Sassy days

By Shan_si

38 3 0

Meng is the little sister of Tian. Her family owns a business, they are the top first company in their countr... More

First day in new school
Involved in fight
Got punishment
Fall asleep
Meeting at cafeteria
Intro with devil
Investigate me
Fighting with piggy
My hairstyle!!!
Ran 10 lap!
Using same straw
Got another friend
Piggy head!!
Rude attitude!
Threaten him
Happy Ending!!

Final warning

2 0 0
By Shan_si

Sir getting angry at me, so he came near to me. He knocked the table about 1-2 minutes. Actually I opened my eyes to shouted at him.

But I was really scared after opened my eyes, because Maths sir showed up near me. My heart beats fast like it came out. Everyone know how much fear it is.

"You get out of my class, raise your hands and stand out" he angrily shouted at me. I wake up from my seat and went outside.

This class too both my arms were raised up high. It's about 5 to 7 minutes. My arms were giving up on me. English sir had walked past me.

He throwing a keen starring in my direction. But my arms are hurting too much this time. I slowly put my hands lower and lower.

Finally I dropped my hands 2 minutes ago. Sir silently came outside to check on me, whether my arms are up or down. 

Of course my hands are up, because I already heard the doorknob sound. So I cleverly straightened my arms high up.

Maths sir spoke stiffy from my back side "This is your final warning, next time you have to stand outside with holding chair raised up".

"Ok" I said simply and enter the class before him. Only 5 minutes left for end of this class. I eagerly waiting for next class.

Because next class is PE class. Finally the bell rang, I went outside. Everyone walked towards play ground as group, but me went alone.

I saw many of the girls sat under the tree and chatting, some of them slept in classroom. But every boys played basket ball together.

I played basket ball alone in the basketball court. About 8 minutes I played alone. Suddenly I saw a shadow behind me. I turned back and saw, it was Shan.

He smiled at me and asked "Why are you playing alone? can you join with us?". Before I replied to him, I looked around others.

They didn't show any interest and one of the boy said "Hey, don't invite her. If she come I won't play". I let out a deep sigh and said "No thanks, I want to play alone".

Shan looked sad for me and said "Hey, sorry. Don't care his words". I smiled at him and calmly said "It's okay Shan, I too don't want to play with those guys".

I continued to play alone. 15 minutes later I received a message. I took my phone outside and saw the message. It's the message from my brother. 

He texted me through WeChat "Tom, after the class come to cafeteria!". I noticed the message, but others are noticed my phone.

Because it's a OnePlus 6, recently released model. I think it launched in May. Everyone glazes at me. One of the boy in the group "Hey, who is she?".

Another one replied to him "I don't know". Actually they didn't noticed me with my brother. I dropped the basket ball in the ground.

I went to cafeteria to meet my brother. On the way I saw that jie (who asked my brother about me) holding fruit tea in her hands. I said "Hi" to her.

She didn't noticed me before. After I say hi, she saw me. "Hi, where are you going? had your lunch?" she asked me with big smiling in her.

"No, my brother called me" I replied with smiling. "Ok, do you want this?" she raised her fruit tea to me and asked.

I decently said "No". But she give that fruit tea to me and left with her friends. Suddenly I stopped me and asked "Jie, what's your name?".

She smiled at me and said "I am Jing". Then she pointed a girl who is in her left and said "She is Peng" and she pointed a girl who is in her right and said "She is Wang".

"Oh. I am Meng, grade 8" I replied. Peng asked Jing with questioning look "Jing, who is she?". Jing smiled at her and said "She is Tian's little sister".

"What? Tian's little sister? who say this?" Wang asked. "Yes, she is Tian's little sister. Tian told me morning" Jing said to them with her hands around my shoulder.

"Ok jie, bye bye" I said and leave the place. Within 2 minutes I reached the cafeteria. I saw my brother sat alone in the last. 

I went near to him. I saw a empty plate in front of him. I starred at my brother and the plate. He hold my hands and said "Sorry, I felt hungry. So I ate first".

I removed his hands from me and stand near him with folding my  hands. He again said "Sorry". Later I forgive him and sat in front of him. 

At that time I saw that Piggy in the cafeteria. I came to say this incident to my brother. But before I started to say, he said "Tom, wait here. I will be in 2 minutes".

I don't know where he go, I asked "Where are you going? I will come with you!". He smiled at me and asked "I am going to restroom, are you come along with me?".

I kicked his leg and said "Pervert!". He starred at me and asked "Hey, wait who is pervert? you or me? who asked first?".

"You! where is my lunch?" I pointed at him and asked. "I asked Sheng to bought for you" he said and then he left to restroom.

I put my headset and listen to Wavin flag song. Suddenly I saw a shadow near me. I lift up my head and saw who is this?.

Of course it's that piggy. He starred at me with his sharp eyes, it's like he is going to kill me. I don't know why he starring at me like that.

I didn't mind about him. He shouted as "Hey, are you following me?". I smiled at him and said "Me? following you? no way".

"Then, what are you doing here?" he asked me this silly question. "I don't have time to answer your silly question" I said and tuned away.

Then he again shouted "Oi, this is my place, go and sit another place". I don't know why he always involved with me.

This time too I didn't give response to him. He waved his hands in front of my eyes and said "Shorty, I am speaking to you".

I got very angry at him, because he called me as shorty, how dare he called me like this?. I stand up and angrily shouted at him "Hey, how did you called me?".

"Didn't you hear me, I called you as shorty" he smiled and said to me. I completely lose my passion "If you again call me shorty, I will break your mouth".

He starred at me. I too starred at him. Suddenly some one called him from the food counter "Yan, come quickly".

"Yeah, I am coming. I will deal with you later" he said and leave. I angrily put my headset down in the table and went to restroom.

Before I leave the cafeteria, I saw Cheng ge enter the cafeteria. I went to him rushly. "Hey Tom, what happened?" Cheng ge saw me and asked by holding me.

I pointed at the chair to him and said "Ge, you go and sit there. Don't give that seat to anyone, ok?". He give a confused look at me.

I again said "Ge, don't leave to anyone. Otherwise I will...". "Ok, where are you going?" he asked with that same confusing look.

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