-ˋˏ partners in crime ˎˊ- ‏...

By lucyluhvs

61.7K 3K 6.2K

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ summary: Katie Mahone is a ball of energy and a people person. She is always on the mo... More



1.8K 101 261
By lucyluhvs




"You haven't seen Star Wars?!" Tim exclaims though it seems like he is shouting at me more than anything.

"No," I smile at his shocked face. I think I broke him.

We just got back to the manor from school and he was going through the movies he loved to watch.  I think I saw a piece of him die when I said I hadn't seen Star Wars or Star Trek. I've never seen Tim look so disappointed... well, other than when he is denied another cup of coffee. 

"What?!" He questions, running both of his hands through his hair as if he is stressed to the max over this fact.

I bite back a laugh as he shakes his head and mutters to himself, almost making me question if he has actually lost it.

"What is Drake going on about?" Damian questions as he walks into the living room.

"Hey, Tater-tot," I greet before I say, "He is distraught over the fact that I haven't seen Star Wars."

Damian glares at me for the nickname before he rolls his eyes and says, "Drake made me watch those years ago. He has an unhealthy obsession with Star Wars and Star Trek."

"Says the kid that is obsessed with kniv-nevermind." Tim cuts off whatever he was going to say as he makes eye contact with me.

I raise an eyebrow at this, but don't say anything as Damian crosses his arms and steps closer.

"Careful, Drake," Damian smirks, "Wouldn't want to solidify your spot as the worst ever, would you?"

"Considering that's your title, I'll pass. I have to leave you with something," Tim snaps back and it takes me off guard a bit.

I've seen Tim with Damian before, but it's been a while so it's still a little shocking when he has good comebacks and snarky remarks because, as far as I can tell, he only used them for Damian.

"Father will leave me with plenty," Damian says, his eyes sizing up Tim as he says, "You, however, should start planning for the worst."

Tim opens his mouth to respond, but stops as someone walks into the room.

"Little D?" Dick asks, waving to me in greeting before he turns his attention back to Damian, "What are you doing crashing Tim's date?"

Tim turns more red than I have ever seen him... Maybe even more red than Red Robin's suit. But I just laugh and shake my head, brushing off the idea, "Not a date, but a movie marathon because Mrs. Miller horrible."

Dick raises his eyebrow and sends Tim a look before he says, "I had Mrs. Miller. Could have sworn she had something for Bruce."

"I told you!?" I turn to Tim, hitting him in the chest lightly, "See, it was either Bruce or you she had the hots for!"

"Mrs. Miller and Drake?" Damian echos and Dick shivers uncomfortably at the thought.

"That's disgusting," He shakes his head and Tim clears his throat, causing him to roll his eyes before he turns to Damian, "You coming?"

"Why would I be going with you, Grayson?" Damian asks, confusion in his tone, glancing to Tim suspiciously.

"Where are you guys going?" I ask, curious. I'm even more curious because Damian doesn't even know.

"To see Biscuit, Brooklyn's cat," Dick explains quickly, causing Damian to raise his eyebrow, "And Brooklyn, of course, she wants to see you. You know it's been awhile." He states matter-of-fact.

"Brooklyn dropped me off at school this morning," Damian states, his tone flat and slightly irritated sounding, "Why would she-"

"We are just going to go, okay? I know you get really sad if you can't see us a lot," Damian looks like he is going to protest but Dick crosses his arms and gives him a pointed look. "Biscuit misses you too."

"Well, he certainly doesn't miss you," Damian remarks, rolling his eyes as he starts to leave, before he turns around and says, "Drake, next time you ask Grayson to get me out of the house, I suggest you send him with a reason. Or send someone else."

If any of it is true, Dick doesn't let on as he shrugs, "I don't know what you mean Damian. If you have problem with it you can talk to Brooklyn-"

"There isn't a problem," He says narrowing his eyes at Dick, "I would never pass on a chance to see Biscuit."

"Right, just to see Biscuit," Dick rolls his eyes before he ruffles Damian's hair as he passes, Damian elbowing him in the gut when he does. Dick winces slight before he says,"Bring Alfred. I am sure Brooklyn would like to see him."

It makes me a second to remember that's the name of the cat that Brooklyn gifted to Damian.

Bruce wasn't too happy, but he allowed it because of how happy it made Damian according to Tim.

"I want a cat," I mutter to no one in particular.

"They are a handful, trust me," Dick says with a sort of smirk and winks to Tim before walks out of the room.

"Can I drive?" Damian asks as he walks away.

"Let me think," Dick pauses before saying, "Nope."

I smile as their voices fade out before I turn to Tim, who seems to recovered from the dating comment.

"Is there a reason Damian refers to everyone by their last name except for Brooklyn and me?" I question, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"Out of all of that, that's what you got?" Tim asks, a smile on his face.

