Lost In The Multiverse

By LaurenBlack94

199 14 0

!!It contains NWH spoilers!! Have you ever went to shopping with your boyfriend for one of your friends wife... More



18 1 0
By LaurenBlack94

The words like this is in russian.

word count:1714

Y/n pov:

I woke up to the sound of people in the corridor. So I'm not the only one that they left sleep here. At least I have neighbors. It couldn't be any worse.

I sat up and looked at my phone 6:05. At least I slept some hour.

I stand up and went to the wardrobe. I chosen a terrain pattern pants with a black top and white shoes. How do they have clothes like this? They aren't that bad.

When I opened my door I saw there him.

- Hi. Fury said to get you and bring you to him, 'cause you just arrived here yesterday and don't know how to get there alone. - he said.

Now it couldn't be worse. It was Sam. Great. Another person I know. But at least he is funny.

- Great. 'Cause otherwise I would get lost. - I said.

- You remind of someone. - he said and smiled.

On our way to Fury's office he tried make conversation multiple times (like how did I slept, how am I, how is the weather) but I always answered briefly.

When we arrived at the room Sam opened it and let me in. The room was not big but enough for 6 people. In the middle there was a round table from glass. [Like in the Captain America;Civil war when Ross talking to the Avengers just smaller.]

- Good morning. - I heard from Fury as I stepped in. - And thanks Wilson.

- No problem. - he said. - Can I stay or should I go out? - he asked.

- Just for a minute. Than you can go back. - Fury said. Sam nodded and went out.

- Did you told him? - I asked him scared. - He knows that I'm from another universe? He knows that I'm a Barnes? -

- No, I didn't told him. Nobody know it just me and agent Hill. He doesn't even know your name. - he said. - I can tell him who you really are, but I don't think you want that. So I'm going introduce you like Y/n Parker. If it's good? -

- That would be great. - I said. He nodded and said. - Wilson you can come in. Oh and I see Barnes arrived too. -

I turned around. And I saw my father. Okay maybe now it couldn't be any worse. He looked different in this universe. His hair was short. I have to tell my father not to cut it not like he even wanted to.

- Please have a seat. - Fury said and they sat on the two other two chairs around the table. So I was in between them. - So you two already met - he said pointing to me and Sam. - But I don't think you know her name. Right? - he asked.
Sam nodded.

- She is Y/n Parker, and the guy with the metal hand is James Buchanan Barnes, and the one who helped you here is Sam Wilson. - he said like I didn't know it.

- Why we needed to meet? - I asked.

- It's good to know you too. - I heard Bucky and Sam kicked him under the table. - Hey! What's your problem? - Bucky asked.

- Maybe that we know her like minutes and you are already mean to her. - Sam answered.

- She started it. - he said back. - Why didn't you pushed her too? -

- 'Cause we know her like minutes, and I know you like years ago. -

- Really mature guys. - I said.

- She did it again. -

- Please stop it. And she is right. You guys are like an old married couple. - Fury said. I had to agree with that. - And you needed - he looked at me - to meet 'cause you are going to work together. - he said.

- Oh no. You just wanted us. At least that was what Sam told me. - Bucky said.

- Oh can you just shut up for a second. It so annoying and if I have to work with you which I don't want you have to stop being childish soldier. - I said louder and in russian I didn't understand why. Maybe because I was angry.

- Where do you know about that? - he asked.

- You know we aren't that different. - I said.

- Can someone please explain me what just happened! - Sam said.

- An explanation will be good. - Fury said.

- I don't even know. - Bucky said. Wonderful.

- I just told him to not to be childish. - I explained.

- Okay. But how do you know in russian? - he asked.

- Well if you live almost your entire life at the Red Room or at Hydra. You just learn it. - I said.

- Wait. So you are a black widow? - Sam asked.

- No. They just trained me till I was 11. -

- Why only till you were 11? - Bucky asked.

- 'Cause I escaped. -

- Ok. I think this was enough for today. - Fury said. - You can continue it after I gave you your work. -

Thank god. I hate to talk about my past. It's enough seeing it in my nightmares I don't want to bring it up all day too.

