Battle Field, l. sinclair

Da -virqoswrld

467 36 107

[BATTLEFIELD] ━━━━ ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ⊱┊ ━━━𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇, moving to hawkins, indiana wasn't so bad for renee ta... Altro

━━━━⊱┊❛ 𝘼𝘾𝙏 𝙊𝙉𝙀 ❜
━━━━⊱┊❛𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 ❜

━━━━⊱┊❛𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙛 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙫𝙖𝙡 ❜

80 8 21
Da -virqoswrld



NOVEMBER 6th, 1983

EVER SINCE THE DINNER with the Sinclairs, Lucas Sinclair and Renee Tanner were basically inseparable. There was no way they were going to be pulled apart. So were the party. Which who Renee met just a few days after hanging out with Lucas and when he finally decided to introduce her to them.

Mike Wheeler didn't mind Renee's presence, she was actually pretty chill and cool and wasn't like the other lame-ass girls from school.

Dustin Henderson had a few words about her when she first joined the party, but nonetheless, he liked her — as a friend, of course.

Will Byers was a bit quiet around the rest of the party, but around Renee, he would get anything off his mind. Specifically towards her. It was like he was actually comfortable talking about personal things. And Renee didn't mind, she actually was glad for people like Will to express how they feel or what they would need to get off their minds. It made Renee feel helpful and comforting to be around.

The sprinklers went round and around the grassy ground on the Wheeler's residence. It was currently Sunday and the kids knew they had school in the morning, but one night of D&D wouldn't be so bad, right? At least it'll end another campaign (that took them damn near 2 weeks to plan.) Hopefully.

Inside the Wheeler's basement, Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Renee, and Will, all sat at a squared table and focused on the narrator, Mike, and not only focused on him, but also focused on the board game they were playing and all of them loved, (Dungeons & Dragons.) They were so interested in their little 'role play' game. Which technically wasn't a role play game but was a board game they liked playing and acting in some sort of character from the pieces.

"Something's coming. Something hungry for blood." A soft but rough voice came from the raven-haired boy, Mike, he sounded so serious — which wasn't his usual feature, but just to make the game more fun, he added the strict action and tone.

"A shadow grows on the wall behind you. Swallowing you in darkness," Mike finished, a sinister smirk appeared on his face, and around the table, the party had leaned in, getting more serious than before.

"What is it?" The brown bowl cut boy, Will, questions from across the table, his expression showing curiosity.

Renee sat in between Lucas and Will, her arms crossed and her eyebrows furrowed together. What she could tell by the look of Mike's face, he was going to pull another little trick up his sleeve.

"What if it's the Demogorgon?" Dustin barges in the question, his face going from serious to shocking.

"Oh my god.." Renee brings her hands to her forehead, (or basically her entire head) and smacks her palms onto it the area she touched on her face.

Lucas tries to ease the nerves from Dustin. "It's not the Demogorgon!"

They wait in silence. Until Mike, slams a piece onto the board on the table.

"An army of troglodytes charges into the chamber!" Mike revealed, his voice raising.

"Wow. So much for thinking it was the Demogorgon, Dustin." Renee emphasizes on his name before giving him a sarcastic grin, she receiving one back not so long afterwards.

"Ugh. Troglodytes?" Dustin spoke with a new sign of hope. "Told 'ya." Lucas chuckles as it brought everyone the giggles— but it immediately shut down once Mike spoke once again, in his serious tone.

"Wait a you guys hear that..? That—that sound.."



"BOOM!" Mike slams his hands onto the table, shocking the 4 others.

"That didn't come from the troglodytes, no, that came from something else..."

"Here we go.." Renee rolled her eyes back, her resting her hands on each side of her cheekbones.

"The Demogorgon!" Mike slams the Demogorgon piece on the table, once more, scaring everyone.

"We're in deep shit!" Dustin shouted, giving up on his hope he once wished for.

"Will, your action!" Mike called. Will's eyes searched around in confusion.

"I-i don't know!" His hazel eyes scattered around the board, his eyes going wide and showing confusion.

