Never Untouched

By AwakeWithTheMoon

172K 3.1K 987

"Don't call me anything but Jade!" I scowled. "And what happens if I don't?" He took a step forward making me... More

Twenty One


12K 222 183
By AwakeWithTheMoon

I was woken up by a thud on the bed. "Mother fucker! Why the hell is that there!?" I heard Seth say in pain.

I groaned and rolled over. "Oh shit" I heard him say.

I sighed and looked over the railing. My eyes landed on Seth who sitting in the bed with a gash on his head and blood dripping down his forehead.

I rolled back over and stretched before I jumped down from the top bunk and landed perfectly standing in front of the bottom bunk.

"What are you Spider-Man?" He said with a husky voice. I chuckled because honestly that would be cool but then I started to cough mainly because I just woke up and my throat is dry.

"I wish. Come on. That looks really bad." I said tiredly pointing to his head. I walked to the bathroom that is attached to my room, between my dresser and Tv. Seth followed shortly after.

"Does it really?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and turned him To look at the mirror.

"Damn that looks deep!" He said wanting to touch it but didn't.

"That's what he said" I said lightly laughing making my self cough again.

He started laughing at my comment. "Shouldn't I go to the hospital or something?" He asked.

"Psht no." I said and pushed him to sit on the toilet.

"But It stings" He pouted.

"Stop crying" I told him.

I pulled out some things. I wet a washcloth and cleaned his head. I poured peroxide onto it and then pulled out my sewing stuff. Yes, it's made for skin and cuts.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He panicked when he seen the needle.

"Do you want it to heal, or do you want a scar on your head forever?" I asked

"I don't trust you" He said.

"Chill out, I've done it a billion times." I said.

"How am I suppose to believe that?" He said crossing his arms.

"You're such a fucking cry baby" I said shaking my head.

"DAD!" I yelled. My dad came running into my room.

"In here daddy" I called.

"What happened!? What's wrong!?" My dad said breathing heavy.

"Seth won't let me sew up his head" I said.

"Why what happened?" My dad asked. Kelly came in behind my dad, a little freaked out him self.

"He hit his head on the bunk bed, see." I pointed to Seth's head and they both looked.

"Oh yeah buddy, You gotta let her sew it up." My dad said.

"But she's not a doctor" Seth said.

"She knows a few things for emergencys. I had her take a class. You'll be fine, she does this all the time." My dad said.

"Man up son." Kelly joked shaking his head.

"Fine" Seth said.

I sewed his forehead and put some ointment on it to help it heal faster and then put a bandage on it so it don't get infected.

"There, All better." I said.

My dad and Kelly are gone at this point. "You look cute when you're concentrating." He said.

I scuffed and left the bathroom. I then headed out my room and down to the kitchen.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked my dad.

"Whatever you're making sweetheart" He said.

"I'm not cooking dad, its to early for all that" I said and got out cereal.

"But what are we suppose to eat?" He asked with a fake pout. I put the cereal in front of him after pouring me some.

He laughed at me. "Hey, where's Kelly?" I asked.

"He's out looking at some houses" My dad answered.

"Who's looking at houses?' Seth asked walking into the kitchen.

"Your dad" We both said in sync.


"What are you doing today Jade?" My dad asked me.

"Probably hangout with Hunter and Carter. They aren't working today" I replied.

"You should take Seth with you." My dad said.

"Do I have too?" I asked.

"What's wrong with me?" Seth asked.

"I don't know you" I replied.

"And that's why you should take him, so you can get to know him. And so he can make friends." My dad said.

"You don't wanna be friends with me." I told Seth.

"What are you doing today? Why can't he go with you?" I asked my dad

"I have to head into work" He said.

"Ugh.. Fine, I'll take him." I said.

After finishing my cereal I went to my room to get dressed. I then called the guys to see what they were up to.

I called Carter and put it on speaker.

Carter: "Heyyyyy"

Me: "Heyyy what are you Doing?"

