-ˋˏ partners in crime ˎˊ- ‏...

By lucyluhvs

61.6K 3K 6.2K

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ summary: Katie Mahone is a ball of energy and a people person. She is always on the mo... More



1.8K 97 241
By lucyluhvs




I royally messed up.

I messed up so bad and I knew it as soon as I saw the hurt flash in Katie's eyes that I had.

She was just trying to keep our friendship alive and I attacked her for it. What is wrong with me?

"Sir?" A voice says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I ask, looking up, the many faces looking to me to hear my answer.

"We asked you if you liked the proposal?" The man asks, his face showing his annoyance as he talks to a teenager about getting a job.

"I apologize, it has been a long day, could we reschedule this?" I say as I stand up, causing everyone to do the same, shock in their eyes.

"Umm... yes, Mr. Drake," My receptionist nods before she starts to lead the others out.

The board members shoot me a few disapproving looks, but I ignore them as I loosen my tie and start grabbing my stuff.

Minutes later I am being picked up by Alfred, who glances back at me worriedly, but I ignore it in look out of the window instead.

If I hadn't become CEO I would have just skateboarded home but that's not 'good for the image' as I have been told.

I sigh, rubbing my face with the hands before I lean my head back and wait to get home so I can talk to someone about fixing what I just did.


"Where is Brooke or Hazel?" I ask Jason and Dick when I walk into the manor and spot them in the kitchen, Jason flicking grapes at Dick as he tries to do his work, Dick glaring at him and Jason pretending he doesn't notice.

"Hi to you too," Dick mutters as Jason rolls his eyes.

"What is your obsession with my girl?" He asks, his eyes looking at me lazily as he picks up at grape and throws it at me.

I catch it without a second thought, "We are friends, Jason."

"He asked for Brooklyn too," Dick slaps Jason's hand down as he tries to aim another grape at him. Jason glares at him but Dick just crosses his arms over his chest before looking to me, "So why are you asking for either my girlfriend or Jason's?"

"It's a need to know thing and you guys don't need to know," I cross my arms as Dick raises an eyebrow at my words.

"Hazel and Brooke are both out at the moment, please leave a message after the beep," Jason says in a automatic sounding voice.

"Beeeppp," Dick finishes for him, his usual mood returning after being annoyed with Jason for who knows how long, as he grins slightly, "Your turn Tim, say your message."

"I will just wait," I say, sitting down on across from them.

Jason and Dick share a look I don't like very much before Dick leans back in his chair, "Well, if I had to guess, it's about Katie. You are only asking for the girl's help, which stings a bit, not going to lie." He says, his hands clasped behind his neck.

"And doesn't make sense, because I give great advice," Jason says, poking to his chest, "Especially in the love department."

Dick raises an eyebrow at this, "You told me to let you kill Brooklyn and that I would 'find another one.' "

"It was good advice for the situation," He shrugs, "And it's water under the bridge, she forgave me for that." He waves his hand in the air dismissively.

"What about when you got drunk and recited Shakespeare?" I question.

"Chicks dig that and it worked," He defends, "And I don't know why you are trying to point out my flirting strategy when I am the one that has a girlfriend."

Dick snorts at his comment about 'Chicks dig that' before saying, "Well I've had a girlfriend the longest."

"After you alienated her on the team and sided with a stranger," I point out, causing Dick to narrow his eyes at me.

"You believed her too!" He huffs. "Everyone did! Not just me! And I apologized."

"And then you didn't tell her you actually knew her and made it seem like you were getting close to her for dirt," Jason adds, causing Dick to groan and rub his face.

"As you said, water under the bridge," He grumbles, "I learned my lesson okay? And if we are going to talk about mess ups, what about when you tried to leave Hazel, which resulted in her getting a concussion?"

"That doesn't-"

"OKAY!" I shout, causing both of their heads to whip to me. "I get it, you both messed up and somehow still ended up with girlfriends that love you while I came fumbling around and ruining everything."

"So this is about Katie?" Dick asks, his expression softening.

My head falls to the table with a loud 'bang' and I groan.

"Yeah, it's about Katie," Jason laughs, "Oh Timbo, come on, tell ole Jay-Jay what happened."

