-ˋˏ partners in crime ˎˊ- ‏...

By lucyluhvs

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▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ summary: Katie Mahone is a ball of energy and a people person. She is always on the mo... More



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By lucyluhvs




  My mom takes one look at me and nods, "Good, you look amazing dear," She smiles before she shouts, "Honey!"

  "Coming!" He yells back, before he walks down the stairs, giving us both a look over. "You both look great!" My dad smiles before his phone rings. He looks down at it before shooting us an apologetic look as he answers it.

Just like normal.

  My mom opens the door before we get into the limo, and my mother tells the driver where to go.

  I sit back, messing with the slit of my dress. It is very cute. It is a silk, red fabric that hugs my figure, and has a slit on one side. Im not exactly lady like though, so in order not to flash people, I am wearing spandex shorts under.

  My eyes scan the large building, and I take a deep breath.

  It has been five days since I stopped staying at S.T.A.R. labs, and so far everything has been okay.

  Because of how busy I am, I have only gone for an hour or two every day, which has been pretty different from my previous time. I would practice for around six hours a day before that, so it has been a little bit of an adjustment, but everything looks good.

  If anything seems to make my powers act up then I just avoid it. Tim did nearly make me on Monday, which prompted me to tell him that I just needed some time to think it all through.

  He seemed to get the picture, because he stopped trying to talk to me. He did, however, bring me coffee every day since.

  When he handed me the thermos, I was beyond confused, but he just smiled and took a sip of his.

  And when I took a slip of mine, I immediately recognized that it was a caramel macchiato from my Café.

  The act made something in my stomach and chest bubble a little, but not the way my powers did.

  So we are at a sort of truce. Which is why I really hope I don't ruin it tonight by showing up. He still doesn't know I am going... unless he is the one that sent the invitation.

  I don't know if I would be pissed off or think it was sweet if it was him.

  He just confuses me, which is why it's best for me to just stay clear.

  The driver opens our door, and we step out, cameras flashing just like they did when I went to Tim's CEO ceremony.

  My father takes both me and my mother, escorting us into the building.

I'm sure we look picture perfect.

  The thought makes me reach up to twirl some of my curls, until I realize it's back in an elegant bun, with a braid around it, and a few of my little curls falling out.

  I huff, straightening up as my mother gives me a look before we walk deeper into the room.

  There is a huge chandelier hanging over the ballroom floor, with tables and chairs lining it for dinner.

  People are already out, talking amongst themselves on the floor, which is exactly where I spot the Wayne family. I nearly choke on my own spit as I duck behind my father.

Damian Wayne most definitely saw me.

  "What are you doing?" My father questions in confusion.

  "Umm..." I smile sheepishly, "Oh, nothing! You just have a spec of dust on you!" I pretend to get it off before I collect myself and stand up straighter, moving out from behind my dad.



  "Why is Katie hiding from you, Drake?" Damian says, making me huff.

  "Very funny, you little gremlin," I glare, "Katie isn't even here!"

  "Yes," He smirks, "She is." And I know he is telling the truth because he didn't say anything about the nickname. Because he is already going to get pay back in the form of enjoying me suffer.

  "What?" I ask again, my eyes scanning the room. I find her almost immediately, next to a man with dark brown hair and a woman with blonde, curly hair.

  "Oh," Hazel says walking up with Jason, "Katie is here," She smiles happily.

"Who are they?" I ask, making her blink at me.

  "Her parents," She states, slightly confused, "You didn't know? Her parents are Veronica and Matthew Mahone."

Those names sound familiar... where...

Oh no.

"You mean-"

  "The Mahones who have grown their business overseas, and are now discussing a partnership with Wayne Enterprise," Dick says, his eyes on them before he looks down at me. "You didn't know Katie was their daughter?"

  "I didn't even know Katie was rich," I run a hand through my hair, slightly stressed.

  "Wow," Jason comments, "And they call you a detective."

  I glare at him before I look back at the family, Katie completely pretending we aren't here. That's fair.

  Why didn't I ever look into her parents? I always do background checks, heck, I did a check on Katie when I first met her. But I never revisited it. Why?

