-ˋˏ partners in crime ˎˊ- ‏...

By lucyluhvs

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▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ summary: Katie Mahone is a ball of energy and a people person. She is always on the mo... More



1.7K 75 61
By lucyluhvs




"So you think my parents-" I cut off, fearing the worst. "You think they know and let this happen to people? To kids?" I feel sick.

"No," Red reassures me, "We don't think they know, we think it is happening under their noses."

"And if it isn't?" I ask, my eyes looking to him.

He opens his mouth to say something before closing it, pursuing his lips. My stomach drops, and I feel nauseous again.

"We just need you to plug this USB into a computer in their building," Batman steps forward, handing me the small device, "We will do the rest,"

I turn the USB over in my hand before I look up at the two and then to my mentor.

"You've got this." He reassures me, "You can hold your own. And if you need me, you can radio and I will be there."

I nod, a small smile coming to my face at his words before I look back to Batman and Red. "Okay," I say, new determination swirling in my stomach. "Tell me the plan."

I've got this.


I'm very scared that I do not have this.

I shift my weight from one hip to the other as I wait to go through security.

"Excuse me ma'am," Someone immediately stops me, putting a hand on my arm roughly. I turn to the older man as he looks down at me sternly, "You do not have access to this-"

"My father and mother would beg to differ," I say in the most entitled voice I can muster. "They are the owners of this company and the people that sign your paycheck, so I recommend letting me go before this becomes a problem."

His eyebrows shoot up and he lets me go as if my skin as just become so hot it burned him.

I mean it can, but that's besides the point. The point is, I just scared this grown man shitless. All while chanting in my head to channel Draco Malfoy.

"I'm sorry," He backs away in panic, "Your parents are-they are Mr. and Mrs. Mohane?"

"That would be them," I huff, pretending wiping off my arm where he touched me. "Now move aside."

He does as I say, gesturing to the others to let me pass.

I hide a small smile. I feel pretty badass. I wish Catgirl could see me now.

I walk through the hallways, trying not to look super suspicious as I pass the cameras.

"Good work," Red says slightly amused, making me nearly jump out of my skin.

A few people in suits look at me weirdly as I cough awkwardly and say, "Sorry, cramp."

They look at each other before walking along, minding their own business.

I hear Red chuckle in my ear, "You haven't gone undercover yet, have you?"

I open my mouth to say no before I shut it tightly, looking up at one of the cameras with a slight glare as he laughs again.

A second later I find myself trying to hide a smile as I tuck a strand of hair out of my face so he can't see and move through the hall to the elevators.

When I get on, I get a few weird looks, to which I return with a weird look.

Then I pick a random number to stop at, pretending I know exactly what I am doing despite never having been in this building before.

My parents weren't exactly big on 'bring your kid to work' days. Probably because they didn't ever actually stop working when they got home so every day was 'bring your kid to work' day.

The doors open on the stop I picked, which happened to be one of the lower levels, and I get off without a second thought.

"Do you know where you are going?"

Hopefully to a computer.

I don't move to answer this time, getting the hang of being covert fast as I eye two men in suits to my left.

They stop what they are taking about, one of them looking at me with a slight glare.

"What are you doing down here?" He asks, his voice strong and sure that I was not supposed to be here.

Good for him. He is right.

A twinge of panic goes through me before I smile, "I'm getting something for my parents. They own this company."

He looks at me up and down before shaking his head, "They wouldn't have asked you to come down here."

So he believes they are my parents, but not that they would trust me to come down here? Right again. Man this dude is good.

"Well... they did so I don't really know what to tell you," I shrug. I hear Red sigh in my ear, but ignore it as the man glares at me.

"Come with me," He says, grabbing my shoulder.

I push away from him, my hands forming fists as I feel energy start to spark through my body. The nerves are not helping with keeping that under wraps. Or me undercover.

I stop it, taking a deep breath before I say, "Don't touch me. That's rude to just grab someone like that. I will-"


I can't let that happen.

"Stella, are you-"

The man pulls me, making me dig my heels into the ground.

"You can't just grab me!" I hiss, kicking him in the stomach.

He doubles over groaning and I side step, running at the other person. His eyes widen but he doesn't try to stop me, he only gets out of my way.

I make it into the elevator slamming the button for the door to close as my chest heaves up and down. They barely shut in time, the scientist that grabbed me running into the metal doors.

My hands shakily find the button for the lowest floor, just hoping it will be what I need.

"Ste-can you-Stella-" My communicator breaks in and out, Red's voice breaking through my panicked state.

I press my communicator, "Red? Red!" I say desperately, but it's no use. I'm in too deep. literally. The building must be blocking my signal.