- So we have an information that this Sunday there is going to be a party. - he started and show us it with holographic. - And the party takes place at a Hydra base. -

- So we are going there to party and to get information? - I asked.

- Well yes - I heard Hill behind me. - and they keep it behind a big iron door. But the only problem is nobody can get in without a card. And all the computer with the information is in there. - she finished.

- So the plan is to get a card get in and get out with the information? - Sam asked. - Then it's not that hard. Right?

- Yeah, I can do it with Sam. We don't need her. - Bucky said and nodded towards me. I agreed with him. It sounded too easy.

- If you say it like this it's easy. - Fury said to what Sam said. - But it's full of guards and soldiers. So you are going to need her. - and he looked at Bucky as he said it. - But first you need to learn how to work together. -

- Then 3 day is not going to be enough. - Bucky said.

- Then just act like a team. - Fury said he clearly had enough of us.

- Where are we going to train? - I asked.

- I will show you. - Maria said. And started to walk to the door. I stood up and followed her.

As we were walking I heard the two guy behind me whispering. But I have bigger problems.

- So that's the training room. - Maria said and swiped her card. - I hope you don't kill eachother. - she said and left.

The room was big. One of the walls was There were punching bags, weights, a place where you can exercise knife throwing and a shooting range. In the middle there was a box ring.

- I still don't know why we will need you - Bucky started. - but I think I was an asshole back there. -

- Yes you were. - I agreed.

- But you were too. - he said.

- Yeah, ok. - I said. - Anyway, we really have to learn to how to work together. 'Cause other way we all die. -

- So now you are the boss. - Bucky said. - You know who is this person next to you? He is Captain America. And...-

- Buck stop... - Sam started

- No. She has no right to talk to you like she is your boss or something. - he said angrier that made me angrier. - And we didn't even know that she can fight? What if she can't? She isn't useful at...-

He stopped because I threw a knife at him.

Did I have a short temper?


Do I care?


He catched the knife but doesn't continued. I used it and walk to the dressing rooms maybe there is a training clothes.

- She had a knife? I didn't see it. - I heard behind myself Sam whispering as they followed me to the dressing room.

During training we don't really talked or worked out together. They were working out together in the box ring while I was in the shooting range, I needed to practice my shootings. Then I went to the punching bags.

- Hey! Y/n leave alone the punching bags and train with us. - I heard Bucky. It was clear Sam told him to do it. I looked at them and Sam encouraged me. So I went to the box ring.

- You two start together on three. - Sam said. - One, two three. -

As soon Sam said three Bucky rushed to me from the back. His metal hand was around my neck and the other was around my waist. Like when someone is hugging you from behind, just it hurted. He started to hold it tighter.

- Give up already. - he said.

- Never. - I said.

I hit his nose with the back of my head. He stepped back in his surprise and using this I tripped him to his back. Then I gave him a hand to help him up. He accepted it.

- Well we know she can fight. - Sam said as Bucky stood up.

- Yeah we know. - he said.

- I'm sorry about my bad manners. It's a family thing. - I said.

- Yeah but we have that too. - Bucky said. - So you just fit in. - and smiled for the first time since I met him.

- It's good to see that nobody is dead. - I heard Fury's voice as he walked in.

- Yet. - I said under my breath but it looks like Sam and Bucky heard it 'cause they kept in a laugh.

- But, anyway I just wanted to tell that there is going to be a meeting in two hours. - and with that he was gone.

I started to walk to the dressing room when Bucky asked.

- What is the knife from? -

- I made it from stone. - I answered turning around - I can make knife because of my power. -

- What power? - Sam asked.

- Element controlling. - I answered. - But now I need a shower if you don't mind it.

The next two day was good. We made so many jokes and laughed together, trained together and I show them my powers.

It's Sunday 4pm. 4 hours and we are going to the "party". Hill gave me a dress that has many secret pocket and a lots of weapon. I need to start getting ready.

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