  Maybe because she was always ready to tell me everything herself. And I already looked through her records, I knew everything about her, and didn't even bother to look into her parents.

  She never mentioned them so maybe that's why I didn't. Maybe I sort of subconsciously pretended they weren't real, because who in their right mind would ignore someone like Katie? No one I wanted to learn more about.

  "But she is always working," I point out as I look at Hazel.

  Hazel smiles sadly at that, and I prepare myself for the worst. "She does that so she doesn't have to sit around and do nothing. She breaks things if she is doing too good a job because she doesn't need the bonus but others may," She looks back to her best friend with a small smile. "She works to keep herself busy and the leaves her tips in the cash register."

  That makes sense. All of the times she has spilled something or broken something when her boss watches and when she would leave her tips.

  Steph tried to explain to her that if anything she should take more out of the register, and Katie just brushed it off while I scolded Stephanie and told her that was theft.

  "I think the real question is," Dick says next to me, "Who invited her?" He asks, but his eyes are already on Bruce who has been listening in this whole time.

  He looks at us blankly before he says, "I am aware of her situation. I wanted to make sure she is actually in control." He states calmly.

  "Sure," Dick says narrowing his eyes as he wraps his arm around me, "And it has nothing to do with her freezing out Tim?"

  Bruce looks in between us for a moment before he says, "Just don't piss her off." Just as he finishes talking, an older couple comes up to talk to him, making him slip on his Bruce Wayne mask as he smiles charmingly.

  "Yeah," Dick mutters to me, "We don't want her burning this place down."

  I glare at him, making him chuckle a little, but it doesn't sound real. That's when I realize he doesn't seem himself.

  Before I can ask, Damian looks around, "Where is Brooklyn?" He questions.

  Dick tenses at her name, making all of us stop and look at him with worry.

"Is she okay?" Hazel asks.

  "She is fine," Dick gets out, his jaw clenching. "She is on a mission. A long one." With that, he leaves us, making us all watch in confusion.

  "Okay..." Jason says slowly before he looks to me, "You're up, Timbo, I need some entertainment."

  "What?!" I squeak, "I'm not on some reality TV show or in your favorite book! You can't just order me to be your entertainment!"

  "So, you don't want to go talk to Katie?" He questions boredly.

"Well-I," I cut off, not sure what to say.

  "I will," Hazel says and walks away before Jason can stop her. He pouts as he walks her go, and looks at me bitterly.

  "That should be you," He narrows his eyes at me before he looks back at her. I roll my eyes at his childishness before I watch too.



  "Oh my goodness!" My mom exclaims, "Hazel Williams!"

  I turn at that, a smile on my face before I even see her. She is smiling at my mom, but I tackle her in a hug, not bothering to wait for her to finish talking with my mom.

  "Katie!" He hugs me back tightly. "How was your internship?" She asks as she pulls back.

  "Internship?" My dad questions as he looks at me, "You had an internship?"

  My smile falters a little before I say, "Yes, over break. And it went well!" I answer Hazel, trying to ignore the sting that my parents didn't even know I was gone.

  Hazel gives my hand a squeeze before we sit down at the table and start catching up.

  "Also," She says after a while, "Are you and Tim still in that rough patch?"

  I sigh, my eyes falling to my lap, "I just have a lot going on. I just needed to figure it out."

  "Did you?" She asks, making me look up at her, "Did you figure it out?"

  In all truth, no. I think if anything it got more complicated with everything that happened.

  But when my eyes find him across the room, being cornered by a girl, something flares inside me.

  "Maybe," I say before I stand up, "I'm going to go talk to him, actually."

  "Oh-" Hazel says following my eyes, "Okay." She smiles reassuringly.

  I stand up just as she does, her walking to find Jason and me walking straight to Tim.

  He doesn't see me coming until I am a few steps away. And when he does, his eyes widen before he looks back at the other girl, who is very close and hanging off his arm.

  "Tim," I say his name evenly, before I look to the girl and smile, "Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt," I look back to him, "But can we talk?"

