
By blithe_diva

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The scars in the lives of the trio was nothing in comparison with anything possible. At such a young age, th... More

Author's note
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 30

96 21 6
By blithe_diva

I hurriedly wrapped a beige colored veil to accompany my brown flare gown. Grabbing my phone as I stuffed it in my half empty purse, I gave the disoriented room a look over gulping the massive feeling of guilt down.

I had left the room in the same condition the previous day, and now I'm about to the same. I just hoped Fahaad won't think he married a disorganised teenager cause it's really unlike me.

I pushed my thoughts aside as I recalled leaving Fahaad and our tour guide waiting for almost an hour now.

I blamed it on my oversleeping habit lately. The comfort of the soft bed was just too much to let go.

I rushed out the apartment almost forgetting to lock up after, then made my way down to the reception.

There Fahaad sat along with a splitting masculine image of Marcia, a bit older and mature looking though. The atmosphere between them clearly portrayed the awkwardness there.

I cleared my throat with a sheepish smile mirroring Fahaad's slight frown.

"Sorry I'm late"

"Hi, I'm Davi. You must be Elhaam, nice to finally meet you" Marcia's brother introduced with a pending hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too Davi " I replied with a polite smile declining his hand.

"Alright. I've made all the preparations necessary for a successful tour. I hope to be the best tour guide I could possibly be considering the kindness you showed towards my sister." he stated formally.

I glanced at the silent Fahaad. He's said no word ever since I came down. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's upset.

Seeing as he wasn't planning to say a word, I decided to respond.

"We're ready I guess"

"Good. I'll go see if our cab ride is here" he excused himself.

I sat quietly at the seat next to Fahaad's as I waited for anything from him.

"Are you upset?"
It was a stupid question to ask, but his silence was weird.

"No" he curtly replied.

At that moment, I felt extremely stupid to ask in the first place. If he didn't want to talk, it was his choice, why did it have to bother me.

I decided to use my phone in the meantime, see if Fatimah was online so we could catch up for a bit. It's been a while I guess.

"I've never had to wait for someone, or at least I can't remember having to wait, so it felt a bit...strange " his late reply reached my ear, irking me to a certain extent.

"Well I never had to apologise for appearing slightly late either, but I did anyways" I shot back unintentionally coming off rude.

I sunk my head down at how tensed I just made things between us. Just when I was coming out of my cocooned shell, I had to mess things up. Or rather 'we did'.

"Sorry" we mumbled at the same time coming out as a whisper. It was almost as if we were apologising to ourselves not each other.

"Sorry" we chorused again, coincidentally looking up at each other. I watched as a slow smile made its way to his face mirroring mine before we broke into a rhythmic laughter.

Just on cue, Davi approached to inform us our ride was here.

I was glad we made up before our tour, it would have been a boring tensed and awkward moment for the both of us.


I laughed into the sunset as Fahaad shared a light joke, then a click sound, adding to the many pictures he took of me that day.

"People are going to think I came alone on this trip" I stated after I sobered up.

"Why?" He asked with an oblivious frown.

"How many people do you see in the pictures you've been taking?" I retorted with a sarcastic snort

"They think what they want. Besides, I'm not exactly photogenic " he shrugged off nonchalantly.

"Well this is not a matter of photogenic or not, memories are at stake, so get over here" I called on for him to join me on the sand as the sun glistened orange on us.

"She's right you know. You didn't take a single picture together as much as I know." Davi stepped in after a brief call he had.

"It really isn't necessary you know" he pressed on.

I gave a sigh sharing a look with Davi as I rose to my feet.

"Fine. I'm having a walk along the beach shore." I proceeded to taking off my shoes 

"Why do you need to take that off?" He asked his voice laced with concern.

I chose to ignore him as I walked along into the shores of the open sea. The waves washing up cold water beneath my feet mixed with the muddy sand gave a tranquille scent of the ocean. It was a new safe moment for me.

I glanced back at fahaad who stood still to his spot with his phone glued to his hand. I smiled at the camera knowing quite well he was taking my picture. Recalling the reason I stood up in the first place, I got ready for action.

"Ah!" I crashed down faking an agonizing cry in pain.