"Fireball him!" Lucas suggested, throwing his hands up and pointing them directly at Mike.

"I'd have to roll a 13 or higher!" Will mentioned.

"Too risky!" Renee warned, her head shaking slightly as to tell him 'No'.

"Yeah, cast protection." Dustin recommended, snapping his fingers and then pointing at Will.

"Don't be a pussy! Fireball him!" Lucas forced, he was doing all sorts of hand gestures.

Everyone continues to command Will to do something, to fight back, until Mike interrupts once again — and everyone continues their sudden clamoring until Will rolls the dice, "Fireball!" He yelps, throwing the dice over the table and both dice scrambles in different areas where the two dives were separated from now.

Immediately in a hurry, the 5 kids stood to their feet and trots all around the basement floor, looking for the missing dices.

Dustin repeatedly swore the word, "Shit", while pulling his hair.

Renee crawled around the table, looking to see if any of the dice were there.

She touched a solid object. "Oh, I found it!" She announced in happiness. They wouldn't be able to play the game without the dices, unless, someone drew the straw and used one of their parents dollars or penny's just to buy two dice packs.

When she grabbed the item that felt like the dice, she got a quick glimpse at it and without notifying it was one of the dice, she ran over to Lucas and Will.

"I found it guys!" She slows her breath down, as she previously rushed over to the two of her friends. Renee hands it to Lucas and when he squints at the item she gave him, he groaned.

"It's a marble!" Lucas immediately threw it to the ground and the marble rolled on to whatever it rolled into.

Renee sighs and turns around, scattering around the corners and couches to find it. As she heard Mike's mother speaking to the young boy, she heard they had to go which gave the reason for Will to speak.

"Why'd we have to go?!" Will words sounded so upsetting, as if he was pouting.

"Well, that's Mrs. Wheeler's rules." Dustin shrugs as he found his calm state again once Will found the two dice on the ground.

"Oh! I got it!" Will shouted, though, everyone was already up close (besides Dustin, who was currently pulling his coat on), to see what the roll Will landed on.

"Does the seven count?" Will questions Lucas, unsure as usual.

"It was a seven?" Lucas responded with a question himself, a bit aggravation in his tone. Lucas was always the aggravated one. Well, not always. Only aggravated at things that sounded stupid to him, I guess you could say.

Will nodded to his response, "Did Mike see it?" Lucas asked another question, and with a response, it was a 'No' when Will shook his head.

"Then it doesn't count." Lucas scolded, before heading back to grabbing his stuff as everyone had done the same thing.

As soon as everyone had their backpacks on, and headed up the steps to exit Mikes house, Dustin calls for them unexpectedly.

"Hey guys!" They all made their attention towards him. "Anyone want this?" He holds up the pizza box they all had almost completely devoured earlier today.

"No!" 3 responded and out the door they headed. Dustin sighs and throws his hands up.

A couple of minutes later, Mike and Dustin had caught up with the rest of the others who were mounting their bikes and kicking their kick stands so they could ride off.

When Dustin came out the garage door, it appeared to be him eating the last slice of pizza that encountered with sausage and pepperoni.

"There's something wrong with your sister, Mike." Dustin spoke out of the blue. Mike scrunches his nose in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Mike queries, his face obviously showing obliviousness.

"She's got a stick up her butt." Dustin grabbed his bike, kicking the stand of his bike.

"Hasn't she always had that?" Renee joined in, she was fixing the straps of her backpack.

"Yeah, and now it's even worst because she's dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington."

Dustin nodded, "Yeah, she's turning into a real jerk nowadays."

Mike neglected, though, Dustin wasn't wrong. "She's always been a real jerk!"

"Nuh-uh. She used to be cool. Like that time she dressed up as an Elf for our Elder tree campaign?" Dustin remembers.

"That was four years ago!" Mike shouted at him as the three others had already started riding their bikes out of Mike's garage.

"It still counts!" Renee got a quick look at the back to see Mike throwing his hands up and she points at him with a smirk. She then turns back around and continues riding home with the rest of her friends.