Carter: "I'm playing the game with Hunter."

Hunter: "We miss you!"

Me: "You saw me yesterday."

Hunter: "That's why we miss you. You're not here with us now."

Me: "Well let's hang today"

Carter: "Alright cool, What are we gonna do though?"

Me: "Well I have to bring Seth along so let's pick something entertaining enough."

Hunter & Carter: "Who's Seth?"

Me: "My dads friend came to stay with us and he has a son."

Carter: "How old is he?"

Me: "He's the guy that came in the store yesterday. Remember... Seth."

It was quiet for a moment.

Hunter: "What! No way!"

Carter: "How about we go to the beach?"

Me: "No! No beach, let's just hang at the park or something."

Hunter: "I agree with Jade"

Carter: "Alright fine. Meet us at the park in an hour."

Me: "Okay, bye!"

Carter & Hunter: "Byee!"

I hung up and quickly got dressed into jeans, a long Red and black football jersey and all black high top converse. I then brushed my hair and teeth. When I come out the bathroom Seth was sitting on the bed going through his bag.

"When did you get in here?" I asked.

"I don't know, you were brushing your hair when I walked in." He said.

"Oh I didn't hear you" I said.

"Light walker." He shrugged.

"So we're going to the park, we are meeting the guys up there in 45 minutes" I said.

"Okay." He got up and went to the bathroom with his bag and closed the door.


We are on our way to the park and Seth broke the silence. "Do you wear make up?"

"No. Why does it look like I need it?" I asked looking at my feet. Feeling slightly awkward that he asked the question.

"Actually no! That's why I asked because your face, its just so...." He stopped and pulled my arm lightly so I would turn and look at him.

And I did. "So what?" I asked. He touched my face. "Uh okay, can you not do that. It's creepy." I said.

"Sorry but its so smooth looking and I was wondering if it felt like it, and it does. You will never need make up, your skin is perfect." He said.

I felt my cheeks getting hot so I started walking again so he couldn't see my face.

"Sorry If that sounded strange, but you're pretty." He said.

I huffed "The world wishes" I mumbled.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing" I answered.

"So what's your favorite color?" He asked. Trying to make conversation.

"I Don't have one, I like them all. Except pink, It's not really my color." I replied.

"Okay, what's your favorite animal?" He asked.

"Once again I don't have one, I love them all!" I answered chuckling.

"Ooookay, How about a favorite movie?" He asked.

"Nope I like lots of them, but then again I don't watch movies often" I said and shrugged.

"Favorite song?"

"Nope I enjoy it all"

"Favorite food?"

"Are you serious!? Food is life, No favorites."

"Okay, I'm out of options" He said laughing.

I laughed. "What about you? Any favorites in those categories?" I asked.

"I like the color Blue and nachos are my favorite. Anything else I can't really chose." He said.

"Yummy nachos" I rubbed my stomach.

"Yeah, I know right." He smiled and chuckled.

"So its just you and your dad?" I asked.

"Let's not talk about that" He said.

"Alright no problem. Any interest?" I asked.

"I'm interested in females" He replied.

I punched him in the arm and he winced. "Females are not an interest, they are people." I said.

"JAAAADDEEE!!!" I heard someone yell my name.

I turned to see Hunter running towards us. Hunter tackled me in a hug and we were on the ground.

"You just saw me yesterday" I tried to say.

"But I still missed you!" He said and squeezed me.

"Hun-ter I c-cant bre-athe."

"Oh sorry sorry sorry" He said and let me go and stood up. He pulled me up and I dusted myself off.

"You're wearing your jersey!!" He cheered.

"Yeah why?" I asked.

"Carter brought his football!" He ran away and came back with Carter.

"Hey, how's it going?" Carter said.

"Hia" I said.

"Uh hello" Seth said.

The boys looked a him and narrowed their eyes. "Guys" I said getting their attention.