"No," I say, but it come out muffled with my head still pressed to the table.

"Then you can tell me at least," Dick says, "I won't tell Jason."


"What aren't we letting Jason?" Hazel questions, walking into the room, making me spin to look at her.

"Whatever it is, I'm in," Brooklyn grins next to her.

"You said they weren't here!" I turn to glare at Jason, who just shrugs.

"You never specified if you meant to manor or the room, Timmy. That's on you." He says before he turns his attention to Hazel, who raises an eyebrow at him.

"What's wrong?" Brooklyn asks me as she walks to Dick, her eyes studying my face.

"And why are there grapes everywhere?" Hazel questions, though she is only looking at Jason and the bowl next to him.

"Dick started throwing them at me," Jason lies, pulling on an innocent look.

Dick scoffs, "Yeah, I sure did, genius, and managed to get them only on this side of the table when you are on that side," He points out.

"You are a bad aim," Jason supplies.

"As someone who trains with him, I have to disagree," Brooklyn says, leaning into him and the chair he is sitting on as he wraps an arm around her waist. "Also, as someone who used to actually fight him," She adds after a moment of thinking.

"Fine it was me," Jason gives in, "I was feeding Titus."

"Titus isn't here," Hazel crosses her arms.

"Oh, well then Alfred the cat."

"Also not here," Dick smirks as he watches Jason get caught.

"And doesn't like grapes," Brooklyn adds, her arm around Dick's shoulder, her hand lightly twirling his hair behind his neck. "Grapes are toxic to both dogs and cats."

Jason shoots Dick an 'I will remember this' look as Hazel shakes her head,"Just clean them up," She says and rolls her eyes before sitting down next to him.

He grabs her chair and pulls it closer to him before looking back to me. "Timmy has been looking for you two for advice about Katie."

Both of their eyebrows shoot up at this.

"You want to ask her out?" Brooklyn questions, her eyes on me as Dick pulls her down onto his lap.

She used to be uncomfortable with PDA and I think she still is a bit, but Dick loves it, so I think she loves with it for him. Unless we are in suits, then it's all bets off and they are bickering again.

"No," I sigh as they share a confused look before I look to Hazel, "Have you heard from her today?"

Hazel's expression grows with worry, "No, why? I mean other than sending a few tiktoks and her telling me a few hours ago that her parents are home... What happened?"

I try to form the words, but I can't. How could I have said that to her? I don't believe it, not for one second that she isn't important, I just...

My lack of willingness to say causes Hazel's concern to grow as I rub the back of my neck.

"I was really busy today-I have been really busy a lot lately-and she texted me and asked if we could talk-"

"You kissed her didn't you?" Jason interrupts me, causing me to glare at him.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you," I snap, causing Hazel to grab his hand so he would look at her, and send him a 'shut your mouth' look.

"If you really don't want to tell us, Tim, you don't have to," Dick says, smiling at me reassuringly, "It's up to you, and we won't be upset."

"No, it's fine," I sigh, "I honestly can use all the help I can get."

"That bad?" Brooklyn cocks her head to the side.

She knows without me having to answer, which is why I like talking to her so much. She knows without me having to say much at all.

She came on the team viewed as the enemy when she has become the farthest thing to it now. She has become someone I now I can count on and someone she knows she can count on.

And the first time I met Hazel, she hit be repeatedly with a bedpan, but after that it was a smooth-sailing friendship. She was the one that introduced me to Katie and I was the one she would go to for advice on Jason.

That's so weird to think about.

But she and Brooke are always understanding and hear me out.

Not to say that my own brothers aren't trust worthy... Dick has been someone I look up to quite literally since I was little. I still do and learn from him every day, his actions, his words, how he leads the team, how he interacts with people, everything. He is my big brother and the oldest; he isn't perfect but he tries his best to be. And Jason... well, he is less trustworthy, and will definitely make fun of me for what I am about to say, but I know he will have good intentions and he is actually pretty wise on rare (and I mean rare) occasions.

"I didn't kiss her," I clarify, shooting a look at Jason, who holds a hand up in surrender. "But I think I really did mess up." I say as I look at them all.

"I'm sure whatever it is, it can't be as bad as you think," Hazel reassures me, "Katie is pretty easy-going."

