The Idbetian Interview Shop |...

By MultiPlexComm

622 76 42

- Open - A chance to showcase yourself. A chance to talk about your what you love and are passionate about... More

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➸ ⥌ Interviewer: Heather | Open
➸ ⥌ Interviewer: Harleen | Open
↳┃Val: -vxlentine- | Heather
↳┃Kaur: Girlsglobe | Heather
↳┃Rayne - Rayne_Writez | Harleen
↳┃Konan: name-cute_girl | Heather
↳┃Anne: sarcasticoffeelover5 | Harleen
↳┃Lia - AlfionaLia | Harleen
↳┃Kylie - kyliebetrue | Harleen

↳┃Quinn - mazlynaaeyal | Harleen

22 4 1
By MultiPlexComm

Interviewee: mazlynaaeyal
Interviewer: queen_of_dairymilk

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Hi! I am Harleen, your interviewer! How was your day today?

It was kind of a roller-coaster of bubbling emotions but in the end, I was amazingly just fine. ☺️

Why did you choose to join the Multiplex community?

I was in search of groups or communities who are in need of editors and I came across this shop in Wattpad in the process. I was surprised there were a lot of community/shops available, in my time these activities didn't even exist yet. 😂 Multiplex was the first shop I saw and I just applied for it since my long hiatus in wattpad.

What would you say are the perks of being in this community?

Perks, hmmm I might say that this comm is the sweetest, funniest filled with amazing and adorable people! RJ, Maxxie and Heather really helped me a lot when I was just a newbie. Also this is my first community so I would say it has a special place in my heart and I don't regret entering one bit. 😉

When and how did you enter wattpad?

I entered wattpad when I was 15 I guess? That was like in 2013/2014, really a long, long time ago. Entered because of my hobby of reading, stayed because I wrote a book and then when I entered my pre-adult life, I took a hiatus. I rejoined back last year (2021) because of my activities in this community and kinda actually continued writing my never-ending poem book in wattpad.

Why did you choose to be a judge?

I actually was erm stuck between two options, with becoming an editor and chose judge as my 2nd option. This was because I'm more of a reader than a writer so I thought maybe I was applicable to do it. And lucky or not it was the best decision I ever made as I think I did contribute a lot by being it and it has literally sharpen my mind in understanding the concept and journey of writing and understanding a book.

What did this app teach you?

Wattpad? Man, a lot! I made friends, wrote books, learned techniques, and met people who have the same passion for reading, writing and editing books. I might say every time I learn something new, kinda like knowledge apart from all the cringey things you could find in wattpad. 😂

So, how was Wattpad in 2013-16??

It was magical, fantastical discoveries of thousand realms of heartaches and romances all spinning around together like a tangled web.

What is that one thing you learnt from this community?

I learn that we all have different perspectives and views about things and stuff, even tiny little details like who puts milks or cereal first. But, at the end of the day we embrace our differences with a laugh and it's not really a bad thing to be different from the rest.

What's your book about?

My poem book is about emotions that I'm trying to grasp through different colours of life and curve it with my own twist in my dream dimensional world and portray it into words and blues. Basically getting inspiration from various people, books, movies and songs, and writing poems based on my own interpretation.

So, how is life as a book judge?

It's been good, hectic even. But still I'm learning new patterns and designs here and there through the world of judging. I'm not a professional judge yet but I hope my review could help writers. Along the way I get to look at different styles of writing which really amazes me every time.

What are the genres you prefer? Can you give some wattpad book recommendations?

My fav genres are thriller, mystery, fantasy and romance. When I'm bored, I like to read sci-fi, historical, spiritual and short story. I have lots of list of recommendations but I'll just say that I really enjoyed Danielle Rose, Let's Plan My Murder, Elevate and The Tale of A Villainess for now 😉

How do novels and poems touch your life?

Novels and poems really touch my life through words of lingering feelings and emotions that I can't seem to see or experience in real life. It really makes me wonder if books are really portrayed in the real world or is it just a safe haven for bibliophiles like us to experience in our own head? But writing seems to be a way I can be myself and a way to cope up with stress. Writing poems feels like I can express myself in words when it gets hard to be in the real world.

How is the wattpad of 2014 different from the 2021(or 2022) era?

There's been a lot of difference. Back in the years, anybody could write anything and it would blow off, there's no coin or buying system or even vip stuff. It has good stuff and bad stuff. Now it's more systematic, kinda good except it's harder to be known as you have a whole lot of competition and corporations investing money into it. Also there were no ads at all and all books could be read offline but now it's different, that would be the major difference for me.

How do you manage between the online world and the offline world?

Well this is where consistency comes to place. I'm not really good at keeping balance right now but I'm trying every day little by little. When I was younger, I was more of an offline girl and as I grew up, more commitment were needed thus I ended up staying online more. The difference is that the online world is more for work, assignments, keeping up with friends, and the offline world is more for family time, self-healing and enjoying the little, beautiful things about nature and the world.

Who is your favourite author (not wattpad) and why?

I don't really have a favourite, because for me it's hard for me to settle down to one particular favourite thing. There are lots of interesting things that I just can't pinpoint to one. I like diversity and my preferences change each time and I like how I am going with that.

What did some of your favourite books teach you?

Most of the books that I've read, teach me how to view the world, how it works and how to deal with heartbreaks. Heartbreaks are not always romance related, it could be anything, even failing a paper creates tiny little heartaches that you can't just seem to wipe it off easily. Books also taught me how I can live in an imaginary world, seeing different dimensions, perspectives and colours that the real world couldn't provide, and I really love that. Even short sentences impacts how you view yourself, the people around you and the world itself.

Are you planning to write any story? What is it about?

For now I don't think so, I've got a lot on my plate. Maybe one day I will (I have no idea when that will be).

Where do you see yourself in 7 years?

Truthfully speaking, I have no clue. When I was young I had many dreams and passions, but as I grew older, life has a lot of twists and turns and somehow it either breaks you or make you stronger. So I really have no idea, but I'll say maybe I'll have a job and a car?

What do you dream of becoming in the future? Are you working towards it?

Again, I wish I could become what I want to be. But my life is on a different path. I do not regret it but I'm not really content with it, so let's just see how my life will be. I'm just hoping for the best. For now I'm working towards finishing my studies with flying colours.

Before wrapping up the interview, what unique advice will you give for those who would be entering college?

My advice will be to just enjoy yourself, have fun along the way. College is really tough and that is the place where you learn your ground in becoming an adult. There will be lots of pressure and stress, not only from studies but society, peer pressure and most importantly from your own self. You yourself, is your own biggest critic. Enjoy learning the basic concept of life, do not be afraid to ask questions, don't beat yourself if you fail at anything, and accept imperfections. Find yourself and accept changes, we could never be the same person as we were last year but stay true and stay you. Don't strive to be perfect because you can't never be, but strive to be better, happy and healthy. Ride the waves but keep your sail in the right direction so you won't get lost. 😉

Thanks for choosing me as an interviewer. Your answers were lit.

Aww thank you. ❤️

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