By TanujaSharma4

217 16 2

Thinking of past and a sudden turn of events in the new phase of life shook the very core of her heart. With... More

A New Destination
Lost Days
The Whirlwind of Thoughts
Back To The Present Day
First Meeting With Zahir
Far From Happiness
Triumph Amidst Trials
Finally Breaking Free
Embracing New Freedom
A Fresh Start
A Journey of Resilience
Embracing the Unknown
Rising From The Ashes
Facing the Shadows
Turmoil and Trials
The Legal Battle Unveiled
Anuja's Bold Revelation
A New Path Forward
Protecting Innocence, Seeking Justice
Courage in Conviction
Every Ending Is A New Beginning

Mistakes of the past

12 1 0
By TanujaSharma4

It was 2008 when I was in 2nd year of my B.Tech

After exchanging numbers with Prabhas, I never imagined how our conversations would evolve. What started as mere pleasantries soon transformed into lengthy discussions that stretched late into the night.

At first, our chats were casual, filled with shared interests. But as we continued to talk, I found myself opening up to Prabhas in ways I hadn't with anyone else. Our conversations delved into deeper topics—our hopes, dreams, fears, and aspirations—all laid bare in the safety of our virtual connection.

With each passing day, I found myself eagerly anticipating our talks, craving the connection that blossomed between us. Prabhas's words became a source of comfort and solace, his presence a soothing balm to the chaos of everyday life. And as our conversations continued to deepen, so too did my feelings for Prabhas. What started as a simple exchange of numbers had blossomed into something far more profound—a bond that transcended the boundaries of friendship and hinted at the possibility of something more. when one day Prabhas arrived at my doorstep with a nervous smile, holding a bouquet of flowers he must have picked up on the way. I welcomed him into my small apartment, feeling a flutter of excitement mixed with a hint of apprehension.

We settled on the couch, surrounded by the comforting glow of candles. Conversation flowed easily between us, a mixture of laughter and shared stories filling the air. There was a magnetic pull between us, a sense of anticipation hanging in the air as we exchanged glances filled with unspoken longing.

As the evening progressed, the tension between us grew, until it reached a breaking point. With a gentle touch, he brushed a strand of hair away from my face, and in that moment, I felt a rush of desire coursing through my veins.

Our lips met in a hesitant kiss, igniting a spark that soon grew into a blazing fire. The world around us faded away as we lost ourselves in each other, our bodies moving in perfect harmony as passion consumed us.

When the morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room, I found myself lying naked beside him, our bodies tangled together in the aftermath of our passion. In that moment, I knew that something had shifted between us, something irrevocable and profound. As he held me in his arms, I felt a sense of peace wash over me, knowing that I had found solace in his embrace. And as we lay there, entwined in each other's arms, I realized that our connection ran deeper than I had ever imagined—a bond forged in the heat of the moment, but destined to last a lifetime.

As Prabhas's visits grew more frequent, my small apartment began to feel like his second home. Days turned into weeks, and soon he was staying with me for days at a time, his presence a constant reminder of the chaos he brought into my life.

At first, I welcomed his company, relishing the attention he showered upon me. But as time passed, I began to realize the true cost of his presence. He insisted that I skip college to spend time with him, using my expenses to fund his drinking habits and satisfy his carnal desires.

With each passing day, I felt myself slipping further away from the path I had once envisioned for myself. My attendance dwindled, and when the time came for semester exams, I was refused entry due to my lack of attendance. But even as I faced the consequences of my actions, Prabhas remained indifferent, his only concern being his own pleasure.

I was lost in a whirlwind of emotions, unable to distinguish between right and wrong. Prabhas's overpowering presence clouded my judgment, leaving me vulnerable to his manipulations. He would often resort to violence, his temper flaring at the slightest provocation, leaving me battered and bruised both physically and emotionally. But despite the pain he inflicted upon me, I found myself unable to break free from his grasp. I was madly in love with him, addicted to the fleeting moments of affection he showed me, even if they were overshadowed by his cruelty.

In a moment of desperation, Prabhas gave me an ultimatum—him or my education. And though every fiber of my being screamed for me to choose the latter, I found myself unable to defy him. I made the heartbreaking decision to abandon my dreams of pursuing a career in graphic design, sacrificing everything for the sake of his fleeting affection. And so, when Prabhas whisked me away to Lucknow, I went willingly, leaving behind everything I had ever known in pursuit of a love that was nothing more than an illusion. As the city lights faded into the distance, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever find my way back to the person I once was, or if I was forever doomed to walk in the shadow of Prabhas's dark influence.

My parents were upset when they found out I left my studies for Prabhas. They saw the tattoo of his name on my hand and worried about my decision. But my love for him only grew stronger, ignoring their concerns and warnings.

I knew deep down that marrying Prabhas would bring trouble, but my feelings for him clouded my judgment. The connection we shared felt special to me, and I didn't want to share it with anyone else.

Eventually, my family decided to marry me to Prabhas, hoping it would bring an end to my reckless behavior. But as I stood by his side on our wedding day, I couldn't shake the feeling that my life was about to take a dark turn.

Despite the warnings, I chose to follow my heart, unaware of the hardships that awaited me in the future. My love for Prabhas blinded me to the reality of our situation, leaving me trapped in a relationship that would bring me nothing but pain

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