
By milsterino

21.5K 1.4K 707

If my friends from real life find this, I'm sorry. An avengers/Loki fanfiction. Regular/daily updates. Includ... More

1 - Prologue
2 - Want a Demonstration?
3 - Most Fights Don't Happen in a Ring
4 - And Here Comes The Storm
5 - Steve is an Excellent Therapist
6 - Well That Was... Interesting
7 - Who's Next?
8 - I'm Not Calling it Flower Power
9 - Flecks of Blue
10 - Pinewood and Lavender
11 - I Am Alina Stark And I Am Not Weak
12 - She Kept Her Promise, Unlike You
13 - There's Always Revenge
14 - Oh Look It's An Asshole
15 - A Pathetic Plan.
17 - That Could Have Gone Better
18 - They Call Me Axel
19 - What Laufeyson?!
20 - Too Bad I'm Already Insane
21 - How Do You Accidentally Punch Someone In The Face
22 - Stay Safe Firehands
23 - You're Weird
24 - We Cannot Let Them Win
25 - She Just Saved Our Asses
26 - Can I Stab Eagle Man Yet?
27 - This Is Basically Role Play
28 - I Wanted Him To Suffer
29 - I Can't See!
30 - They Got Us Pretty Good Huh
31 - Special Trickster Nose
32 - Rip Their Hearts Out
33 - I Do Not Miss Rationing
34 - Not Lying This Time Am I
35 - Sacrifice
36 - Hide Me!
37 - No Can Do Hunky
38 - What A Bad Boy
39 - Maybe The Hips Just Don't Lie
40 - And I Felt Fireworks
41 - I Don't Understand Smartphones
42 - I Couldn't Even Beg
43 - They Are Coming
44 - So Lame
45 - We're Inviting Queens?
46 - That's Just Great
47 - The Big Green Thing
48 - Play It
49 - Traffic Was Hell
50 - Mend That Heart of Yours
51 - This Warms My Cold Lesbian Heart
52 - It's Spiderman
53 - Peter Get Your Ass In Here
54 - Thor, Sir, Mr Thor
55 - I'm Glad It Was You
56 - Wrestle With That Alligator
57 - When Is Happy's Birthday
58 - Enough Sewer Systems
59 - You're Intolerable
60 - I Hate Men
61 - Physics Stuff
62 - She's Sassing Me
63 - Thrangians, Giant Boars
64 - Ali, You're Not Blinking
65 - All I Did Was Shoot
66 - Venomous
67 - You Owe Me One, Snake
68 - Fight To Always Be Kind
69 - Happy Birthday
70 - Nice Meeting You Heart-Breaker
71 - Liability
72 - Kiss And Tell
73 - Playing With Fire
74 - A Long Recovery
75 - Invasion Of Privacy
76 - Punched With A Metal Arm
77 - She Said No
78 - Peter Has A Foot Fetish
79 - I Am Not Like A Baby
80 - Just Massive Spiderman Fans
81 - She Is Family After All
82 - Bet You Didn't See That One Coming
83 - Let's Play Dodgeball
84 - Hopefully Not Perish In The Process
85 - I'm 17 And Shut Up
86 -I'm Not His Biggest Fan
87 - Decimate Me Alina Stark
88 - Out Of Your Mind
89 - Never By Her
90 - Watch Your Language Grandpa
91 - I Can't Even Die In Peace
92 - Please Tell Me You're Joking
93 - Rogers I Will Slap You Back Into 1940
94 - Easy Prey
95 - Shut Up Barnes
96 - A Calculated Risk
97 - She Was Never Yours
98 - Stupid, Stupid Alina
99 - A Loaded Question
100 - It Always Has Been You
101 - Like Walmart Spray Paint?
102 - Like Old Times
103 - Trouble
104 - The World's First Sentient Maze
105 - Just A Regular Day
106 - "Shut Up." "Never."
107 - The Hang Of It
108 - Loki was gone.
109 - I've Killed Loki
111 - A Damn Shame
112 - Epilogue and Author's Note

110 - And Then There Was Nothing

55 5 0
By milsterino

For anyone who read the previous chapter before this one was published: I made some pretty major changes before the end, so I recommend you re-read the last half.


It took all the energy I had. One foot. Then the other. And then I was upright. My shoulder screamed, my chest screamed, my heart screamed.

I looked to my left, to my family. That was who I was fighting for. Locke showed no sign of slowing down. Maybe I'd been wrong. Maybe just killing me wouldn't work. Maybe I'd asked my best friend to do the impossible for nothing.

And then I thought of Loki. And I got angry. I wanted this done, I wanted this over. I wanted revenge.

One foot. Then the other. I took a step forwards.

Locke grinned at me, with that manic look in his eyes.

He wanted to wound me, to keep wounding me, until I couldn't fight anymore. Until he could just walk away and disappear into the darkness. Maybe I'd be so weak he'd control my mind again, use me against my friends again.

I wasn't going to let that happen. I wasn't going to let him win this.

If the roles had been reversed Loki would never have let him go without revenge.

I took in a shuddering breath.

Walk the line between life and death. And it came with a cost. And I still didn't know what it was. What was the cost mother? Why did you leave me guessing?

I closed my eyes and the humming filled my ears. The familiar flutter of whispers, of the value of my life.

I knew what I had to do.

I was bleeding out fast, I didn't have much time. Once I did this I'd have seconds, maybe, if that. And I had to do this right. I had to make sure he wasn't expecting it.

Light filled my vision. I saw everyone I had ever killed, standing around me, staring at me. Was this what I had put that guard at the prison through? Had I made him die with those he had wronged staring at him. I didn't know if I imagined it or not, but I saw Loki in front of me. It had been my fault he had died. Mine. Nobody else's.

"No!" I heard Locke shout. "No! Not like this!"

I realised what the sacrifice was. This was never my power. It never would be. It'd always be just out of my reach, I'd never been able to truly control it. And it was, and it always would be, the way that I'd die. If I chose to use it once, it'd have to be the way that I died. It wasn't mine. I had to give it back. It was why I hadn't been able to save Fiona. My mother hadn't deemed her life worthy enough. This was my mother's power. I was simply borrowing it. This was me, giving it back.

I could end it if I used this on myself. Because it wouldn't be me doing it. It would be mother, watching from a distance, deciding if I should live or die. Deciding if it was the right moment. But it would take more than that, I realised. I had done a stupid thing. I'd become too free of him. I couldn't survive if he died, but he might be able to live on if I did. It was only a chance. But it wasn't one I was willing to make. I had to be doubly sure this would work.

Locke had known. Of course Locke had known.

I heard the sound of birdsong. Of a garden.

I took one last look at James. He had a grimace on his face. I looked at him for as long as I could bare.

I took a step backwards. It was agony. I took another step.

I could no longer see, the white light covered everything. I closed my eyes. I had one shot. One chance. I was cutting it fine.

I remembered back in the cave. Practicing. Over and over and over again, to stave off the boredom.

He wouldn't see it coming.

I heard someone call my name. Roara. I couldn't distinguish the voice. Roara. I couldn't tell what they meant by my name.

I took another step back and felt myself be pulled into the portal that had taken Loki, felt myself be dragged backwards into a different realm. There would be no chance of stopping me once I was through, no chance he'd have of surviving this. No chance of anyone reviving me.

I had known I would die today. I'd just not expected to be so relieved about it.

I threw Loki's knife.

And then there was nothing.

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