"Yeah, I'm just sayin'." Dustin finally fired back to Mike before leaving.

"Later." Then Lucas finally caught up with the rest of them.

A few minutes down the street, Will had caught up with them and then everyone said goodnight and headed to their current residence and technically, they all live so close by each other.

Will had went his separate ways as he rode his bike into another road, while Renee was still riding her bike and then made a turn when her bike suddenly bumps into a rock and knocks her off it and straight onto grass.

"Agh, shit! That hurts, that hurts.." She cried in pain as she felt blood trickling down her nostrils since she hit another rock with her nose and mouth.

She'd probably call this a brutally fight if it was in a fighting game at the arcade.

She got distracted by a blood-curdling scream which made her jump up in fear. She grabbed her bike so fast and mounted it, but before she rode her bike away, she paused because the same scream sounded like her older sister, Val's scream.

She knew this because at the pool in New York, where they always went to swim and have fun, their shared father grabbed Val, held her in his arms and threw her into the water and she made a scream just like that before she fell into the water.

"What the actual hell..?" Renee was shaking so badly in fear. She was afraid to see what else was going to happen or what else is she going to hear.

That's when Renee eased her brain off and took deep breathes in and out before riding off home...

November 7th, 1983

After that small little incident occurred last night, Renee could not sleep. She was paranoid. More paranoid than ever because when she made her way home, and came to check up on her siblings, no Valerie was there.

"Hey, Cyrus. Where's Val?" Renee came into his room, puzzling him with a bunch of questions, and this was one of them.

"Shouldn't you know?" Cyrus took his headphones off his ears, and groaned when Renee stepped inside his room.


"No buts, get out of my room." Cyrus fired at her.

And she did, and went straight to bed after taking a shower (to get all that blood off of her), and also went to eat.

Light footsteps came towards Renee's room, and soon enough, her door opens to reveal her mother who opened it.

"Renee, sweetie, c'mon. Get up. Time for school." And with that, her mother left the door open and left the room.

Renee groans in frustration, not understanding why people do not close other people's doors when they exit?

Renee's father, who has been looking around for a certain child of his all morning long, came to Renee's door and slightly knocks on it to get her attention.

Renee swooped herself up and rests her back on her bed frame.

"May I enter?" Her father asks, not wanting to invade her room without her permission.

Renee nods and he steps inside. "Hey, honey. Have you seen Val at any point last night?" He kneels beside her bed, steeping to her level.

Renee's face went cold and pale. She knew something suspicious happened, because if her dad didn't see Val all morning today, and Renee didn't see her last night, then something happened to her. Something bad... Or perhaps, not. But she knew her sister was missing.

"No...I didn't see her today or last night either. Maybe you should go to Chief hopper for some help with finding her?" Renee suggested, her suggestion confused her father because he didn't know why he needed the chief to find his daughter when she could possibly still be here somewhere, or already be at school. But asking for the chief's help wouldn't be so hard...besides, they were best friends.

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you when I get home from work, honeybun." He pats her head and stood up, fixing his belt that held all his weapons, then fixes his hat.

Renee gives a small smile to her dad, "Stay on sight, dad." She joked, her dad having a held back laugh, a stifle. Her joke was referring to his job, since he was a cop and was always on the watch for anything.

Henry throws a thumbs up and then sends a blowing kiss to his daughter before leaving the room, not before closing the door.

A police truck pulls into the parking lot at the police station, with along the chief's truck, a brown, linen colored truck.

The doors of the trucks open and reveals Chief Jim Hopper, and policeman, Henry Tanner.

They greet each other before heading inside the entrance of the police station. When they walk inside, Henry sees his two buddies, Powell and Callahan.

"Morning, Flo, Morning everybody." Hopper greeted everyone, taking a donut from a pile of them stacked in a box.

Callahan gets a glimpse at Hopper's features, noticing the drowsy eyes, and the smudged donut glazier beside his mouth. "Damn, you look like hell Chief."

