionary tale whispered in the shadows of despair. Her legacy, a stain upon the tapestry of time, a reminder of the destructive power of envy unrestrained.

And so, the tale of Jaishi, the queen of envy, faded into legend, a cautionary tale of the perils of desire unbound. Her name whispered in hushed tones, a reminder of the darkness that lurked within us all, waiting to be unleashed.

Pirropi had kept a lot inside itself, a lot yet to unfold.


Jaishi was a feared place, a place none would visit, but Kwan was too different.
When Almighty Faen assigned him to spread the love he had held, the mortal agreed, letting his love spread and flow.

Sung-Hee was a Jaishian, who was assigned to take care of that very Sangjian.
They met; all flowery and sunny amidst the fire of Jaishi.
All the time they spent at Jaishi, brought them closer.

They say, never trust a Jaishian; but Kwan was love incarnated. Innocent and born to love.
And so did she. Her envy died and all she could feel was butterflies in the pit of her stomach.

Two years and they were inseparable. Then why now?

As time went by, Kwan and Sung-Hee became inseparable, their love transcending the boundaries set by their differences. But fate had a cruel twist in store for them, as Sung-Hee found herself bound in marriage to another.

Heartbroken yet filled with undying love, Kwan stood alone, watching the love of his life slip away. He realized that love is not always easy, but it endures even in the face of heartbreak.

In the shadows of Jaishi, where pain and suffering echoed through the land, Kwan's love remained a beacon of light. As Pirropi's history threatened to repeat itself, Kwan understood that true healing begins with acknowledging the pain and embracing the love that still lingers amidst the darkness.

All the elixir of love had now runout.


Jeis: It is just like anno Domini (AD) and before Christ (BC) are used to label or number years in the Julian and Gregorian calendars.
The second installment is up.

Unsee is very close to my heart just like its siblings scattered around on my profile, hope you enjoy reading it too.

I adore your comments ♡

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