Levi's Angel Ereri/Riren

By Rirenislifee

152K 6.5K 2.2K

Eren Jaeger is a 14 year old angel. But not just any angel, the prince angel, and on his 15th birthday, he wi... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23

part 6

8.5K 377 93
By Rirenislifee

Eren's POV

As soon as I stepped out of the apartment I was met with a rush of cool air. It had gotten a lot darker outside too. I started walking on the sidewalk looking for the park that led to our cabin.

"EREN!!!" A voice from behind me yelled. I swiftly spun around to see Mikasa running towards me followed by Armin, Sasha, and Connie.

"Hey guys..." I responded before being pulled into a hug by Mikasa.

"We were so worried! Where were you?" She questioned.

"Um, well you see-"

"Where are the groceries?" Sasha asked looking slightly concerned. Oh right, what happened to them??? Did I leave them back at the alley with the demons? Oops!

"That's alright we can just go out somewhere." Armin said before I had a chance to explain. I'm greatful for because I wouldn't even know how to begin explaining all that happened today.

"I know a good place we can go!" Connie exclaimed. "I heard there is a nice diner in this town...something like Rico's Diner?"

"I've heard of that one, I think we can walk there from here" Armin stated.

"Hooray!" Sasha shouted a little too loudly. After 5 minutes of walking, Armin leading the way, we arrived at the diner. When we stepped in, a lady with short light-blond hair and glasses greeted us. She showed us to a booth where we all sat and began looking at the menu. The lady-Rico, had disappeared into the back kitchen.

"Ooohhhh I want this!" Sasha said pointing to the largest item on the menu.

"I think I will just have a cheeseburger." Armin stated.

"A burger sounds good, what about you Eren?" Mikasa asked.

"Uhhh" I had already ate at Levi's house but I couldn't exactly tell them that. "I'm not really hungry." I answered.

"You have to eat something!" She ordered.

"Or you can get a plate and give it to me!" Sasha suggested. Is that all she ever thinks about?!?

"Why not get a small dish, like a salad?" Armin offered.

"Sure." I looked at the description. Honestly I didn't exactly know what it was but if it tasted half as good as what I had at Levi's, then I'm sure I will like it. All of my friends had gone through training to assist me while on Earth, but me? I know next to nothing about it. When Rico came back she took our order. Sasha go some giant burger with fries and chips. Mikasa and Armin got cheeseburgers, Connie got a soup, and o just ordered a small salad.

"So Eren, where were you today?" Connie asked.

"Well I went to the store..." I began, not exactly sure if I should tell the truth or not. "Then on my way back some guys came out of nowhere and attacked me. I slipped away and have been wandering around sense then." Okay so not exactly the truth but that's all they really need to know, right?
Mikasa looked really angry. "I swear if I get my hands on them-"

"Its okay Mikasa, I'm fine, I just lost the groceries, that's all!" I assured. She slowly calmed down.

I slurped some water- which the waiter brought out for all of us a few minutes ago- as we waited for our food. When it arrived Sasha's mouth watered.

"Enjoy!" Our waiter said before once again disappearing behind the kitchen doors with the tray she brought our food out on.

"This looks great!" Connie said as he began to dig in. Sasha was already half-way done with her burger before I had even taken a bite. I picked at mine a bit as we all ate, with a few small conversations here and there. Sasha finished first, she looked at Mikasa.

"Are you going to finish those?" She asked looking at the fries left on her plate.

"You want them?" Mikasa asked picking the up. Sasha nodded quickly. As she reached her hands out to take the fries, Mikasa put the fries in her mouth leaving a slightly shocked and devasted Sasha. Connie burst out in laughter.

"Here you can have the rest of my salad." I offered. Honestly, it didn't taste nearly as good as the Chinese food I had earlier and I wasn't that hungry. Sasha quickly recoverd and took my salad bowl. A few minutes later our waiter came back with the bill and Armin paid and we all got up to leave.

"Thanks for coming! Come again!" Rico called out to us as we left the diner.

"What time is it?" I asked, looking up at the moon. It was almost full- what was that called again? Waning something? I had learned about the moons when I was a kid but all I bothered to remember was the Full and New moon.

"9:45 pm." Armin answered looking at his watch.

"We should hurry home." Mikasa suggested.

"Yeah, I'm tired" I agreed as we walking towards the park. I wonder if tomorrow will be this exciting...

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