Marauders & Marvel one-shots

By Nattiice

893 22 3

A collection of x Reader one-shots. more info inside :) Latest chapter: New beginnings- Sirius Black Request... More

request rules <3
Never been kissed - T.R.
Never been kissed- T.R. pt. 2
You're still my favorite girl -R.L.
You're still my favorite girl pt. 2- R.L.
Valentine's Day announcement!
Brother knows best- S.B.
The blind date- S.B.
Love from afar- J.P.
Valentine's dance- P.P.
Proper Gentleman- T.R.
Secret time- R.L.
One And Only- T.R.
New Beginnings- S.B.
Pages Of Love- T.R.
Letter from your comfort character!

Just the two of us- P.M.

43 1 0
By Nattiice


description: Pietro the love hater has a change of heart

word count: 1.2k

Avengers tower had been decorated with streamers, balloons, heart candies all week. It made Pietro sick. He hasn't had a Valentine in forever, everywhere he turned there was another couple all in love.

It wouldn't be that bad if people didn't keep asking when he was going to get a girlfriend. He tells them that he doesn't have time to date or he's just not looking. In all honesty, he just doesn't want another broken heart.

He's sat in the living room, flipping through the channels. All that was on were rom-coms.

"This is terrible" he mumbled to himself

"What is?" Wanda asked walking into the room holding hands with Vision.

"That." Pietro said pointing to their hands

"Is there something wrong with our hands?" he whispered to Wanda

"No vis" she reassured "Pietro, I know you're anti-valentine's day but can you keep it to yourself?"

"I'm trying, I've asked everyone here to hang out and everyone has plans."

"What about Y/N?"

"She's on a mission" he sighed

"No, she just got back"

"Really?" his eyes lit up. Y/N and him had been close since he became an Avenger. she was the youngest member until the twins came, so they had a lot in common.

He zoomed through the tower in search of his best friend. He found her in the kitchen, he stopped and immediately wrapped her up in a big hug.

"Oh, hey Pietro" she said surprised by the embrace

"Ugh I missed you, Finally someone I can stand to look at" he said

"What happened?" she was curiously 

"I'm surrounded by couples"

"Ew, I totally forgot it was valentine's day" she faked disgust

"No one is free, everyone has a date or is going on a mission" he sighed

"Why don't we hang out? I don't have anything to do" Y/N told him

"Definitely, It can be our own Anti-valentines day event"

"It's a date... sort of" she smiled 

 He smiled back then zoomed off.


The evening came by so slow, Pietro was so bored he started doing mission reports. Y/N said they could leave at 6, it was 5:45 and he couldn't wait anymore. He knew she was in the meeting room. He sped into the room, hoping she was done early

"Hey Y/N/N are you done yet. I have to get out of here" he said dramatically

"Yes yes I finished, c'mon let's go." She playfully rolled her eyes

Leaving the elevator, they walk out into the streets of New York City. They wander the lit roads looking for something to do.

"What's something you haven't done yet in New York?" Y/N asked him

"I haven't been to the metropolitan museum" He admitted

"I didn't know you liked Art" 

"I guess there's something you don't know about me" he smirked

They would have walked there, but where's the fun in that? Y/N hopped on his back, wrapping her legs around his waist. It was a normal occurrence for them, they went everywhere together.

Ever since their first mission together, they basically were always with each other. Wanda and vision started seeing each other so she didn't spend time with Pietro as much. That played a big part in Pietro growing closer to Y/N.

She was easy to talk to, she didn't judge him on what he had done in the past or use it against him on the rare occasion they would argue. She always had him dying of laughter, she was the coolest person he had ever met.

He was conflicted about his feeling for her. She was everything he wanted in a girl, smart beautiful, and could kick anyone's ass. He figured she saw him as a brother, and he had to be okay with that.

The two wander through the exhibits, admiring all of the timeless works of art the museum had to offer. Y/N watched Pietro as he focused on the art, she was surprised at how much he knew about certain pieces. There were couples in the museum as well, must've been a hot spot for dates.

As their tour came to an end, Pietro realized he hadn't eaten all day.

"Are you hungry?" he asked

"Starving" she replied

"what are you feeling?"

"Pizza" they said in unison

there was a small pizza shop they would go to all the time when they didn't want to endure Steve's cooking. It was good and cheap.

They got their pizza and took it to their favorite spot in central park. The sun had gone down, the park lamps lit the pathway, the skyline beautifully lit. Finding the nearest bench to sit on, they talk about their week, how Y/N's mission went, and why Vision shouldn't be trusted with a toaster.

Every night there's at least one street performer, someone who wants people to see their talents. Tonight's performer is a young man singing love songs and any requests people have for their loved one. A man who looked to be in his thirties put in a request for a song.

I see the crystal raindrops fall

and the beauty of it all 

is when the sun comes shining through

to make those rainbows in my mind 

when I think of you sometime

and I wanna spend some time with you

The man's silky voice sang as the older couple started to sway together. Pietro and Y/N watched as the happy couple lovingly looked into each other's eyes. Other people stopped to watch the man sing, putting money in his open guitar case. Pietro's eyes wandered from couple to couple until they reached Y/N. The lights shining down on her highlighted the features of her face, she looked like a dream. 

Tired of pitying himself, he decided to take action. He rises to his feet,

"Dance with me" he tells Y/N, pulling her hand gently helping her up

Y/N allowed him to lead her to a little more secluded part of the path where they could hear the music better. Taking one hand in hers and wrapping the other around her waist. The pair danced to the slower rhythm, occasionally he would twirl her making her giggle.

"You have a very cute laugh" he remarked

"You have a very cute face" she says back

"Why thank you" he said confidently followed by a nervous chuckle

"Tell me, why didn't you have a valentine this year?" she asked gently

"I don't know I guess I've been looking in the wrong places" he replied

"Well, Mr. Maximoff, I know you're anti-valentines but would you do me the honor of being mine?" she posed

"Are you serious?" He asked puzzled

"Completely, I've spent all night realizing just how right you are for me. And I hope that you feel the same"

"Of course I do" he ran his hand through her hair softly gazing into her eyes

"Are you gonna kiss me already?" she asked playfully

Without hesitating, Pietro leans down closing the distance between their lips. Goosebumps rase on her arms as his hand travels up and down her back. They know they're in public so they keep the kiss short and sweet. They pulled away 

The newly made couple stayed out for hours exploring the ever so lively city of New York. Eventually making their way back to the tower, hand in hand. Most of the lights were out so they tried to quietly sneak in.

Trying to not make any noise in the kitchen, they say their goodnights.

"We should probably get to bed, Steve wants us training in the morning" Y/N sighed

"I'll see you then"

"Goodnight" she pecked his lips

"goodnight" he smiled

Walking to his bedroom, a light flickers on in the room across. Wanda's up

"Hey piet, long night?" she teased

"haha go to sleep" he told his little sister

"Did you two finally make it official?" she urged him

He smiled slightly "Goodnight Wanda" 

He walked into his room, shutting the door behind him.

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