My heart beats faster before I shake my head. What am I doing? I am a hero. Just because I am dressed like Katie doesn't mean I am anything less.

I've got this. I've just got to heat things up a little and get a grip.

By the time the elevators open, I am composed. I walk in confidently, and into the room that has tubes like the one I was kept in.

My heart falls. It is true. No way my parents knew about this. I look around, finding it empty so I quickly run to a computer and stick the USB in.

I avoid looking at the tubes, my jaw clenching as I am reminded of the time I spent in there. The pain.

The computer beeps at me, letting me know that it is done.

I take it off, just as the elevator starts to bing. Crap.

I take the USB before I run to the elevator. Just as it opens, the two look at me their eyes wide.

They run at me, and I kick one away, putting some of my energy behind it, sending him crashing into the wall.

I feel that slimy hand on me again and get an idea; when I was overheating Red said my skin was so hot that if he didn't have his suit on, I might have burned him. Let's test the theory.

I watch as my eyes start to glow in the mirror of the elevator, focusing on all of my energy, imagining it coming to the surface of my skin.

The man helps, holding his hand in pain, the skin burned and steaming.

I turn to him, my eyes still glowing white, "I told you; don't touch me."

I thrust my hand out, a bolt of energy hitting him, making him fall back, rolling a few times.

When he does finally stop, he looks at me, the glasses on his face broken. He stares up at me, fear in his eyes, "What are you going to do to us?"

I look at him for a moment, my energy surging as I remember how it felt to be electrocuted and tested on. My curls start to float and I know I am going over my usual exertion.

My skin is still hot, I can feel it now, the air hitting it makes all the difference. I need to calm down.

"I'm not going to do anything to you," I finally say, my feet touching the ground again. I didn't even realize I started floating. "I'm going to turn you over and let the police deal with you. But know this," I add, "Whatever they do, is much easier than what you deserve."

With that, I turn and walk back into the elevator.

The door shuts, leaving me to stare at my open reflection; my glowing eyes, my skin that I now can see has a protective white aura around it.

I take a few deep breathes, closing my eyes as I try to make it stop. I can't go out in public like this.

bI open my eyes but it doesn't stop. Panic fills my body making the power worse. I've got to stop. I've got to think about something, anything to make it stop. I've got to do something to anchor myself.

I close my eyes and concentrate, thinking carefully on my breathing, on something good that calms me.

When I finally reach a higher level and the door bings, I open my eyes to find myself normal. I left out a sigh of relief as a few business women and men step on.

And I keep my calm until I reach the very first floor and book it out of the building, only to run straight into Cassie.

"What are you doing here?" I hiss as she looks at me with relief.

"Red Robin sent me!" She whispers back, smiling, "He thought you were in trouble and called me."

Why didn't he come himself?

I smile as she looks over me before saying, "Looks like you didn't need any help anyways."

" Nope," I say, popping the 'p' before we both turn and walk out of the building as if nothing had happened.


"You are safe!" Red says when we meet back in the watchtower. He smiles at Cassie in thank you, making me raise my eyebrow and put my hands on my hips.

"Yeah, we are," I say, crossing my arms.

"No thanks to me," Cassie says, smirking at me, "Stella didn't even give me a chance to enter the building before she came out practically skipping."

"I was not," I smile at her, "But I did handle it all on my own." I say matter of fact as I look to Red.

Did he really not think I could handle two men? Granted on his end it probably sounded worse.

"Oh... um," He looks slightly embarrassed now, making me smile even more.

"It's okay, I get you were worried about me," I tease lightly, but keep my tone sincere so he doesn't think I am.

"I, I mean I worry about all of my teammates," He defends, rubbing his neck.

"I know," I nod, "That's the great thing about you guys." I say, looking to Cassie who is smirking at the two of us. "You all care about each other."

"Some more than others," Cassie smiles, "Right Red?"

She is using my nickname for him. I think it's starting to catch on with the group.

He clears his throat and I can't help but watch him closely; I almost never see him embarrassed or nervous. It's nice to see this. It's interesting. He is always so sure, so solid in what he needs to do. When you see someone like him waver, it's a little shocking.

"Right, well, for some people yeah," He manages to get out before he turns away, "I've got to go, but umm... good job, Stella." He says over his shoulder, sending me a small smile.

My smile grows as his words reach me, my chest feeling lighter.



i love themmmmm also i am so sorry this is so late. i have had so much going on but I hope y'all are doing well and enjoying!!


how are y'all feeling?
favorite part?
do you think red overreacted?
do you think her parents know?
what do you think is going to happen next?
do you want to see more of team life or more school life?
thanks for reading, don't forget to vote & comment !!

xoxo, author

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