I wasn't even sure my plan would work until I saw Fahaad rush to my foot with a look of worry.

"What's wrong? I knew taking off your sandals was a terrible idea but you won't listen" he went on inspecting my foot.

I stared at him lost of words. Though I should be guilty for lying and faking an injury, his reaction was not as expected and rather so cute.

I glanced over at Davi sporting a grin as he showed me his phone.

I smiled back as I mouthed a 'thank you' to him. For what it's worth, I now have a photo of us together, even if it meant just one.

"I don't see any external wound, it must be a sprain. Do you think you can stand?"

My gaze drifted to his worrisome face. He was really handsome no doubt about that, and presently looked really cute.

What was I even thinking! I scolded myself for such abrupt thoughts.

"I'm fine. It was nothing " I found my words, disclosing the real truth as polite as I could with a dashing smile.

"You didn't sound alright earlier?" He furrowed his brows in a confused frown.

"Yeah, I um...faked it?" I stated slowly, anticipating his reaction anxiously.


"It was a trick, sort of at least " I added getting myself prepared for a scolding or something.

I glanced up at his face after moments of silence and no reaction from him. The look of confusion still plastered there, if possible even deeper.

It was either he was really confused about what I said, or he was finding it hard to believe I'd do that, I mean I myself can't believe I did, nevertheless, I decided to ease the tension by splashing a handful of water at him which took him off-guard.

I burst into a fit of laughter. His facial expression was priceless. I had yet to regain my composure as I felt the cold water splash against my face resulting a shriek out of me.

"How dare you!?" I screamed as I cleared the droplets from my eyelids only to realize he was already up on his feet chuckling.

"That was payback. Now this..." he left his sentence unfinished, keeping me curious as he scooped me up into his arms, then suddenly dumped me in the deeper part of the shore, drenching my entire gown.

I let out another shriek as I came in contact with the freezing water.

"That's for tricking me into whatever scheme you had planned" he completed in between chuckles.

The sound of his laughter drained any ounce of emotion I had within me. Instead, I was left with adoration. For him?

It was crazy to think he's the same boy that had me nervous and anxious about myself around him in the entire camp from day one. And now, here he is laughing carefreely around me, cause I happen to be his wife.

A small smile made its way to my lips with the thought, how situations do change. I was only grateful to Allah. I might not have appreciated how we ended up been together where we are, but I am indeed happy about how things are turning up, and what the future might possibly give birth to.

The rest of the evening was spent on a boat dinner booked by Davi for us. It was lavishly planned. And to top up my happiness, Davi managed to get a lot of sneak pictures of Fahaad and I. Not one, but dozens.

Later that night, I didn't have the strength to call Ayan, though I heard Fahaad on the phone with him, I was too drained to leave the room and join in. Besides, I had in mind we were returning back to Nigeria tomorrow, so what could possibly go wrong before then?



rd person POV

It was a few minutes past Fajr prayer. Elhaam was too enthusiastic to fall back asleep. She began tidying up the messy room. She had left it the previous night with the excuse she was too exhausted.

Humming while she arranged her box according to the gifts she bought everyone back at home, to her personal stuff.

The mere thought of seeing Ayan later that day filled her up with happiness she couldn't decipher. It was normal for her to feel that way. She's never been away from him for so long. A whole week! That was too much in her point of view.

Almost immediately she began, a subtle knock came on the door. She knew very well who it was, so she called out the door was open.

She had convinced herself the formality was uncalled for. The sooner she accepted she was married to Fahaad, the better it'd be, and she was finally starting to adjust to it.

"Um Elhaam?" Fahaad called by the door.

"Yeah? You can come in. I'm tidying the place up, I didn't get to do it yesterday " she spoke energetically engrossed in her sorting outs.

"I need to talk to you. Now."

The seriousness in his voice had her looking at his tense expression only to realize how sober 'this talk' was going to be.

With a curt nod, she abandoned what she was doing and trailed behind him to the living room.

They sat for at least a minute in utter silence as Fahaad looked for a way to break the news to her.

He recalled the conversation he had with Ayan the previous night.


"Hey Ayan" Fahaad greeted with a permanent smiled he's had throughout the evening.