  The girl looks to Tim, waiting for his response after she gives me a nasty look.

  "Sure-sure," He nods before he realizes the other girl is still there and he adds, "Umm... if you don't mind." She looks at him in confusion before she scoffs and let's go of his arm, practically stomping away. He watches her for a second before he looks back down at me, "So, wha-"

  "Not out here," I say, suddenly feeling weird. It feels too crowded all of a sudden, and something doesn't feel right in my stomach. "It's loud." I shrug, and he nods in understanding.

  He leads the way, somehow managing to slip both of us out of the room, unseen as if we were never there.

  We stop in a hallway, not another soul in sight, making me think that I would be able to breathe easier, but I'm not.

  I look at Tim, and he gives me a small, reassuring smile. I nearly start crying at that, my eyes studying him.

  "I'm sorry," We both say together, causing him to look at me in surprise.

  "Katie, you don't have anything to be sorry for," He shakes his head, running a hand through his hair. "I should have never said what I did to you. I don't believe that. Not at all." He gets out, his eyes searching mine, almost as if he is trying to make sure I here and listening. "I care about you, about our friendship, a lot. I was just overwhelmed, and I know that's not an excuse, but that's all I can offer you other than the fact that I am just stupid."

  I stare at him, his messy hair for his fingers running through it, his suit that makes him look more built than he usually does, and his soft expression as he looks down at me.

  "You aren't stupid," I smile lightly, causing him to smile a little too as I add, "Well, maybe a little."

  He laughs at that, his eyes shining a little as he nods, "I am. And I want you to know, I don't think you are less important than my work. Not to me. You are way more important than any job or business."

  My heart skips a beat at his words, them making me smile harder than I have in the last few weeks.

  I don't think before I react, I step closer and wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

  He does stands still, stunned for a few seconds before he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me against him as he drops his head to my shoulder.

  "I missed you, Timmy," I mutter, causing him to hold onto me tighter. I close my eyes, listening to his heart for a few moments before we slowly pull away.

  "I missed you too, Katie," He says, his eyes scanning over me. "So much."

  I don't want to leave him, but my stomach starts to stir as I feel my powers try to claw its way out. I'm anxious, nervous, despite being here with just Tim. Only Tim.

  "We should probably get back," I smile, and he nods. We make our way back just as they ask everyone to take their seats.

  We nod goodbye, both of us sharing a smile before we part ways.

But something is still wrong. I felt it earlier too.

  I shake my head, telling myself to calm down before I sit down and smile in greeting to my parents.

  They serve us some sort of fancy soup and salad, before moving onto the main meal. They talk in between, telling us how thankful they are for our donations and what it is going to, but I can barely hear over the sound of my blood rushing in my veins, my heart beat pounding in my ears.

What's going on?

  I feel wrong, and the anxious feeling keeps growing, making me feel like I am going to drown in it if I don't do something.

I need to get out of here.

  Without giving my parents an explanation, I stand up, managing to sneak out without making a big scene.

  I find myself in a different hallway, and I stop, closing my eyes as I breathe in and out, trying to get a handle on whatever this is.

  My back hits the wall and I slowly slide down on it, my head falling back.

  I don't feel okay. I need to call someone. I need Red to take me to S.T.A.R. labs.

  I don't have his number though. I need to call Ed to tell him.

  Just as I open my eyes, I hear someone rushing to me.

  "Katie?" Tim questions, his eyes on me as he slowly comes to a stop. "Katie, are you okay?"

  No. I don't think I am. It hurts now. My body hurts. What's happening?

  "Tim," I say, trying to push myself up. I can't call if he is here.

  He gets down on his knees next to me, his hand going to my face as the other touches my arm.

  He pulls away suddenly, his eyes widening, "Katie, you have a fever." He presses his hand to my forehead, "Do you want me to get your parents?"

  "No," I shake my head, and his eyes fall to mine, full of concern. "Tim, go back to the party," I tell him, making his eyebrows draw together in confusion.

"What, no-"

  "Go back," I say again, "I'm okay. But I need you to go back." I need him gone so I can text Ed. "Please, I am fine."