"Hey Seth? Do you know how to play football?" I asked.

"Yeah I guess" He answered.

"If not, you're about to learn" Hunter said and hugged my arm.

"Hunter, you can't be on my team. I'm gonna team up with Car" I said.

Hunter's eyes fell and went into puppy dog mode, And I noticed Seth looking at me in hopes that I give into Hunter.

"B-but why? We're a good team." Hunter pouted.

"You're aggressive Hunter, I won't have you play against Seth, we'll be in trouble if we hurt him." I said.

"But Ja-"

"No Hunter, its not happening." I cut him off.

"Fine! He better be a good player, so we can beat your asses!" Hunter said and walked over to stood next to Seth.

"Alright, let's do this!" I said.

So by the end of the game Carter and I won and Hunter and Seth were sore losers and I made sure they got that message.

"Hahahaha you guys suck ass! Losers! Losers! Losers! SORE LOSER!!" I chanted while doing a victory dance.

Carter was dancing with me, Hunter was on the ground upset because they lost and Seth was laughing at me.

I stopped dancing "let's go get ice cream" I said.

"ICE CREAM!!!" Hunter jumped up and started running for the ice cream shop.

"We should uh, follow him before he gets hit by a car." I said pointing in the direction Hunter went.

"Yeah you're right, let's go." Carter said and was getting ready to start sprinting after Hunter, but I grabbed his arm before he could start.

"I can't run though, my legs are wore out" I said sadly.

"Piggy back ride then?" Carter asked.

"Yes please!" I cheered and jumped onto his back as he lowered down to my height.

Carter ran with Seth following close behind. "Does he always run off like this?" Seth asked.

"Pretty much" We both answered.

When we saw Hunter in the ice cream shop ordering ice cream they stopped running.

"Am I too heavy for you Carter? Do you want me to get down?" I asked.

"No. You weigh nothing J, its fine." He replied.

We entered the ice cream shop, getting a strange look from the couple that was sitting at one of the few tables in here.

"HUNTER!" I yelled and he jumped like a scared cat.

We laughed. "Its just us dude" I said still laughing.

"Don't do that" Hunter said and the lady behind the counter handed him his ice cream.

The rest of us ordered our ice cream, and once we received our large ice cream cones, we found a booth to sit at.

"So why did Seth come with you?" Carter asked.

"My dad told me I had to bring him with" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm right here guys" Seth said.

"I don't get it, you didn't know him yesterday morning but now you know him?" Hunter asked confused.

"Well I didn't know he was my dad's friend's kid until they came to my house. Unfortunately I'm stuck with them in my house for who knows how long" I joked about the last part. But really why did I have to share my room?

Hunter and Carter gasped, playing into the joke. "Still right here" Seth said.

"What are we gonna do next?" Hunter asked changing the subject.

"Lets go look at boards!" I said excited.

"Boards?" Seth asked.

"Yeah, Skateboards" I answered.

"Oh, I thought you meant surfing for a moment" He shrugged.

"We should totally go surfing tomorrow!" Carter said.

"Yeah we haven't done that in a while!" Hunter said.

"Sure why not" I said shrugging.

"I can surf! Can I come?" Seth asked.

"Sure dude." Hunter answered.

"OH MY GOD ITS A PUPPY!" Hunter squealed and ran out the ice cream shop.

"Damn it Hunter!" I said and we followed him.

There was a golden Labrador retriever puppy on the sidewalk leashed to a person. Hunter was crouched down and petting the puppy and talking to it like a baby.

"Awe he's so cute" I said.

I got down with Hunter and pet the dog. Okay i have weak spots for baby animals, well, actually all animals.

"As much as he's loving this, we have to go. We are in a hurry" The lady said and she began walking off with the puppy.

"She was totally scared that Hunter was gonna steal the dog" Carter said trying not to laugh.

"it was a Puppy and he was so fucking adorable!" Hunter said. Stating the facts.