"You're in a happy mood" Ayan pinpointed

"Why would you say that?" Fahaad chuckled.

"I can tell from your voice. Besides, you initiated a call today, something you rarely do 'Mr I don't like talking to people'" Ayan mocked.

"Alright, I've heard you. How are you? Ya camp?" He brushed off with a genuine laugh.

"Lafiya lau alhamdulillah. How's Elhaam? I'm surprised she didn't call me to disturb me"

"She's probably asleep. She's tired and too eager for tomorrow, she literally can't wait to see you, I can see it in her eyes" Fahaad inwardly chuckled.

"About that. You won't be coming back tomorrow " Ayan stated turning Fahaad's smile to an automatic frown.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean to say is, you'll be going to The states. Milan happens to know someone there and we thought it would be a great idea to send you there." Ayan casually explained.

"Ayan are you hearing yourself out loud kuwa? What do you mean The states, like it's no joke to you?" Fahaad fumed finding it hard to keep his tone at bay.

"Calm down Fahaad, it's for the best. Milan's friend lives in Idaho, his son school's there, Elhaam could join also. And the man is or was a senator of Nigeria I'm not sure. Life would be easier for you both" Ayan broadened his reason infuriating Fahaad even further.

"I can't believe this right now! Have you lost your mind? Where did you get the money to plan this?" He half yelled into the phone.

"The resources don't matter..."

"Don't start that one with me. Did you really resort to mi,lan's haram resources. Just for what? Elhaam? Are you thinking at all? What do you think she'll say when she hears this?" Fahaad furiously went on pacing to and fro to calm his raging heart.

"I don't care what she'll say if I'm doing it for her own good. She deserves to be educated and  a better life than living life in this trap hole" Ayan retorted back.

"Education? Wait, how long are we talking about here?" Fahaad scoffed in disbelief.

"It doesn't mat..."

"Ayan spew it out already!" Fahaad dangerously spoke.

"Its depends alright, I don't know. What course she chooses will determine that" Ayan huffed.

Fahaad remained silent in disbelief this was actually Ayan, and he was going through with whatever sham this was.

"Do you really expect me to be able to break this news to Elhaam. That too on a very short notice. How fair do you think this is on us Ayan?" Disappointment clearly noted in his tone.

"I'm sorry Fahaad, I really am. But milan only brought the suggestion to me early morning yesterday " Ayan excused.

"That is no excuse you know that. I have nothing more to say to you. I've heard enough of you this night. I'm sure you know this already, but Elhaam will not be pleased with this, and I'm not either." With that said, Fahaad disconnected the call.

"Elhaam..." he began the words getting lost again.

"Is something wrong?" She worried afraid something terrible happened back home.

"Our trip back home was canceled" he blurted out avoiding her gaze.

"What? What do you mean by canceled?" She puzzled with a frown.

"What do you think it means?" Sarcasm dripping from his tone.

She let out a gasp as his reply came as a blow to her. He had never spoken to her that way, neither had she seen him speak that way with anyone.

"Excuse me?" She perplexed further.

The tension only seemed to be rising as his irritation rose.

"We won't be going back to Nigeria. Instead, we'll be going to Idaho" he stated void of any emotion.

Elhaam gave him a look over to analyze how sober he was saying those words before replying.

"I don't know where the hell that is, but if I follow you out of this hotel, then it's definitely back to my brother, that's my final word" she spat the words before dashing back to the room not forgetting to put the lock on the door.

Just who did he think he was? Her owner? The thought centered in her head.

No way was she going to let him talk to her like that. Moreover, no way was she going to Idaho, never!



Kuyi hakuri dan Allah (I'm really sorry please) I swear this time around it's not my fault. Each time I enter wattpad, I'll remember I have something else to do.

Ramadan Mubarak to y'all✨❤

I'll try and update again now that I've entered the wattpad.

And you guys should read "behind a smile"
Worth it wallahi. But you'll cry sha, me sef the kind cry I did😫😫

The full book is on okadabooks, if you can't pay sef, message me, I'll help you. And if you've read it, come let's fantasize small😂

See me oo, aunty book promoter😂😂 abeg promote my book like this too ehn, biko.

See you in the next chapter ❤💖

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