  "You aren't fine, Katie. You have a high fever, and I'm not leaving you alone," He shakes his head, his hands still on me.

  "I need you to leave me alone," I say, and it comes out harsher than I mean it, by the look on his face. "I don't need you, right now."

  Something in that, makes him withdraw his hands, almost as if it snaps him back into focus.

  "Right," He mutters, looking down before he looks back at me. "You have someone coming for you?" He questions again. I nod. "And you want me to leave?" He asks again, his eyes full of concern.

"Yes," I say, feeling worse by the second.

  He clenches his jaw and shakes his head before he leans in, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "You better be okay," He mutters as he pulls back before he stands up and leaves me.

  My chest starts ache as I call Ed, and when he answers, I nearly start crying in relief.

  "Ed, I need Red, please call him. I am at the Charity Ball and something is wrong. I need Red," I repeat as my body pulses in pain.

"What?" Ed ask panicked.

  "Something is wrong. Please call him. I am about the charity ball in a hallway. Do I need to walk outside?" I ask, looking to a window, seeing the moonshine in.

  "No, no. Stay there, he will find you. I texted him, he is on his way. He will be there in a few minutes." He reassures me, "Are you okay?"

I shake my head, shutting my eyes as tears leak from them, and I can't control it, "No, something is wrong. I don't feel good." I get out before another pulse of energy surges over me.

  My breathing becomes labored as I try to control it, as I try to push down the feeling, but it only makes it flare up.

  "Katie, it's gonna be okay," Ed says, his voice sounding desperate over the phone.

  Just as I close my eyes again, Red drops down from a vent, rushing to me.

  "Katie," He mutters, but I can't open my eyes. He takes me, pulling me until his chest as he curses, "Shit, you're burning up."

  "Burnin up," I repeat quietly, "burnin up, for you baby."

  "What?" He questions, standing up, holding me bridal style.

  "Jo-bros," I say, opening my eyes. "The Jonas Brothers."

"What about them?" He asks as he runs to the window, somehow undoing the locks even while holding me.

  Next thing I know, he jumps out of the building, swinging to the building next to us, before jumping down into the alley.

  "It's the song," I mutter, pushing my head into his chest as another wave of pain hits. I grit my teeth together, holding in a cry.

"How is she?" I hear a deep voice ask.

  "In pain," Red says, sounding a lot less confident and sure than usual. He sounds pained himself.

  "I've called Captain Atom, he is meeting us there," The voice says as I hear a door open and Red climbs into a car, holding me to his chest.

  "It's okay, Katie," He whispers in my ear as I feel the car start and drive off. "I've got you."

  I keep my head buried in his chest, trying to focus on him as my powers start to bubble in my stomach.

  "I don't want to hurt you," I say, and it seems like a cry from how desperate I sound.

"You won't."

  The car stops suddenly and I feel Red jump out. He rushes forward, and I hear the transportation device's voice call out our arrival.

  "What happened?" Ed. That's Ed. I open my eyes, turning my head slightly to look at him, and his widen as he steps back. "Red, you need to put her down."

  "We need a collar on her," Another scientist says, looking at me, making my emotions worsen.

What do they see?

  I look up at Red, his skin slightly paled, making me panic even more.

  I close my eyes, holding onto him as pain spreads through my body again, making a few tears slip out.

  "We have a specialist coming in," The deep voice from earlier says, "Hold off on the collar."

"But she will-"

  "I said hold off on the collar." The voice demands before he says, "Red Robin, take her and put her into a testing room until he gets here."

  Red doesn't say anything, he just starts walking.

  "Why did you look so freaked out?" I ask, out of breath.

  "Your eyes are glowing," He says after a moment.

  "Oh," I mutter as he sets me down, "Is that not good?" I ask, opening my eyes to look at him.

  "We don't know," He says before he adds, "Usually it means someone is about to release a lot of power."

  "Oh." Is all I respond with, making him frown slightly as he stands up. I grab his hand before he can leave, "Wait," I say, but he doesn't turn to look at me, "I'm going to be okay, right?"