Well, just wait.

"I spilled coffee on my suit, and I was running late for a meeting so I was a bit frazzled when I met up with her, and then my phone kept ringing with a meeting online I was missing, and I have been busy will the team too so I haven't been getting much sleep, and-"

"Tim," Dick stops me, "Breathe," He says, "You've been dealing with a lot, we all know that. No need to hyperventilate trying to rush and say everything. It's okay."

I take a deep breath, nodding to him in thanks.

"But she just asked if we could hang out because we haven't in a long time. I said yes of course, but then the phone kept ringing and my suit was stained, and then I got the phone call," I shake my head, hating myself a bit for the next part, "Katie got upset because I wasn't listening, and she said she was trying to keep our friendship alive, but I was making it hard because I didn't seem to care and I got defensive and told her I had more important things to care about." I run a hand through my hair and look to the table, almost being able to see the pain in her eyes at my words, the pain I had caused her. "She left after that and wouldn't stop to let me apologize or explain that's not what I think at all."

"I'm sure she knows that, Tim," Brooklyn reassures me causing me to look at her, "Things get said when people are under a lot of stress, things that they don't actually mean or things that can be taken the wrong way."

"And I am sure if you apologize, and explain it, she will let you make it up to her," Dick says, "You aren't the first person to say something you don't mean to someone."

I nod, feeling slightly better about the situation. That is until I look to Hazel and Jason. More specifically, Hazel, who had a very concerned look on her face.

"I swear I didn't mean it, Hazel, I care about Katie-" I pause, turning a bit red at admitting it before I shake my head, mentally scolding myself for worrying about that right now. "I didn't mean to say that, and I don't believe that at all. I care about our friendship and I care about her."

"I know, Tim," Hazel says, clearing her concerned look; she must have realized she was freaking me out. "It's just... Katie's parents work all the time. I know you guys have picked up on it, you are all detectives," She deadpans before she continues, "her parents don't..." She trails off looking conflicted about telling me about Katie's personal life before she sighs, "They work all the time. They chose to. Katie has Pops, Grammy and me. She constantly has us. Only us." She pauses, making sure I am following. I nod and she continues, her eyes softening, "I'm not going to tell you everything, it's not my place, but the fact that it's work pulling you away from her, and work that caused you to say that to her... even if she knows you didn't mean it, it probably really hurt her."

My heart falls to my stomach as I understand what she is saying. I did what she has been experiencing for her parents all her life; I told her that work was more important than her.

The thought that she might even believe that I think that causes me chest to ache.

"Way to cheer him up," Jason mutters, causing Brooklyn to hit him in the back of the head at the same time Dick kicks his leg. "Ouch!" He hisses, rubbing his head as the two of them, and Hazel send him a disapproving look. He rolls his eyes, "Look. I get it. I something similar with Hazel when I tried to leave her a few times even though I knew she would hate that," Jason admits, causing Hazel's eyes to widen. He doesn't look at her, only at me as he says, "You are going to make mistakes if you really like her. That's just how it is."

I feel my cheeks heat up at that, "I-"

"Tim, it's okay," Dick grins, before he nods to me, "You like her, and it's fine. And Jason is, surprisingly, right. If you really care about her, you are going to mess up, but you being this upset over it shows how much you care about her. You just have to show her." He shrugs.

"I thought you guys wouldn't be very approving because she doesn't know about the secret identity thing," I admit, not bothering to try and convince them I don't like her. It wouldn't work, they are all too observant.

They all blink at me before looking to one another.

"I am dating a former anti-villain that was raised by the Gotham Sirens and trained by the League of Shadows to take down our team, the team I help lead," Dick says raising his hand with a boyish grin on his face.

Brooklyn raises hers next, a slightly more smug look on hers, "I am said former anti-villain," She jokes before adding, "And I am dating the bird brain that I couldn't stand for a good few years."

Hazel laughs slightly causing Dick and Brooklyn too as Dick presses a kiss to her temple before Hazel says, "I'm dating a current anti-villain that my dad really doesn't approve of and he is the same person that saved me but also kidnapped me."She pauses before adding, "Oh, and my uncle that's an actual villain hates his guts but also really wanted him to be his apprentice."