Hopper was taken back, but he wasn't going to be the only stunned one. "Oh yeah?" Callahan chuckles as he agreed. "Well, I looked better than your wife when I left her this morning." He fired back.

Many laughters circled around the police station, but it died down not so long after.

Florence heads over to Hopper, grabbing ahold of the cigarette in Hopper's mouth. "While you were drinking, or sleeping, or doing whatever it is you deemed so necessary on Monday morning, Phil Larson called. Said some kids are stealing the gnomes out of his garden again." She reports.

"Damn, those kids..." Henry shook his head as he heads over to Hopper's office as he was usually in there. But it was shocking to see Joyce Byers sitting inside the office already. He took no words and just sat down in his right-hand man chair.

Sooner or later, Hopper walks inside, puzzled as he saw Henry — previously from walking inside with him; and then Joyce Byers. She stood up with a feared look. What could've possibly happen now?

Hopper got himself settled in his office before letting Ms. Byers speak. Only then did he sat down and started to type in a case, 'Missing'.

"I have been waiting here over an hour, Hopper." Joyce took a glance at her watch slapped on her wrist before giving Hopper a panicked look that a mother would give if their child was missing.

Hopper sighs deeply, removing his hands from the keyboard. "And I apologize again."

"I'm going out of my mind!"

"Look," Hopper places his hands down onto the table a bit too harshly, "a boy his age, he's probably just playing hookie, okay?"

"No, not my Will. He's not like that. He wouldn't do that.." Joyce refused.

"Well, you never know. I mean, my mom thought I was on the debate team, when really I was just screwing Chrissy Carpenter in the back of my dad's Oldsmobile, so..." Hopper excused, Henry snickered from aside before realizing what he said.

"Wait, what?" Henry asks in bewilderment.

Hopper shoos him away, ordering him to go out into the main center and stay there until he was done with the little 'conference' meeting he was having with Joyce.

The 2nd period bell rings throughout the entire school, signaling that it was time for 3rd period. Mr. Clarke, the kids science teacher, and, favorite teacher of all time reminds the rest of the students in the classroom (who were too busy packing their belongings and heading out the class) about their homework that was assigned to do tonight.

Once every other student exits the room, except the familiar four kids, those kids hurried up to Mr. Clarke's desk, all leaning onto it excitedly as they waited for the news they've been wanting to hear.

"So, did it come?" Mike questioned in a hurry.

Mr. Clarke's voice had some type of force into it, though, the kids didn't realize as they listened to his words falter. "Sorry kids, I hate to be the bearer of the bad news, but..."

The four of them grew to have a sadden attitude as their reaction. That soon passed away when Mr. Clarke surprised them with just two little words, "It came!"

Mr. Clarke's friendly and laid-back demeanor made him a favorite amongst students who loved science. Which was four kids who stood up at his desk, anxiously waiting for what they wanted to hear. And they finally got what they wanted.

Without indubitably, they all ran out together to the Audio Vision club. They usually made their plans and brainstormed ideas for their little RadioShacks in
there. But today was different, something had set their mind and schedule to look forward to all day.

And that was the Heathkit Hamshack. Mike instantly ran over to the functioning machine. He grabbed the headphones and swooped them onto his head, the two round circles covered his ears.

"Ello, this is Mike Wheela', president of Hawkins Middle AV Club." Mike spoke into the radio and did a horrible impression with an Australian accent.

As soon as Mike finished his sentence, Dustin wasted no time and snatched the neon blue headphones off of his head and swooped them onto his head and covered his ears.

"What are you doing?" Mike spoke through a fit of giggles. But, to respond back, Dustin quickly spoke into the radio, doing the exact same thing that Mike had did just a moment ago— which should answer Mike's question.

"Ello, this is Dustin, and this is the secretary and treasurer of Hawkins Middle AV Club. Do you eat Kangaroos for breakfast?" Dustin asked to the radio, most likely hoping to get a response back — but it was only static coming from the radio.