I shrug sheepishly, "I mean Damian is the same as always, Dick always thinks we are on a date, and I know you don't love when Damian is around so it makes sense for you to ask Dick to distract him for a bit." I explain before I add, "Tonight is supposed to be relaxing and if you are butting heads with your brother, I doubt it would be that relaxing for you."

"That and he is a total brat, but everything else is pretty spot on," Tim says before he rubs the back of his neck, "Sorry if Dick made you uncomfortable with the date joke, I'm sure he was-"

"It's okay, if anything, I think you looked more embarrassed than me," I say and sit down on the couch, "Better be because we are friends and not because you would be embarrassed to date me though."

Tim shakes his head, "I wouldn't be embarrassed to date you-"

"Good," I smile before I say, "So the last names?"

Tim makes himself busy as he picks out the first Star Wars movie and starts to set it up, "Damian grew up with his strict grandfather so he is a lot more proper in how he refers to people. Brooklyn has known him for a good while and they-err-they just bonded so Damian calls her Brooklyn. That and I don't think he knew her last name until a few years later," He explains before I turns off the light and the movies starts.

He sits a few inches from me, turning his head to me as he says, "And he called you Mahone one time and you seemed upset by it so I asked him not to anymore."

My expression softens; I wasn't expecting that as the answer. I look to the floor and joke, "I am surprised he listened to you."

"He didn't," He says with a small laugh, causing me to look back to him, "Hazel asked him not to, and then it became all of us asking."

I draw my eyebrows together in confusion, "You all asked? Why? You don't even..." I trail off, because they don't know that I hate my last name. I hate it because it reminds me of my parents.

Now, I know what you are thinking, and no, I don't hate my parents. I just wish hearing my last name, being called a Mahone, didn't mean nights alone, hoping one of them would make it like they said they would and then getting a text an hour later saying "time got away from them."

I hate it because it makes me feel alone and makes me wish I didn't miss them constantly.

"We don't need a reason," Tim smiles warmly, reassuringly like he did earlier today. Somehow it feels me with more comfort than I though a smile should be able to give. "You were bugged by it so he stopped."

"I love your family," I mutter, almost embarrassed I said it until he runs a hand through his hair, a small grin on his face.

"We are a handful and argue a lot, but I think we are pretty good at having each other's back when we need it," He says before his eyes find the screen, "Oh, it's starting!" He exclaims, causing me to laugh at his reaction before we both settle down and focus on the movie.


I scrunch my nose, my eyes shut tightly. Someone is talking and shaking me. Why is something talking to me and shaking me?

I bury my head deeper into my pillow and groan, "It's Saturday, Pops." He always does this, he always wakes me up on days I should get to sleep in.

"Miss Katie, I assume that means you will be staying for dinner?"

Is Pops pretending to be British?

I scrunch up my face even more, and my pillow shakes slightly making me make another face.

"Earthquake?" I mutter confused before a hand falls on my shoulder.

"Katie, we fell asleep..." My pillow whispers, and that's when I realizes pillows can't whisper.

I open one eye I see Tim looking down at me, sleep still clouding his vision, and Alfred standing over us.

I groan again tiredly and turn, hiding my face in his chest, "You're warm." It's true. The rest of the manor feels like it's freezing, but Tim is warm. That's probably why we are in this situation.

"I'm going to take that as a yes," Alfred says amused with the situation before he says, "Good luck, Master Tim."

Tim mutters something, I can feel it as his chest vibrates against my head, his hand falling back on my shoulder tiredly.

I don't know what he said though, my brain to slow to process much right now, let alone use my ears.

"I can move," I mutter, still half asleep, my eyes not even opening as my speech slurs. Maybe he wanted me to get off of him, maybe I'm bugging him.

Tim shifts lightly, "It's okay, I'm too tired to move too." He mutters back, his voice deep and rough from sleep.

I open my eyes tiredly, glancing at him to see him lean his head back, his eyes closed with a few strands of hair falling over his forehead. He sighs, his chest rising as he does so, his face peaceful and somehow still looking tired as he starts falling back asleep.

He should get more sleep than he usually does. He always seems so stressed out and so tired. I don't think it's... I don't think...

My eyes close on their own accord, my cheek pressed against his chest as my hand rests next to it.

What was I thinking? Oh, Tim needs more sleep.

Maybe I need more sleep.

I wonder if Red Robin struggles with lack of sleep like this? If I hadn't been staying up so late to talk to him every night then I wouldn't be this tired, so I hope he suffers a bit from it.

Though I think Tim already fell asleep, his breaths even and slow, his thumb rubs slow circles on my arm, making me turn even more to him, our bodies pressed together.

I vaguely hear the TV going on the back ground, and feel a blanket being placed over us, but by the time someone turns off the movie, both of us are out cold.


AHHHHH they are so cute i can't evennnn
anyways i have been waiting to share this one bc they are so dang cuteeee

what do you want to happen next?
do you like tim and katie more or red robin and katie moments?
just tell me your thoughts on everything?
thanks for reading, don't forget to vote & comment !!

xoxo, author

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