Jason smirks a bit at Hazels before shrugging, "My turn. Bruce's number one rule-well one of his number one rules- is not to communicate with civilians," He grins, proud of himself for breaking a rule, " I managed to save one, kidnap her-but I don't think it counted as kidnapping-" He pauses to look at Hazel, who raises an eyebrow, "Okay, whatever. Anyways, I also let the identities of everyone slip because of a stupid family photo and brought her to the cave," He says counting on his fingers how many rules he broke, "And then started dating her."

"Bottom line," Dick stops Jason from going on a tangent, "we have no room to judge," He shrugs, "Bruce will get over it. And if he doesn't, one of us will just mess up even more and make him forget about it." He looks pointedly to Jason who smiles before looking back to me, "I don't think you should tell Katie yet, of course, but if you both like each other and you want to date her then..."

"I don't recommend telling her yet," Hazel agrees, her eyes falling to me, "Definitely wait on that, despite thinking you are lying to her, you are keeping her safe. And she will flip out if you randomly throw that at her."

"I thought it was better to tell her in advance?" I question looking to Dick and Brooke, "That was a problem y'all had."

"Different situation," Brooklyn explains, surprising me even more, "I have been in this life for basically my whole life. And Dick knew me as both Cat and Brooklyn while I didn't, which would be the case you should tell her because then it seems deceitful."

I blink slowly before my eyes fall to the table, my leg bouncing.

"Oh no," Jason's eyes widen.

"You didn't," Dick say, catching on as Hazel looks to them in confusion.

"Tim?" Brooklyn questions, warning in her voice, "She hasn't met Red Robin, has she?"

"Of course not," I cough, "When would she have?"

"We ran into her one night," Dick informs them, "we were getting coffee and she helped us make it," He looks to me, "Did you go back?"

"No!" I exclaim, before my face falls, "Well, not that night."

They all groan, causing me to turn red.

"I didn't mean to. She draws on the roof, and I saw her and wanted to make sure she was okay, and we just started talking... I didn't mean to seems deceitful!" I rub my face with my hands. "I'm in so much trouble."

"How many times has this happened?" Jason questions, seeming to enjoy my current situation by the look on his face.

"A good few," I admit, "When patrol is slow I stop by if she is there. I didn't mean for it to happen, she is just really easy to talk to and she makes the time pass faster."

"Does she know who you are?" Brooklyn asks, causing the others to look at me expectantly.

"No," I shake my head immediately, "I didn't tell her anything that would lead her to figure it out."

"Well..." Hazel sighs and we all think she is going to say something about how I should fix this, but instead she says, "I'm slightly hurt she hasn't told me about this."

"Don't take it personally, Princess," Jason rubs her back lightly, "She probably just doesn't think it's that cool because it's Red Robin."

"Hey!" I exclaim, about to defend myself before I sigh, "Actually, she told Steph and I once that her favorite was Brooklyn or Dick."

"Yes!" Brooklyn and Dick say together as they high-five each other.

Jason rolls his eyes at them, before looking back to me, "Then use it to your advantage. Red should ask her if she is okay."

"That sounds even more deceitful," I point out, "I'm not trying to trick her."

"You aren't," He says, but I look to Hazel to see what she thinks.

Hazel sighs, "I mean I don't think it would be a horrible idea. If you and her have been friends while you are Red Robin, maybe you could figure out how you need to apologize and maybe Red Robin could make her feel better."

"Just don't go and try to make out with her, that would make it worse," Jason says.

"Or flirt," Dick adds glancing to Brooklyn, "Try to avoid that too."

"Noted," I say but can't help but think about the fact that we did nearly kiss the other night.

That was an accident, and it honestly could have all been in my imagination, but... I could do it, I couldn't kiss her when she didn't know it was me. It wouldn't be right.

"Just apologize as Tim when you get the chance," Brooklyn smiles, "I am sure it will all work out."

I sure hope so.



you guys wanted more of hazel and brickkkkk
i think this was such a cute chapter despite the heavy topic.

do you think katie is going to forgive him easily?
fav relationship/friendship so far?
do you like seeing all of the girls interact?
do you think red talking about to will make it better or worse?
thanks for reading, don't forget to vote & comment !!

xoxo, author

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