"No, Dustin. I think they eat Crocodiles." Renee tuned in as her sarcastic tone was appearing. Lucas giggled before leaning over the table to grab the headphones from Dustin, but the 4 kids and teacher were interrupted by a knock on the door, which was open.

The principal walks in and behind him was the chief and one of his policemen.

"Sorry to interrupt," the principal started before he glanced at the 4 students. They all turned their directions to the principal, smiles dropping and shocked expressions appeared on each of their faces.

"But, uh, may I borrow Michael, Lucas, Renee and Dustin?" The principal finished as he pointed at each of them who had the names the principal called for.

No they did not get in trouble. They were just questioned by the police about Will's disappearance and when was the last time they've seen him.

To be honest, Renee was kind of confused and a little scared, for her, and for Will. Wherever he could've gone — she just had a feeling he wasn't alone. And she was scared for herself because what if Will was abducted...?

What if her older sister was abducted, too? Since she wasn't even at school and didn't even come home today...Renee was afraid she would be abducted next, or one of her friends...

Ugh, today was so strange. It felt weird. She just felt like something was going to change her life forever if she didn't put the puzzles together. But she didn't know how to because she had no where to start.

Like what time he disappeared, what day, (well it was yesterday), where was he last seen, when was—

A sudden rough knock on the door of Renee's room interrupts Renee's thoughts.

"Mom said come to the table, dinner is ready." Renee's brother, Cyrus, announced to her, and Renee jumped right up acting as if she wasn't just stuck inside of her mind, thinking about varieties of things.

She walks out of her room, rubbing her eyes. Her vision was clearer and she turned her head to see Cyrus with a cigarette in his mouth and in between his pointer and middle finger.

"Wait..." Renee thought for a second. "You do know Mom and Dad are in the dining room and they can smell the cigarette, right..?"

Cyrus flicked the cigarette out of his mouth and onto the ground. "Yeah, so?"

"Nevermind..." Renee wanted to say something but she just kept it to herself. If he wanted to ruin his lungs or perhaps, ruin his life, and get in trouble all the time, then so be it.

Renee trots over to the dining table where she met her parents who were sitting in their seats, and the reserved seats were for Renee and her siblings. Only one sibling wasn't there, though.

Over at the table, there was plates filled with mash potatoes, steaks, and corn with gravy on the mash potatoes. Alongside was cups filled with fruit punch for the kids and the parents had wine in their wine glasses.

Renee pulled a chair and sat in a seat that had a plate in front of her. She grabbed her fork and poked at the steak.

"So, kids, we've been thinking about going on a trip back to New York to visit your Grandpa Frank and your Grandma Joyce for Thanksgiving. But, your grandmother has been deciding for us to stay there instead of just visiting. What do you guys think?" Renee's mother proudly gave out the news as she cut through her steak and took a bite out of it.

Right next to her mother was her father who had his palms on his face. It seemed like he was a bit stressed.

Renee ignored the look on her father's face though, she had her full attention on her mother.

"What? No. I like it here now." Renee rebuttals. Her mother glanced at her father and then back to Renee.

"Honey, I thought you said you didn't like it here—"

"Yeah, well I changed my mind. I actually made friends, y'know?" Renee interrupted, which to her mother's expression — she wasn't so happy about what Renee was saying.

"Is that what that was about? You making friends here is all you cared about?" Her mother assumed.

"No, but I'm just saying. Why are we all of a sudden making plans to go back to New York when we could've been done that before I got too comfortable here?" Renee stated.

"Sweetie, it wasn't my plan, it was your grandmother's—"

"So that gives you the right to listen to an old lady who's literally gonna pass away soon?!" She raised her voice which her father and her brother finally catches onto what was going on.

"Young lady, you take that back right this instant!" Her mother ordered but Renee stood up out of her seat.

"No! You're literally so hooked up on about moving back to New York when you should be worrying about where your own first daughter is! For your information, I'm talking about Val! Did any of you even noticed she was missing today 'cept Dad? Do you even care? Do you even care about the fact that my friend Will is missing?! We should be out there helping people search for him, not worry about some plan to move back to New York!" Renee stormed off right after and ignored the calls of her name from her mother.