  He doesn't move for a few seconds before he looks back down at me. "Yes."

  "Good," I say and let him go. "I promised a friend I would be." I tell him as I lean against the wall.



  "We need to put a collar on her," The same scientist from earlier says, earning a glare from Batman and I.

  "If we don't find out what is happening, this could happen again." I snap, causing the scientist to back off.

  Ed puts a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down, but it doesn't work.

She is getting worse. The pain is only growing.

  "I'm sorry, Batman," Captain Atom
rushes out. "I came as quickly as I could."

  Batman doesn't say anything as we move aside to let him see through the glass.

  The room I put her in is built to withstand explosions and radiation, but I am hoping it isn't needed. I am hoping he can stop this.

"She is a meta?" He asks.

  "Yes," I answer, "She absorbed some sort of energy from the machine being used to torture her and the other captives."

  "She saved the rest by absorbing it all," Ed adds, his eyes on her. "She looks like she is overwhelmed. Overheating."

  "I need a better look," Captain Atom says, shaking his head as he opens the door. His eyes widen when he does, his eyes immediately going to Katie. He must be able
to feel the energy coming off of her. "Holy-" He stops walking as she looks up, her eyes completely white with energy crackling in them.

  My heart aches as I take in her expression and the sweat coating her skin. She is in so much pain. The energy is killing her from the inside, out.

  "She has show amazing control until now-" Ed's father explains with worry on his face. Ed's own expression has paled as he watches her double over, her eyes shutting tightly.

  "That's the problem," He says, his eyes still on her before he looks to Batman. "She is still human, and while she is controlling the power, it means she is keeping it in." He explains pointing to himself, "I am not flesh and blood and even I can't hold the amount of power I sense from her. She needs to get it out."

  "Your machine on the Watchtower, can it-" Batman starts, but Captain Atom
just shakes his head.

  "She is too unstable right now to be moved. If we try to-"

  "She releases it, destroying the building and everyone inside?" Batman beats him to it, his eyes narrowing.

  "Basically," Captain Atom agrees. With that, he walks into the room and I want to run to her too, but I know I can't. She may accidentally hurt me and she wouldn't forgive herself for that.

  Batman puts a hand on my shoulder, making me look up at him, but his eyes are on Katie.



  I hear foot steps getting closer over the buzz of energy.

  I look down at my hands, energy swirling around them, trying to get out. I wrap them around myself as I look up at the man approaching.

  "Hello, ma'am," He says, a country accent peaking through. "Katie, is it? Can I call you Katie?" He asks, slowly stepping closer. I nod in answer. It's the only think I can manage right now. "Okay, Katie, you are going to be okay," He promises as another wave of energy pushes through me, sending pain through my body. I grit my teeth, closing my eyes as I try to focus on my breathing. "Okay, Katie, look at me," I look up slowly, causing him to say, "Atta girl. I am like you, only I am pure energy. I know you don't want to hurt anyone, but you need to let it out." He says and I start to shake my head, scared I will hurt him too. "It's okay, I am pure energy, Katie. You can't hurt me," He nods and my eyes go to my friends behind the glass, scared I will hurt them too. He understands, his eyes going to the glass before he looks back at me. "I will absorb some of the excess energy from you so your body can properly regulate it. But we need to stabilize you or something bad will happen."

That doesn't sound good.

  I release a shaky breath before I nod, telling him I understand.

  He smiles, nodding back before he holds his hand up, "Aim at my hand. Can you do that, Katie?"

  I nod again, standing up, forcing myself to focus on his hand, but I am still scared. What if I release too much for him?

  He must see this, his jaw clenching as he says, "Katie, you have to let it out. It will be okay, I won't let you get out of hand."

  As soon as he promises that, I raise my hands, my eyes glowing even more as energy shoot out of my hands, my whole body glowing as it wraps around me. It's seeping through my skin, and I let it.

  He stops it from going anywhere else but to him as he absorbs it, and as soon as I realize he is holding to his word, I stop holding back completely.

  The energy beam coming from me doubles in size, and he manages to control it even then.