"Alright weirdos, Let's go get me a new board" I said and we walked down the street.

"You are the weirdest people I've ever met" Seth said.

"And that's why it's only us" Hunter said putting and arm around Me and Carter.

We walked into the skate place and the guy at the counter greeted us. He already knows us pretty well from the multiple times we've been in here. Plus this town is small and my dad is popular unlike me.

"So what are you looking for today?" The guy behind the counter asked.

"I don't know something awesome!" I told him.

"Alright, I just got this in." He pulled out a brand new skate board, fresh sky blue wheels with lighting bolts on the bottom of the board.

"That's awesome!" We all said.

"Would you like to try it out? You would be the first" He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah here." He handed me the board and I went out side.

I road it to the corner and back, did a few tricks. We went back in and I set it on the counter "How much?" I asked.

Hunter's phone rang right as I was paying the man. "Hello? Mom?" Hunter said into the phone.

"What? Why?" Hunter asked

"but I'm hangout with my friends."

"But mom please!?"


"Fine, See you in a minute." Hunter then hung up the phone and sighed.

"I have to go home. See you guys tomorrow?" Hunter said.

"Yeah man" Carter said, they side hugged and then Hunter gave me a hug.

"Nice meeting you." Seth said and Hunter waved as he left.

"Well what Now?" Carter asked.

"Movies?" I asked.

They agreed. I road my skate board to the theater. "You're really good at that " Seth said.

"Can you ride?" I asked him.

"Yeah, Hell yeah." He said.

"Nice" I said as we arrived at the theater.

We got a large popcorn to share and some candy. I didn't get a drink because every time I get a drink I have to use the bathroom and I hate having to miss a part of the movie. I sat in the middle so I could hold the popcorn. There wasn't really any one in the theater so I went ahead and put my feet up on the seat in front of me.

As we were leaving the theater, Carter's phone went off.

"Oh sorry guys, It's time for my shift at the store, See you tomorrow." Carter said and hugged me and shook Seth's hand.

"Awe man okay, See you tomorrow then." I said.

"Nice meeting you" Seth said.

"You too man." Carter said Before walking off.

"So its just us. What Now?" Seth asked.

"Back to the house" I said.

When we got back to the house Seth got in the shower and I got food and sat on the couch watching the walking dead.

About twenty minutes later Seth came down. He walked into the kitchen only wearing a towel that was around his waist.

He came back with a can of soda pop and drink it in the door way. I couldn't help but look at his bare skin. He is fit. He has a six pack of abs, Nice biceps and a strong v line.

"So you like what you see huh?" Seth said catching my eye. He walked over and leaned down to my ear. "Take a picture it will last longer" He whispered.

I huffed. "As if. Stop flattering yourself " I replied. I will never reveal my secrets.

"Don't deny it Jade" He stood up straight.

My mind was scared that His towel was going to fall off at any second.

"Still staring I see" He said and pulled me up off the couch.

"You know Jade, You underestimated me. Now that I see you think you're tough, I'll have to take this a different direction.." He pulled my body against his.

I began to blush but then hardened my face in anger. What the hell was he talking about?! Oh god, his body is naked and he's pressed against me.

"What the fuck do you mean?" I asked pulling away from him. Let's not think about the naked thing anymore.

"You're a daddy's girl..." He said taking a step closer. And with each word he kept getting closer. "Innocent.. Sweet.. Sexy.. Playful.. I wanna fuck you Jade.." His voice was like being hypnotized. It's was so sweet and sensual, While the words on the other hand, not so much.

My mouth slowly fell open as I realized what he just said. He said what? He wants to what?

"Excuse you!?" I blurted, the hypnotism is gone now.

"You heard me" He said look down at my lips.

"You aren't going to touch me!" I said.

"You'll want this, just wait." He said smirking.

"Fuck you!" I yelled. He chuckled and went back up the stairs.

"Heyyy!" Kelly said coming through the front door.

