Irondad and spiderson oneshots

By spiderbabe_

10.9K 181 63

Title is pretty self explanatory More

Murder pt1
Murder pt3
No Time To Die
Birthday Wishes
"With This Smile, I Can Get Away With Everything."
You're Just Like Him
You're Nothing Like Him

Murder pt2

475 8 2
By spiderbabe_

"Kid? Hello?" Tony said before he realized that Peter had hung up on him.


He got up from his seat and rushed out the compound, in fear and worry.

He quickly jumped in his car, not bothering to ask Happy to drive him. He thanked God that he had installed a tracker in Peter's phone a few months ago.

He finally got Peter's location after a few minutes.

What the hell is he doing in a forest?

Tony immediately started the car and sped off to where Peter was. Peter's words repeated in Tony's mind.

"I-I didn't mean t-to Mr Stark...I-I didn't mean to, p-please believe me."

It broke Tony's heart hearing him like that, even though he didn't know what it was about. What could Peter have done that was so bad? It's Peter!

Tony got to the forest in a record time. He stepped out of the car and practically ran through the trees, in search of Peter.

It had almost been 10 minutes, and he still hadn't found Peter. Until, he heard a faint crying. He followed the noise and finally found him, knees to his chest and his head buried in between them.

And a dead body, laying next to him.

Tony started to panic, endless amount of possibilities running through his mind. He didn't want to show his anxiety to Peter though, so he put on a face and knelt next to him.

"Pete...buddy. Hey." He said as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

Peter flinched and looked up at him. Tony's eyes widened as he saw Peter's face, it was covered in blood and his eyes were blood shot with tears.

Tony reached out for Peter's hand but he shuffled back.

"N-No...Mr Stark, s-stay-stay away from me." He choked out. When Peter let go of his legs so his hands could support his weight on the floor, Tony noticed his hands for a split second. They were drenched in blood, worse than his face.

"Kid, it's okay, it's alright. I'm here." Tony said calmly as he slowly moved closer to a hyperventilating Peter.

"Can I look? Please?" Tony asked him, gesturing to Peter's hand. He shook his head violently and wrapped his arms around his stomach. The dead body started to stink, but Peter couldn't seem to move away from it.

Tony then started putting the pieces together. Peter's words, "I did something bad." And "I didn't mean to.". It was pretty clear that Peter had killed Flash.

Regardless, he still talked to Peter in a calm and soft voice.

"Peter...did you do this?" Tony asked him calmly. Peter didn't answer, all that came out was sobs and heavy breathing.

"Kid, please talk to me. Tell me the truth, I won't be mad, I promise. I want to help you." Tony pushed on. Peter rested his head on his knees that were still glued to his chest, and let out a muffled sob.

He finally lifted his head up and looked at Tony for the first time since he first got there. Peter started shaking his head violently again before speaking.

"I-I didn't mean to...p-please Mr Stark...I didn't mean t-to!" He repeated over and over again. He didn't stop saying it until Tony intervened.

"Hey, hey. Kid, it's alright, shh." He said, as Peter finally allowed Tony to touch him. So he pulled him into a hug and stroked his back.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Tony asked softly.

"I don't- I can't...I can't remember I-" Peter stuttered out into Tony's chest. "I-I didn't mean to." Peter said again.

"I know kid, I know. Is there anything that you can remember? Anything at all?" Tony said as he pulled out of the hug and cupped Peter's face to look at him, also wiping away some of the blood on his face with his thumbs. Peter paused for a few seconds.

"H-He...he followed me here a-and...said some stuff...I-I was angry." Peter sobbed again. "I-It was so scary...i-it was like I had no control o-over my body." Peter started shaking.

"What did he say Peter?" Tony asked. Peter waited a few seconds before answering.

"I-I don't know. I...I can't remember. I-I can't remember." He explains with his hands in his face.

Tony didn't know what to say, he didn't know what to do. Nothing he said would matter, the guy is dead.

"You'll be okay, Pete. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, I promise. Let's just get you home, okay?" Tony said, about to help Peter stand up when he was interrupted.

"Something bad already happened! I-I got angry and I killed h-him...I killed Flash...I-I'm a murderer...a m-monster." Peter sobbed. Burying his bloody hands into his face.

That was when Tony started getting serious. He knelt down next to Peter and made him look at him, lifting his face up with his hands and keeping them there.

"Peter, listen to me. You are not a monster." Tony began. Peter tried interrupting.

"I-I am-"

"No! You're not! Something happened to you, you said that it was like you weren't in control of your body and that you can't remember what happened, yeah?" Tony asked as the boy let out tiny and quiet sobs as Tony held his face.

"Y-Yes." Peter whispered.

"Exactly, we're gonna figure out why, okay? I just need you to let me take you home and I swear to you, everything will be over soon." Tony said and gently let go of Peter's face. Peter didn't respond, he just slowly turned to look back at Flash's dead body.

Tony sighed and stood up. He reached for Peter's arm and pulled him up, but once Peter was stood up beside Tony, he started trying to struggle away from him.

" I-I can't leave h-him. It's m-my fault he's here s-so I need to stay." Peter said and sat back down.

Tony sighed again, he didn't know what to do or how to convince Peter to leave. Then he remembered the chloroform he kept for safe keeping, mainly used for villains.

He got a needle out and the chloroform, hoping Peter doesn't notice him.

"Sorry kid." He muttered as he stuck the needle in Peter's neck. Peter flinched and tried to move away but soon he was unconscious.

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