She slammed her door shut and locked it. She didn't understand why she just caused all of that commotion just now — but she guessed it was because of the strange things that happened today and last night that got to her head. She didn't want to take all of her anger and confusion onto her family but she just did...

Suddenly, Renee's supercomm broke into a fit of static and Lucas's voice tuned in.

"Re-nee, we—go— meet—mi-mirkwood." Were the only words Renee heard clearly from her supercomm which clearly needs to be fixed and updated.

Renee, in an instant move, grabbed her supercomm from inside her backpack and held it firmly, she pressed on the button to turn it on and to tune in herself.

"What is it, Lucas? And yes, I copy, over." Renee answered and more static came in when Lucas spoke until it became clearer.

"Me, Mike and Dustin are meeting up at Mirkwood to go and search for Will. You wanna come? Over." He questioned.

"Hell yeah!" Renee's enthusiasm showed through her response. "Meet you in 20. Over and out."

And there they all were. They were in the woods now, searching for Will, their missing friend. Renee also was searching for her sister secretly. She didn't know if her friends knew that her sister was missing as well, but they'll know soon once her mother makes copies of a report about her daughter missing.




"I got your X-Men 134!" Dustin informs. "Guys, I really think we should turn back." His tone changed.

"Seriously, Dustin? You wanna be a baby, then go home already!" Lucas called him out. To which Dustin came back with facts.

"I'm just being realistic, Lucas!" Dustin tried.

"No, you're just being a big sissy!" Lucas remarked.

As far as Renee's concern, she ignored them. She didn't want to hear the bickering so she focused and tuned in on the sound of the rain pouring down on the 4 of them.

Suddenly a sound of rustling happened and it caused the 4 kids to fall off their track for Will.

"-And we have no weapons or anything?" Dustin finished.

"Dustin, shut up." Mike told as he tried to focus more on the rustling and not Dustin and Lucas's constant bickering.

"I'm just saying, does that seem smart to you?!"

"Shut up, Dustin! Shut up, shut up!" Renee repeated and finally got him to shut up, yet, she didn't see him throw his hands up in self defense.

"Did you guys hear that...?" Mike asked, hearing more rustling and indistinct screeching. Renee turned to one side as the boys turned on the other side.


Another sound of rustling came from in front of the 4 kids. They all jumped and turned their flashlights and directions to the front of them.

They all gasped. It was a kid — or a girl, or a boy... you couldn't even tell. They had a shaved head down to the scalp, a 'Benny's Burgers' merchandise shirt on, and it looked like their sweat and tears blended in with the rain.

Their features were no alike to Will's, but they looked extremely strange. Where did they come from? Renee had a feeling that something will change hers and her friends life forever if they take this kid to Mike's house.

They knew they came out here for one thing, and for one thing only. To search for Will. But no. This isn't Will. This is some other kid...

"That isn't Will..." Mike muttered as all of their flashlights pointed at the kid who was breathing heavily and was shivering due to the cold weather mixing with the rain.

Things just got weirder...


mercury speaks !

HELLO GUYS!! i finally finished this damn chapter 😭😭 Jeez this was a whole entire essay for me bruh. It took so long — literally 4,000+ words written. I'm actually extremely proud of myself, though, for not losing motivation and actually keeping up with writing this book because like I said — I really love this plot && I want to write it so that's what I'm going to do!

I hope the next chapter will be shorter — most likely will be since it won't take that long, this was just long because I was introducing a lot of things, and also I was adding my own dialogue and details for Renee.

Anyways, with that being said, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter if you do reach down to here because I know most of you like to skip through things which is totally okay — and I can't wait to write more plot twists and chapters for y'all to read 😈

QOD: What are your theories for S4 of stranger things? And if you have not think of anything, what are your theories for S1 of BATTLEFIELD?

That's it my lovelies!! I'll see you in the next chapter, bye!

marshlcve made this gif!

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