Oh my god what crazy timing. Kelly your son is a psycho.

"Hiiii" I said awkwardly. I'm honestly in so much shock that I have no idea what to do. I haven't even moved from where I'm standing yet.

"How did the house hunting go?" I asked. Okay I guess we're going with that. I walked over and sat back on the couch. Don't be suspicious.

Why am I defending this idiot. I should be telling his dad everything his son just said to me. Yet I'm sitting here smiling.

"Not So well. This little town has very small amount of houses for sale and they're all torn apart. So I was thinking I would buy one and fix it up." He said.

"That sounds like a nice idea, Then that way you can really make the house your own. Rebuild however you like." I replied. Good job Jade.

Wait no! This is bad, That means they'll be staying in the house longer! This can't happen! I have to keep away from Seth!

"Where's Seth? I wanna ask him what he thinks." Kelly asked. Oh no.

"He's-" I was cut off.

"Right here dad" Seth said coming down the stairs.

"Oh okay, so Seth the only option we have is to buy a house and fix it up. But will have to stay here a little longer if Jade's dad don't mind" Kelly said.

Ugh, My dad is totally going to agree and I'll be screwed. LITERALLY!

"That's a great idea" Seth said and smiled. When his dad turned my way, Seth winked at me.

"So when's your dad gonna be home?" Kelly asked.

I shrugged "He didn't say"

"I'll text him and see " He said and went to the kitchen.

"Looks like well be sharing a room a little longer than expected. Be prepared Jade." Seth said with a dark smile.

"Go to hell!" I whisper yelled.

"I'm to hot for them" He said.

"Ew you're such a jerk!" I said.

"You like it" He said and put his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Go fuck yourself" I said a spun out of his grip.

"Alright, your dad said he's on his way shortly, until then he said for you to start dinner Jade."Kelly said reading the text off his phone while walking into the living room.

Yes perfect! Now I can hide in the kitchen until my dad gets back. "Okay, you guys can sit and watch something. Even better pick something for us to watch during dinner." I said and ran to the kitchen.

Oh goodness, please let Kelly keep Seth occupied.

I began to make tacos for dinner and that kept me pretty busy. It helped me keep my mind off Seth for a moment.

When my dad got home we ate dinner, then played some dance game on the wii, and soon enough we were all tired and ready for bed.

My dad agreed to let Kelly and Seth stay as long as they needed. I really had no idea what happened today. One second Seth was a normal person taking in the weirdness of My friends and I, and now he's some guy that is trying to get into my pants. What an odd strategy he chose.

I said goodnight and headed up to my room. Seth was already in the room, I've just been procrastinating coming up here. What was he gonna try next?

I entered the room and Seth was standing there with pajama pants and no shirt. When my eyes went to his bare body first I blushed and quickly looked to his eyes. Unfortunately he watched what just happened. He just chuckled at me.

"Wow, you got it bad huh." He said.

"I think you mean for that to be the other way around. You're the one trying to fuck me. Remember?" I told him.

He put on a black t-shirt that hugged his body perfectly. "Do I?" He questioned. He thought for a second with his finger on his chin. He knows what I'm talking about he's just being an asshole about it.

"Ooh yeahh." He said making eye contact with me. He eyed my body. "Can you blame me?" He asked.

"Yes. Yes I can. And I don't know what's wrong with you but you need to fix it. You were completely normal yesterday." I told him. I started climbing up the ladder on the bunk bed and Seth Slapped my ass.

"Hey! Don't do that!" I said I could still feel the print of his hand on my butt. I rubbed it and tried to kick him away from me, but he dodge my foot.

"I don't know, I kinda like doing it" He said. "I like the way it moves" He bounced his eye brows.

I turned off the light by the ceiling fan. I climbed up the latter faster so Seth wouldn't try anything again.

"Good night pervert!" I was angry.

"Goodnight, sweet gum drops." He Replied.

"Fuck off."

Till next time! Xx

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