  My pain lessens after a few seconds, and I feel my muscles relaxing as my body stops glowing.

  "That's enough!" He yells, and I focus again, I focus on closing the energy off to store it.

  It listens, the beam flashing a few times before it dies out, just the same as my eyes.

  He nods, a smile forming on his face as he walks closer to me.

  The door opens again and Batman, Red, Ed, and Ed's father rush in to me.

  I smile weakly, my hands going out to the wall next to me as I support myself.

  "You did it," The man says before he introduces himself. "I am Captain Atom. It is nice to meet you Katie."

  "Nice to meet you too," I get out, my chest heaving a little.

  "Is that it?" Batman asks as he looks between us.

  Holy cheese wiz it's Batman. And he just saw me like that. I hope that was impressive and not lame looking. Oh no, now I'm staring at him.

  "She needs to release and absorb energy every day," Captain Atom says, making me look to him. "It's a balance. If she doesn't release then she gets too strong and this happens, and if she releases too much... it's not good either." He fills them in, turning to Batman so they can talk more about it.

"Do you feel okay?" Red asks, his eyes on mine.

  I nod, "Just peachy," I force a smile, and this gets the attention of Batman and the man again. To my surprise, Batman takes a step to me.

  "Are you okay will staying here for the night?" He questions, looking down at me. He is a giant oh my gosh.

  "Yes sir, Mr. Batman," I say before I start getting light headed. I can't faint in front of Batman, that's embarrassing.

  "Are you okay, Katie?" Captain Atom asks, stepping closer too.

  "Yes, Mr. Atom, sir," I mutter nodding lightly before I fall forward, my eyes fluttering closed as my body gives out from exhaustion.

  Batman catches me, him being the one in front of me. After a second of him looking down at me, he hands me over to Red, who carefully picks me up just like he did before, his cape surrounding me as he turns to take me to a hospital bed.

  I slip in and out of cautiousness on the way. The only thing I can focus on his the strong arms around me and the flickering lights as he walks.

  When I get there, he gently sets me down and I feel someone put a needle in me. An IV? is that what it's called? I should ask Hazel.

  My eyes don't open though. I don't have anymore strength to.

  Red is still here. I can hear his voice, but it sounds a little muffled.

  After a few minutes the lights turn off. But I know he is still there.

"Red?" I ask.

"I'm here." I know.

"Tim," I say, forcing my eyes open to meet his.

"What?" He questions, his eyes widening slightly.

  "Tim," I repeat, my eyes looking away from his to look for my phone. "Tim was there. He found me before you. I forgave him and then I told him I didn't need him and to leave me alone." I tell him, my eyes welling up with tears.

  "Why are you crying?" He asks, bending down so he is level with me.

  "I don't know." I admit, laughing a little, making him laugh too.

  "Don't worry, that's normal. Your body just went through a lot." He reassures me.

  I study his face for a moment longer before I say, "I didn't mean what I said to Tim, but I had to make him leave me so you could find me. So you could save me," I mutter, my eyes searching his. "Do you think I hurt him? I don't want to hurt him."

  "I don't think you hurt him," He says, his hand coming up to wipe away a tear. "I think he will be glad you are safe."

  I nod, bitting my lip, "Can you text him from my phone and tell him? Tell him I didn't mean it and that I am okay."

  His eyes soften as he takes his hand back and slowly stands up. "Of course."

  I close my eyes, sleep trying to take me. "And Red?" I whisper, my eyes heavy. "Thank you for finding me."


they make me emooooo
i genuinely love them sm.
also i feel the next to clarify that this outburst wasn't a response from her being nervous with tim, bc it may seem that way, but she simply had a power build up because she wasn't expending it as much as she has before so they had no way of knowing she would react like this.

also the parallels between them and brooke an dick with the "i've got you." kills me. i wonder how many other parallels i have that i didn't realize

how are y'all feeling?
red and katie or tim and katie?
what did you think about captain atom coming in to help?
favorite part?
did it all make sense?
thanks for reading, don't forget to vote & comment !!

xoxo, author

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