Forbidden Secrets

By ph1localy

1.1K 22 23

When the kingdom of Rivvia makes a truce with Iirania with a family bond, lord Galen Morx is wed off to marry... More

Authors note ❤️
1, Hatred
2, Hunt
3, Dreams
4, Omeg
5, really?
6, lust
8, monster
9, Mate

7, Scars

78 0 0
By ph1localy


"We're here" I burst out in joy, after such a long trip i'm just dying for a cold glass of water to drink down my meal.

The smell of smoke and mint fills my nose, if you look far enough behind the light shaggy green hills you'll see dark black burnt grass along with trees lines.

Ashes spreading unto your feet wherever you step.

Almost like a dark dream chasing you.

Flor is bigger then i could have ever imagined, all i ever saw were paintings and tales about this place.

They were all amazing and it's been in my to do list ever since.

But nothing compares to the beauty is this place, nothing.

Crazy how fate takes you places huh?

A sigh leaves Galen's lips as he crouched down rubbing his middle finger and pointing finger along the grass.

I shrug it off embracing the beautiful wilderness it reflects.

Although i wouldn't call it a wilderness but the trees that lead up to a forest and a small dirt path leading up to a mountain.

Despite the smell and blackness of it all it's pretty ship shape, it's outstandingly beautiful.

Breath taking.

A fresh breeze blows along shaking near by trees, smoke hurdling out bricks of old chimneys.

Men and women walk along the dirt road with their children hand in hand as the other hand is full with food and accessories from the nearby market.

Salesmen yelling out their prices and taking offers, more of them are scams but who knows?

Some yell out what they have as others scold them for not buying.

Beautiful music takes place along a huge fountain, it looks well kept for its old age.

Tunes of fiddles and men banging sticks unto pans their clicking echoing off buildings.

Children holding hands and dancing with one another not giving a care in the world as their parents shop around.

I frown at the fact that Rivvia isn't as easy going but once i become queen that will all change.

And i can't wait.

Drowning that thought a smile makes it way as a younger girl around 7 walks up to me, two front teeth missing from her beautiful smile she gives as she looks up at me.

A wild flower with all sorts of vibrant colors in her hand, "A pretty flower for a pretty girl! You look like a princess!" She jumps up and down her eyes crinkling as she smiles wider.

Her red curly hair bouncing along her shoulders as she does so.

I smile taking the flower and pinning it into my hair, "Why thank you, and what might your name be?" she doesn't hesitate to answer as she says, "Maribelle! But you can call me Mari!!" I smile.

"That's a beautiful name, i'm-" Galen clears his throat shaking his head, i take my attention back to her giving her my middle name, "I'm Roseally Kingston" She downs a cute bow and runs away back to the other small children giggling and whispering as they stare.

My heart warms of the fact.

"Roseally Kingston? Ahh my lady what a beautiful name" Galen speaks, his british accent coming more relevant and crisp.

Not meeting to a full standard, "Well somebody told me not to"

"You can never trust a living soul Roseally" i roll my eyes at the name, it's not my fault my parents decided to name me after my fathers mothers sisters pet peacock.


I laugh at my joke forgetting i didn't say it aloud which makes Galen brush up an eyebrow.

I shake my head in a "nothing" attitude.

"We should go in and check out the ground we'll be sleeping on tonight" I stop any sort of movement to happen.

"I am not sleeping on rock solid ground knowing full well i slept on a dirty floor with rats droppings laying around last night."

Galen's sudden smirk widens, "Such a princess"

I take a deep breath exhaling it slowly trying to calm my nerves down so i don't light anything on fire.

But when Galen laughs it all goes to shame, "Ouhhh knock it off you fool! I am not sleeping on some lumpy ground as i slept off a cold floor the day before!" He laughs slightly, his lips curling into his smile revealing a sharp dimple on his left cheek, one i never saw till now.

As well as that dashing smile.

It's so beautiful, he's so beautiful.

None of that now.

He asks, "You don't know classy jokes do you?" I shoot him a glare," Of course i do, don't you? After all, you are living it" His laughing comes to a cease  

As a wide innocent smile forms unto my face, checkmate.

"Mm well now"

"Are you scared?"

"People fear what they don't know, but i on the other hand do know and that's where i got this" he speaks lowly.

He lifted up his shirt revealing four claw marks covering his whole back from shoulder to his lower back.

Such a tragedy that must've been.

He's been through so much, who would caused this? Or what could've caused this?

I seem to not be hiding my expressions as well as i thought as he voices, "It's all good though, barely" his voice cracked, he cleared his throat twice before finishing, "hurt".

I want to ask his what happened, how it happened, who in there right paranormal mind thought this was okay?

So many questions fill me up but i know they'll have to wait in longer as Galen says, "We should go visit Kumes you know before this shit show gets worse"

His shirt is now back on fully, but still he has such a pure soul only to be damaged and traumatized by a monster?

"You can ask" he finally says after uncomfortable silence, we grabbed the reins of the horses in our grasp as we lead away heading deeper into the village.

Hastily making our way to the largest building here, which is about a mile up.

"Who did that?" i look up at him to see he's staring back, a blank expression over his face.

Maybe i shouldn't of asked i mean it is rude but he offered.

And my questions always get the best me, besides do i really want to know?

After some silence i thing he's not going to answer before he says, "My father" I come to a holt, a strange burst of rage blaring into me body and slowly, very slowly exhaling my body as i breath in. 

"How could he do such an awful thing to his own child?" i begin to walk again my cheeks still red in anger, how.


"I deserved it?" sounds more like an i'm gonna tell you what you want to hear because you don't wanna hear the real stuff to me.

"Still, i'm sorry, you didn't deserve that either way-" i got cut off mid sentence as he scoffed shaking his head, as if i'm pathetic with my questions and reaction.

"You don't really know who or what i am do you?" does anybody?

i barely know myself as it is, yet i have a strange feeling Galen knows me better then anyone.

"I didn't-"

"Nevermind Odessa, you can't handle it anyway"

"Never mind Odessa, you can't handle it anyway"


She can.

I know she can.

But she can't know.

No one can.

My father was right, it is my fault she died.

After i tried to attack him he clearly strikes back unleashing his own demons.

Demons that shall forever hunt me.

The vicious grin he had on his face as his claws striked me, blood gushing out as i bellowed blood curdling screams.

If it weren't for a whore of a mother she would've been there to protect me for sure.

She's always been there when i never needed her, never bothered to care till i gained full strength of my powers.

As was never there when i needed answers or a mother to help me through it all.

The pain.

The questions.

The thoughts.

The feelings.

She was never there.

And she never planned on it.

I should've known she never truly cared about me when she handed me to my father after the loss of Avery.

She was the first person i ran to, pleading for help.

Hoping it was all a dream.

Begging her to use her sorcery and reverse it all so i had a chance to save my Avery.

But she didn't.

She pushed me away.

Shoving me out the door as she herself left with another man.

She says she cares.

Says she's here for me.

But she never was.

And never fucking will.

I just want my mother who used to care, used to cradle me in her arms when i'm in my lows.

But she somehow died when i died.

Cursing me with her anger she says i'll never find true love after Avery. 

And if i do, she may as well proclaim herself as useless.

After all she is the most powerful person as she likes to say.

She knew i would go to The Royals because she said "Go to The Royals, and your powers are cut off and the whole world will think you're an monster, a beast to society. Nobody would love you then. Not even your sweet, decaying lady Avery. I love you son, now go to your father before i rain hell on you and your future"

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